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Authors: T. Cobbin

Whisper Pride Pack (8 page)

BOOK: Whisper Pride Pack
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Chapter 13


Saturday was filled with a flurry of both excitement and
activity. First, Josie and Conan had gone to the police station and she had
written a small statement to say that she was safe and well. They also made
sure that on no terms at all was her mother to be told where she was. After
that she helped Daisy and some of the others to get a feast sorted and cooked.
Well, she didn’t exactly cook, she was crap at that, but she did simple things
like make sandwiches and set things out on the many tables.

By the time afternoon came around Conan had chased her down,
trying to get some alone time with her. Horny bastard! Mind you, she was just
as dismayed when his mother had come along and shooed him away. Afternoon sex
and a nap didn’t sound too bad. Rosemary, however, had different plans for both
her and Daisy. They spent the afternoon being pampered from head to toe.

The sun faded and the stars began to shine, the full moon
high in the sky. The pack gathered around the main house. Tiny Christmas lights
had been hung and now sparkled along the trees and bushes. A small archway had
been erected with two small daises on either side. Normally it would be Conan
who did the ceremonies but being that he was part of this one it was Randale
who stood in the middle with Conan on the right and Raff on the left, both wearing
simple black slacks and a white shirt.

Josie took hold of Daisy’s hand briefly then watched as she
walked down the aisle that was strewn with red rose petals with her father at
her side to stand beside Raff, both males shaking each other’s hands. Josie
thought Daisy just outright glowed in her A-line organza sweetheart knee-length
ivory dress that showed off her long, tanned legs.

Josie then held onto Rosemary’s hand. Knowing Josie had no
one to walk her down the aisle, Rosemary had offered to do it. Josie wore a
light lavender gown with a low backed beaded bodice. Layers of ruffled chiffon
fell from the waist down, leaving the material floating free around her ankles.
Both she and Daisy wore small tiaras with just enough veil attached to it to
flow down their backs.

All Josie could see as she walked up the aisle was Conan.
His smiling, proud face with his forever five o’clock shadow was beaming at
her. The love she felt for him warmed her heart and soul. She could also feel
the love flowing back at her from him. The small bouquet of freesias she held
filled the air until she drew near her man, then his scent filled her nose and
made her feel as if she was walking home.

Randale broke into his speech but Josie only heard the words
coming from her mate’s mouth when it was his time to declare the love he felt
for her.

“I never thought this day would come. Finding one’s true
mate is pretty rare. Three in a matter of weeks is nothing short of a miracle.
You, Josie Annabelle White, are my one and only, the love of my life who will
share in the good and the bad. My heart now belongs to you, my sweet, now and
forever more. As shifters, you know we don’t exchange rings, but I had this
made for you.” He picked up her left hand and showed her a gold ring with their
names engraved on the outside. On the inside were the words
now and forever
Tears flowed down her face as he pushed the ring onto her finger. “I love you,
Josie Lyall.”

“Conan, I was running from a life I didn’t want straight
into the life of the unimaginable. A life where you have taught me new
beginnings can happen. I now have a new family and a new My heart
will also belong to you now and forever more.” Tugging on his shirt, she pulled
Conan down so she could plant a kiss on his lips. “I love you too,” she

Both she and Daisy turned their backs on the pack and threw
their bouquets into the crowd.

The pack roared with whistles and howls as the flowers flew
up into the air. The pair of them then turned to their mates, who gently pulled
the tiaras from their hair and then unzipped their dresses. Daisy promptly
shifted into a lovely golden-haired wolf and ran as soon as her dress hit the
floor. Raff shifted not a second behind her, lifted his head to the moon, let
out a long howl, and then ran after his bride.

The dress Josie had on slid down her body to reveal a skimpy
pair of running shorts and a tight boob tube and, of course, her bedazzled
running trainers. She too promptly ran off into the woods, hearing the whistles
and howls in the background. The chase was on.

