Read DarkHunger Online

Authors: Aminta Reily

Tags: #paranormal, erotic romance, vampire, werewolf

DarkHunger (6 page)

BOOK: DarkHunger
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“You heard me!”

“Yeah I did, but I wanted to hear you say it again. So the man turned you on from a dance? Wow, he must be very handsome up close.”

Kayla shrugged. “I can’t tell with all these different lightings. Maybe it’s the fact that I can’t see him that excites me or the sound of his voice.”

“He has a sexy voice?” Amanda inquired.

“Oh, yes he does, Amanda. He has one of those deep, skin-tingling voices. I think once he said hi, I was gone.”

The girls laughed as the men made it back into the room.

“I see you made it back from dancing with him,” Tyler snapped.

Kayla frowned. “What’s your problem, Tyler?”

Tyler looked at her. “My problem is that you go and take the side of some man you don’t know. You go out to the dance floor, grinding against him like some whore—”

“Whore?” Kayla interrupted. “Watch what the hell you say to me. I’m not yours and never will be yours. I didn’t get upset that you were dancing with some female a moment ago. Does that make her a whore? She didn’t know you.”

“Yes,” Tyler growled.

“Whoa, man, take it easy,” Noah jumped in.

“Stay out of this, Noah,” Tyler snapped. “You don’t know the half of what’s going on. She’s doing stupid things and I am only trying to protect her.”

“Protect her by calling her a whore? How is that protecting her?” Julia yelled.

Tyler folded his arms across his chest, watching all of them closely. “I only call it as I see it.”

“You know what, I’m out of here. I don’t have to take being spoken to like this from anyone.” Kayla walked past Tyler and out the door. The moment she made it out the door, he grabbed her wrist.

“How are you going to get home? I drove.” Tyler yelled. “Unless you’re going to get that…that other guy to drive you home so he can fuck you.”

Kayla frowned and snatched away from Tyler. Without thought, she reached up and slapped Tyler in the face as hard as she could. The shock she should feel didn’t overpower her anger. How could he talk to her like that? “You’re a bastard, Tyler. I don’t need you to drive me home. I can walk for all I care.”

“No, the hell you’re not,” Tyler screamed and grabbed her wrist tightly.

Kayla groaned at the pain. She knew if he held her any tighter her wrist would probably break. When did Tyler get so strong? He shouldn’t be able to apply this much pressure with just one hand. “Let me go, Tyler,” Kayla said through clenched teeth.

“Tyler, let her go before you break her wrist,” Julia screamed.

“Go back into the room, Julia, and stay out of this.”

“Fuck you, Tyler. You don’t tell me what to do. She is my friend, now, let her go.”

“Is there a problem here?” Logan questioned as he walked up to them.

Kayla looked up to see Ian standing behind Logan. There was something in Ian’s eyes she couldn’t put her finger on. Anger, yes, but something else. Maybe concern that Tyler was going to hurt her.

“Let her go, now,” Ian finally spoke.

His voice vibrated down her spine. It was dark. Darker than anything she ever heard before. Dangerous, but a turn on in ways she never thought could turn her on.

Tyler looked at the two men, then to her. He had released some of the pressure on her wrist, but it still throbbed with pain. He snarled, then let her go completely.

“You know what? I am out of here!” Tyler stormed off.

“Looks like we are walking tonight,” Julia said.

“No you are not,” Logan said. “I can take you home if you’d like.”

Kayla looked at the others and they nodded in agreement. The walk would take them about an hour, but the drive only twenty minutes. “That would be nice,” Kayla grabbed her wrist with her other hand. Ian was by her side, examining it also.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“Yes.” Her voice came out crackly.

“Let’s get you home. I can only take you three with all the equipment I have in the car. Ian, could you drive the young lady home in your rental for me?”

Kayla watched as Ian turned quickly to Logan.

“Sure,” he replied, looking back at her, “if it’s all right with Kayla.”

Kayla nodded as he released her.

“Are you sure that she will be safe? Not that I don’t trust you, mister, it’s just that we don’t know you,” Julia asked.

“Yes, I will get your friend home safely,” Ian assured Julia.

When he spoke those words, deep in her heart, Kayla believed him. She trusted him. She trusted a man whom she didn’t know. What a night this had turned out to be.





