Daughter Trilogy Bundle (136 page)

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I can send someone out to get you something else to wear,” I murmur very mildly while watching the color flood from her face.

Color returns to her face to stain it red when her eyes glue themselves to my body - I intentionally neglected to put on a shirt because I know how I look to those scared blue eyes.

“That’s okay.  I’ll change at the hotel,” she says with some embarrassment.

’s shy?  After last night, she’s shy?  She’s too sweet to be real.  I just want to keep her here with me for much longer than I can understand.

I don’t mind.  There’s a wonderful concierge service I pay top dollar for and barely use.  Please let me have someone bring you something to wear,” I almost plead, and I’m somewhat upset with myself for the lack of control I’m dealing out.

’m usually much more nonchalant and refined in these situations, but she’s just so… fuck, I don’t know what she is besides spellbinding.

Really, I’m fine.  I just need to go,” she stammers out, and the elevator opens for her to retreat into.

I flash to the elevator while her back is turned, and I keep the doors from closing as she turns to face me.

“Please stay for a little while longer.  I’ll send for breakfast.  I’d like to know a little more about you,” I plead once more, and again I’m growing more irritated with my ridiculous, uncharacteristic behavior.

I can tell she
’s not coming out, so I go in barefoot and shirtless.  I’m sure my neighbors will get a good gawking out of this if any of them join us or see me in the lobby.

’m usually more discreet in my affairs, but I don’t want to lose her.

My lips consume hers, and I almost smile when I hear her shoes clank to the elevator floor once they fall out of her hand.  Her body is begging her to change her mind, and I
’m hoping she gives into its request.

She still tastes like an aphrodisiac, and I
’m helplessly captivated by her despite my normal sanity that has fled.

Stay with me,” I whisper into her mouth.

The doors open just as some of the nosy neighbors climb aboard, and they look away bashfully when they see me in my half-dressed state.

“I can’t.  I have to go.  You’re too damn… I have to go,” she stammers, and it’s so obvious she doesn’t really want to go.

So why won
’t she just fucking stay with me?

I want to see you again,” I reflexively yell out, and I just want to slap myself now.

I’ll call you,” she mumbles before the doors to the elevator close in front of my face.

I almost laugh at the elderly lady staring at me with a blushing face and her husband glaring at me by her side.

I’ll call you?  Unbelievable.

I can
’t believe I just heard that line for the first time in my life.  I’ve got to have her now.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, and then I give the older lady a wave when her eyes stray to me once more before she and her husband exit on a random floor.  I smirk as the doors shut, and the driver answers my call.

“Mr. Cole.  Do you need your car?” he asks curiously since I rarely use his services for anything other than escorting my one night stands.

Yeah.  Take Ms. Smith home.  She’ll be out front.  Hurry up, and if you take one cent from her, it’ll be at the expense of your job.  I’ll tip you later,” I assert a little too dominantly.

I’m on my way to the front right now, Sir.  Have a good day,” he murmurs too graciously, and then I dial Ther.

What’s up?  What happened to you last night?  You were supposed to come chill with us at the bay.”

Long story.  I need you to follow a girl.  She’s staying at the Waldorf Astoria just down the road.  Find out her real name and where she lives.”

Okay… Why?  Is she one of the unknowns?” Ther asks in bemusement.

She’s mortal.  Just follow her,” I gripe.

Dude, don’t get messed up with a mortal.  You know that’s going to end badly,” he exasperates.

Just fucking follow her, or I’ll call Kry to do it,” I bark.

Fine.  Damn.  Chill out.  What the hell does she look like?” he grumbles.

I’ll send you a picture.  Keep your distance, and don’t you dare try anything on her,” I say with a bit too much assertion.

’ve got to get my head back right.  She’s left it scattered all over and drained from the real world. 

Sheesh.  No worries,” Ther grumbles.  “You’ve got it bad, dude.  She’s a mortal.  Don’t forget that,” he cautions.

Call me when you find out everything,” I murmur with a touch of embarrassment. 

Got it,” The mumbles before hanging up.

I stare at the picture I took of her while she was sleeping, and then I roll my eyes at my own damn self.  How can I possibly be so hung up on a mortal? 

The picture shows to be sending, and then I toss my phone down to the couch before returning to the bed that carries her scent.

