Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen (3 page)

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Authors: Ariadna Marrero Saavedra

BOOK: Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen
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“With this, what you are telling me is that I am some sort of savior?”

“Something like that.”

“Guys, I really am enjoying your company but I must go.”

“Of course, professor”, said Eric with a splendid smile on his face, “We will be leaving now, have a good evening.”

We left the comfortable house of the professor and we started to stroll through the narrow and deserted streets of the small city. Everything that I had just bee
n told seem surreal. I could not believe that this was happening to me; I had many doubts to resolve.

hat do I have that others don´t in order to save the kingdom?”

“Decision, bravery, courage, loyalty and a great concern to preserve the things you love.”

“How do you know that that describes me?”

“I simply know”, after saying this with such certainly and conviction, he smiled sweetly leaving me speechless for a few instants. When I recovered my composure, I looked towards the ground so as not to be distracted and continued asking questions.

“Who is my father?”

“Nobody know
s, only your mother and she has never told a soul.”

“And if I am not the girl in the prophecy? What if I cannot save your world?

“Correction, our world. Don´t forget that you are now on the inside. Of course it is you. If not, then who?

“What relationship is there between Gabriel and you?”

“You will see that in our society the strongest bond that exists is the power between siblings. Your brother or sister is your link, your connection with everything that surrounds you. Centuries ago everyone had siblings, they fought and lived together. Siblings are of the same blood and with them you can share things that you cannot with just anyone, like powers or distinct types of communication. But, nowadays that connection is weakening; families are separating, there are some who have decided that their destiny is not to fight for Earth´s survival and they leave, breaking the bond with their family. Still, the most common cause is the death of one, or both, of the brothers. My brother Ezequiel died a short time ago. Before searching for you with Gabriel, I did it with my brother, but after his death, he continued concentrated. You see, all the sons of the night must have a support partner in battle and in daily life, in order to be helped in case of danger. He was designated by the kingdom to be my partner and we help each other in everything we can, although the mutual trust is not our strong point. The connections between brothers can be through any part of the body, visible or not. They can also be from the inner being.

“What does this connection consist of?”

“Each one is different, for example, Gabriel and I, have powers that act through our gaze and the power of this link is similar to your own, you complement each other. Mine, for example, is to know the minds of people, I can know their past, their present and I can modify it as I desire if I wish to, although I don´t tend to do so. I can make you not remember anything, add memories that are not your own, and even slightly modify your instant thoughts, but that is a lot of work. Now I am working upon seeing instant thoughts.”

“What power does Gabriel have?”

“He hypnotizes you, bewitches you, he can make you do as he wishes, even against your will. That is why we both have profound and fixed stares; often we scan the mental profile of people without even realizing that we have done it. I act in the mind and he in the will of the people and although they are different, in order that our power work, there must exist eye contact.”

“Impressive, can I ask you a question?

But before he answered, he came carefully close to me; he took my head in his hands and started to speak to me in a low voice.

“Precious one, I know that you have many questions, but they can´t be answered all in one night” he looked at me in fun, “I shouldn´t do what I am about to do, but that makes it all the more kinky and emotive. They say that the best way to free oneself from a temptation is to fall into it.”

He took action straight away, kissing
me; it was absolutely marvelous and full of pleasure. An explosion of feelings enveloped me, making me move much closer to him. I noted his forced breathing and his heart racing against my chest. He was sweeter and more sensitive than Gabriel, but little by little it intensified. It seemed as though he was burning up in his mouth, his sweet lips, thirsty… he pulled away from me briskly, looking at me with intensity impossible to describe, then he disappeared. For a moment I felt frustrated, both of them were really good at disappearing right at the most inopportune moment. I remained there for a moment, still, with my heart still accelerated, waiting to see if he returned, but he didn´t.

Yet another
night and I continued without truly knowing what to do or what to believe. Everything was so confusing, I didn´t manage to understand why they had disappeared, and of course, what I was doing in the middle of a vaguely lightened street thinking about the best kiss of my life.

Finally, I decided to go home, I had no reason to stay where I was. On the way I went through the whole story in my mind, all that the professor had told me, but I still did not understand; nothing made sense.

I arrived home, my body tired and my mind almost asleep, submerged in my thoughts when I noticed that something wasn´t right, I looked as the clock struck twelve and opened Anne´s bedroom door, but she wasn´t there. That was most strange, she always called or left a note if she was going to arrive late, but this time there was no trace of her.

I was opening my bedroom door when I froze on the spot, seeing someone registering my room. He was tall and wore a long jacket, too much for the heat we were having and soon he disappeared suddenly, as if by magic, leaving an odor of burnt sugar behind him. I turned the room light on to see everything thrown all over the floor. Quickly I started to gather my things, seeing someone register my room, woke me up. When everything was in order again, I opened one of the doors of my closet and grabbed an old baseball bat that I had stored there. Anne had given me it some years ago, thinking it would be a good weapon for protection. Until that moment, I hadn´t seen it as such, but the solidness of the wood between my hands gave me security. Without knowing what to do, I sat on the bed, the light on and the bat in my hands. I jumped as I heard the main door closing. I got up and ran to see if Anne was fine. I stopped suddenly in the door of my room, turned around and left the bat on the bed, I didn´t want an interrogation at this time of the night.

“Anne, are you alright?” I asked, pretending just to be curious.

