Darkness Falls (Tales of the Wolf) (42 page)

BOOK: Darkness Falls (Tales of the Wolf)
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Chapter 48

There are moments in every person’s life that are burned into your memory. Your first kill, be it deer, boar or man. The birth of your first child, the first time you fly on the back of a dragon, the first time you hear the mournful cries of a wolfpack in winter. These are the moments that define a person’s life.

For Graytael, Annabelle’s death and his failure to rescue her had been that moment.

Until now.

Time seemed to stand still for him as everything about this one moment was forever seared into his psyche. He could hear the painful moans from those trapped in the rubble and the clash of metal on metal as Odovacar and Chikk fought the Hok’ee. He could feel the steady breeze coming off the cliff. But most of all, he was aware of two things, his brother’s life lay in his hands and the screams of Tamina as Blackfang drove one of the Swords of Destiny through her stomach.

Something snapped inside Gray. Some mental barrier or dam he had subconsciously created long ago and power flooded his body. His chest burned and his vision narrowed. Pushing himself up with one hand, he literally threw Galvorn back onto the ledge. Turning with a growl, he leapt onto Blackfang with all the ferocity of a lynx. He lashed out with his bare hands and scored deep gashes on Blackfang’s chest.

The werewolf was stunned but was far from beaten and counterattacked.

Nevertheless, Gray moved with the grace of a puma, the ferocity of a wolverine and the intelligence of a wolf as he dodged and rolled, leapt and slashed at Blackfang. Once Gray even bit the arm of the black furred werewolf as he tried to grab him in a chokehold.

Blackfang threw him aside and snarled. “Who are you? Your smell is familiar but I cannot place it.”

Gray began to circle the werewolf just as a wolfpack circles its prey. He could tell that the werewolf was critically wounded and stalling for time. “You killed my father.”

“So, I’ve killed hundreds over the years. That tells me nothing.”

Out of the corner of his eyes, the normal mindset of Gray noticed that even though Galvorn seemed injured, he had scooped up a sword and was just waiting for the chance to strike. The wolf mindset
recognized this also and shifted his pattern.

“How can you not know your own flesh and blood?”

That gave pause to Blackfang. “What? What do you mean? Are you one of my whelps? I cannot remember every woman I raped. Although I don’t recall letting any of them live.”

Gray’s circling was getting smaller and smaller. The pool of blood under Blackfang’s feet had grown large enough that he had stepped back to get better footing. Which it brought him closer to the cliff edge and to the young Blademaster. “Yes, she lived. Long enough to give birth to me before sacrificing herself for my sake.”

Blackfang kept one hand across the gash in his stomach. He feared that if he removed it, his guts would spill out. “You aren’t making any sense. First, you say I killed your father now I killed your mother.”

Gray stopped circling, stood tall and walked forward. “No, Lalith killed my mother and one day she will pay for it. You killed my father and now it is time to return the favor…uncle.”

Even as the light of recognition flared in Blackfang’s eyes, the two Sicárii attacked.

*    *    *   *    *

Galvorn’s left shoulder was dislocated, of that he was certain but nothing was going to keep him from helping Isengrim. Grabbing the closest sword which just so happened to be Miseria, the half-dark elf waited for his one shot. When he heard Grim’s confession, he nearly fumbled his attack. However, his training kicked in and he thrust with all his might up through the kidneys and lodged the enchanted blade deep into the werewolf’s ribcage.

Gray leapt forward and landed on all fours on his uncle’s chest. Both hands sprouted claws and he drove them into the werewolf’s neck. Grabbed Blackfang’s throat, he ripped it clear out of his body.

However, Gray was not done. Pushing off with all of his might, he propelled Blackfang’s dying corpse over the edge. What he did not take into consideration was the fact that Galvorn was still behind the dying werewolf. Nor did he realize how much stronger he was at this time.

Landing as nimble as a cat, Gray watched as father and son teetered on the brink of the cliff for a brief second. Before he could rush forward, they were gone.

*    *    *   *    *

As the last of the Hok’ee fell to the blades of Odovacar and Chikk, the wereboar turned in time to watch Blackfang and Galvorn fall into the misty valley below. He could feel the walls of his sanity already starting to close in on him but for the moment, his adrenaline kept it at bay.

Odovacar walked over to the boulder that held Darnac captive and knelt down so that he was nearly eye level. “I’m sorry my friend. I had hoped to coerce Berengar into reversing the spell but alas, I was forced to kill him.”

Darnac tried to wet his parched lips. “It is fine. I have walked many paths and had many adventures over the centuries. I guess there is only one adventure left to experience. Perhaps I will see Hawkeye again.”

Odovacar nodded. “Perhaps.”

Chikk moved up to her lover. Caressing his chin with one hand, she interlocked her fingers into his. “You aren’t getting out of our agreement that easily.”

Darnac blinked his eyes. “Wha…what?”

