Whisper Pride Pack

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Authors: T. Cobbin

BOOK: Whisper Pride Pack
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Whisper Pride Pack




T. Cobbin



Whisper Pride Pack

Copyright © 2015, T. Cobbin

ISBN: 9781940744957

Publisher: Beachwalk Press, Inc.

Electronic Publication: October 2015

Editor: Pamela Tyner

Cover: Fantasia Frog Designs


eBooks are not transferable. No part
of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission, except in
the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews.


This book is a work of fiction and
any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is
purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination
and used fictitiously.


Back Cover Copy


What happens when the Alpha of a wolf shifter pack
discovers that his mate is human and she has no idea shifters even exist?

Conan, the Alpha of the Whisper Pride wolf pack, has to hire
a new veterinary nurse when his current one leaves to have her pups. As soon as
Josie walks through the door and he picks up her scent he knows he’s found his
mate. But there’s a slight problem—she’s human and has no idea shifters
actually exist.

Josie has had to flee her hometown to escape the local thug who
has some very nasty plans in store for her. She strikes it lucky, finding a job
that also offers a free apartment as part of the package. Discovering that her
boss is sex on legs is an extra bonus. When Conan informs her that he’s a wolf
shifter and she’s his mate, she thinks he’s nuts…until she sees him shift.
She’s fascinated, but wonders if she could ever fit into this strange new

Trouble isn’t far behind Josie. It’s not long before the
thug tracks her down, and that may mean the end of everything.


Content Warning: contains strong language, some violence,
and lots of hot, steamy sex scenes



This is for you Debbie—the constant in and out of my
life. You are my pain and my pleasure. Thanks for being there.



Thanks to Pamela Tyner and Beachwalk Press for giving me a
chance to tantalize some readers with my imagination.


Chapter 1


“Dammit to hell,” Josie cursed as she hopped about on her
left foot.

This morning just hadn’t gone as she wanted it to. First,
she had woken up to her alarm clock flashing a constant 12:00. Bloody electricity
must have gone out during the storm last night. She had then burned her toast
and spilled her coffee, and now she’d nearly broken her toe kicking the damn
settee while she was looking for her only pair of decent boots. It was the
first day at her new job, and she had really wanted to get in early and make a
good impression.

She had gotten the job straight off without any interview.
Her new employer had said that her resume, along with a few emails back and
forth, had been enough. A one-bedroom apartment came with the job, and it was
partially furnished, so that had taken a huge weight off her shoulders. She’d
had exactly one weekend to move in, and having only a few bags of clothes she was
able to do that immediately. Buying other essentials had taken up most of the
money she had squirreled away, but as she looked around it didn’t bother her.
She was safe here at the moment, but for how long was anyone’s guess.

Josie had started work as a veterinary nurse right out of
college. Living with her mother she thought would be cheaper than living by
herself. Alas, as the years went by her mother had gotten deep in debt. She
wasn’t too bad as a mother, but when Josie’s father died from cancer, leaving
her with a little girl who had adored him and was constantly asking when he was
coming home, her mother had grown steadily worse. She had an addiction. It
wasn’t for drugs or drink, it was for perfume bottles. The house was crammed
with them.

Every day her mother scrolled through website after website
looking for bottles she didn’t have. The woman couldn’t remember what month it
was but could say if she had a certain bottle or not. She had spent every penny
she had, and Josie’s too, on them. Her motto was
I see, I like, I want!

She ended up taking out a loan here, a loan there, and another
one to pay off the others. She had dug herself a very deep hole. The last straw
though was when Josie had come home early with a headache, having slipped into
the house and up to her room without her mother even knowing, and she’d fallen
asleep only to be woken a little while later hearing her mother arguing with a
man. It turned out to be with the town’s loan shark.

Everyone in town knew Harry Hall. He was a beast of a man. His
arms were covered with full-sleeve tattoos. He had a clean-shaven head, and a
long, thin face with a pointed nose and chin. He was always in combat trousers
with black, tight-fitting t-shirts, and steel-toe capped boots. The man looked
utterly sinister, and everywhere he went his ever-present two henchmen were behind
him. Harry’s reputation was one of pure evil. People only went to him if they
were beyond desperate.

