Dark Passion (The Dark Brother Series Book One) (14 page)

BOOK: Dark Passion (The Dark Brother Series Book One)
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When I get to Jenny and Ava’s bed, I crawl in and I crumble. They hold me all night long, while I sob my problems into the pillow.





The morning comes like a rotten cold. I know what I have to face today, and I don’t know how I’ll do it. My home, my life and my friend’s lives have been invaded. I know it’s for our own safety, but I can’t get over the fact that our lives have just been put in danger, and we did nothing at all to deserve it. I hate my Father for that right now.

I get up and slide out of the bed. Jenny is still curled up in the bed, sleeping soundly. I walk out into the kitchen and Ava’s standing with a coffee in hand, staring at the two half naked men sleeping in the lounge. I look over at them, and can’t help but smile. Big bad boys in the daylight, but here and now, they just look like two normal men sleeping.

“I can’t complain about the view and all, but seriously, I can’t believe we have been invaded.”

I laugh so
ftly and pour a coffee. “I know; it’s kind of weird.”

“I ran into
Angel last night in the hall way, seriously, smack bang into him and he was…half naked.”

smother a giggle. “Well, it could be worse; he could be fat and hairy.”

She nods in agreement, “Well, at least I get some nice eye candy while being trapped in my own home.”

“I’m sorry Ava; I know this isn’t the best situation to be in.”

She takes my hand and squeezes. “Like I said last night, you didn’t get a choice. These men were coming after you, either way. I’m kind of glad it was Jagger’s
boys and not the other ones. From what you have said any way…”

I shudder. “
By the sounds of it, we never want to meet Manchez.”

“Well, I guess we should be grateful then. Have you seen Captain cranky this morning?”

I laugh at her choice of words. “No.”

“Nice of him to enjoy your bed,”

“Yeah, well, I did leave him there.”

“Are you ready to tell me why?”

“Jagger and I aren’t meant to be Ava. It’s dangerous and it isn’t real.”

“How is it not real?”

“I…I’m worried my feelings are based on the fact that he was my sunshine in that darkness, and that they aren’t real.”

“You think you have that
Stockholm thing?”

“I think so.”

“No, I think you’re wrong. Jagger took you and it was awful, but what I see between you isn’t fake. He stares at you like he wants to eat you up. Willow, you have to learn to trust your own mind sometime. If you don’t, life’s going to be a long…long road.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right. I still think it’s a big risk.”

“Do you want to involve yourself with Jagger?”

“Jagger’s life is dangerous…”

“Yeah, maybe so but you can either deal with that or you can’t,”

“I thought you hated him?”

She smiles and shoves me lightly. “I love you, and I want you happy. Jagger might have taken you, and for that I do hate him but now I think about it, he saved you because if that gang had gotten to you first…”

“Yeah, I know,” I whisper.

“Anyway, go and kick that fine ass out of your bed and let’s get some ground rules laid down.”

“Uh oh!”

She grins, “Uh oh alright.”

With a laugh, I sneak off down the hall. When I get into my room, Jagger is just stepping out of the shower, butt naked. I gasp and cover my eyes, like that
is going to take the gorgeous image away from my brain.

“Did you seriously just cover your eyes? Fuck Willow, are we really goin’ to behave like this?”

“Sorry, I just…”

“Whatever, I’m goin’ out,” he snaps, pulling on a pair of jeans and yanking on a black shirt.


He spins around and glares at me. “No, don’t fuck with me Willow. You either want this or you don’t, but don’t you play with me the way you did last night, ever again. I’m not some fuckin’ sex toy, I have fuckin’ feelings too.
If you don’t want this, fine, but stay the fuck away from me!”

I stare wide eyed and watch as he storms out the door. Well, I guess I deserved that one. I feel my heart thumping; I didn’t see it like that. I shower quickly, and head back out to the
kitchen but Jagger’s gone. Angel is sitting on the couch staring at Jenny and Ava in the kitchen; Mexican standoff much?

“Is all ok?” I ask, wearily.

“Fine,” Angel says, flashing me a grin.

I’ve never really seen Angel smile - or Ace for that matter. Both are extremely attractive men. Angel has this blonde hair, blue
eyed thing going on. His body is tall and muscular. He’s covered in tatts, all the members are. I don’t know why his nickname is Angel, but it kind of suits him because he has the fair hair and eyes. 

Ace is the shortest of the group, but he makes up for it in muscle. His arms are huge and his chest is even bigger. The man is fil
led out. He has dark brown hair that’s shabby and messy looking. His eyes are a deep, dark brown. He’s quieter then Angel, but he’s not a bad man. He does as he’s told and keeps to himself.

“Why do they have to stare at us?” Jenny whispers in my ear.

I grin at her and shake my head. “You’re gorgeous, they’re only men.”

“Seriously, I’m going to crazy by the end of this. If Ace keeps looking at me like I’m a piece of meat, I might punch him.”

“Admit it,” I say, pouring a coffee. “You love it.”

She shoves me but I catch her shy grin. Ava laughs and walks out of the kitchen with a book and a coffee. It’s her morning tradition. She sits outside on her old, ragged chair and reads with a coffee. It’s her quiet time. I wonder about Jagger, and think about asking Ace or Angel where he is, but decide against it. He probably needs to cool off.

The morning goes by quickly; Ace goes shopping and fills the fridges and pantry with yummy food and drink. I chat with Angel about my Father, and we all sit down to salad subs for lunch. I still haven’t heard from Jagger by late afternoon, and I’m getting worried. What if something has happened to him? Or maybe he’s just so mad he can’t stand to look at me.