This fucking mystery girl is absolutely toxic to me.  I can
’t seem to think about another fucking thing, and now I’m stuck waiting until Ther comes through.

’d better fucking come through.


Aphrodisia Titan.  What a name.
The irony of it all is almost humorous.  She prefers Adisia according to Ther’s notes.

The elevator doors open, and I decide to leave her lingering in the foyer to add to the dramatic suspense.  I
’m sure she’s freaking out a little, and the sadistic bastard side of me decides to let her stew.

She can
’t run out so easily now that she has a job to do.

I smirk when I finally decide to enter, and she
’s intently studying the replacement vase on the foyer table as though it’s holding her next breath.

I had to replace the old one.  It somehow shattered,” I say softly while strolling over to my couch.

It’s nice,” she almost whispers while refusing to look at me.


She looks even better today, and I didn
’t think that was possible.  Her soft lips are taunting me.  She’s going to cave before she leaves.

I can
’t let her go again.  This girl has to be mine for as long as possible, and I only pray she doesn’t get infected too soon.

I finally sit down on the couch, and she looks up to meet my gaze.  Her eyes glance over to the wine and glasses I
’ve prepared, and I can see her shifting uncomfortably.

Would you like to join me, Aphrodisia?” I murmur with nonchalance.

I can visibly see her chills form, and I have to stifle a smug, triumphant grin.   

“Honestly, I’m a little too freaked out to join you,” she murmurs in a mortally muted tone.

I play coy while scooting to the edge of the seat and pretend as if I am truly baffled by her comment.

“Why is that?”

Do you have some freaky Christian Grey complex?  You’ve stalked me, found out my real name, and interfered with my job in a way that has brought me back to your doorstep.  I swear I’ll call the police, scream for help, and pepper spray you before I step into some crazy ass sex room.”

I can
’t help but burst out laughing.  Her genuinely disturbed misconception is astoundingly adorable, and it’s all I can do not to pull her into my lap and devour those supple lips.

I’m not into whips and chains.  I didn’t stalk you, I brought you to me.  I found out your true identity because I generally make it a habit to find out whom I’ve slept with.  Call me old fashioned,” I say teasingly, though I did stalk her a little.  “Besides, my secret is much bigger, and I’ll be the only one signing anything,” I joke.

If only I could share my secret with her.  If only I could have her in my life the way I want to.

She hesitantly joins me on the sofa, and she makes sure to leave a substantially respectable distance between our bodies.

I’m supposed to be here for a face-to-face signing.  I honestly have no idea why they sent me, and I hope you know what I’m supposed to do because I don’t.  I’m just an assistant,” she remarks so pitifully.

I smirk while sliding over to be next to this brunette girl that has completely entranced me, and then I stare into her eyes very deliberately to see if I can cipher how she
’s really feeling right now.

You’re here because I requested you to be here.  I told your eager boss I’d sign with the company if she sent you.  It’s a big deal.  I know the marketing world inside and out, so I can help you in any way you need it,” I murmur quietly while moving my lips to hers.

I finally lose the control I don
’t know if I ever actually had.  My arm slides over her shoulders, and then I pull her into me for an electric kiss.  She doesn’t even try to fight me, and I pull her to be on top of me once I feel her willingness.

Her body starts grinding against mine, and I can feel my lower extremity trying to burst free from the confinement of my pants.

“You can’t deny it either can you?” I breathe into her glorious mouth.

We can’t do this,” she mumbles, but her lips tell another tale when they begin a more fervent pace against mine.

Her skirt proves to be no problem to remove, and it is all I can do not to just fuck her with it on.  I don
’t want to show how incredibly crude I can be right this minute though.

Removing her damn shirt is a feat I shouldn
’t have attempted so soon.  Her fucking bra is completely see-through, and I can’t play this slow game any longer.  I need her right now, and this entire thing has just gone erotically awry.

My cat and mouse game has been put on hold when I stand and her legs wrap around my waist.  I can feel her desire, her passion and her need for me as well. 

What am I fucking doing?  I’m fucking falling for her.



The End.


A sneak peek is attached to the back if you
’re curious about the
Gifted Curse.