Chikk just smiled, closed her eyes and shadow-stepped. The difference was, this time she still had a hold of Darnac and dragged him into the shadow corridor with her. She only moved a few feet but it was enough to pull him out of the boulder. His equipment was not so lucky. Anything that was stuck in the boulder that wasn’t a part of his skin, stayed there including his clothes and the silver beaded necklace of submission.

Chikk pulled off her cloak and wrapped it around his waist. “There lover, that will have to do for now.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Darnac grinned. He was free. Not only of the boulder but also of Lalith.

Chikk planted a passionate kiss on him. “Thanks would be nice for starters.”

“Thanks. How did you manage all this?”

Chikk shook her head. “I had excellent help. Galvorn, Grim and Tamina.”

“Where are they?”

Darnac looked around but his cheerful mood evaporated when he spied Isengrim kneeling over the body of Tamina. From the blood near the edge of the cliff and the lack of their bodies, the Blademaster instinctively knew what had happened to his favorite pupil and his father. The three survivors limped over to the half-elf’s side. It was obvious that Tamina was dead but the Weaponsmaster held her tight as tears flowed down his face.

Darnac knelt down and placed one hand on Isengrim’s shoulder. “She’s gone son. You did all you could.”

Gray looked up and locked eyes with his mentor. “I failed her. Just like I did Annabelle all those years ago.”

Darnac did not know what he was referring to but it was obvious that this young man was carrying a heavy burden and the Blademaster understood burdens.

“Yes, there will be times we fail to save those we love but then, they are responsible for their own path. The one certainty in life is we are not getting out of it alive. We all have our own path to walk. If you are lucky or blessed, you will find someone to walk beside you for a good ways. Others will only be with us for a short time. Take joy in their company, grieve their loss but do not let it deter you from your path.”

For some reason, Gray understood what his mentor was trying to say and saw the truth in his words. He realized long ago that his path was chosen for him. But now, he had a revelation. The gods might have set him on this path but it was up to him to walk it. However, before that, he needed to clear up something first.

Gray glanced up at Chikk with tear-filled eyes. “Blackfang said something about Mouse right before he ran her through. Something about my scent inside her. He didn’t mean….”

Chikk nodded. “Yes, she was with child. Your child.”

“But…but, she never…”

Chikk shifted her gaze over to the Blademaster. “I know, I know. It’s not an easy thing to tell someone.”

Gray was about to say something more when four score of orcs moved into sight. They were battered and bloody but looked more than ready to fight. Gray gently laid Tamina down and pulled
from her body. Without a word, he reverse the Sword of Destiny and offered it hilt first to his Kënnári.

Darnac received the enchanted blade with a simple nod, threw off the cloak and assumed a defensive stance. Chikk readied her silver cutlass and Odovacar brought his flaming claymore up to a guard position. Each of them were tired, wounded and outnumbered but they would not give up. Gray took a step forward but faltered when his enhanced hearing caught the sounds of something that no one else had taken into consideration.

“Throw down your weapons and depart. I have no quarrel with you.”

An extra ugly orc moved forward a step. “Sheep have no quarrel with the butcher. They just die.”

With a flick of his wrist, Gray’s silver claws snapped into place. “Last chance, surrender and live. Resist and die.”

The orc chieftain roared and his companions joined them.

“So be it.” Gray turned his back on the orcs and rejoined his companions.

Before the orcs could take one-step towards them, Motomo, son of Orca, and his wolfpack crashed onto the orcs like waves crashing onto the rocks. But the wolves weren’t alone, they had brought friends. Bears, wolverines, badgers, lynxes, foxes, ravens, pumas and owls all joined in the attack.

The orcs didn’t have a chance.

Odovacar looked at the attacking animals back to the son of his lost friend and dropped to one knee. “
It’s you.”

Gray nodded.

Darnac blinked in disbelief. What he was seeing should not be happening but it was. The Blademaster reached out, grabbed his student’s shoulder and spun him around. “Who are you?”

“My given name is Graytael and I am the son of Kamots Hawkeye and Tatianna Amarth. I am the Chosen One. The child of prophecy.”

“By the gods.” Darnac dropped to both knees. “The son of Hawkeye lives.”

“It can’t be possible.” Chikk clapped both hands over her mouth. “You’re supposed to be dead.”

Gray’s companions certainly had plenty of questions but they had to wait as a black and grey furred wolf broke away from the army of animals. Motomo padded over to Gray’s feet and lowered his head in a very human form of respect. Gray knelt down and reached out to scratch behind the old wolf’s ear. After a moment, the old wolf licked him once on the hand and turned back to his waiting pack. One by one, every animal came forward and offered a token of respect to him. When they were done, the animals left the valley and returned to their homes.

Chapter 49

Far below, Amani and Dancer watched the battle play out. They really had no idea who was fighting or why. But the white eagle had brought them here for a reason. Suddenly, they saw two dark forms falling. One was certainly a werewolf but the other they weren’t too certain since he was wearing dark clothes.