* * * *

Conan watched as his mate’s lavender dress flowed to the
floor, revealing her luscious body. He had been thwarted by his mother earlier,
leaving him horny as hell. Watching Josie run in those very tight running
shorts, he wanted inside of her, and nothing was going to stop him. Her tits
bounced in that small boob tube, which didn’t offer the slightest bit of support.

Giving her a little time, he casually took off his shirt and
slacks, letting them drop to the floor. His muscles rippled in the night air
and his cock stood tall and proud, a small drop of pre-cum beading at the end.
He raised his gaze to the moon, giving thanks, and shifted into his wolf.
Taking a deep breath, he lifted his head and let out a long, low howl. Taking
another deep breath into his lungs, he sought out his mate.

He followed the scent of lavender on a summer’s breeze
through the woods, knowing each and every turn she took. After a while he heard
her small pants and the light pounding of her feet hitting the ground. He
stalked forward and caught a glimpse of her hourglass-shaped body, her breasts
bouncing with each step she took.

He howled, making her jump and come to a standstill to look
around. Her face was the picture of pure joy.

“I know you’re there. Come out, come out, wherever you are,”
she taunted while pulling her trainers off.

He watched as she lowered and knelt on the ground, pulling
the tight running top up and off her body, leaving her bare breasts shining in
the moonlight. He stalked forward, making her gasp. He circled her, breathing
her in, and then ran his snout along her neck, inhaling her scent. He felt her
small hands roam and stroke his fur. His wolf began to growl lightly then let
out small chuffing noises as he enjoyed the feeling.

Conan quickly shifted and lifted his mate onto his naked lap
so she was straddling his concrete hard shaft. With a single claw he shredded
her tight, tantalizing running shorts from the crotch up, then very carefully
inserted his finger deep inside her. She arched her back so her breasts were
pushed into his face. Taking one of them in his mouth, he nibbled and sucked
until it was a rosy color, then did the same with the other, all the time
finger fucking her.

When he ran his thumb over her clit, she cried out and her
pussy tightened. He added another finger, making her cry out again.

“That’s it, baby, shout out my name. Let them hear you say
it.” He moved his fingers faster and pressed down on her little nub harder.

She called out his name as she came. Her tight little hole
grasped onto his fingers and covered them with her juices. He withdrew them and
placed them in his mouth, moaning as her salty, tangy flavor ran over his taste
buds. Looking into her wide eyes, he held onto her hips, sliding her gently
down onto his hard shaft until he was balls deep. He lifted her up then slammed
her down while thrusting up.

She came, crying out his name, her cunt muscles squeezing
his shaft. “Conan!”

Her walls pulsed, and she was so tight he gritted his teeth
as he withdrew and then pushed back in. Grabbing hold of her hair, he twisted
her head slightly and kissed her mouth, pushing his tongue inside and enjoying
the taste of her. Bending his legs slightly, he thrust up over and over, making
her breasts bounce in front of his face.

His own orgasm was so very close. His balls drew up, and the
tingling in his spine grew until he couldn’t hold back any longer. Rolling them
both over so he was on top, he pounded into her a couple more times as he
licked over his mark on her neck. He sank his teeth down onto the mark, causing
her to again orgasm. With her cunt so tight and pulsing around his cock he
could only drive back into her a couple more times before he jetted his seed
inside of her, his cock knotting as he did. He lifted his head and howled to
the moon in thanks.

* * * *

Josie was sitting contently on her mate’s lap, watching
various members of the pack dancing the night away and eating their fill of the
feast. She’d been a little shy walking back in the buff, so she had put on her
top and damaged shorts until Conan ran ahead and retrieved her dress. The pack
slowly gathered together after their moonlit run and began to party a few hours
ago. Watching the huge family come together for the joyous occasion was
brilliant. It had just been she and her mother for so long, but now she had a
massive family who loved her.