A note from the Author


Thank you for reading the Daughter Trilogy.  If you
’ve enjoyed it, I would love the chance to read your review.  Reviews help other customers find the stories you’ve liked.

If you didn
’t enjoy it, thank you for taking the time to read.

The Curse Trilogy is on Kindle as well, a vampire erotic romance.  Though it
’s not your typical vampire story, it still has the blood, the lust, and the desire everyone loves.

Tagged and Ashed will be out soon - a traditional erotic romance with a mysterious bit of excitement.

The Gifts Trilogy will be released January 2014 - A spin off from the Curse Trilogy.

Faders, Deadly Beauties, and more will also be available soon.

Faders is a science fiction romance - one as uniquely designed as the Daughter Trilogy.  Though it lacks erotica, it has a steamy romance I hope makes you fall in love.

Deadly Beauties is one big jumbled up pile of fey immortals, and the erotic edge you love is in play.

Thank you so much!


Stay up to date with C.M. Owens releases by checking out my author page, or look me up on twitter @cursetrilogyM.  Also, check me out on Facebook.

A special thanks to all of my wonderful friends who
’ve encouraged me.  You ladies are incredible.

Myra, Michelle, Wanda, Heather, you women are absolutely phenomenal, and I can
’t thank you enough.

Tonya, my sister, thank you for reading the stories, loving them, and being the whip behind my back to do this.  I love you little sis.

Julie, my best friend, you’re amazing, and you were the second whip I needed.  I can’t thank you enough.

Daddy, I love you.  Thank you for always making me feel as though anything is possible.

Hubby, you know I love you, and thank you for being supportive while picking up the slack.  If you hadn’t, I could have never done this.  Your patience has been so appreciated - more so than you know.

Most importantly, thank you to my readers.  You guys are appreciated and loved so very much.

Here’s a sneak peek at the
Gifted Curse
, Book I of the Curse Trilogy.

Chapter 1


Fragile Wounds



This cold, gray, steel room is my home, and it’s where the world crumbles for me.  No one gets out without confessing their darkest crimes into my awaiting ears - this one will be no different.  The titanium table separates him from me, and the sound of a human’s beating pulse is making him sweat all the more despite the frigid atmosphere.  The human guard’s breath creates a cold fog while the full blood’s breath steams into the air - his blood thirst heating his core, quickening his heartbeat, and forming drool in the corner of his mouth.

So, Ivan, tell me about the rabid pack of hairless beasts trailing up and down the coast,” I say to the seething full blood glaring at me.

He yanks against his cuffed hands that are bound to the steel shafts protruding from the floor to keep the resisters at bay, and I twitch my finger in a disapproving manner.

“You know those cuffs are designed to slice your wrists off if you manage to break through the reinforced steel.  I recommend you just answer the question,” I taunt with a hint of arrogance.

Fucking bitch hybrid.  I won’t tell you a damn thing, and there’s no proof that was me.  Without proof, you can’t fucking hold me here.  These cuffs won’t be on me once I step outside this damn compound.  We’ll see what a smug bitch you are then,” he hisses, spitting his disgust to the floor the second the words finish falling out of his filthy mouth.

Ivan, Ivan, Ivan.  And here I thought you were going to be a little more cooperative.”  I waltz around the side of the table, propping up while drawing out my little scam.  “I do have proof it was you.  Our aerial surveillance cameras caught quite the show.  I’ve got your face sucking the blood out of the mutts, and then we even get the chance to watch the infection spread before the hounds breathe a new life.  The cameras didn’t catch everything apparently,” I murmur vaguely.  “We didn’t get to see the loathsome act you would have become entangled with after the blood rush.”

His eyes burn through me, begging to rip me apart, and satisfaction spreads over me when I succeed in pissing him off.

His fury seethes from his eyes, and he blares, “You fucking bitch!  You know damn well it isn’t like that with the blood of animals.  There is no urge, you foul, despicable half blood,” he screeches.

Now I
’ve got him.  Now I can push his buttons to get him right where I need him to be before I start to send him enough rope to pull him back from the ledge.

So, Ivan.  Tell me what I don’t know because I know when I taste blood straight from a vein, I have to go farther.  There’s no escaping a good blood fuck, and I think you know that,” I smolder out with far too much of an offensive tone for his full blood pride to withstand.