“I don’t have this week’s payment, Harry. I’m sorry,” she
heard her mother whimper.

“That’s two weeks now, Shirley!” Harry growled at her.

Josie crept onto the landing, looking down the stairs toward
the front door. Her mother was so thin that a strong wind would blow her away.
She was bowed backward, leaning on the hallway wall behind her, cringing away
from the man looming over her.

“I’ll find it, I promise. I just need another week. Please,
Harry,” she begged.

“No, lady, it’s too damn late. I’ll just have to break a few
bones, and then next week I’ll have the full three weeks, won’t I?” he asked

Josie watched as her mother collapsed to the floor in a pile
of skin, bones, and tears, all wrapped up in fear. Josie had been stashing
money away for a while, determined to get a place of her own, away from her
mother’s constant money grabbing. Should she intervene? Would the woman learn
her bloody lesson? Could she stand there and watch the man break her mother’s bones?

One of Harry’s henchmen grabbed hold of one of her mother’s
small hands and lifted it, and her mother let out a loud cry. “Please,” she
begged. “I’ll find it, I promise. Please!”

Before Josie could come out of her hiding place and defend
her mother she heard the crunch of bones followed by her mother’s scream of

“Wait!” Josie yelled, frantically running down the stairs toward
her mother, who was now sobbing as she cradled her broken hand in her lap. “How
much does she owe?”

“What’s it to you?” Harry asked, turning toward her. His
henchmen, who had quickly gone into defense mode at her presence, started to
relax beside him.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and placed herself
warily between the huge men and her mother. “I’m her daughter Josie. How much
does she owe?”

“A couple of thousand. Can you pay it?” he asked with an evil
glint in his eye.

“I mean how much does she owe this week?” Josie asked,
watching the men leer at her. It made her feel dirty having these horrid, evil
men look at her like they wanted to rip her clothes off and have their terrible
way with her.

She wasn’t ugly, but she wasn’t beautiful either. She had
always been on the large side. She was sure her boobs had grown instead of her
height in her teens. She stood at barely five feet tall. Her curly, brunette
hair reached just below her bra strap when wet, but once it was dry and the
curls kicked in it came to her shoulders. She had a small, oval face that had
been gifted with being acne free during her teenage years; her mouth, however,
often got her into trouble. She wasn’t afraid to protect those smaller than

“She owes two thousand pounds this week,” Harry said slowly
as if she was simple.

“Oh my God!” Josie’s heart thundered in her chest. “Fucking
hell, how much did she borrow?” She was so damn shocked she swore she could
hear bells ringing in her ears.

“That’s between me and her,” he said, pointing at her

“We don’t have that kind of money,” she whispered. She
didn’t have that much saved, only a few hundred.

Harry stepped toward her, so she herself was now slightly
leaned back. He ran a hand down her neck, over her breast, and lower still toward
her jean-clad center. Fear froze her from resisting his actions. She noticed
each knuckle had a tattooed letter on it spelling
. His cold, steel
eyes never left hers.

“How about I clean your mother’s slate this week, and in
return you spend the night with me and my men?”

His head dropped, moving closer to Josie’s neck, and she
could hear him sniffing, his long, pointed nose just skimming her skin. She
couldn’t hold back the cold shiver than ran down her body. She swallowed
repeatedly, trying to hold down the bile that threatened to rise. Puking on
this man, however amusing, could turn very unpleasant she was sure. Oh God, how
the hell had she gotten herself into this situation?

“Josie?” he asked when she didn’t answer him. His voice was tight,
his top lip curling in disgust at being ignored.

“No...no, I can’t do that,” she stammered. She was twenty-five
years old and had only had one sexual experience. The thought of sleeping with
scumbags like this was just... She felt the bile rise again as her stomach

“I’ll just get Tony here to break a few more bones then.”

She could only stand there staring at him like a startled
rabbit caught in some headlights. What was she going to do?

Her mother’s voice broke the tentative silence. “Josie, you
can do that for me. I don’t want any more bones broken. Please, baby, it hurts.
It’s only one night.”