She had gone over everything that had happened in the short
time, but again never doubted that she was happy. It had only been two weeks
ago when she had taken the job. Wow, just two weeks. It felt like forever. She
was a little disappointed she hadn’t been able to invite her mother to the ceremony,
but she couldn’t take the risk that she would tell Harry where she was. She
also couldn’t tell her mother than Conan was a wolf shifter. Her faith in her
mother now was pretty slim. Looking around at the four dancing and excited
pups, she couldn’t imagine herself doing the same as her mother had, palming
her daughter off to pay her debts.

That morning at the police station while giving her
statement, she had felt a sliver of dismay at having to make sure that they
would keep her whereabouts a secret, but she knew it was for the best. She
loved her mother, but she had too much to lose if Harry came around.

“You’re frowning,” Conan whispered in her ear, licking the
shell of it.

“You’re staring,” she sing-songed back.

“Only because I have someone as beautiful as you to look
at.” He smiled.

She felt her eyes droop. It had been a long day.

“Tired, baby? Wanna go home to bed?”

“Yeah, it’s been a long day and you made me run!” She thrust
her bottom lip out and pouted comically.

She found herself lifted up and laid over his shoulder as he
stood. She heard a slap then a stinging sensation took over her backside.

“Hey!” she cried out.

“Night all,” he called out to his pack. “Say goodnight,
mate,” he said, slapping her butt again.

Lifting her body up as far as she could from his back, she
waved upside down, giggling. “Night all,” she shouted.

Chapter 14


Josie was locking up on the following Friday when she realized
another week had gone by. The Sunday after their mating ceremony everything had
stayed quiet, leaving them to spend most of the day in bed together, enjoying
each other’s bodies over and over. The week had flown past. They’d had a few
emergencies, but had coped pretty well.

Daisy had become one of Josie’s firm friends. They would
often chat during the day and even talked a storm during their lunchtimes. Now
being a fully mated pair, Daisy and Raff had moved into their cabin, which had
been filled with almost everything they needed, the pack had clubbed together
and helped the new couple.

Josie smiled fondly as she remembered lunchtime yesterday when
Conan had gotten himself into a fit of jealousy and walked into the office
kitchen, picked her up, and carted her caveman style
over his
shoulder into his office and had his dinner. That being she had come several
times before he impaled her on his long, thick cock.

“All locked up?” Conan asked, coming up behind her.

“Yep, all done. All overnighters gone and all cleaned up,
ready for Monday.” She smiled.

“Okay, baby,” he said, turning toward his office. “I’ve just
got a few more notes to write, and then I’ll be ready.”

“Umm, Josie.” Daisy appeared through the consultant’s room.
“There’s someone in the waiting area who asked for you.”

“Okay, thanks. See you Monday. We’ll sort the front out when
we leave.”

Locking the back door after Daisy left, Josie went through
the consultant’s room and headed toward the reception area. She wondered who was
waiting to see her. All the appointments had come and gone. The only thing she
could think of was it was some kind of emergency, but then why ask for her?
Knowing Conan was in the building she didn’t worry in the slightest until she
opened the door and saw who it was.

Her rather ruffled mother stood at the desk. Her hair was
unkempt, and she had a black eye. One arm was in a cast and currently resting
in a sling around her neck, and her other hand had huge bandages wrapped around
her broken fingers.

Fuck, how had she found her?

Her mother turned toward her and looked at her with red-rimmed
eyes. “I’ve been looking for you. The police told me you were okay, but I
needed to see you.”

Josie rushed toward her mother, fingering her face. Tears
welled up in her eyes. Oh God, she had done this to her mother by running away.

“What has he done to you?” she cried.

“You did this,” her mother spat at her. “You ran away and he
came looking for you, for each week you were away he would come back and break
something else,” she snapped.

Josie looked on in shock at hearing such anger in her
mother’s voice. “Why have you come looking for me?” she asked, fearing she
already knew the answer.

Her mother never replied because just then the bell above
the door tinkled and in walked the bald-headed, hatchet-faced Harry Hall.