“I am sorry, honey, I was going to call to tell you that I would arrive late when my boss caught me in the parking lot, he almost didn´t let me get into the car. We are very busy in a new project,” she looked at me for the first time since entering the house and her expression changed. “Has something happened to you? You don´t look well, you know that you can tell me anything,” she said with her usual calming look and perfect smile.

,” I smiled, “I am fine, I just wanted to make sure that you had arrived well before going to sleep.”

“It has been a long time since that happened, you don´t have to worry about anything
,” she inspected me up and down until satisfied, as though she were checking that I wasn´t lying.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to my room. I was calmer with Anne in the house, knowing that nothing had happened to her. She was a good mother, despite
feeling that she had always hidden something from me and my intuition didn´t fail me.

I lay down on the bed, hugging the bat and staring
at the window. I didn´t know what I would do if that being returned to my room, I didn´t even know what or who he was. My only hope was using the old bat if I needed to fight. I wasn´t great, but it was all I had. Soon, the option of calling Eric came to me, I didn´t know how to call him, but he was the only one I wanted to help me. My mind rambled around the possibility, in the things I could do to find him in the middle of the night and, finally in his eyes. The image of his intense stare was the last thing I thought before falling asleep.

I didn’t stop dreaming all night, it was crazy
. I was asking myself questions as though I were a reflection in a mirror, speaking to myself. I asked if what had happened was real and if my power would be to scare people so that they would leave running, but suddenly my reflection stopped doing as I did, it didn´t gesticulate, it didn´t move and suddenly it wasn´t even me, it had my face but it wasn´t me, its hair was a much lighter brown than mine and its blue eyes looked at me with indifference. All of a sudden, it started to laugh noisily and I woke up as I never had, with my heart beating strongly and with a buzzing in my ears, I was no longer the same.

I fell sharply into the reality of time and space; the dream had left me stunned, not knowing how nor why something had changed in me. I saw everything with greater clarity, sounds were sharper and I knew that I was not alone.

I moved slowly and methodically until I was sitting in bed, I got a big surprise when I saw Eric looking peacefully at my classic film collection. He seemed serene as he looked curiously through my things. Thoughtful I leaned against the wall, observing all of this movement. I couldn´t take my eyes off of him, his back, wide and strong, his legs, long and firm. When I lifted my eyes he was watching me in a fun way. I couldn´t even get angry with him for having left me alone, I simply smiled.

“Are you okay? Your heart is beating fast”, he came closer, worried.

“I have just had a nightmare”, what other motive could he desire for my heart being accelerated? Just the sight of him made me touch heaven.

“I can see what you are thinking, remember?”

I didn’t remember, but I wasn´t going to blush for something that was irrefutable. I was attracted to him.

He took my hand and we sat on the bed. He sat in front of me with an expr
ession on his face that I could not decipher. Something was worrying him but I was unsure as to whether or not he would tell me.

“I had to go because what I did wasn´t right. I shouldn´t have done it, I am an idiot. It is just that I could not resist the way you looked at me. You have such beautiful eyes. I love the corners of your lips and your smile would light up even the underworld.

He took my head within his hands and came so close that our foreheads
ended up connected.

“I can´t help smiling
every time I think about you, every time that I remember how you laugh at your friend watching that absurd movie, every time I remember how beautiful you were this morning as you slept. I cannot stop thinking that this is a mistake, but the way that we kissed made me forget all my concerns. You wrapped me in your passion, making me float as though you were an angel.”

I sensed his nervousness and the concern in the tone of his voice, but I didn´t
quite understand why he was so repentant.

“I don´t regret it”, he said hurriedly, looking at me fixatedly. “I will never regret finding true love even if our union is impossible. I really like you Samantha, more than you will ever be able to imagine.”

When he pro
nounced his last words I noticed how my soul filled with happiness. I had felt the same way; I thought that it had been a dream until now. I didn´t care about any motive that might mean that we couldn´t be together. Before he started to speak again, I looked straight at him, allowing myself to wander into his infinite gaze. I didn´t even remember to tell him what I saw when I arrived home. I straightened up and levelled my eyes to his; putting my nose against his I started to gently kiss him as I hugged his shoulders. I saddled his lap and he embraced with strongly as if he didn´t want me to escape. My attraction for him was like that of two oppositely charged magnets. We could not separate. He strongly turned over, leaving me lying under his sculpted body. He kissed me and left me breathless as I caressed his hair with my hands. I felt him so close and so sensual; my body was a festival of reactions and emotions. When suddenly I heard a noise, the kitchen light went on, Anne had woken up. As if he was flying, Eric got up and hid in the closet. I turned over in my bed, pretending to be asleep. One second later Anne entered my bedroom to make sure I was asleep. When the inspection was over, she shut the door and returned to her room. I breathed a sigh of relief and ran to the closet, but when I opened it, Eric was no longer there. I felt impotent until I turned around and saw him sitting on top of my desk. By his side there were some folded clothes. I moved closer to him and he embraced my waist, although he was much taller than I.

“Come with me, I will take you to my house so that you can rest for a couple of days and assimilate all the information, then I will take you to the kingdom to train you. I will show you my favorite place of the city, it is really pretty
. You will love it. I have brought you something to wear. I am sure that you will feel better than you do with those strange clothes you are wearing,” he smiled at me mischievously.

I nodded, enthusiastic by the idea.

“Where is your house?”

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