Josie swiveled her head toward her mother, who was still
crouched on the floor behind her, cupping her hand. “What!” she screeched. “You
owe money and I pay with my body? You cannot be serious!”

“Josie, please, it’s only one night,” her mother begged as
if this were a normal thing.

“You’re selling me off like a whore? You’re my mother, not
my pimp!” Josie was beyond angry now. How dare the woman! Yes, she had given
birth to her and brought her up, but for fuck’s sake...selling her off? That
was going way too far!

Josie watched in horror as her mother stood and looked at
Harry, agreeing to his terms without even glancing at her daughter.

“There you go—decided!” Harry nodded with satisfaction and
stepped out of Josie’s personal space. Beckoning to his men, they all walked to
the front door and began to leave. Harry stopped and looked back. “I’ll be back
at the end of the day, Josie. Wear a dress, no panties, and be ready by seven
PM. You’re in for a long night! Oh, and one more thing, don’t think you can run,
’cause I’ll find you,
your mother will still get hers too!” With one
last leering glance at her breasts, he licked his lips and winked. He stepped
out the door and closed it behind him.

Josie ran to the bathroom and emptied her stomach.

Chapter 2


Looking at her watch, Josie saw she was right on time. She
had a bloody coffee ring stain on the knee of her brand new blue scrubs, but
she walked into work at her allotted time. The small building was painted an
off-white with a few glazed double windows. The blue tiled roof made it look a
little quaint. The building was in a woodsy area with plenty of space out back
where she assumed the dogs were walked during or after their treatment.

“Good morning.” She smiled at the young woman at the
reception desk. The thin woman had short blonde hair and was covered in enough
fake tan to make her look slightly orange. Even the huge amount of makeup she
wore didn’t cover the blotches. “I’m Josie White, the new veterinary nurse. Do
I just go straight back through?”

“Oh, yes, I was told you were coming today. My name is Cassie
West. I’m the receptionist here. Mr. Lyall is waiting for you. He has asked
several times if you had rung or turned up yet. Are you late?” she asked,
making a point of looking down at the coffee stain on Josie’s pants. Josie didn’t
miss the slight sneer on the woman’s lips. Looked like she had already made a

Ignoring the young woman and her petty thoughts, Josie made
her way to the back of the building. The place smelled like antiseptic,
medicine, and animals. She had gotten used to the smell, had even grown to like
it as the years went by. She had always wanted to work with animals, and even
more so lately, because they never asked for anything but love.

While in college she had volunteered at an animal rescue
center. It had been a great form of escape from her sad homelife. Watching the animals
arrive in all kinds of conditions was sometimes quite harsh, but seeing them go
to new homes, welcomed with excitement and love, was the greatest feeling she
could ever imagine.

“Hello,” she called out as she went through the consulting
room into the treatment room. Several rooms led off from this one leading to a
laboratory and dispensary, an operating theatre with a small radiography suite,
the vet’s office, and finally another to the kennels that were at the very back
with a door leading outside to an enclosed, grassy area.

When there was no answer, she called out again.

“Yes...hello?” a rather tall, sexy looking man replied as he
looked around the door leading to his office.

Her heart stuttered when she saw him. Hotdog! He was damn
lickable. His face was pure heaven, delicious and yummy. It was tanned,
chiseled, and had a five o’clock shadow that added to his good looks. His hair
was quite long, just resting on top of his shoulders. Her heart sped up a
little as she imagined running her hands through his hair and grabbing it
tightly in a fist as he...

No, mustn’t go there
, she thought. But when she looked
down at his body, she saw that it was even more mouthwatering. She watched as
he strode with confident steps toward her, his muscles rippling under the tight,
dark green scrubs he was wearing. It wasn’t until he was standing in front of
her that she realized just how bloody tall he was. He must have been at least a
foot and a half taller than her. She would have to look up a lot!

“Hi,” she finally drawled out. “I...um...am your new
veterinary nurse. I’m sorry if I’m late, but this was the time I was told to be
here. I would have been in earlier if I hadn’t had a few mishaps,” she blurted
out, still looking deeply into his bright blue eyes.

