Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen (6 page)

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Authors: Ariadna Marrero Saavedra

BOOK: Darkness The Diary of Samantha Owen
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“How old are you?”

“About three hundred, I have lost count. These last years I have only been searching for you without worrying about anything else.”

“You have been searching for me for seventy years?”

My astonished tone made him laugh.

“No, I have only been looking for you for four years. My big brother and I started when the previous s
couts died trying. And now, I have continued with Gabriel.  They always commend family members for this type of mission, but my sister is too small for this, she is about to turn twenty-four. Missions are given to you after you are twenty-seven, when you have a few years of experience.”

Every day I had so much new information to assimilate, but I enjoyed listening to Eric answer me all that I asked him.

“You miss your brother, right?” I could see his gaze darken as I pronounced those words. He said nothing. He looked profoundly at me with sad, thoughtful eyes. I got up and moved towards his seat, which was opposite mine, to hug him. Seeing him so unprotected made me wish to hug him and take care of him before any evil. In that moment I felt that that was my mission in life, after saving the Kingdom.

“I am still worried about my sister. I fear that Gabriel might hurt her in some way. My duty is to find her and let the world know that I have a sister and that she can save the Kingdom with me. I want to know her and know where she has been all this time, whether or not she managed to free herself from the wanderers that captured her as I did and I want to know that she is well.

“We still don´t know if she is real.”

“I know that she is, I feel her inside of me; it is as though something is missing,” I said placing my hands over my heart. “I don´t want them to harm her, I want to find her as soon as possible.”

“And if it is a trick? It could be the same ones that captured
you that day, that want to do it again and they are tricking you with her. It is easy to reflect in your mind, according to you, she is your living image. But,” he hesitated, “if you believe she is real, I believe you.”

We sustained a long conversation about where I could find my sister. Finally, in a low voice, he told me not to worry, because we would be assigned to search for her.

I ended that day exhausted for all the accumulated tension from the previous days and I fell asleep without even thinking about it.


I woke up startled and with tears in my eyes before the impotence of not being able to save my mother even if it were in a dream. I shook the sheets that hugged my skin and ran to the wall to put the light on. And there were the pair of them looking worriedly at me.

you alright?” Eric asked me. I hugged him without even thinking about it, I kept crying for a long time until I found calm in his arms. He took me to a small living room and sat me on a small armchair, beside him, in a way that I ended up very close to him. Stunned, I looked straight at him and vaguely heard some words in my mind. I got such a fright that I fell off the armchair. He picked me up between laughs and he told me that it had been him; he had the power of telepathy and wanted to share it with me. I started to laugh when I remembered about Professor Rutherford and I looked to him with an expression of urgency on my face. Without asking anything he told me that he was fine. It had been a full day since the incident; I could not forgive myself for not having remembered about the professor.

“He was
not at home when the explosion went off.”

“How can you read minds? And why are you sad? Where is Gabriel?

“You are very curious, you know?

“Oh! Come on, tell me.” I smiled evasively at him.

“Tonight, and only tonight, I am going to allow you to ask everything that you want and I will answer in the measure that I can,” I agreed smiling. “Starting with your first question, I don´t read minds, I only see them. I can see what you are thinking, what has happened to you and what you dream. I am still developing the telepathic part and you are the first person that has heard something that I have said. And in reply to your second question, Gabriel has gone to the library; he is trying to find the way to contact a certain wizard in order to trace your sister.

“You haven´t told me why you are sad.”

“When I saw you so scared I simply got worried for you.”

“I don´t believe it, I can see it in your eyes.”

He smiled as though I had guessed his trick, but he was decided not to tell me that evening.

“Let´s just say that it is a delicate issue that I
don´t want to talk about right now.”

“Okay. Do you know why I have had strange dreams ever since the professor told me everything he did?”

You have spent a long time out of our world. In the dimension that you were in there are energy blocks and the information that Mother Earth sends you did not normally arrive. Nature is very wise and knows what needs to be done, but it´s information is often blocked. When the professor told you our history and your implication in it, your subconscious mind awoke, allowing all the hidden memories and emotions from years ago to blossom again. You and your sister have such a strong connection that even though you were in distinct dimensions you could communicate.

“Communicate? How?

“You see, in our society there are few numerous families, the majority of the siblings die in the hands of our enemies or they do not wish to belong to our world and they leave.” These last words he said with a melancholic tone. “For that reason the family connection is broken. But in your case it is different, as well as being sisters, according to you, you are also twins. This is rare in our society. There is a specific legend for twins, which I believe you will not hesitate in confirming.”