All in the same night for the same man and not one drink to put this on. Kayla laughed at the thought.

Julia came up to her, hugging her quickly. “Call me tomorrow, okay, Kay?”

“I will. Promise!”

“Bye, Kayla,” both Noah and Amanda said in unison.

“What a way to enjoy our blue room,” Noah added.

“We can try it again later, and hope that Tyler will not be with us to fuck it up,” Amanda said.

Another time? There was no way she was coming back here with Tyler or any other place with him. Tyler fucked up their night with his jealousy. He was not the man she wanted to have in her life. She didn’t need a man who thought that if she smiled or said hi to another man that they would have sex. No, Tyler would no longer be considered for any type of relationship with her besides work. After this, she would put him on nightshift so that they wouldn’t have to see each other during the day.

“Nice to meet you, Kayla,” Logan broke her thoughts. “Come, you guys. Let’s get you home.”

“Nice to meet you, Logan.” Kayla watched her friends follow Logan down the staircase. She sighed, not knowing how tonight had gone from a good night to this hell.

“You ready to leave?” Ian asked.

“Yeah, I really need to get into bed.” Kayla slapped her hand over her mouth for a second. “I don’t know why I said that that way.”

Ian tilted his head and smiled at her. “You wanted me to picture you in the bed I’m guessing?”

Kayla knew that Ian couldn’t see her turning red, but she felt the heat rising to her face. “That’s not how I meant it.”

Ian only laughed, grabbed her hand, and led her out of the club.

* * * *

Logan would pay for what he planned. Ian knew that his brother only drove the others home and saying he didn’t have room for Kayla because he wanted to make him drive Kayla home alone. Sneaky bastard. Payback is a bitch.

The moment Kayla entered his car, he knew her scent would forever be imprinted in him. She didn’t carry the scent of a regular human, but she didn’t smell like any creature or being he knew. She had a mystical scent about her. Like someone had some type of spell on her.

Unlike on the floor where she teased him, Kayla didn’t talk much on the ride home, only telling him the directions to her home.

“So, what do you do for a living, Kayla?” he asked, breaking the ice again.

“I’m a vet. My business is right beside my home.”

“That’s a great business for out here. I may have to tell my brother about you.”

“Who is your brother?”


“Oh, he has pets?”

“Yes. He breeds horses. Do you care for horses also?”

“I do. I make house calls, too.”

“I’ll let him know about that. He needs a good vet. Are you from Florida, Kayla?”

“I am. My parents are lawyers in West Palm Beach. They are very good attorneys.”

“Lawyers? Hmmm, I better be careful and not do anything bad to their daughter that would get me sued.” Kayla’s laughter made his heart swell with joy. He was happy he could make her feel good even after Tyler’s lashing out at her.

“No, they are not worrying about what someone is doing to me. They are more worried about what I’m

“What do you mean, Kayla?”

Kayla leaned her head back against the car seat and let out a loud sigh. She looked at him. “My parents bought me my home the day I graduated high school. They thought that I would get into law, but when I went to vet school, they took it as a phase. I was being a normal teenager, my father told my mom. He told her not to say anything, and it would pass. When I opened my business, they wanted to disown me, I think. They are so pissed that I would rather look after animals than defend someone.”

The excitement of her earlier laughter faded, depression quickly replacing her joy as she spoke to him. Kayla didn’t know it, but her emotions were so strong they showed in her voice. She was happy talking about being a vet, but the moment she spoke about being a lawyer, her emotions changed to hurt and pain. Her voice crackled with each word she spoke.

Had her parents made her feel that she had taken the wrong direction? Parents have to understand that a child has to take the path that they know is the right path. Kayla probably would have been a great lawyer, but if her heart didn’t lead her in that direction, then she wouldn’t be very good at it.

Ian reached over, grabbed her hand, wanting to comfort her. He expected her to pull away, but she didn’t. Instead, she smiled and squeezed tighter, almost as if she welcomed the contact. No, as if she needed the contact. She projected more need over wanting his touch.

“Don’t let that worry you, Kayla. You have to do what makes
happy. You can’t let others lead your life, or make you do things that make you unhappy. If you love being a vet, then be a vet.”