They landed in the middle of the river with a mightily splash. The white eagle launched itself and flew circles over the drifting bodies. Both Highlanders dove into the cold water and swam out to rescue them. Dancer grabbed the werewolf and dragged him back to shore even though he could tell that he was dead.

Amani on the other hand, grabbed the young warrior and pulled him ashore long before she realized that he was a dark elf. Memories of Red Eagle dying at the hands of that dark elf witch Lalith filled her mind and she fumbled for her knife. If he were not dead from the fall, he soon would be. Even as Amani raised her knife high, the white eagle landed on the chest of the dark elf and screeched at her. It was enough to stay her hand but she stumbled backwards in disbelief.

“Hey…this is Blackfang,” called Dancer.

That caught her attention. Amani moved over to the werewolf and looked at his scarred face. Dancer was right. “Why would a dark elf kill Blackfang?”

Dancer shrugged. “No idea. But I’m not going to complain that he’s dead.”

“No, me neither but it doesn’t make sense.” She jerked her head toward the limp form of the dark elf. The white eagle was still sitting on his chest. “What do you make of that?”


“Yes. I want to know what you think that means.”

Dancer swallowed. “If we believe that the raptor was sent by Luna to guide us, which given everything that has happened in the last few days I have to believe, then the message is simple. We were brought here to rescue him.”

“Drat. That’s what I thought also. But why? Why a dark elf?”

Dancer shook his head and placed a confronting hand on her shoulder. “I not sure but let’s bind his feet, hands and mouth and get him back in the boat.”

Dancer gave Blackfang’s corpse a little shove back into the fast moving current. “There, let him feed the fishes.”

The two Highlanders finished binding the unconscious dark elf and following the guidance of the white eagle, steered themselves back onto the river.

*    *    *   *    *

High atop the cliff, Odovacar felt his sanity starting to fade once more. Pulling free his claymore, he presented it hilt first to Graytael.

“I would pledge my sword to your cause but since the madness will soon take me again, I can only offer you my sword. Use it in my name. Avenge your father for me. He was a great friend.”

Reluctantly, Gray accepted the sword. “My thanks Odovacar. I wish we had more time. There are so many questions I have about my father that only you can answer.”

Odovacar pulled off the harness that held the scabbard for the claymore and dropped them at his feet. “Maybe one day. Do not lose hope. Into every darkness some light must shine. Be that light.”

Darnac grasped forearms with the wereboar and Chikk gave him a brief hug. “Where will you go?”

“I have my own quest.” The wereboar snorted, turned towards the cliff and jumped off.

Chikk shrieked and Darnac shook his head.

“That cliff is cursed.”

Gray stood up, sheathed the claymore before leaning it against a nearby boulder. Quietly, without asking for help he picked up Tamina’s corpse and carried her to the exact spot on the cliff that had taken his brother, his uncle and now his father’s friend. Laying her down gently, he placed her hands across her chest with a dagger in one hand and a gold coin on her tongue. Leaning forward, he kissed her one last time and place one hand on the wound that killed their unborn child.

“I’m sorry that I failed you both. Know that as long as I’m alive, you will both live in my memories.”

Silently, Gray began to pile stones over her body.

Chikk moved forward to help but Darnac held her back. This was something Gray had to do on his own. It was his way of saying goodbye and they would not intrude. By the time he was done, Darnac was dressed in ragged clothes that he had stripped from the dead. “Now what?”

Gray cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“What are your plans?”

“I’m going back.”

“By the black blade of Nox, why?”

“Right now, it is the path I choose to walk. I am the Lüdüs Weaponsmaster. The lives of all the students rests on my shoulders. If they are not ready by next year, Lalith will have them all put to death for my failure. I cannot let that happen.”

Darnac slowly nodded. “I understand. They are your Onus now. I wish you luck.”

Chikk interjected, “Isn’t it too dangerous for you to go back?”


“I mean, given who you are.”

“I am still Isengrim or better yet, from this moment on, I am the Grimstalker.”

“But it’s too dangerous for you.”

Gray offered the beautiful pirate a half-hearted grin. “A wise swordsman once told me, that I should keep my friends close and my enemies closer. Where’s closer than serving the witch that killed my mother?”

Darnac grinned. “So true but be careful, she is crafty and shrewd.”

“I have served you both for a dozen years and never slipped up. I will not reveal myself to her until I am ready.”

“So be it. Although, I do have one favor to ask.”

“Name it.”

“Do you best to leave me and Chikk out of your report. I might have a score to settle with Lalith but at the moment, I want some peace and quiet.”

Gray cocked his head to one side before looking around. “I’m not sure what you are talking about. I was the only one alive who walked out of this valley.” He lifted the flaming claymore of Odovacar to enhance point. “Do you really think she will doubt my word?”

“No, not really. Good luck my friend.”

Chikk leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “For luck.” Turning back to her lover, she once again grabbed his hand and together they disappeared into the shadows.

Gray looked around. He was alone. For the first time in a long time, he was completely and utterly alone. Moving over to Tamina’s grave, he sat down and cried once more.

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