“It is said that many centuries ago two babies were born from the same birth. In ancient times this was believed to be an abomination and a curse of nature that had fallen over the mother of the children. In those days, the sons of the night had only just started living and discovering new things stirred up fear amongst them. The whole town objected to these babies living. They did not wish to affront the fear, nor discover what lay behind it. Simply put, they thought that the best way to flee from this fear was making the two children disappear. The mother of the children empathically opposed her children being touched. The people marginalized her but allowed her to keep them; after all they belonged to the world of the darkness. The locals watched as the children grew little by little. One day, the ironsmith saw them playing alone close to his workshop and was able to observe with detail how they didn´t speak to each other, with a look they knew exactly what the other was thinking.”

The sons of the night had never seen such a power. They said that it was a divine power that the Earth had given them. Since that moment they held them in highest regard until the end of their days. However, they had not known that not only did they have the gift of telepathy, but also they could do many more things, irrelevant of the distance between them, they always managed to carry out whatever they had planned successfully. They had powers of hypnosis and mind control over people. They could throw objects by only looking at them, but what most astounded the residents of that place was that they could control the elements. They could create fire from nothing, manipulate air and water and make the earth help them as they wished. They could make the sunlight disappear, or invade homes with blinding light. They had never seen anything quite like it. Some privileged people had the ability to handle one of the elements of nature, but the twins could use all of them. As soon as they found out, the people were alarmed. If they did not make good use of their powers, they could destroy the entire existence of our dimension.”

The powers were stronger when they were together. But I believe that you can manage all to a greater magnitude. That is why you can see her and with practice you will develop that power and communicate with her regardless of where you are. It is unusual to see twins these days. Thousands of years ago, after that first case, every time twins were born they would be separated; so that their powers would not get out of control.”

The truth is that I don´t know, when your mother gave birth, nobody notified that there were twins. Besides shortly afterwards, you disappeared and since then it is only you who is searched for.

“Wow, it is impressive all the things you know about me.”

“In my opinion you are much better than
what the stories predict.” When those words left his lips, his eyes darkened slightly and he turned so that I could not see him.

“What is it? Are you alright?”

“Of course”, he dissimulated with a smile, but there was something more.

“Continuing with the questions, where
are we?”

“On the outskirts of a place call the
Extension, because it is partially in the darkness, to which your dimension refers to as North Carolina. In the morning you can see the lake which is close to here, I am sure you will like it. You should sleep now; tomorrow we have lots of things to do.” He got up and went towards the door. I didn´t want to leave, I just wanted to be with him and sleep by his side so that he could see my thoughts, I noticeably blushed but continued to desire the same thing. He gave me his hand and accompanied me to the room that I had woken up in. I lay down on the immense bed and waited for him. When I looked, I saw that he had no intention of coming close to the bed.

“Why don´t you sit by my side? Just until I fall asleep, then you can go
,” I gave him an angelic smile to see if it worked. I looked at him and saw how the pain ploughed through his face. I couldn´t tell if he really wanted to be with me. I got up from the bed with impetus and stared fixedly at him.

“I don´t know why you believe that we cannot be together, but I assure you that when I find out I will find a solution. I swear to you right now that there is no other thing in the world that I want more. If you tell me, then maybe I can help you to look for a solution.”

He slowly approached me, saying no with his head. His eyes were still sad. He looked at me profoundly and then embraced me strongly. He placed his hands on my back and breathed heavily on my hair. He was muttering something but I didn´t manage to understand what he said. He moved slightly away and I saw him with his eyes closed. Without a word he gave me his hand and took me to the bed. He sat down and extended his hands to signal that I should lean on him. I got underneath the sheets and put my head in his lap. I knew that what we were doing didn´t seem right to him, but even still he stayed with me. Little by little he started to stroke my hair and back. This calmed me and let me know that he felt the same as I did for him; he liked to be with me. However, his character was of resignation, he was battling with an inner fight and I did not know if he was winning or losing.

I slept peacefully with him at my side. That night I did not have any nightmares.



























was lying on the sofa of his room looking at the dark sky across the window. It had been a long day and he still had to wait until the following evening to leave the place. He could not stand another minute being close to Eric. He hated him with all his being. That afternoon after his arrival he saw how they spoke in the library, they were so close and had a look of complicity that he envied. However, the afternoon had been productive; in town he had found a witch to show the stone to. Her house was slightly outside of town; it was small and from the outside appeared to be a normal house. He knocked on the door. Seeing that nobody opened, he expected to have to leave. He had just turned to leave when a soft voice reached him.

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