“Hello, sweetheart. We finally catch up.” He sneered.

Josie’s legs buckled under her. Falling to her knees, she
looked up at her mother. “You still want me to pay your debt?” she asked with a
voice hardly audible.

“You said you would,” her mother replied, looking down at

Harry looked over her mother’s shoulder with a dirty gleam
in his eye. Just outside and blocking the main door Josie could see two muscle-bound
henchmen standing side by side.

“” she stuttered, getting to her feet. “Why do
you think I ran away? I wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole!” she finally
managed to get out.

Harry stormed past her mother, knocking her down, and then
proceeded to swipe a tattooed hand across Josie’s face, knocking her to the
floor. She felt the sting of his hand as she went down, but the knock to her
head from hitting the desk caused stars to form in front of her eyes. She found
it hard to breathe. Fuck, it hurt. The last thing she heard before she fell into
oblivion was the growl of one very pissed off wolf.

* * * *

As Conan was finishing the last of his patient notes he
heard a raised female voice coming from the reception area. He thought Daisy
had said there weren’t any more patients today. Thinking that an emergency had
come in, he quickly got up and went to see what was going on. He opened the
door to see his mate being slapped across the face and her crumpling to the
floor in an unconscious heap after hitting her head on the desk.

Seeing red, he shifted faster than he had ever done, his
scrubs ripping into shreds, and he lunged at the tattooed man who had struck
his mate. He briefly saw the man’s eyes widen in shock as he hit the floor. Conan
sank his fangs into the man’s throat and pulled, ripping his throat out. Blood
spurted over his white fur as he watched the man gurgle and die before his

The woman who had been knocked over began screaming at the
top of her lungs, hurting his sensitive ears. This also caught the attention of
two big, burly men who were standing outside. The tinkle of the bell had Conan
rounding on them in seconds. He widened his stance, pulled back his ears, and
growled at them, showing his long, pointed teeth.

“Fucking hell,” one of the men shouted. Suddenly the man was
sliding across the floor of the room, a huge, white wolf with four brown paws
riding on top of him, its teeth firmly attached to the back of his neck.

Recognizing his brother, Conan turned his attention back to
the other big bloke. He watched in disgust as a wet stain appeared in the front
of the man’s jeans, the smell of pee making his nose curl up. With a bounding
leap Conan knocked him down and ripped his throat out too.

Quickly, the office filled up with three more enforcers.
Randale had insisted on adding a few enforcers to patrol the building after
hearing about Josie’s mother. ‘An addict will always find a way to get their
next buzz’ he had said.

Turning his attention to his mate, Conan shifted and ran to
her side.

“Randale, shut her up for fuck’s sake,” he screamed,
gesturing to the other woman, who was still screaming.

He wasn’t sure what his brother did but the room went
instantly quiet. He carefully looked Josie over and was dismayed to see a long
bleeding gash along her hairline.

“Randale, deal with this shit.” He motioned to the now
destroyed reception room. “Trey, get us to the hospital now!” he shouted.

Conan scooped Josie up off the floor and quickly walked out
to the parking lot. It wasn’t until he had slid into the back of his Range Rover
and a pair of jeans were thrown at him with a damp towel that he realized he
was naked and had blood down his chest.

The ride to the hospital was the longest trip that he had
ever made. Somehow, he managed to keep hold of Josie while putting on the pair
of jeans and wiping off his chest, removing the blood. She never stirred. She
was so pale in his arms it worried him. Fuck, he wanted to go back and kill the
bastard all over again.

Trey pulled up to the hospital, honking the horn. Doctors
and nurses immediately ran out, taking his mate from his arms. He felt bereft.

* * * *

The first time Josie opened her eyes it was dark and pain
seared through her head.

The next time she managed it, sunlight streamed through the
windows, making her close them again as pain again seared through her head. She
did, however, register that she was in a hospital room.

