Dark Secrets (3 page)

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Authors: Jessica Burnett

BOOK: Dark Secrets
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              A thought suddenly occurred to me, “Wait a minute, how do I know I can trust you? If all of this is true and supernatural beings are really after us, how do I know you’re not just out for our blood as well? I mean, you have to be magical considering what I saw this guy, Derek is it, doing earlier. What’s in it for you to protect me?”

              Derek responded, “We’ve worked for your father for years.  Hell, Damien here knew you when you were a baby and I met you when you when we were kids… right before your mother took you away.” He cocked his head as if willing me to remember him. The look in his eyes suggested it was imperative for me to at least remember who he was. When he realized I still didn’t completely understand he began to get frustrated and snapped, “We’re honored to be your protectors and would do anything for the royal bloodline. We owe your father our lives. So stop being such a snob, you’re wasting our time.” Damien elbowed him in the stomach.

              I felt bad that I couldn’t remember these guys. I stared at them for quite some time, racking my brain, trying to force myself to remember any of this. But, at the same time the way this was happening was pissing me off. Who I was pissed at exactly, I had no idea.

              “What exactly are you guys?”

              Damien answered this time, “I’m what you would call a vampire. I’ve worked for your father for the past sixty years.” Do what? I’m pretty sure my mouth dropped to the ground just now. “And my friend Derek here… is a werewolf.” Yep, mouth completely gone.

              I don’t know how I’m supposed to respond to this news so I just stand there. I mean... elves? Sure, why not? But, vampires? Werewolves? We’re talking about the walking dead and men who turn into beasts… not exactly believable here. Men with pointed ears, however, are quite possible. I mean, I’ve read a few science fiction novels in my time, but never believed in any of them.

              “Aren’t vampires supposed to burn in the sun?” Yeah, that was my best response and Kai actually giggled over it. Kai is so quiet sometimes that I forget he’s there. Now I feel really dumb.

              Damien stared at me for a moment and then broke into uncontrollable laughter. Derek cracked a smile. “I’m… I’m sorry. I can’t help but laugh. You remind me so much of my sister, Natasha.” He stopped to catch his breath. “No, vampires don’t burn in the sun. That is just a story some old vampire made up so we could walk around undetected.”

              Derek jabbed Damien in the ribs. He seemed worried as he said, “We really have to go now. I feel more people coming. If we don’t get them out fast it may be too late.” He looked pointedly at me and almost grimaced. I got the feeling he didn’t care for me much. Or, at the very least, I wasn’t what he was expecting.

              Damien reached out his hand, “Shall we? We really must be going. I swear nothing bad will come of you or your son while I am around. If it does I will hand you the stake to plunge my heart with.”

              “So, the sun doesn’t kill you… but wooden stakes do?” I smiled at this information.

              “Something like that” He replied carelessly as if he were hoping we could skip this part.

              I picked up Kai and held him with my right arm, with my left I reached for Damien’s hand. I got an electric shock. I could feel his presence throughout my entire body, almost as if he were a part of me. I don’t know what this is but looking into his face I could tell he felt it too and it wasn’t normal. He didn’t let go though, no matter how strong the vibrations became. Instead he clasped harder and pulled me beside him.

Derek got on my other side and together they led us out to a car in the street. Lachlan was in the driver’s side which made me wonder what happened to Alfonzo. I don’t bother questioning it though. I simply hopped in. Whatever is going on, these guys are not my enemy… although I’m not so sure about Lachlan. His vibe is… off. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel as if his intentions aren’t nearly as pure as the guys next to me.

              Lachlan is speeding down the road; a little too fast for comfort. I have no idea where we are going and no one has spoken since getting in the car. We have gone out of the city and we are traveling down some abandoned road. There’s literally nothing around but trees and the dirt road we’re skidding on. I don’t know what the hurry is. I’m beginning to regret getting in the car with these strangers. How dumb can I be? Hopping in a vehicle with men who claim to be my protectors could be the biggest mistake of my life… The roads we’re following are long, sharp and confusing; even I can’t keep up with all of our many turns. If anyone were trying to follow us, we’ve surely lost them by now. If anyone tried to find me they’d surely fail. I’m unsure if this thought is comforting or not.

Kai has dozed off to sleep. He seems so comfortable with these men; more comfortable than he is normally. I’ll trust his instincts for a while, they’re certainly better than mine, but won’t let my guard down. There’s no telling who these people are.




We’re staying in an abandoned house way outside the city limits. The house sits in the middle of a huge field; woods surround us in a near perfect circle. It has three bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen, and a living room. It has water and electricity but its void of anything but lights, a couple chairs, a stove, and beds which are only here because the guys went shopping before picking Kai and I up. The interior is falling apart and the outside isn’t much better. But, it keeps the chill out at night and I have yet to find any rodents or bugs… besides the cockroach I killed earlier today. Derek actually flipped out over the tiny little thing. Big bad wolf he is and he can’t deal with one measly little bug.

It’s been nearly a week since the guys took us away and there has been little discussion about what is going on. Mainly they’ve just been talking amongst themselves. Kai, however, seems happier than ever. Although he doesn’t spend much time around Lachlan (this makes me even more leery about him) he seems like such a nice man… honest, wise, kind, and quiet. He rarely ever speaks. It turns out he’s a witch. I kind of like that. I can’t see anything wrong with him so far. Perhaps Kai is wrong? But Kai is never wrong.