I’ll kill you, you fucking hybrid,” he screeches, and then he throws himself against the table to try to escape the cuffs once more.

A light ticking warns him of how close he
’s getting to making the blades thrust down on his wrists, and he instantly drops back down in his seat while heaving for the air that is leaving him.

What’s wrong, Ivan?  Is it too much to ask you to tell me where you took the animals after you drained them?  I’d love to see you in action.  Just think about what your high-and-mighty full blood society will think when they hear about your carnal encounter with the beasts you infected,” I chuckle out, and this time his eyes widen in fear rather than rage.

No.  You can’t tell them.  I swear it doesn’t fucking do that with animals.  They won’t know that unless they’ve fed on them before.  A blood fuck only happens with humans or other full bloods,” he gushes in a panic.

Or hybrids, if you
’re brave enough to risk it.

So you’re saying you fed on the beasts, but you didn’t fuck them?” I crudely counter.

I was so hungry for the taste of a vein.  The diluted sacks of cold blood you sons of bitches provide us with are nothing like warm blood flowing freshly from a vein.  It had just been so long, and I needed to feel the warmth flowing into my mouth.  It was disgusting to taste, but I was desperate,” he pleads, and a huge smile spreads across my conniving face.

Thanks, Ivan.  All I needed was a confession,” I smugly remark, and then I grab my papers, neatly shuffling them back into place, before heading to the door.

You lying abomination.  There weren’t any fucking cameras, were there?” he screams.

No, but now I know what I came in here to find out, and it’s straight from your fanged mouth,” I rattle out with an imperious tone.

Damn you and your fucking disgusting blood.  You don’t know a fucking thing.  I hope I live long enough to see your smug face split in half,” he spews, and now the real games begin.

Are you threatening me?” I daringly provoke.

No.  I’m not, but there will come a time when I’ll be the one smiling triumphantly.  I can promise you that,” he snarls behind a secretive smirk.

Ivan.  Are you trying to tell me you know something about the Rising?  I’d love to hear all about this wonderful little crew threatening our way of life.  Your own life would be much easier if you give me something to take to the Commander,” I coax.

He snorts derisively while leaning back in his restrained state, and he attempts to show a more relaxed persona now that he feels as if he is in charge.

“Not a fucking chance.  If you hybrids are so much better than us, then you should be able to figure it out on your own.”

You make it sound as though you really don’t like my kind,” I say to lure him into my web.

You disgust me,” he scoffs.

I think there’s a lot about me that makes you mad, Ivan.  You don’t necessarily hate my kind, you envy us, and I don’t blame you,” I taunt, and he just shakes his head while continuing to carry his secretive smirk.

I would never envy a hybrid.”

I think you do.  You see, you have to stay segregated from the humans in an effort to keep the infection from spreading, where as I can walk among them.  You can only live off their blood, for the blood of your own kind is not meant for nourishment.  I don’t need a human’s blood at all.  I only need blood when I need to heal, and I can take anyone’s blood I want - straight from the vein.  That warm, drizzling flow can enter my mouth any time I feel it necessary, and all I need is someone’s consent.  For instance,” I say with a suspenseful pause, while circling over to the human guard I had intentionally brought into the room with me.

The gentle-eyed man turns to me, and I strum my fingers over his chest before walking behind him.  My mouth grazes over his back as I circle back around, and I can see Ivan
’s eyes widening when he realizes I’m seducing him with his only weakness - the blood from a human’s vein.

Right now I could take this young, dedicated man’s blood if he wanted me to.  I could taste the warmth of his delicious red stain flowing into my mouth while the passion inside of me erupted.  We would tangle up in our passionate throes, and he would give me access to any part of his body I wanted to drink from,” I seduce, and the human wavers under my heated touch as he tries to steady his enticed libido.

Yes, ma’am,” the human stammers out, and I try not to laugh while keeping my very in-control stance.

You hear that, Ivan?  I didn’t even have to ask.  He’s simply offering his blood to me.  Doesn’t that drive you crazy?  I don’t need, crave, or even desire that blood unless I’m hurt, but you need it all the time.  Here I am with a soft, supple bit of flesh just inches from my lips, and you’re restrained to a chair.  Don’t tell me you don’t envy me,” I smolder, and then my teeth scathe over the man’s shoulder, tearing his uniform slightly when my blood bringers unsheathe themselves from my gums to add a little more zest to the mind torture.

