Read Dark Peril Online

Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic suspense fiction, #Occult fiction, #Horror, #Occult & Supernatural, #South America, #Vampires, #Fiction, #Shapeshifting, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #General

Dark Peril (29 page)

BOOK: Dark Peril
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“Do you think yourself less than me?”

“No!” She absolutely didn’t but . . .

He nodded his head. “I see. You thought
would think you were less than me.”

She was ashamed. “I’m sorry.” She sensed his disappointment in her for her lack of faith in him, and that hurt more than if he’d yelled at her. Dominic had never given her reason to think that he would ever think her less. “I think most men . . .” She trailed off when he lifted his hand to stop her.

“There is only one man in your life, Solange. You have only to worry yourself with what I think and feel, not other men.”

His voice, as always, was utterly calm, but she sensed the edge to it and she pulled her knees to her and wrapped her arms around them, under the water where she felt warm and safe.

“Do you understand?”

She nodded her head. He waited.

“Yes,” she said aloud, almost stammering. “I really didn’t mean to accuse you of . . .” What had she been accusing him of? What was wrong with her? Why did it matter so much that she might have hurt him?

“You thought I would dictate to you,” he finished for her. “We are partners—equal, Solange, in every sense of the word. As your lifemate, your happiness and health matter more to me than my own, but lifemates are in one another’s mind. I know what you need. I think some things are difficult for you to see or admit about yourself, and it is my job to make certain you get all that you need.”

She lowered her eyes. “What about your needs?”

“We will see to them in time. I have waited centuries to find you. In that time I have learned patience. Before anything else, I need your trust. Your absolute trust in me—and in yourself. You have to know you are the only woman I will ever want or need. You have to know that it is in you to meet my every desire, just as I will meet yours.”

“What if I’m no good at sex?” She voiced the question most on her mind and blushed a deep crimson while she did. Her body went hot and she was very grateful for the steamy water that helped to disguise her embarrassment.

“Then your teacher will have failed and we will begin again.”

She swallowed hard. “Is that what you’re doing? Teaching me about sex?”

His white teeth flashed briefly in the flickering candlelight and then he was completely in the shadows. “We have not yet begun your instruction on sex.”

“Oh.” Her heart jumped and then beat wildly in her chest.

“Lift your leg out of the water for me.”

Her gaze widened as he stood up and glided over to the edge of the basin. His movements were so fluid she knew there was no other way to describe him. He loomed over her, his shoulders wide and his dark hair flowing. She hesitated, uncertain what he wanted of her. If she scooted close to the edge so her leg would be out of the water, she’d have to lean back and she’d probably go underwater. He said nothing at all, simply waited.

Solange scooted forward as far as she could and took a deep breath, leaning back as she obediently lifted her leg out of the water. To her shock, her back and head were instantly supported.

Dominic took her ankle in his hands, his touch gentle. He smiled at her. “That’s my
. Your trust in me is growing.”

She wasn’t certain it was her trust in him so much as her desire to please him. She wanted that smile and the look of approval in his eyes.

She couldn’t look away from him, aware of how she must appear, only the steaming water for a cover. The water lapped at her breasts, teasing at the soft, feminine curves. One leg was bent, her foot on the floor of the basin while his hands shackled the ankle of the other. He moved his palms up her calf to her knee, a long, slow, very even stroke. Her body felt the touch deep inside. If it was possible to grow even wetter and more welcoming there in the water, she managed to do so. It took a moment to realize he had removed the short stubbles of hair on her leg.

His hands continued up her thigh. A small whimper escaped. She bit down hard on her lip to prevent any more sounds. His fingers brushed over her entrance, teased at her lips for a few moments before his palm covered her mound, shocking her. She nearly pulled away, but his eyes held her still.

She swallowed hard as his fingers moved over her body, exploring every shadow, every hollow, until she couldn’t stop squirming, her body no longer her own.

“I don’t understand what you’re doing.” She gasped the words, feeling a little desperate. She’d never even dreamt a woman could want a man so much.