Derek’s a jerk most of the time. I thought he was just rude before due to my attitude, or ignorance, about the situation. But, I really don’t mind being here anymore. I even cook breakfast and supper for them most days. However, he really seems to dislike me, but loves my son… which I don’t quite understand. They look so great together though… it makes my heart melt.

Damien can’t keep his eyes off me still. He follows me around like a little puppy dog, but never says anything. I’m unsure if I think it’s cute or creepy. Maybe a little bit of both… Not to mention, he is constantly touching me. I’m beginning to think he has a little crush on me. The guys think so too, apparently. They’re currently teasing him about it. Derek seems to be having the most fun with it. This confuses me though. Derek seems almost possessive towards me most days. He acts as if he doesn’t like me to my face. But, the way he holds himself suggests he is feeling something entirely different than what he exudes.

Speaking of Derek, he is coming my way. I wonder what he wants this time. When I said none of us have really spoken much since getting here, I wasn’t kidding. Besides talking about what we should eat and what we need from the grocery there hasn’t been anything else discussed.

“How are you today, Ember?”

“I’m fine… what’s with the pleasantries?” I smirked.

“Just thought I’d check in on you… I’d like to start training you soon.” He put his hands in his pockets as his eyes rake me up and down.


“You need to learn how to defend yourself and how to magnetize your abilities to your desire.” He said as he cocked his head slightly, a grimace on his face. “Eventually you should be able to teach your son the same.”

“Why is that so important?? Do I really
to train?” I knew the answer before even finishing the sentence.

“You most certainly do. Unless… of course, you plan on bashing everyone’s head in with a lead pipe.” He laughed. “There are a lot of people after you, dangerous people. It’s important that you learn how to defend yourself.”

“You make a good point… Fine, I’ll train. But, I’m not saying I’ll like it.” I stuck my tongue out. “But first, take a shower. You reek!” I teased.

“Excuse me?” he snapped.

“Just because you’re a dog doesn’t mean you have to smell like one!”

“You know what? Screw you. Die for all I care” He turned to walk away and I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. I’m not sure why I said it. I knew better. Part of me really likes seeing him angry though.

“Hold up, buddy! It’s your job to train me, remember? You don’t have a choice in the matter.”

His face turned from plain and empty to angry in a heartbeat. He grabbed onto my arm this time, looked at the guys for a second, who weren’t paying any attention to us, and dragged me into the nearest bedroom, his. Once we were in there he threw me up against the wall and pounded his fist into the plywood beside my head.

“Who died and made you queen?!”

“Nobody yet, but isn’t that what I’m here for?” That was a bad choice of words. Why was I being so callous today?

“What makes that mouth of yours so goddamn smart?” His face was right in front of me. We were so close I could feel his breath on my lips and his nose against mine. He placed his hands on each side of the wall by my head.

If he wanted attitude I could give him attitude. “Sorry hon, I was under the impression you liked arrogance.” I placed my hands against his chest trying to push him off me. I’m sure he meant to scare me into submission, but it was doing quite the opposite. I was pissed off.

Pushing against him only made him get closer and angrier; firmly pinning me to the wall. There was no escaping him.

My breath caught and I couldn’t think straight. A smug grin spread across his face. He clearly felt as if he had won this fight; as if he had scared me off. “You should really let me go now.” I said breathlessly.

“I don’t think so. I quite enjoy having you pinned beneath me.”

What happened next I didn’t expect. He suddenly moved his hands from the wall and into my hair, grabbing a handful on both sides. I thought he was going to hurt me and I was prepared to fight him off. Instead he pulled me in closer and planted his lips on mine. My first reaction was shock. Then, something inside me took over. I was lost for a moment; his scent was utterly intoxicating. I wrapped my left leg around his waist and pulled my body up on his. He was so close to me it was almost as if we were one person; I felt as if I were breathing him in and out. Something about our embrace was electric, almost chemical… as if our bodies belonged together.

At first he didn’t respond to my advance, but then his hands were all over me; grazing my hips and thighs, finally resting on my waist where he clutched my body to his and worked his mouth around mine. I barely had time to breathe… His tongue was circling mine and his taste was indescribable. I wasn’t sure why I was acting this way and I needed it to stop. I pushed him back, forcing him to release me. I needed time to breathe; to think. Why would I kiss him? Didn’t I hate him?

My mind was completely gone; the world forgotten. In my mind I was reaching for something… another memory I had forgotten. I got the sense it related to our first meeting long, long ago. He stared down into my eyes, searching for something… both of us breathing heavily.

An annoying sound was coming from the other side of the room… almost like a grunt or a clearing of one’s throat. Both of our heads snapped up at the same time… someone else is in the room…





















“Soul-searching bravery all this time

How could you not see the world divine?

How come you don’t seek what shall be sought?

         Left in a world of wonder, A world untaught

And unto thee, a new beginning

For living is living, And time is given

In order to receive, ye shall give

And unto thee, A power should live

Use it wisely, For it is sought

Live wondrously and give some thought

Ye cannot change the freewill of others

Only interpret what must be done

To help them along their path, spun

Listen carefully and heed my word

For there is no wind without a bird

There is no flame without a spark

No water, without a drop

And no land, without a thought

Live freely, but not vicariously

Your duty is to remain still

Unchanging until the time comes”



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