Dark Secrets (2 page)

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Authors: Jessica Burnett

BOOK: Dark Secrets
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              “Alright dear, he’s all ready to go.” Brenda was standing in front of me holding Kai much like you would hold a football. This old lady cracks me up.

              I laugh quietly, “Thank you, Brenda. We’ll be taking off now.”

              Kai is in my arms now and pulling at my hair as he’s babbling about something. That’s another strange thing about my son. He only speaks when he’s had a vision or when he senses something coming. Besides that, he has no need for communicating with me. It’s one of his many quirks.

Putting Kai in his stroller is easier said than done… he hates that thing. Surprisingly though, he didn’t fight me on it… not at all. I was able to put him in his seat and the box in the back of his stroller in less than a minute. This actually worried me for some reason… something must be wrong.

              We walk out of the daycare right as the wind picks up. There’s a slight drizzle and basically everyone in the street has their umbrella out and up already. Looking out at the street all I see is a crowd of dizzying colors. I guess the weatherman predicted rain this morning and I just didn’t notice... I’ve been out of it all day; tripping over my own feet constantly, spilling drinks and running into fire hydrants. Not that that’s really much different than who I am naturally. I am quite the klutz.

              I’ve got an eerie feeling that I just can’t get rid of. I begin to walk faster in hopes of getting to my apartment before anything bad happens. We only live two blocks from the daycare. If I run we should get there in about five to ten minutes. But, there are so many people on the sidewalks today I don’t think we’ll get there fast enough. There’s a short-cut up ahead I could take. It’s about three alleyways ahead. My breath is catching in my throat as I realize I feel at least six pairs of eyes on me; three benevolent, three malevolent. One feels familiar…

              The alleyway I wanted is right in front of me. I turn quickly and take about three steps in when I realize that was a big mistake. The three pairs of malevolent eyes are standing before me with nasty grins to go with them. I start to back up and run into something. I turn around to see a fourth man. I can’t sense him at all; not even with him standing right in front of me. This man scares me the most. Why can’t I feel his presence?

              I’m about to say something; to act all tough, when all of a sudden I no longer feel the three malevolent eyes behind me and the ghost man’s face has turned cold. I spin around as quickly as I can, worried that I was being deceived; worried my child may be in danger. But, I was wrong. The three big bad men were now lying on the concrete… dead. Standing over them were the three benevolent eyes I had sensed before. My eyes grow wide. One of them is the hunk from the office… what is going on here?

              “This is none of your business. I suggest you move on before you regret what you have done!” I jump about two feet in the air. The voice I heard did not fit the man standing behind me. It was almost… girly. I’m gripping the handles of the stroller, ready to book it as soon as possible.

              “I’m afraid you’re wrong about that. We’re her protectors. I suggest you move on before you regret what you have done, Alfonzo.” This voice came from the green-eyed man from the office… the voice of an angel… God he’s perfect. But, what did he say about protectors? And why?

              “Damien, Damien, Damien. Long time no see, old friend. Why is it you wish to protect these young ones so much?” Alfonzo’s voice is a bit squeaky, but I get the feeling it’s meant to be intimidating.

So the green-eyed man’s name is Damien. I like it. It suits him well.

              “You know exactly why. Honestly I can’t believe you would stoop this low. Don’t you have an alliance with the King?”

              Alfonzo straightened his shoulders. He almost looked offended. By this point I had taken Kai out of his stroller and backed ourselves up against the wall between them.

              “Perhaps you never understood my methods, son.” …Son? They don’t look anything alike. Alfonzo is the complete opposite of Damien. He’s burly, scarred, bald, hairy, and downright ugly. The only thing about him that is even slightly pretty is his crisp blue eyes and even that’s debatable.

              “Don’t ever call me that again! A creator does not a father make.” Huh, creator? I’m completely lost in this conversation.

              I see a door that is slightly ajar to the right of me. I could probably make it; as long as I don’t trip. Especially considering it is closer to the three amigos over here. But, Alfonzo is a little too close for comfort. I’m pretty sure if I move even one step in their direction he’d kill me on the spot or, worse, my son. I’m unsure what to do.

              The man standing next to Damien put his hand on his shoulder. “Let me handle this. This is too personal for you. You may ruin the mission. I’ll get rid of him and then we can continue on.”

              Damien smirked. “If you really think you can handle this on your own, be my guest. But, don’t come crying to me when you get dropped on your ass, Lachlan.”

              Lachlan… Lachlan… sounds Irish and old-timey. He looks like a Highlander; tall, extremely muscular and defined, and has the face of an angel; deep blue eyes, long blonde hair, full lips and a pointed nose. I feel extremely attracted to him as well. Actually, I feel extremely attracted to all three of these men… almost like I’m being drawn toward them.

The third man was slightly scruffier than the others, like he hadn’t bathed in days; long glossy black hair held back in a loose ponytail, crimson colored eyes, dark russet-colored skin, high cheekbones, plain looking lips and nose, and giant-like. He’s bigger than the other two combined. For some reason, I feel as if I know him. A memory I can’t quite reach is trying to surface.

              The russet-colored man stepped up, “Well Damien, I can always jump in if poor Lachlan can’t handle the big thug.” He turned and winked at me. I stuck my tongue out to him and it was returned with a huge, goofy grin. Lachlan punched his arm. “Shut up, man. I can handle it.”

              I was more than a little surprised at our simple exchange. I never act that way towards anyone. Something about his presence though makes me want to play. Something about the way he looks at me suggests familiarity. Not just that, but when he does look my way it’s almost as if he’s searching for something and excited that he didn’t find it.

              Alfonzo seemed quite exasperated by this whole squabble. “Derek, why don’t you just shut that smart mouth of yours? Show me what you’ve got!”

