Darkness Falls (Tales of the Wolf) (38 page)

BOOK: Darkness Falls (Tales of the Wolf)
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Galvorn could feel the blood rushing to his manhood but still he hesitated. “Lalith…”

Her eyes flashed with annoyance and when she next spoke, her tone was more of a command instead of invitation. “Join me…now.”

Galvorn felt his body drop the sword and climb back into the pool of its own accord. Foot by foot until he was standing close to the dark elf sorceress. Close enough that he could feel her perfect breast on his bare chest while her hands caressed his torso.

Lalith smiled. “Take me.”

Galvorn could feel her hands on his manhood. “Mother…this is wrong.”

Lalith jerked back and her eyes flashed again. “Why must I be your mother? Why can’t I just be a woman who desire to be with a man? Am I not beautiful?”

“Yes, beyond comparison.”

“Then, why won’t you take me? I can tell you want to.”

“This isn’t right. You are my mother.”

Lalith frowned. If anything, Galvorn thought it made her look sexier.

She ran one finger up the center of his chest to his chin. “You realize I could compel you.”

“Yes…yes I do. To be honest, it wouldn’t be difficult for you to do so. You are the most exquisite creature I have ever seen.”

“Then why will you not enter me?”

“It is not right. It is forbidden.”

“By who? The Trôika? The Dhyana? We no longer serve them.”

Galvorn shook his head. “No. It is forbidden by my own personal code. The standard I hold myself to is higher than those of the average warrior.”

Lalith leapt forward and gave him a passionate kiss that nearly broke his resolve but in the end, Galvorn the Shadow remained true to himself.

Breaking the kiss, Lalith stepped back. She was in a quandary. She desired the young Blademaster but was unwilling to compel him. This both frustrated her and made her proud. Only one other man had been able to resist her charms and that was her son’s teacher.

“Very well, I will respect your wishes but since I can’t have my newest Blademaster all aroused and nothing to do…” Lalith clapped her hands twice. Two of the prettiest slave girls from earlier rushed in and dropped to their knees beside the sorceress. “Pleasure him. Take care of his every need, those spoken and unspoken.”

“Yes mistress,” they replied in unison.

Galvorn furrowed his brow. “But…but…”

Lalith raised one hand. “Shh…this is my gift to you. Tonight is all about your pleasure. Enjoy it, soon enough the morning sun will rise and I will be sending you into the wilds to do my bidding.”

Without another word, Lalith climbed out of the pool and pulled on her robe. The last glimpse she had of her son was of the two slave girls doing to his body all the things she had longed to do to him. Storming back to her own chambers, Lalith grabbed the three closest slaves and compelled them to pleasure her. However, considering her mood she acted just like the female black widow spider and killed each slave just as they climaxed. With each kill, she drew in the slaves’ life force and added it to her own in order to power her magic. It wasn’t until the third slave’s dried up husk of a corpse fell to the side that she finally felt sated.

Now if only Mortharona would return from his mission, she could really have some fun.

Chapter 41

The rising sun found Khlekluëllin astride Halhulingrath flying high above the Elfho
lm, much to the dismay of the Elven Council. As soon as the Queen’s Regent had them ensconced and working on the logistics of the kingdom, he taken off to scout the borders of the elven homeland. The mighty dragon and its rider had already skirted the western border and from their height, Khlekluëllin could see the breakwaters off the islands the dwarfs had claimed as their new homeland. He longed to fly to them and visit with Midach Bonecrusher but duty held him fast to the task ahead and they had shifted their bearings to the northern borders.

It wasn’t long before they reached the Wall, the great barrier cliffs that separated the Highlands from the Southlands. Hal had begun to turn east but Khlekluëllin urged him northward until they were past the Wall in over the Highlands. In fact, they were flying over the Daggers, a desolate region of the north that connected the fallen kingdom of Darkmoor with the Highlands.

More importantly to Khlekluëllin, it was the site of his sister’s last moments on Terreth. Tatianna had joined her husband Hawkeye and a small army of Highlanders on this desolate spot. Outnumbered, they fought the larger Dark Alliance army to a standstill. Knowing they had a chance to end the war, the two lovers fought Lalith and Blackfang with spell and blade. Unfortunately, for all of Terreth, Tatianna and Hawkeye were killed along with the young child of prophecy.