He smiled and held out his right hand, chuckling. “Don’t
worry, you aren’t late, and it’s nice to meet you. I know it was a rush job, but
we needed someone pretty much yesterday. My other nurse left to have her pu...baby.”

She took his huge hand and shook it gently, feeling a spark
run up her arm, straight through her body to her clit. His scent seemed to
surround her, mainly woodsy, with a hint of...wet dog?

“Josie, right?” he asked, still holding onto her hand. It
looked damn small in his.

“Yeah, that’s right, and you are Mr. Lyall?”

“Aye.” He nodded. “You can call me Conan.”

“Oh, like the barbarian.” She giggled, then blushed when she
realized what she had said. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. I tend to just jabber things
out when I’m nervous,” she muttered, taking her hand back, feeling an immediate

Letting out a small but booming laugh, he said, “Don’t worry.
I’ve been compared to him before, so it’s nothing new. In fact, I’m currently
working on getting huge biceps like him.” He lifted his arm and flexed his muscles
. “As you can see, I have a long way to go.”

Shit, there was no way that man needed to work on his
biceps, they practically bulged beneath his scrubs. She had visions of kissing
them up and down, wanting to taste his skin while doing it. Blushing, she
cleared her throat, looking up into his eyes, which shined with mirth.

“Ha-ha. Bum out the nurse on her first day.” She laughed.
“Let’s get the day started, and hope no more mishaps happen to me.”

With a smile and a nod they started work.

* * * *

Conan couldn’t help but wind the pretty nurse up. When he
had first heard her angelic voice coming through the room to his office, he
knew she was special. When he saw her he knew he was right. Taking a deep
breath, he pulled her sweet scent into his lungs. She smelled like lavender on
a summer’s breeze. The blood in his veins rushed straight down to his cock. He,
Conan Lyall of the Whisper Pride Pack, had found his true mate.

She was a tiny little thing. He guessed about five feet. Her
hair was currently up in a ponytail but even with that he could see all the
curls. She had a stunning pair of pale green eyes that sparkled. Her small,
oval face and her pert nose were just cute, but her lips... Damn, he wanted to
kiss them, plump them up, and see her face with a just-thoroughly-kissed look
on it.
She would look even better with my mark on her.

His wolf growled inside of him, scraping at his
insides to take her, throw her over his shoulder, find the nearest bed, wall,
counter, or any kind of surface, and ravish her. His cock twitched in his
scrubs. Taking a deep, calming breath, he pushed his excited wolf back and
showed his new nurse/mate around the small surgery. He watched as she took it
all in as he explained where everything was. He shook his head in wonder. Who
could have believed it? His mate, standing right there in front of him.

Holly, his other nurse, had worked right up until her pups
were due. It wasn’t until she was about ready to leave that he realized he
hadn’t looked around for a replacement. His pack was small, with only about twenty
wolves in it, and there were no other veterinary nurses, so he had to put the
job out to the human side. His pack came first, so if he could have offered the
job to one of them, he would have. But with the luck of the draw, he had found
Josie and she was able to start immediately. Being his mate? Now that was the
biggest bonus yet!

“I know this was a rush job, but was the weekend enough time
to get your stuff settled into the apartment?”

“Yes, thank you,” she said, wiping down the treatment table
with antiseptic. “I didn’t exactly have much, but just knowing the job came
with a place was the best news of all.” He could see the relief as it flitted
through her eyes.

“You didn’t mind being uprooted so quickly?” he asked

“No.” She sighed. “I had to move out of my mother’s place pretty
fast anyway. I’d been staying with a friend for a few days when I saw the ad. It
was like fate intervened.”

He took in her beaming smile and nodded. Yes, fate must have
indeed been a part of it.

He was shaken out of his reverie when Cassie popped her head
through the consulting room door. “Conan, your first patient is here,” she said
in a soft, seductive voice.

“Okay. Thank you, Cassie. Send them in please.” Taking one
last look at his mate and twisting his hips to adjust himself inconspicuously,
he walked to the consultant’s room with Josie following behind him.

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