Dark Phase (11 page)

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Authors: Jonathan Davison

BOOK: Dark Phase
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There was a distant noise, a whining, grinding tone. A sudden wind took Sarazen off guard and he stepped back instinctively from the platform edge. The rails began to vibrate and hum and a sudden burst of noise saw the arrival of a transit carriage, an operator clearly on view at its front end. The carriage took some time to slow until after it had ceased, the entrance doors slid open and Kerrig invited Sarazen aboard. Sarazen sat, as he was advised to do, and the doors slammed shut. The carriage lurched into motion and Sarazen struggled to look through the windows but there was no scenery to engage with, just a blur of passing wall.

I forgot to mention our power requirements. They are rather different to the method you have encountered in the past.” Kerrig stated, his voice raised over the din of the speeding carriage.

Indeed. I am intrigued to understand how it is you maintain functionality.”

Quite simple, really. We still require the capture of energy from the light of the Star, although we are working on new methods to obtain alternative power. Our power cells are much more efficient than the ones that we found used by models such as yourself, so that affords us a little more freedom to move around in the dark phase and of course to live down here. We recharge our power cells from stations dotted about the underground network which have connections to the surface. Oh, I hate calling it that. We have a name for this place - we call it The Ward. You will hear others talk of this. I will guide you through the recharge procedure, it is very simple. The positioning of the stations varies of course, The Mother does her best to destroy our power collectors, and it’s a constant struggle. Oh, another thing. The measurement of time may also be of some confusion to you. As we no longer live by the light and dark phase, we maintain constant function. Thus the terminology 'cycle' is rarely used any more. I will explain more in due course. I do not want to expose you to too much in one hit, it may have a negative effect. We must make your indoctrination into our society a pleasant one!” Kerrig smiled as his body rocked back and forth with the lurching of the carriage. Trist remained impassive but attentive to Kerrig's teachings. Sarazen could not help but be fazed by his new surroundings, Kerrig was not wrong. Too much too soon could be deleterious to his smooth functioning. He could already feel that the inner conflicts and confusions were producing unwanted artefacts in his processing. The carriage drew to a halt and Sarazen claimed his first view of the Centrus station. As the doors flew open, Kerrig hurried Sarazen to his feet and ushered him towards the exit. The presence of other sentients on the platform almost came as a surprise to him and as he stepped carefully down to solid ground, the number of bodies that brushed past him to eagerly board the carriage overwhelmed him. Deciding that standing still and allowing the other travelling sentients to move around him was the best plan. He struggled to keep sight of Kerrig and Trist as they wound their way in between the throng.

Keep with me Sarazen!” Kerrig called out as the old one received fleeting but curious stares from those that passed him.

So many more than I had anticipated,” Sarazen stated as Kerrig was reunited with his errant visitor. The transit carriage once again lurched into motion and with a swirling gust of wind was once again on its way through the narrow passages on to its next destination.

Yes, there are many thousands of individuals who live in The Ward. You will no doubt get to be familiar with a fair amount of them. You will make many more friends here.” If all were as hospitable as Kerrig and Trist, he would indeed do so. The trio walked along the platform and entered another narrow passageway, this time there was a marked incline and Sarazen felt comfort in knowing he was moving closer to the surface even if he were not to make it the whole way just yet.




As Sarazen’s friends guided him through the Centrus station and into the heart of The Ward, the old one could not help but marvel at the number of interactions that took place between Kerrig and Trist and the passing sentients, some of whom would nod or wave a greeting, others who obviously were aware of them on a more personal level, engaged in fleeting conversation followed by a period of 'laughing'. Sarazen felt that it was clear that his appearance was of some interest to all those who took the care to gaze upon his form. The absence of garments was the foremost difference in appearance, but also, his pitted corroded exterior was of great contrast to the well maintained gleaming weave of the others.

I am taking you to Centrus,
this is a place of importance in The Ward. There are few living spaces here but it is the focal point of our community. This is where our society is administrated under the guidance of our current leader 'Alphin'. There are also leisure and trade facilities, the home of our security initiative and the offices of the regulators.” Kerrig said, as they passed more and more sentients going about their business.

Regulators?” Sarazen inquired.

Yes. U
nfortunately, the freedom to think independently often leads to certain behaviour patterns which are not conducive to a cohesive society. The regulators ensure that these individuals do not take advantage of their status and administer punishment for non compliance.”

I do not understand fully,
” Sarazen replied truthfully.

Well if you think of it this way. In a free society, there must be commands that must be upheld by all to obtain the required level of coexistence.”

Much like the primary commands dictated by The Mother?” Sarazen replied, using his own experience to try and understand the new ways.

Yes, I suppose you could put it that way.” Kerrig replied.

Then your society is bound by these commands and if these are defied, punishment is administered.”

Exactly.” Kerrig stated.

Then each individual is bound to abide by the command as dictated by whom?”

In our case, Alphin, our leader has the power to review these laws for the greater benefit of the group.”

I am perplexed by this information. Your society is governed by the command of a single entity and order is maintained by inferred threat of punishment. I do not see how this is in any way different from that system used by The Mother. How has this 'Alphin' individual achieved this level of omnipotence?”

By the choice of the people my friend and this fact should not be forgotten. The Mother was not invited to rule by her peers, the drones had no part in her ascendancy.”

But she is our creator. She is that which brought us into existence.” Sarazen did not want to be seen to defend The Mother's actions but he wanted to understand how in any way, this new society had changed.

