Dating Dr Notorious (18 page)

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dating Dr Notorious
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Jenna was smiling up at the giant guy and happier than Seth had ever seen her. Seeing her smiling and laughing, it was finally starting to occur to Seth he had never really put much effort into making her happy. He probably owed her an apology for not doing so, but first he had to make her talk to him again. Jenna had been ignoring him since Casey was released from the hospital after his accident.

Alexa nudged Casey, pointing to Jenna. Ben looked up as well in the direction of Alexa’s hand. Ben smiled at Alexa and Casey.

“Your daughter looks like you, Alexa. I actually know her date. That’s Serge Baskinov, former ballet dancer. I saw a picture of him a few weeks ago. Regina thinks his biceps are bigger than Vin Diesel’s,” Ben informed his companions.

Alexa giggled. “Really? I didn’t know Regina knew Vin Diesel that well.”

Ben stopped for a moment to consider how much of a possibility it was that Regina might actually know Vin Diesel. Fortunately, before his mind had wandered too far in the wrong direction, Alexa’s belly laugh told him she was teasing. Ben gave her a frustrated look.

“Ben, never play poker. Your face tells the whole story every time,” Alexa said with a laugh.

Casey reached an arm around Alexa and pinched her backside. “Behave,” he ordered as she squealed and jumped away.

“I don’t see how teasing Ben counts as flirting,” Alexa said, leaning in to kiss the curve of his jaw until his eyes burned into hers.

“It wasn’t flirting,” Casey agreed, “just mean.”

“Hey,” Lauren said coming up to hug Alexa. “Save the kissing stuff for later. You two have guests.”

Across the room, Jenna waved in their general direction. Stopping their private discussions with each other, they all waved back.

“Guess she’s too busy for a polite hello to her mother,” Alexa said, rolling her eyes.

Alexa was still embarrassed her daughter was hanging out with gay men instead of dating. She knew Allen Stedman had asked her out, but didn’t know if Jenna had gone or not.

It wasn’t long before Jenna excused herself from Serge to stomp off through the house, unsteady on the heels she was wearing.

One part of Alexa sighed over the stomping, the other part of her raised her eyebrows as Seth walked off, following her daughter. She put her hand on Casey’s arm to direct his gaze at Seth’s retreating back.

“About damn time,” Casey said, watching the younger cousin he’d raised chase Jenna until they were both out of sight.

Alexa sighed and laid her head on Casey’s shoulder. Casey stroked her cheek. Their matchmaking attempts had not been successful with Seth and Jenna, but they were still hopeful.

“Is Jenna back to talking to Seth yet?” Lauren asked Alexa.

“If not, I’m guessing she will be in another five minutes or so,” Alexa said, shrugging. “If we hear screaming, I’m going to send the men in to break them up. Jenna has her father’s temper. She tends to throw things.”

Lauren hoped Jenna and Seth did work things out. They just seemed so well suited for each other. Lost in her thoughts about Jenna and Seth, she had to work to pull her attention back to the others in the group.

When all the little hairs on Lauren’s body stood on end, she turned to look around in disbelief. There was only one person who had that particular effect on her.

*** *** ***

“Hello, Ben. Is this the guy you wanted me to meet?” a deep voice demanded.

James Gallagher let Ben put a hand on his arm and introduce him to Casey. Jim shook hands and made small talk, sipping a drink someone had put in his hand as soon as he’d come through the door.

Casey Carter seemed to be as solid as Ben said he was. The business venture now seemed much more interesting, Jim thought. Too bad he couldn’t give Casey all his attention.

Jim discreetly looked at the woman who was also sneaking looks at him. He allowed himself the luxury of staring until Lauren squirmed under his perusal.

She was an elegant lily in a field of daffodils. As beautiful as the other flowers, somehow Lauren always remained distinctly herself. His eyes dropped to her short pink dress and the matching pink heels she was wearing. Lauren had the best set of legs he’d ever seen, outpacing even Alexa Ranger a little bit in that area.

“Hello Lauren,” Jim said, lifting his glass in a small salute, bringing his gaze back to her face.

“James,” Lauren said, inclining her head in acknowledgment, trying not to think about him looking at her legs. She refused to call him Jim. It made them too friendly and she didn’t want him to get any ideas in case the rumors were true. Though she’d seen no evidence of a wife, Lauren still wasn’t going to get too friendly with a married man.