“Thanks, Ian. I needed to hear that.”

Ian kept his fingers entwined with hers. He had just told her what his friends and especially his brother had been telling him about Meagan for years now. Meagan didn’t make him happy, so why did he stay with her? If Meagan wanted to go out and be a whore, then why not let her go if he couldn’t please her? He didn’t need to live the rest of his immortal life hurt and wondering whose cock his girlfriend would take next. He wanted out and would get out if Meagan didn’t change and soon.

They drove the rest of the way in silence as he thought about how unhappy he really was with his life.

As they pulled up into Kayla’s driveway, he finally released her hand. Ian couldn’t get a real visual of the home in the dark, but he could tell it was a two story, log cabin type of home. There was another building next door to it. It must be the clinic she spoke of.

Ian cut off the car, got out and opened the door for Kayla. As he walked her up to the home, the security lights came on when she stepped onto the porch.

That’s when he got a perfect view of Kayla.


That was the only word he could come up with. She had light brown eyes that sparkled in the light. They showed her innocenceand at the same time, her compassion to help others. She had her curly brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, giving the perfect view of her face. He lifted his hand, touching the side of her face. He expected her to pull away, but she didn’t, just like when he grabbed her hand in the car, she craved his touch. Her gaze locked with his and he could see the story of her unhappiness in her eyes, but just behind that was something that she held back that wanted to be released. A beast, in a human? What type of beast was Kayla holding back?

Kayla placed her hand on top of his and leaned into his touch.

“I couldn’t help touching you,” he spoke softly. “I couldn’t get a good view of you in the club, but you are beautiful, Kayla.”

Kayla smiled at him. “I have to tell you that those lights in the club didn’t do you any justice.”

Ian chuckled before removing his hand. “Kayla, I usually don’t just do this, but it’s like I’m compelled to. How about I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?” The words left his lips before he could stop them.

Kayla looked into his eyes and nodded. “That would be great, but there aren’t many places around here that I enjoy eating from. How about I cook you dinner here?”

Bad, bad, bad, idea. Kayla didn’t know she was only moments away from being seduced, to her being naked beneath him and now she wanted to spend an entire evening in a home alone with him? In a restaurant, he could concentrate on others around them and make friendly conversation about things. In the privacy of her home, he would only think about her, naked, in bed and moaning for him to make her cum.

With just the thought of that, his cock twitched with excitement. How in the hell would he make it through the night without making love to her? Taking a deep breath, he knew he couldn’t say no to her making him dinner, but how could he say no to taking her to bed? This would be the longest night of his life.

Against his better judgment, he nodded. “Sure Kayla. I would love to have dinner here with you. I’ll be here around eight. Is that a good time?”

“Perfect. Goodnight, Ian, and I will see you at eight.”

“Goodnight, Kayla.”

He watched Kayla fish her keys out of her purse and unlock her door. She pushed the door open, but didn’t go inside. Kayla twirled and stared at him, eyes showing all of her emotions in them.

Ian couldn’t turn away. He couldn’t just walk away when she wanted him. His hand shot out, wrapped around her waist, and pulled her back to him. He brushed his lips against hers, softly at first, trying to see if he had stepped over the boundaries.

Kayla wrapped her arms around his neck, and he took that as a sign and deepened the kiss. He slid his tongue in her warm mouth, tasting her for the first time. Her taste exploded into his mouth. A taste forever planted in his soul. A taste he would never forget. He craved Kayla, wanted her with every ounce of being in his soul.

Kayla pressed against his body, and the moment she did, his body responded, hardening in mere seconds. How could this woman make him respond to her in ways he was able to control with other women? He wasn’t some eighteen-year-old boy who got hard every time the wind blew. This woman took all of his control away from him, replacing it with blinding need.

Ian had to stop this kiss before it spiraled out of control. He couldn’t take her to his bed. Not so quickly. He wanted to, but he also liked to get to know his women a little better.

Kayla moaned deep in her throat, the smell of her cream made it harder for him to control himself. His hands had a mind of their own. One hand slid down her back. Feeling her shiver, he gripped her ass, pulling her closer to his body, grinding against her. His cock needed release and very soon.

BOOK: DarkHunger
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