Khlekluëllin had never gotten to meet his nephew before he died. With the Chosen One gone, the free people of Terreth were ultimately lost. For according to the prophecy, only he could gather the legendary Nine that would defeat the One. Just being nearby this site made Khlekluëllin sad. He had lost a good friend in Hawkeye that day and to make matters worse, he knew that his killers still roamed free. One day he would avenge them, this he knew but not now, not today. At this current phase in his life, he had to consider the safety and well-being of all the elves over any personal needs or desires.

Khlekluëllin nudged his steed east, the graceful air dragon banked his body and soon they were over the southern region of the Highlands. Suddenly, Hal was climbing frantically and would not respond to any of his commands. “What in the name of Terra are you doing?”


“Hiding? Hiding from what?”

Halhulingrath leveled out his flight after they were hidden in the heavy clouds.
*Not a what, a who.*

“What? I mean, who are you talking about?”

*You didn’t see him? Of course not, your eyes are not strong enough. Close your eyes and look with me.*

Khlekluëllin had done this before and closed his eyes. Through his link with the blue dragon, his head became filled with visions as Halhulingrath poked his head below the clouds.

*    *    *   *    *

Mortharona climbed down off of his steed and gazed out over the troops spread out before them. The orc legions were all properly cowed and on their knees. Mortharona wished he could say it was because he was here but it was not that. Turning to look at his steed and the traitorous elf knew why they were intimidated, Astaroth.

Astaroth was Void dragon and he was massive. His scales were black as night and his claws were the size of longswords. Mortharona guessed that he was nearly double the size of his brother’s pet dragon.

Astaroth’s serpentine neck allowed him to bring his wagon-sized head to bear on his rider. “Do not think this changes anything between us elf, the moment the Dark Lady orders your death, it will be the last moment of your life.”

As the enormous dragon spoke, his long tongue flicked in and out between dagger-sized teeth. Turning his head toward the gathered orc chieftains, Astaroth added, “Until then, just say the word and I will devour them…happily.”

Mortharona absentmindedly fingered the necklace Lalith had given him. Supposedly, it would block the mindreading ability of the dragon and block the scent that elder dragons released which produced fear in mortals. Mortharona hoped it worked because he didn’t feel the bluster he put in his retort. “Not just yet Astaroth. At the moment, the Dark Lady needs these peons. Besides, I’m curious to hear why they summoned us.”

“As you wish.” Astaroth lowered his head with a snort and made a huge ordeal of running his long tongue along his dagger-sized teeth. Only two of the Orc Chieftains held their ground but they were shaking with fear.

Mortharona took a moment, unhooked his helmet and hung it on the horn of his saddle next to his lance. Now that he had flown on a dragon with a proper saddle, it had changed his mind about dragonflight. It was exhilarating. Bringing his mind back to the task at hand, Mortharona faced the chieftains.

“Now what seems to be the problem?”

*    *    *   *    *

Halhulingrath broke the connection and climbed higher into the clouds.

*That was the Great Destructor.*

Khlekluëllin rubbed his chin with one hand. “Never heard of him.”

*You would not have but he is infamous
among my kind. He left the teachings of Terra behind long ago.*

“Astaroth is a Void dragon, correct?”

*Yes and as far as I know, he is the only one left. He has been destroying dragons, nests and eggs whenever and wherever he can find them.*

“Why would he be serving Mortharona?”

*That I do not know but rest assured, wherever Astaroth flies, death and destruction are not too far behind.*

Khlekluëllin nodded. “I’ve seen enough. Let’s head home. It is clear the Dark Alliance is planning another, even larger invasion.”

Halhulingrath didn’t answer but Khlekluëllin felt his friend bank south and pick up speed as he flapped his mighty wings.

*    *    *   *    *

Derek Ironhand did not even wait for the knarr to be tied off before he leapt from the boat. Landing heavily on the dock, the dwarf took off running. Weaving in and out of traffic on the busy docks, he made a beeline for the King in Exile. Like it or not, Ozymandias was their new home. Originally a small outpost on a remote chain of islands off the western coast. The island was dominated by a dormant volcano, which made the ground rich and fertile. It had long been a favorite hunting and gardening spot for the dwarfs but now, it was their home.

Derek rushed past the busy artisans. If there was one thing he could say about his people, they weren’t lazy. Yes, they were saddened by their exile but until they could return home, they were going to make Ozymandias as comfortable as possible. They had already enlarged the docks and built numerous buildings along the port. In a few short years, it had gone from a small outpost to a bustling city.

Derek burst into the unfinished throne room unannounced. “My king!”

Midach Bonecrusher looked up from the construction plans and waved away the engineers the moment he
recognized his visitor. “Derek Ironhand! By the black beard of Bromios what urgent business has pulled you away from Crannog?”