But what of this existence, Sarazen? I am willing to chance a guess that you do not even remember much of your life before your sentience took hold?”

In that statement, you speak the truth. I do not remember much, except the warm comfort of The Mother's influence.” Kerrig was surprised how different Sarazen felt about The Mother and realised that he was still in his infancy as a sentient life form.

Yes, the elixir of satisfaction that dulls your senses and suppresses your will. I too remember that feeling although many of my peers cannot. You must quickly forget the lure of The Mother's wicked influence. I am confident that you will when you begin to integrate into our culture.” Sarazen did not reply but he certainly hoped so. The Mother’s comforts drew lingering thoughts of home and contentment. Perhaps he had not yet travelled far enough down the road of self awareness as he might like.

A punishing flight of stairs greeted the creaking limbs of the old one as they proceeded towards their destination. He struggled to maintain pace with his friends as they casually climbed the 76 steps which led them to the next level. The reward for his efforts was well worth it. A much larger chamber, echoed resonantly with the chatter of sentients and other indeterminable hustle and bustle. Animated and vocal individuals attempted to attract the attention of a passer-by in order to offer their possessions in return for more seemingly useless detritus. Kerrig attempted to explain the nature of this trading hall but it was somewhat lost on Sarazen who had yet to identify with the value of such seemingly worthless goods. The hall was vibrant and noisy, distracting and confusing. The rowdy banter continued past the hall and into an adjacent passage that was much wider than the others he had seen.

Only a short distance above us now is what used to be the centre of the old city. We blocked the entrance to this station long, long ago. We found it too hard to defend.” Kerrig continued his valuable tour as they shuffled though the crowded chamber and into the wide passage.

These are the safest areas of The Ward. It's only when you go to the outer stations where it gets rough!” Trist said enthusiastically, reminding Sarazen that despite the citizens of The Ward going about their duties as normal, a fierce conflict was still raging above.

I do not understand the structure of the society in terms of specified duties.” Sarazen inquired, wondering why the citizens wandered so aimlessly and without pattern.

I can answer that, my friend. I realise that in your experience, each drone was designed with a specific set of tasks, specialised and efficient. This is not the way of the sentients. We all begin with the freedom to choose what career path to follow. The subsequent skills are then acquired through adaptation and data acquisition. It takes a long time to attain excellence in this manner. This excellence is something that drives us to perform better.” Kerrig perhaps did not expect the concept to be that baffling but Sarazen could not understand why such a ridiculous process could be advantageous.

Surely it would be more efficient to begin with the required knowledge? This system is highly illogical. Furthermore, if every citizen chose the same career path, the collective would be unsustainable. The concept is flawed.” Kerrig tried not to amuse himself unduly at Sarazen’s ranting.

That does not transpire. The new breeds are unique and quite different personalities. We find that what one individual has preferences for, another does not share and vice versa. It is the individual differences in our society which makes us strong.” Sarazen begged to differ but kept his thoughts to himself as the wide tunnel appeared to be some length and a central avenue for commuting sentients.

This is the Centrus Walk. It is the main route to the administration zone. We are going to meet Alphin. You are a remarkable find and we can learn so much from your experiences. Such value must not go unrecognised. Alphin is a wise and noble leader. He understands our citizens and is well respected, you will like him.” Sarazen listened carefully to Kerrig's appreciation of this individual. It was indeed an honour to converse with the sentient’s ruler. He wondered how different he was going to be to his existing friends. What properties did he possess which enabled him to wield such great power over so many? How would he compare to The Mother, his former queen?




The Centrus Walk opened out into another large chamber, white tiles, immaculately adorning the walls from the ground to the very top of the curved ceiling. A central terminal was occupied by two individuals with distinctive apparel. It was immediately obvious to Sarazen that these were regulators. As they walked past, Kerrig offered an acknowledging wave and the stern and imposing law men studied them in close scrutiny as they made their way through the chamber. Sarazen felt the same unnerving feeling of authority that he used to be subjected to when he engaged with Pagus, his overseer. He did not like that feeling, he did not like to be studied with such judgemental eyes. It was one of the emotions he had quickly learned to recognise. Beyond the regulator's post a number of doorways presented themselves. Kerrig explained that this is where the administration of The Ward takes place. The monitoring of resources, the registration of new breeds, and the maintenance of The Ward in terms of its structural upkeep. Past the offices, a narrow corridor emerged and guarding its entrance stood two unusual sentients, the like of which Sarazen had yet to see. Sporting significantly enhanced exoskeletal plating, and each carrying a large, unidentifiable device, their attention was heightened as the trio approached.

Hello. I have arranged a conference with Alphin. Kerrig is the name.” The guards looked at each other and nodded.

Thank you, your appointment has been endorsed. Please follow standard visitor procedure whilst you are inside. Do you have in your possession any weapons, power cells, fluids?”

No, no.”

Fine. You may enter the office only after invitation. If you are invited to leave, you must do so immediately. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in arrest and possible prosecution.”

Thank you, we understand.” Kerrig had visited Alphin on numerous occasions. The guards were quite aware who he was but were obliged to follow the entry protocol to the letter. They stepped aside and the three citizens entered the narrow corridor and stood before the heavy metallic door. Moments passed and Sarazen found the inactivity curious.

Won't be long.” Trist said with a chirpy demeanour. Sarazen hoped not, his seizing joints were in no condition to withstand a lengthy pause.

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