When night falls, I hear a call pull up. Jagger literally staggers in the door, and flops down onto t
he couch. Jenny gives me a look and I stand in the kitchen staring at him. Angel rolls his eyes, and disappears off to the computer room. It’s his little quiet place. I think the man enjoys reading. I suck in a breath, and walk out to face a very drunk Jagger.

“Where have you been?” I
ask when he lifts the remote and starts flicking through the channels.

“What are you, my fuckin’

“Ok, I can see
you’re still mad.”


It’s then I get a waft of perfume
, it’s strong and obvious. My heart seizes and I feel my lip tremble.

“Where have you been?” I whisper.

“At a fuckin’ strip club…”

I pick up the remote
and I hurl it at his head. He whips around and stares at me, wide eyed and gaping.

“You fucking pig! W
hat sort of game are you playing?”

“Me?” He roars.
“You’re the one who can’t get her shit together. What does it matter to you? I’m just a mental attraction that’s not real, remember?”

“That’s low!”

“Yeah, well, deal with it.”

“I’m going out, I can’t deal with this!”

“Bullshit you are.”

“You can’t fucking
stop me.”

“Watch me,
” he snarls.

I lean down and scoop up his car keys and run towards the door. Angel is just coming out of the room, with a confused expression and Ava has rushed out into the kitchen after hearing our arguing. I open the front door just as Jagger leaps to his feet. Luckily for me, he’s drunk. I run a
s fast as my legs will carry me out to the car. I manage to get inside and lock it, before Jagger reaches me.

“You ain’t goin’ anywhere.” He yells, slapping the window with his hand.

“Go away! You pig!” I cry, and fumble with the key. Damn key, it’s all new and flashy and I don’t know how to use it.

Jagger walks over to the hood and leans on it, resting his elbows down and putting his chin in his hands. He smirks at me through the windscreen and I want to reach out and slap his arrogant face.

“Fuck off Jagger, or I’ll run you over.”

He digs through his pockets, only to produce another set of keys. I curse and snarl as he unlocks the car and slides in. I glare at him, crossing my arms and frowning.

“Are we goin’ to talk about this?”

“No, you’re fucking around so whatever. I guess it’s finished with.”

“I didn’t fuck anyone.”

You smell like a cheap whore!”

He shrugs. “Lap dance, it happens.”

“Like that’s any better!” I cry, covering my face.

“What does it matter Willow, you made it perfectly clear you don’t want me.”

“I was wrong,” I whisper.

“I’m sorry, speak up, I couldn’t hear you?”

I glare at him. “You heard me.”

Humor me.”

“I WAS WRONG! I do want you, with everything I have. It’s wrong, incorrect in so many ways but I’m done fighting it. All I do is fight it. My life is how it is, but I don’t want to be without you again.”

He grins, wide and triumphant before gripping my face and pulling me into a deep, sizzling kiss. I slap his arm and shove at him, but I can’t help the little smile that creeps across my face.

“I hate you,”

“Do not.” He grins.

“I’m hurt,
” I pout prettily.

“I didn’t do anythin’,”

“You let some whore grind against you.”

He grins and leans closer, taking my face in his hands. “
Didn’t even lay a hand on her and all I was doin’ was thinkin’ about you.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“I know.”

I give him a sly smile. “Good, I hope you remember it too.

“I’m sorry ok? For what it’s worth, I felt nothin’ in that club. All I wanted was you but I was so pissed off that you thought I was some mental attraction. I know what I did Willow, I took you and I screwed up your life. I don’t deserve anything from you, but that doesn’t mean I can just turn off this attraction. It’s in me now, I can’t get it out.”

“Why me?”

He leans in to kiss me again, this time he slides his tongue across my lip.

“Why? Because you’re my little ray of darkness and you fit me perfectly.”





We spend an hour hashing out our differences and decide to take it slow and give it a shot. I want Jagger and he wants me, for now that’s the best we have. So many people will disagree with our choice, but we have to try, there’s just too much between us not to. When we’ve finished talking, I insist he takes a shower to wash off his ‘whore scent.’ He laughs the entire way back inside, and everyone gives us strange looks when we disappear into the room together.

Now, we’re in the shower and I’m on my knees, cock in hand, ready to make him beg.
I want to taste him. I want him in my mouth, hard and hot while he groans above me. His head falls back onto the tiled wall as I side my tongue around his throbbing cock. His groaning is erotic, and I love to tease him. He deserves it after tonight.

“Fuck baby, suck me.”

I snake my tongue out and lick the glistening head of his cock, he growls and thrusts his hips forward but I don’t take him in my mouth.

“Fuck, don’t play with me.”

“Say please.”


I lick him again, causing a ragged groan to escape his lips.

“Please Jagger, say it…”

“No…God, fuck…”

“Say it and I’ll suck this beautiful cock.”

“Fuck, suck me Willow, please baby, please.”

With a grin,
I take him into my mouth and I suck, I torment him with my lips and my tongue until he’s arching and thrusting his cock upwards. I take his balls into my hand and I gently roll them around, which only adds to his desperate pleas. I stop and start, teasing and taunting until he’s cursing and gripping my hair, thrusting his cock into my mouth.

“Fuck, going to come, fuck.”

I feel the pulsing and then moments later I taste the salty liquid as he spurts hot and hard into my mouth. I groan and swallow, sucking until he has nothing left. When he pulls away, I peek up at him through my lashes. He keeps his hands in my hair and raises me gently, bringing my lips to his. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing and sucking on his lip, not caring that I taste like him.

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