Derek dropped to one knee and forced himself to take several deep breaths. “The Dark Alliance is on the move. By all accounts from the Highlander scouts, this force is far larger than the last invasion force.”

Midach nodded and waved his old friend up. Pulling out a map of Terreth he said, “Come. Tell me every detail you can remember.”

Derek Ironhand talked for hours while Midach made many notes. Finally the young king spoke.

“Close the port. From this moment on, search every ship arriving no matter how small. Every fishing vessel must have a military escort and the number of our patrol ships doubled. Pull the construction crews from every non-military project and redouble the workers on the fortress.”

Derek looked up at his king. “Can we not alert our allies?”

“Nay, I will not risk a single warship.”

“But sire, the humans need to know.”

“They will learn soon enough.”

“But sire…”

Midach slowly shook his head. “Derek, I empathize with your request but honestly, if the Dark Alliance attacked Ozymandias, we would be hard pressed to defend it. Our fortifications are far from complete and our stores are vastly depleted.”

Derek nodded. “Aye sire, I understand.”

Midach placed one hand on his friend and oldest advisor. “Know this, I will rest more comfortably knowing that you are here.”

“Thank you sire, I will do my best.”

Midach turned back to the task at hand and added, “That is all the Gods can ask of us.”

*    *    *   *    *

Darnac awakened to someone forcing water from a flask passed his sunburned lips and into his parched throat. The Blademaster held the cool water in his mouth for a few moments and slowly drank small portions of it. While he was doing that, his unseen benefactor was rubbing some foul smelling ointment all over his face. If Darnac had to guess, it smelled like fermented pig urine but he wasn’t sure. The one thing he was sure was the fact that after the initial sting as it was applied, it seemed to have a cooling effect on his skin.

Darnac licked his lips and tried to speak. “Thanks, whoever you are.”

“Shh,” came a harsh guttural voice in his ear. “Blackfang has guards all over the place.”

Darnac blinked and tried to focus on his benefactor. He could tell that it was nearly dawn from the lightening of the sky but he’d lost count at the days. “Who…who are you.”

The wereboar shifted positions until his boarish head was directly in front of the dark elf. “I am Odovacar.”

“Why? Why would you help me?”

Odovacar fed him a few pieces of waybread. “Hawkeye always spoke highly of you.”

Darnac chewed the salty rations greedily. “I remember him. It was a sad day when he fell.”

Odovacar nodded and his eyes filled with tears at the memory. He poured more water into the dark elf’s mouth. “Know this, Blackfang doesn’t want you. Well, that is not true…he wants you dead but not before Lalith arrives.”

“She will not come.”

“For your sake, I hope that you are wrong.” Odovacar bolted upright and sniffed the air. “Shh…company. I’ll return when it’s safe.”

Without another word, the hulking wereboar disappeared into the early morning mists that covered the valley. It wasn’t long before Darnac heard the sounds of approaching troops. He could tell they were orcs long before he saw them since their stench filled the valley. 

Moments later, Blackfang stepped out of the cave that was hidden underneath the dragon skull. “Skullcrusher, you are late. That is not a good sign.”

The black skinned orc stepped forward and into Darnac’s line of sight. He was a big bastard. Dressed in furs, the orc carried a huge club and shield. “Blackfang, we had to take the long way around. The elf arrived on the back of a black dragon.”

That got Blackfang’s attention. “Really? Mortharona and Astaroth? Together? Lalith must be more worried about her troops than I thought.” The werewolf pulled out a flask and handed it to the orc chieftain. “How many did you bring with you?”

Skullcrusher took a long swig before passing it back. “Two cohorts. I had several others ready to come with us but the arrival of the dragon and the elf caused them to change their minds. They would rather serve an elf than wage war. They are weaklings.”

Blackfang was disappointed at the low numbers of troops but tried to not let it show. It was not too long ago that he would have reached out and throttled the black-skinned orc just for being late. However, between the bracers given to him by Kâlikâ and the swords he had liberated from Darnac, Blackfang was thinking clearly and tactically. As much as he hated orcs, he needed them if he was going to take over the Dark Alliance.

“That is fine Skullcrusher, if they don’t want to join in our glory then they can perish by it. Have your troops get some rest. We march on Krantos in two days.”

The orc chieftain beamed at the thought of the impending slaughter. “As you command Wolflord.”

The scarred werewolf loved hearing that title once more and returned to his
stronghold. With the additional thousand soldiers the orc chieftain had brought with him, Blackfang now had enough men to begin his own campaign of terror.

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