Stop,” Ivan almost whimpers.  “Please stop,” he begs again, and now I know I am getting closer to bringing him to a fold.

My teeth press down to where they almost break the skin on my human puppet.  The mortal heartbeat quickens, the sound resonating in the ears of the lusting full blood sweating a river in the same room.  Ivan squeals out through a gasp.

“I’ll tell you if you let me drink from a vein,” he huffs out heavily, his eyes almost black as they teem with need.

I draw back from the seductive ploy, and the guard shivers off my lingering tease.

“I can have a death row inmate brought to your cell for your pleasure.  You can drain her, blood fuck her, and then we’ll ash her - or him if you prefer.  That’s up to you,” I murmur with a nonchalant tone.

The offer dangles over him like a slab of meat over the head of a starving dog.  There
’s no question about it, he’s putty now.

Him, please,” Ivan almost whispers, and a devious smirk emerges to my face.

Then tell me who is behind the Rising.  I need names.  The more you give me, the more time you’ll have alone with him.”

I want it in writing.  As soon as I have it in writing, I’ll tell you everything I know,” he eagerly promises.

I smile very victoriously, and then I wave to the glass that seconds as a mirror.  Almost instantly, I
’m joined by the redhead I’ve worked with for almost too long.  She sits down with the paperwork necessary to start the deal, and I give her a wink to display my joy for the win we’ve been looking for.

Let me know the scoop.  Clay asked me to come see him as soon as I finished up here.  Give Ivan some pictures of the ones we have on death row.  If his facts pan out, we’ll make sure he enjoys his one night,” I say to Sherry, my partner.

Ivan is almost drooling when I walk out, and he
’s eager to spill the information.  I’ve been working for so long to catch this break, and now it’s finally here.

’s door is open when I turn the corner, and I can see the heavy face I was hoping would be much more lifted with this win in the bag.

I just found the biggest lead to the Rising yet, and here you are moping in your office,” I chuckle out.

I’m not moping, Araya, I’m a little stressed is all,” he sighs, and then he motions for me to shut the door.

I do as he silently beckons, and then I sit down, bemused by his bizarre reaction to the biggest break we
’ve had yet.

We’re calling an emergency meeting.  The Rising is no longer a top priority, and I need you to pack a bag for the Seminole compound,” he grumbles.

What?” I squeal.  “I’ve been busting my ass on this for months, and now that I’m this close to blowing the doors off, you’re pulling the plug?”

I’m not pulling the plug,” he growls.  “Sherry will have to handle the Rising on her own.  They’re not the biggest threat right now.  We’ve run into some problems in other compounds.  Weapons as strong as ours were used in the attack.  They have our knowledge, and they have anonymity.  It’s not the Rising though.  We at least know that much.”

Why do
have to go?  There are tons of interrogators in the United,” I grouse.

You’re our lead interrogator.  Discretion is an absolute necessity.  The last thing we need is an outbreak of panic.  You’ll be going under the guise of a training seminar.

There will be actual students there to learn, and not even they will know they’re just pawns in this scheme.  You’ll have a schedule to keep for the public eye, and cloaked meetings for our privacy.  I’m sorry, but you’re my best.”

Sorry.  I shouldn’t have been so snippy,” I grumble, and then something dreadful races through my mind.  “Please don’t tell me
going to be a part of this,” I almost whimper.

You know he will be.  He’s the best of the best, and he’ll be very necessary to this operation,” he says sternly.

Damn it, Clay.  You know I can’t see him,” I explode.

You have to.  It’s been three damn years, and you’re engaged to Brazen now.  Hale shouldn’t pose a problem.”

Fuck,” I growl, and Clay is forced to stifle a grin as I throw my tantrum.

I scowl at him when I see the small waver of his lips turning up, and then I flee from the room before he lets his laughter escape.  He
’s loving this.  He has wanted Hale and me back together since we broke off our engagement.

Damn it.


Araya Crush?” a man asks
when I step up.

Yes.  I’m here for the training seminar.  Commander Jude sent me.  Where do I need to go?” I ask with dread.

BOOK: Daughter Trilogy Bundle
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