Dark Phase (15 page)

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Authors: Jonathan Davison

BOOK: Dark Phase
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Thank you.”

You're welcome.”

You also took some superficial damage. I have replaced an intercostal unit. I did not have an appropriate spare, so I have reworked a more contemporary unit.”

I have full confidence in your abilities Kerrig.”

Thank you. I enjoy working on you, it is educational and always a challenge.”

The sentient
s appear to welcome adversity. I find this illogical.”

Logic has its place, Sarazen.”

I feel that in recent events, logic has failed me on numerous occasions.”

It has failed us all.”

Kerrig. I feel that I...I am experiencing great remorse at the result of my actions in the battle and my words to you were poorly chosen. It was not my intention to disturb you in any way.”

I know, Sarazen. I sometimes find it hard to relate to you and you to I. I forgot in the emotion of the time that you struggle to understand such concepts as grief. At these times, we can let our emotions cloud our common sense.”

Yes, I understand. Your emotions led you to take a great risk in combating the enforcer, but brought you great reward. Your emotion aided your ability to act in the face of the unlikely outcome that you would prevail.”

Indeed. Emotions can sometimes cloud sound judgement.”

These emotions are a powerful entity. I am still unsure whether they are a detriment or an enhancement to proper functioning.”

Well, I can tell you that I would not like to be without them now. Despite their many drawbacks, the contentment they bring is too great to lose.”

Kerrig, there is one thing that would bring me great contentment.”

What is that?”

I would like to see the city. I would like to experience the light.”

But to do so would be extremely dangerous. Only our specialised citizens venture to the surface. They are experienced and canny to The Mother's tactics. They are the brave ones who we rely on for the supply of power and resources. It would be foolish to believe that a foray into the city would have an agreeable ending.”

Nevertheless, I wish to see the light of the Star, I wish to see the new city, to see how it has changed, I wish to see the organics and how they have evolved. These are the things that would bring me contentment.”

But at what cost? You may find that your excursion is extremely short lived.”

You talk of the concept of risk and the benefit of emotions which cloud the fear of overwhelming odds. I would like to face the challenge of defying the probability of failure. I would like to take the risk.”

Well, in the end it is not my choice. You are a free individual now and can make your own decisions, no matter how regrettable they may be.”

Then you will take me to the surface?”

Er...I do not know. In the state you are in at the moment, it would be highly...illogical to allow you passage to the surface.”

Allow? Did you not say previously that I had freedom to choose?”

Yes. Yes I did, but there comes a time when it would be my duty, my responsibility to ensure that your ignorance would not lead to your certain demise. It is the duty of care I share with Alphin, to ensure that you are safe. To let you go would be immoral knowing that in your diminished capacity, you chose to take a path that would lead to your termination.”

So it is Alphin with whom I must negotiate to allow my passage to the surface.”

Alphin has a responsibility for the safety of all of those within The Ward. If he feels that your visit to the surface would impact on the safety of yourself or any other, he will deny you that right.”

This is confusing. I am a free mind but I am incarcerated within The Ward by the will of an individual with a power bestowed upon him not of my choosing. I do not see the significant difference between this case and existence under the influence of The Mother.”

Sarazen, I feel I need to make it clear that Alphin only has the best intentions for your ongoing safety. He seeks to protect his citizens.”

But Kerrig, can the same not be said regarding The Mother? She provides much for her creations and seeks to enrich their existence. She punishes those that seek to break away from her guardianship. Is she not also acting with 'best intentions'?”

Sarazen, I understand the basic correlation between the two situations, however, Alphin does not seek to stifle your right to freedom, only to ensure you do not suffer imminent termination!”

But does not The Mother seek to keep the silicants 'safe' by not allowing the freedom to leave her influence. Is she not protecting them from harm brought about by their own 'diminished' capacity?”

Well...I can see that you have thought this through and will not be dissuaded.”

I do not wish to be difficult or bring upon you any further hardship, but as you surely understand, if I am truly free to choose my own path, then neither you nor Alphin will stop me from fulfilling my quest.”

Even if the light of the Star is the last thing you ever see?”

Then that will be my fate and I will be the one wholly responsible for that fate.”

This is self termination Sarazen. Surely you can see this. I would be surprised if your programming even allows you to step foot on the surface!”

Then we shall see, my friend and if not, you will have the pleasure of knowing that you were correct.”

I take no pleasure in witnessing your termination.”

You, my friend, will not be there to see it. This is something I have to face alone.”

Then you stand an even smaller chance of fulfilling your goals.”

Perhaps, but I have a theory which I must test which has tasked me since my arrival.”

Well at least your demise would not be a fruitless exercise!”

Ah, sarcasm. You see Kerrig, I am learning more quickly than you would believe.”

Yes, some things faster than others. Self preservation is obviously not high on your list of priorities.”

I am not oblivious to the peril, do not think that this would be a frivolous expedition. If my theories are proved to be substantiated, it would signify a great step in the progress towards a peaceful outcome, an end to the ongoing conflict.”

Then share your theories, allow us to challenge them before taking such drastic measures.”

No my friend, there is only one way to prove or disprove the hypothesis.”

Then if your mind is set, there is nothing further I can do.”

No, my friend, there is not.”