Ben let his conversation drift off as he, Alexa, and Casey all became fascinated with watching James Gallagher and Lauren McCarthy study each other like fighters about to go a few rounds in the ring. Questioning looks were exchanged among them as they watched in amazement, but no one said a word. This was one of those times where it was best to say nothing at all, Ben thought, liking the people around him more for their discretion.

Finally, Regina walked in the front door, bringing the cool weather and some leaves in with her. She had a cheerful greeting for those just inside who greeted her. Her eyes started roaming the room immediately. Ben’s heart rate picked up knowing Regina was looking for him.

He absently handed Alexa his drink and walked away from the group without a word.

“Well,” Alexa said indignantly, looking at Ben’s drink in her hand. “Whose party is this anyway?”

Then she laughed loudly, watching Ben walking with long strides to get across the room to Regina.

Swearing softly, Casey rubbed a hand over his face, thinking Kaiser had no pride whatsoever.

Lauren sighed with envy and flung a hand in Ben’s direction. “See? This is what I tried to tell you about, Alexa. The same thing happened the first time Ben saw her. He just walked over to Regina like there was no one else in the room. Five minutes later they were making out in the garden. When I saw his clothes all wrinkled, I knew she was it for him. He’s more particular than any woman about how he looks.”

Casey laughed with a snort, greatly relieved someone other than him had said it first. Now he could tell what else he knew. “Yeah, and he’s not just picky about himself. Ben even dresses Regina.”

“No! You’re making that up,” Alexa said shocked, setting Ben’s glass on a catering tray as someone passed by collecting empties.

“I swear. Kaiser told me himself,” Casey said, eyes twinkling.

“Look, look—they’re dancing,” Lauren said, grabbing James Gallagher by the arm. “Don’t they look amazing together? It’s like they’re the only two people in the world.”

Jim looked at Lauren’s hand wrapped around his arm. He said nothing in response to her words because Jim didn’t want Lauren to realize what she was doing and stop touching him.

Having his own bad case of lust and longing, Jim couldn’t really say anything negative about Ben’s obsession with Regina Logan. The only difference between his situation and Ben’s was that Kaiser was a completely free man, while he was not.

*** *** ***

When he finally got across the room to her, Ben reached out a hand to the woman he’d been waiting for the entire length of a long and lonely week.

“Regina—I’m here, honey,” he said, when he was close enough for her to hear him.

“Ben,” Regina said, smiling at him, putting her hand in his. “It’s been a long week.”

Ben shared her sentiments, but was glad Regina said it first. He liked knowing she missed him just as much he missed her.

“Let’s dance so I can hold you,” Ben said, leading Regina to the floor.

Regina went into Ben’s arms, sighing in relief. This was home to her now, she thought. This man and his arms around her were home to her.

“I’ve missed you, Benjamin,” Regina said, wrapping her arms around him.

“I’ve missed you too,” Ben said back, running his hands up and down her back.

They danced slowly, moving little, hiding among several other couples while they just simply absorbed the pleasure of being together again.

“Come home with me tonight,” Ben said, making it a statement of what he wanted rather than a question.

“Okay. I guess I can leave my car here. Alexa won’t mind,” Regina replied.

Despite the run-in Regina had had with the press in Princeton, and her need to protect the privacy of her relationship to Ben, there was simply no other choice but to go home with him. She had missed him too much to say no. She kissed the smile lines at the corner of his eye and pressed her cheek to his.

Ben kissed Regina’s temple, pulled her closer, and guided them gently around the floor.

*** *** ***

Jim and Lauren were still watching Ben and Regina when they heard the conversation of a couple standing close to them.

“Gary, look. It’s Dr. Logan. Who’s she dancing with?” the woman asked.

“That’s Ben Kaiser. Remember? There was a picture and article in the paper a couple months ago,” the guy replied.

“Quick! Take a picture with your cell phone,” the woman encouraged.

Jim gently removed Lauren’s hand from his arm. “Excuse me for a minute,” he said tightly, walking away.

Lauren blinked at his firm tone, and then watched him walk to the man and woman and put his hand over their cell phone to push it down. She couldn’t hear what he said to them, but they looked guiltily at Casey and Alexa, before tucking the cell phone away. They scampered out of the room to an enclosed patio where the food and drinks were being served.