“There will be nothing between my mouth and your body. I want you to feel everything I do to you.”

She was already feeling it. How was she going to feel any more without it killing her? He replaced her leg gently and crooked a finger at her. Solange gave him her left leg and closed her eyes, trying to breathe through the exquisite pleasure. Could a woman just have orgasms over and over without her man actually entering her? Evidently Solange could, because she was on the brink of one. His hands worked their magic, and when he was finished, he lowered her leg carefully, as if she were made of the finest porcelain.

This time, rather than ask her to lift her leg, he reached into the water and secured her right ankle, pulling her leg to him. She was grateful. She felt almost weak, unable to move, mesmerized by the look on his face. The lines were etched deep. His eyes were dark with lust. He appeared so focused on her she was almost afraid to breathe.

Small droplets of water ran down her leg, revealing the silky smooth skin. He bent his head and licked the drops of water off her thigh.

Solange’s breath hissed out of her. “Dominic!”

He smiled and released her leg just as gently as he lifted it. “I think you are beginning to understand.”

The only thing she understood was that he was the most amazing man in the world. This time when he held out his hand, she didn’t hesitate in taking it. He drew her up out of the water and she stood, totally exposed to him. This time, as his gaze moved over her, she stood still for him, not attempting to cover up.

“You look beautiful.” The warmth in his voice made her flush.

“You make me feel beautiful,” she replied. And he did. The look in his eyes made her feel as if she were the most wanted woman in the world.

What would it be like to have the love and respect of a man like Dominic? To be in his care? She was a woman who had answered only to herself.

Dominic enfolded her in a warm towel and dried her off. He took his time, paying attention to detail, making certain to catch every drop of water. He rubbed her breasts, down her belly and even in between her legs. He nudged her knees apart and made certain her thighs and buttocks were completely free of moisture. He wasn’t in the least impersonal as she’d hoped. His strokes were deliberately provocative, making her squirm. She could hear her own breathing change as his hands lingered. Once he bent his head and caught a drop of water that ran down her thigh.

Her entire body was flushed and alive, acutely aware of him. He slipped the sleeves of the dragon robe over her arms and tied the cinch at the waist. The spidery fabric slid over her bare skin like living silk. She stood still while he towel dried her hair. To her amazement, he began to blow warm air over it as he used his fingers to encourage the unruly waves. Only when he was finished did he indicate the chair.

She smiled up at him, dazed by his care. “My aunt took me in when I was eight years old, Dominic, but we were always on the run. She home-schooled us, and we learned weapons and fighting, but there was . . .” She looked around at the snug room. He had done all this for her. “I was responsible for my cousins by the time I was fourteen. I don’t know how to do this back for you.”

His hand curled around the nape of her neck and he drew her close to him, bending his head to hers. Her breath caught in her throat when his lips brushed hers. She was stunned at the impact of that slight touch. Electricity sparked over and through her skin, sending a hot, sizzling rush through her veins. Her breasts swelled, nipples sensitive and aching for attention. The fire burned lower still, deep in her sex, so that she throbbed and pulsed with need.

He straightened, took her by the shoulders and led her to the chair. “You need to eat.”

“Eat?” She looked up at him. “I can’t even breathe.”

He laughed softly, the sound filling her with unexpected joy. She hadn’t known joy. She hadn’t known a man could be like Dominic.

“Then I will breathe for you.”

He probably would, too. She picked up an orange, too awed by him to wonder where he got it. “I’m so afraid of disappointing you. I’m not very good at relationships. Ask my cousin. She only puts up with me because we’re related.”

“She puts up with you because she loves you,” he corrected, and took the orange from her trembling hands to peel it himself.


You reveal me. Then you heal me
Of all the scars and strife.
And when my life was spinning downward,
You caught me.
I’d forgotten how to smile, but
You re-taught me.






olange tried to slow her breathing, knowing he was watching her closely. She cleared her throat and tried to sound calm. “I don’t think I’ve spent this much time with another person in years.”