              So Derek is the name of the Native looking guy. Hmm… when I think of the name Derek I think of the scrawny, curly-haired boy that grew up next to me as a kid. Besides the name though, they are nothing alike.

              Derek stepped back as if he were trying to get a better view of his prey. This got my attention; his stature was almost like that of an animal. He slinked towards Alfonzo with a gleam in his eye; pure hatred seemed to surge through his body. You could almost see it. He bared his teeth and I swear his canines were abnormally large, even for such a huge man. Abruptly he lunged! It was so fast I almost didn’t see it. Who is he?
is he?

              He struck Alfonzo with a crushing blow to the chest and sent him flying backwards. It seemed Alfonzo didn’t see it coming either. However, he got up with such elegance that you would think he had. With a smile on his face he lunged forward and swung at Derek with what looked like a brick, struck him in the head and continued to try and bite him. Bite him! Who the hell are these people?

              Luckily, he missed his neck but managed to scrape his shoulder. Derek hollered and rolled away. He turned around and kicked Alfonzo in the stomach. Alfonzo fell to the ground in a slump. He had just started to get up when Lachlan jumped in. How Lachlan jumped in was absolutely stunning though. He made no move towards Alfonzo. He simply started speaking in what I can only assume was Latin. Whatever it was though… it worked! Alfonzo collapsed to his knees, screaming in agony.

              This was my chance to run. I held on tightly to Kai, who had been silent through this whole bit, and ran through the door to my right. I ducked under eaves, slid past wrought iron tables, through a rusted archway and out the back. I ran down the alley as fast as I possibly could, jumping over anything that got in my way. I could feel someone pursuing me, but I didn’t bother turning around to see who it was. I fell into a puddle and almost dropped Kai, but again he said nothing; he just hung on for dear life. I lurched back up and took off again. Whoever was following me had gotten closer; I could now hear their heavy footfalls against the pavement. I turned the corner only to find myself at a dead end. I went to turn and run back, hoping I had the time to do so, but I was too late. Two men were in the darkest corners of the alleyway. I couldn’t tell which ones and I didn’t care.

              I sat Kai down as far away from them as possible and picked up a lead pipe that was lying nearby. The two men slowly approached me with their hands held high. They stepped into the light and I could see it was Derek and Damien who had followed me. Lachlan must still be holding Alfonzo down.

              I didn’t care if they saved me; I needed to get away from these lunatics. I lurched at them with the pipe held high and just as I was about to whack Damien in the head, I heard my son yell out “Momma, NO!” The pipe fell from my hands as I turned towards my son so fast I thought my head might fall off.

              “What did you say?” I asked him slowly.

              “Don’t hurt them, Momma. They’re good. We’ve been waiting for them, don’t you know?” He paused for a moment to smile up at me. “We’re special and they’re here to help.”

              “Here to help with what exactly, Kai?”

              “Umm… if I may interject, I could answer that question.” I turned to see whom it was speaking to me. Damien was staring at me with the most mind numbing smile I have ever seen, but I wasn’t about to let that sway me.

              I crossed my arms and started tapping my foot at the same time that Kai came up to me and grabbed onto my pants leg. “Well, I’m waiting.”

              “Attitude and guts… I like you already. Hmm… let’s start with our names, shall we? Mine’s Damien and this furry fella here is Derek.” Furry? He doesn’t seem that hairy to me. He doesn’t even have facial hair.

              “I got that much already. Next.”

              Derek spoke this time, laughter in his eyes. “Okay. We were ordered to come here in case someone of unknown origin was planning an attack on your bloodline. The circumstances in which we found out who it was were unfortunate, but at least now we know who to hide you from.” He paused a moment to gauge my reaction. “We’re here to insure your destiny doesn’t get thwarted.” Derek stopped talking as if he thought that would sum it all up for me. But, I was even more confused than ever.

              “Uh… wait a minute. First off, who gave you your orders? Secondly, what bloodline? What’s so special about us? And does that mean my mother and siblings are in danger? What the hell do you know about my destiny? ... And last, but not least… hide me? I’m pretty sure you’re not taking me anywhere.” I uncrossed my arms and held my son against me as I stared them down.

              Derek and Damien seemed just as dumbfounded as I was earlier… but this time it was Derek who responded. “Wait. You’re telling me you don’t know who you are? Or rather, what you are?”

              “I’m sorry…
I am?”

              Damien smacked his head and responded, “I thought this was going to be easier. He said she knew!”

              “Who said I knew what? What the hell is going on here?” I was beginning to get extremely frustrated.

              Damien looked at me as if I were some foreign object. “You’re the Elven Princess… meant to take over the Elven kingdom when you turn twenty-six. The Elven King, your father, sent us. They discovered something special in his blood that was different from any other elf; any other magical being. It’s something that could change all magic as we know it.” Damien said, exasperated.

Derek began speaking then, “But, because he has a rare disease and is dying, every magical creature that exists is coming after you and your son. They’re hoping that you two will match his genetic coding even though you’re only partial bloods.”

Damien interjected, “However, using your blood to change magic will eventually kill you. He sent you to live with your mother as a child in hopes that they would never find you; in hopes that you could live a normal existence. But, your mother was supposed to train you for this day in case they ever found you; prepare you. You really didn’t know any of this?”

              I can’t speak. I have no words. Either these guys are completely nuts or what they’re saying is the truth and what was happening earlier when they were fighting was actually a part of this whole supernatural thing that I knew nothing about. I almost feel like laughing hysterically.

How could my mother never tell me any of this? How could she not warn me? Not to mention they just called me a princess. What the hell? I’m not princess-like in any way, shape, or form. I’m not petite like they are in the movies or have perfect hair. I’m certainly not graceful and I have no idea how to rule anything or anybody. They have got to have the wrong girl.

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