This time she didn’t open her eyes straight away, just
listened. She heard several machines beeping in the background and people
quietly walking and talking outside of the room. She slowly opened her eyes
again. Lifting her heavy arms, she saw all kinds of wires and tubes attached to
her. Trying to keep her eyes open a little longer, she looked around the small,
white room to see Conan.

He sat leaning to one side in a hospital chair beside her
bed, his head resting against a folded fist. His normal five o’clock shadow was
now a good day’s beard. How long had she been there? His clothes were wrinkled,
and his hair was all over the place like he had ran his hands through it over
and over.

She closed her eyes briefly as pain flashed through her
head. Lifting a hand, she gingerly touched the top of her forehead to feel a
long, stitched gash. Fuck, that stung!

Conan’s eyes flashed open, staring at her. His worried face
broke into a small grin. “Baby?”

He quickly moved forward and kissed her cheek. She watched
as a single tear welled and fell down his handsome face.

“You had me worried there. Thought you were so fed up with
me you’d sleep through two days, huh?” he questioned with a smirk.

She frowned and squinted her eyes. “Two days?”

“Yep,” he replied sadly. “What do you remember?”

She closed her eyes, thinking back through the darkness. “Oh
God, Harry and my mother...she brought him, she actually brought him.” Tears
began flowing from her eyes down and into her hair. “How did she find me?”
Josie asked, looking back up at Conan.

“You didn’t change your bank details, so when your
statements went to your mother’s she opened them and saw that your wages had
gone in and followed it back to the business.”

“Where is she now?”

Conan winced as he answered, “In a psych ward. I’m afraid
she went a little bonkers seeing some big dogs kill three men.”

Shocked, Josie moved to sit up, but immediately laid back
down again as the room swam before her.

“Hey, be careful,” he warned, walking to the door and
shouting for a nurse.

A plump, friendly looking nurse with her hair tied up in a
bun on the top of her head entered the room. She proceeded to ask Josie questions
and check her over. Happy that Josie knew who and where she was, the nurse left
to find a doctor.

Conan quickly told Josie what had happened and then
explained that the pack had cleaned and cleared the office up before her mother
had been taken to the hospital. “I told the hospital that you had been knocked
over by a Great Dane and fell, hitting your head on the desk. You managed to
get knocked out and gain a concussion—it just took you a while to wake up.”

“A plausible accident.” She chuckled.

“There is another thing.” His face suddenly lit up like a
Christmas tree.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Lyall,” a tall, African man said,
walking into the room and interrupting Conan. “My name is Dr. Bello. I was here
when they brought you in.” He picked up the medical chart at the end of Josie’s
bed and looked over the notes. “It took you a while to wake up, but there seems
to be no lasting effects, just a small concussion.” Placing the chart back down,
he moved to Josie’s side and shined a light in her eyes. She squinted again as
it caused a little pain. “Ah yes, that’s understandable,” he muttered. “I’ll
send a nurse in with some pain killers. We’ll keep you overnight, but if all goes
well you’ll be home tomorrow.” He walked back to the end of the bed and looked
at her chart again, rifling through some of the sheets. “We did an emergency
scan when you came in and everything looked good. You will receive another scan
appointment in a couple of weeks along with your antenatal one. Congratulations,
by the way,” he said, replacing her chart.

Josie looked at the back of the man as he walked out the
door. Antenatal? Scan?

“Pregnant?” she asked as she turned toward Conan. She
watched her mate as his chest puffed out in pride.

“Twins.” His face lit up again. He looked like a boy in a
candy factory as he pulled a small scan from his back pocket.

She took it from him but couldn’t make out what she was
seeing until Conan showed her where two small blobs sat. Tears again began
flowing from her eyes, but this time they were happy ones. She was going to be
a mom.

“Will they be like you?” she asked.

“Yes, baby, our pups will shift.”

She looked back at the small grayed scan and smiled.

Who would have believed that just three weeks ago she was
running away for a better life and found it?

BOOK: Whisper Pride Pack
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