—my own
. The words were a soft, gentle whisper in her mind. Aloud, in his calm tone, he added, “Neither have I.” He didn’t hand her the peeled orange, but instead took a section and held it to her lips. “We make this journey together.”

Everything in Solange settled. Her mind calmed and she found she could breathe. She simply had to match the basic rhythm of his lungs. In and out. It wasn’t really that difficult. They were in this together, for better or worse. He didn’t seem to mind that she floundered with her words, that she had no idea what she was doing. He seemed to accept her with all of her failings.

She opened her mouth and accepted the cool fruit. It was bursting with flavor. The orange was one of her favorites and difficult to get. She knew he had created it especially for her. He seemed thoughtful that way, finding the things she loved the most in some little corner of her mind and providing them for her. She ran her hand over the exquisite robe. She could see her silky skin, smooth in spite of the small white scars, those little dots she’d always detested and hidden, revealed now as if they didn’t matter. A little subconsciously, she rubbed at them through the lacy material.

“When the candlelight plays over the dots, they look as if they are alive, dancing their way up your thigh. It is a highly erotic sight, Solange, and makes me want to follow them with my tongue. I will taste every inch of you, and those delightful dots lead the way to the feast.”

She blushed again. There was no way to control the sweeping color so she opened her mouth as he slipped another orange slice against her lips. His words had once again called her attention to her body, to the way she looked, her voluptuous curves emphasized by the stretchy lace of her robe. The scattered stars did nothing to hide the swell of her breasts or her flared hips. She squirmed a little, wishing her chair was more in the shadows as his was. She crossed her legs.

“I would prefer you were open to me.”

His voice was so soft. It was no command, just a simple statement. She hadn’t meant to close herself off to him . . . She glanced up at his face. God, but he was beautiful. “Wouldn’t you prefer I was a little modest?” Which, when one thought about it, was hilarious. Cats were
modest as a rule. When she shifted, she was nude. That was all there was to it, yet this seemed so different.

“I would hope the woman is for me alone and that you are comfortable enough—and trust me enough—to take delight in your sexuality. You are naturally passionate and sensual. I love to look at you, to see you wanting me. When I feel your eyes moving over my body, and when I can look so openly on what is mine, it gives me great pleasure.”

It sounded so simple, but it took great effort on her part to uncross her legs to give him the view of a wanton, needy woman. She couldn’t help but feel sexy and a little wicked, but it was still one of the most difficult things she’d done. Worse, it sent another rush of heat that glistened between her legs. He inhaled, drawing the scent of her arousal into his lungs.

Solange knew her reaction to his request was only encouraging him in drawing her out of her shell—and she was a little afraid of where that might lead. That simple smile of appreciation, for her, was the greatest praise he could give her. It was shocking how satisfying it was to please him, when she’d never sought to please anyone.

“That’s my woman.”

He gave her a small, courtly bow that sent a ripple of pleasure through her. His manners were so Old World, as was his formal speech, but it seemed to suit him and make him, for her, all the more alluring.

“What’s your plan?”

His eyebrow shot up and she blushed. “Not
,” she qualified. “The vampire camp. You told me you’d ingested vampire blood so they would recognize you as part of their conspiracy. Do you think the parasites in your blood alone will gain you acceptance?”

“The vampires I have met so far have believed the call of the parasites, but they are never active with you around. I also took your blood a little while ago.” He held another orange slice to her lips and waited until Solange bit into it. “So if you are thinking you will accompany me in some way, it will not work.”

She frowned at him. “Of course I’m going to have your back. I can’t imagine that you aren’t already thinking of ways to kill Brodrick.”


She forgot all about not wearing her warrior armor. Her green eyes went cat and she frowned at him. “Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking I don’t know what I’m doing. If you meant what you said about partners and respect and being equal, and knowing who I really am, then you have to know I’m going to be guarding your back.”

BOOK: Dark Peril
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