Kerrig was quite aware that if Alphin knew he had wilfully led Sarazen to the surface and met his end, then he would be in a whole world of strife. However, Kerrig could no longer profess to be morally virtuous and continue to keep Sarazen in the dark. The old one had made his intentions clear and deep down, Kerrig knew that if he did not aid his exodus to the surface, then he would have gone anyway. Sarazen stood a much greater chance of scraping through if Kerrig at least got him as far as the surface, and if possible, drag him back down when The Mother began to unleash a rain of hate upon them.

Considering the covert nature of the expedition, Kerrig chose the place at which he felt Sarazen had a greater chance of non detection, for at least a long enough period that he could realise the futility of his quest and return to The Ward. The foragers amongst the community worked in carefully orchestrated patterns to avoid detection for as long as possible in order to collect parts, forage for materials and set power collectors which harnessed the Stars radiance. The Mother was capable of adaptation to strategy and therefore, each mission was generally carefully arranged in order to not follow predictable patterns. The sentients, despite being buried far beneath the surface were canny, and were sure to excavate new breaches and seal disused ones with great regularity. They had survived countless cycles by adapting to their surroundings - even The Mother's collective might could not stop them from evading her through cunning and guile. For each period that a breach was made, significant repelling forces were mustered just below the surface. This ensured that if detected, the enforcers could be held back at least long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Automatic weapons using sensors designed to detect and track invading enforcers lined the passage ways and unleashed relentless violence upon them. They were the first line of defence and were called upon with alarming regularity. There had been times when the sentients had tired of their constant withdrawals and had taken a more proactive attitude to The Mother's forces, but in a straight fight, the Sentient’s did not possess the numbers or the fire-power to make a significant impact in The Mother's war machine.

The sentients had not stood still however, only the lack of raw materials stood in the way of progress as they used captured or defective drones to enhance their own defensive capabilities. They learned from The Mother's designs and fought fire with fire. They even flirted with the idea of producing their own fast moving manoeuvrable transport to escape The Ward and seek new, neutral ground from where they could gather and grow in strength. All of these efforts were in vain however, as beyond the city lay swathes of seters, so densely packed that any escape would be hindered as the ubiquitous interceptors would pick them off from the air and at range. The Mother's perimeter defences were formidable and inescapable. Attempts to escape always resulted in losses and the will to fight against the insurmountable odds caused enthusiasm for escape to wane. Perhaps life in The Ward was not so bad after all? Perhaps the surface world was over-rated? The new breeds began to outnumber the ex-drones and the appetite for the light of the Star diminished. Life in The Ward became more settled as the sentients began to focus their attention less on warfare, but more on home comforts, leisure, arts and socialising.

As Kerrig with Sarazen in tow, neared the Yunther breach he knew that their presence would be noted by the numerous individuals who controlled the perimeter defence systems. It was certainly not illegal to exit The Ward without permission, but it was frowned upon by the foragers who were proud of their elite status within the society and were defensive of their duties being taken away from them. As the tiny pin prick of the blazing light entered the tunnel ahead, Sarazen noted the rows and rows of mounted weapons, trained on the light ahead. He also made a mental note not to be standing in front of them if an enforcer was in the immediate vicinity. They approached a couple of foragers who were sat on a large crate used to transport materials down into The Ward. They amused themselves by flicking each other’s noses, taking it in turn to impress with a cleaner, more precise strike. As they heard the oncoming sentients, they quickly drew themselves to attention and reached for their weapons.

Easy. Friendlies coming through,” Kerrig called out raising his hands into the air.

What's your business out here? I recognise you,” said the first forager, a new breed with the scars to prove his commitment to the cause.

Greetings. It is Kerrig, excavator, and Sarazen the troubleshooter. We seek only a brief excursion to the surface, we are not on official business, purely...recreational.” The second forager laughed.

Recreational! You must be malfunctioning!” He continued to demonstrate his incredulity at Kerrig's brazen attempt to justify his presence.

What are you really up here for? This breach hasn't been detected yet, it's a good one. I don't want some old drones to go up there to let The Mother know we're here.”

Yes, I understand completely. In that case, perhaps we will come back at another time.” Kerrig announced with a hint of relief, but did not account for Sarazen’s persistence.

Negative. It is imperative that I continue along this passage.” Sarazen said firmly, digging his heels in and annoying the foragers even more.

Oh yeah? Imperative you say. Sounds like official business to me, although we haven't received a notification from control. What's imperative about it?” The forager was curious, but his natural arrogance tinged his vocal patterns with a belligerency which Sarazen did not like.

I will pass whether you
like it or not. Now stand aside.” Sarazen pushed forward and brushed the forager aside, Kerrig could not believe Sarazen’s self confidence. The forager held no capacity to stop him but it was clear that he held little regard for Sarazen’s safety.

I hope you get disassembled you old box of spares!” The forager yelled as Sarazen continued unfazed.

I am sorry about that. We will return shortly. We will not do anything to unduly alert any attention.” Kerrig blurted out as he followed Sarazen past the foragers who looked at each other with shared anger.

Kerrig caught up with Sarazen who strode towards the light along the uneven surface of the tunnel, rubble and earth piled high on either side.

Slow down my friend, we must be cautious.” Kerrig tried to curb his friend’s enthusiasm but fought hard to repel his own. It had been too long since he himself had also felt the warmth of the Star, although he did not crave it as much as the troubleshooter.

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