Jim came back to stand by Lauren, looking out at Ben and Regina who were still holding each other.

“That was a very nice thing you did,” Lauren said softly, hooking her arm in his again, giving it a hug for good measure.

“I believe in happy endings,” Jim said simply. “Regina Logan deserves one.”

Lauren looked into James Gallagher’s eyes, trying to see who he truly was. Any man who would protect Ben and Regina had to be a lot more than a womanizing jerk. She squeezed his arm again.

“I like happy endings myself,” Lauren replied, leaning a bit closer.

Jim felt her breast brush his arm and her hip hit his hand. He hadn’t stopped the couple for Lauren’s sake, but it was relieving to his ego to believe at least this once Lauren McCarthy thought he was a nice guy.

Chapter 14

Seth followed Jenna to a bedroom in a far wing of the house. The door was open and Jenna was stomping around inside the room. He heard her cursing and throwing something against a wall.

“I hate freaking high heels. Why do women even wear these things?”

Jenna raised her hands to the ceiling in frustration, which caused the dress to ride so high on her thighs Seth saw the color of her panties. He made a choked sound, which had Jenna rounding on the door.

“Getting a good look?” she challenged, pulling the door wider.

Jenna swore and walked away, leaving Seth staring.

Though her body language was saying loud and clear it didn’t matter one way or the other to her if he came into the room, Seth was compelled to enter anyway.

“Hi, Jenna. It’s been a long time,” he said finally, stepping inside and closing the door softly behind him.

“Has it been a long time? I hadn’t noticed,” Jenna lied, shrugging her shoulders to show her lack of concern, even though she knew precisely it had been two months, one week, and five days since she had last spoken to Seth. It had been just a little longer since he’d kissed her so passionately that day at the hospital.

Jenna tugged the dress back into place before stomping over to pick up one shoe and then the other.

When she bent to retrieve the second shoe, the dress couldn’t stand the strain any more and slid up again. Seth averted his gaze to save his sanity.

“Do you know when you bend in the dress, it shows a lot?” Seth prepared for a verbal slap and was surprised when it never came.

Instead, Jenna simply tugged the dress back down and frowned. “Yes, I know,” Jenna bit off the admission, tasting the bitterness of every word. “This dress shows my ass to the world, which is what I was buying it for in the first place. After tonight, it’s going to charity. Mama was freaking right as usual.”

“I’m sorry you’re so upset,” Seth offered, unsure of what other term to use for her emotional state. He couldn’t remember seeing Jenna this wound up or angry when they were dating.

“Upset?” Jenna looked at him oddly. “Oh, that’s right, you never paid enough attention to notice when I was in a bad mood, did you? What you seem to remember about me is an illusion, Seth. I come from the loins of a woman who taught me to express myself. If I was little Miss Pleasant with you, it was only because I was taught to be polite when people were on the phone, even when it was for the entire evening.”

Seth winced at her comment about the phone and knew they still had to resolve how much time he gave to his work. He hadn’t meant to be rude, or to diminish the value of her presence by ignoring her. He was just—busy a lot, he decided, unable to explain it any better to himself.

Jenna went to the closet and looked to see if she had maybe left some lower heeled shoes in her old room. She hadn’t, but it had been worth a shot. She was not looking forward to a whole evening in the tight spiky heels she’d worn out of spite.

“If you don’t mind, I need a few minutes to myself before I go back to the party. I don’t want to take my bad mood out on everyone I talk to tonight,” Jenna told him, turning her back.

“Is that all you have to say to me? After all this time we haven’t seen each other, you can just tell me to go away—just like
?” Seth asked, snapping his fingers for emphasis.

“Just like what?” Jenna asked in reply, more interested in her shoes than dealing with his refusal to leave her alone. Seth looked at her with so little understanding it only served to further confirm her decision to break up with him.

“Did you really get over me that fast?” Seth demanded, his eyes hot.

was there to get over, Seth? Our relationship was lukewarm at the best of times. When we met, I admit I thought there was passion between us. Honestly, by a month into it, I knew better. By the time I ended it, I couldn’t understand why I ever thought you were interested in me that way.” Jenna walked to the small bathroom and picked up a hairbrush to pull it through her hair.

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