Daughter Trilogy Bundle (23 page)

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"It's not designed for them, even though Aphrodite drove them mad with it for her own satisfaction.  You also exude more than you realize with love, excitement… every emotion you experience.

"Clara would have never fallen in love with Henry had you not been there guiding her.  He would have never glanced her way if you hadn't been devoutly loyal to her and forcing him to see her as all men see you.  These are the things that you do without realizing you're doing them."

"I wish you had told me.  I wish I had known so much more," I mumble.

"I just wanted you to have a mortal life that didn't revolve around your immortal one you were destined to endure one day
… just like me."

I stand up, and Devin follows my lead.  He's been completely silent.  I'm sure he's not comfortable, but he's been so incredible.

I walk by her, but then I stop, turn, and throw my arms around her as I sob softly into her blond hair.  Her arms instantly embrace me in the hug she's been holding back for twenty-five years.

When I pull back, her perfect face is streaked with the imperfect tears of a woman who's not used to crying.

I smile at her affectionately as I murmur, "I'll see you later."

She stifles a sob as she chokes out a whispered return.

"I'll be here."

"I know," I say as we walk back out.

Devin takes my hand in his, and the storm above us slowly dissolves before it ever crashes to earth.

"You're handling it very well right now.  I have to admit I was worried."

I smile slightly.  "Is there an immortal sedative you can dose me with in case I lose control?"

He laughs a little at my forced humor.

"No, but I'm learning how to play my role a little better," he says with such a sexy, cocky, smugness.

I smirk.  "I've noticed.  I'm not so sure I like you controlling me by seducing my goddess, and then leaving her in the cold once you've calmed the storm."

He pulls me to be in front of him and lifts me as he continues walking.

"Persia gave me some pointers on what I had to do.  I just want you safe.  As long as I'm helping, she's being trained.  Eventually, you may not need me at all."

I kiss him softly, and his grip tightens.  I feel my girly grin spreading with obvious affection oozing out.

"I'm always going to need you," I utter without any premeditation.

His lips cover mine, and I feel my legs wrapping around his waist.  I feel the thundering electricity flowing through me, and the green eyes taking over my blue ones.  He puts me down hastily, and he trembles slightly as he grips the side of the wall for balance.  He shakes his head, and then turns back to me.

"Can you control her?" he asks in need.

I swallow hard.  He needs me.  My goddess is calling to him.  I'm calling to him.  I'm hurting him.  Oh no.

"This is hurting you?" I whimper, and the green eyes disappear immediately.

His trembling doesn't lessen though.  He keeps his grip on the wall, and I remember the eye contact.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as I lower my eyes.

He continues shaking.

"I'm not hurting.  I'm trying to refrain from my own desire right now.  It has nothing to do with Aphrodite, I just want you.  I don't want to hurt anyone here.  I'm asking if you can control her, and keep them safe, because I can't control myself anymore today.  I need you right now, and I know you need me.  Just tell me you can control her," he whispers with such a pleading tone.

I can do this.  I do need him.  I need him, she doesn't.

"Yes," I pronounce with promise.

He releases the wall that has started to crumble under his hands, and he bends to consume my lips.  I feel his hands almost ripping my clothes off as he forces me into our room.

The fabric finally gives free, and the tearing sound is my undoing.  I feel the green eyes sparking, but I know I have to fight.  She has to learn to be a part of me, but not in control of me.

I push him onto the bed, and his hands jerk me to be on top of him.  The walls aren't shaking, the lights aren't flashing, but the bed is breaking.  I can deal with leaving some damage.  I'm controlling her.

I'm controlling me.


I'm lying in his arms
after the most surreal, intimate encounter we've had yet, and I feel empowered.  I just controlled Aphrodite in the one place she always rules supreme.  If I can control her in the bedroom, I can control her anywhere.

Devin kisses my shoulders and his breath wavers slightly as he rests his head in the nook of my neck.

"That was unbelievable," he pants.

, he's the one breathing hard. 

I smile victoriously as I give the pouting Aphrodite a high-five.

"I'd say encore, but I'm worried that'd be pushing too far too quick." I giggle.

He laughs a little, and the bed beneath us creaks out in pain.  The poor frame has been crushed to ruins, and the headboard is splintered on the floor.

I blush slightly as we fully assess the damage.

"I don't think the room nor I could withstand an encore after that performance," he teases.

My scarlet cheeks burn as he kisses my temple.  I roll my eyes at his candor, and then a knock rings out at the door.  I panic slightly, and he grips my hand.

"It's Kry.  I saw him coming miles away," he says softly.

"Yeah, it's me, the bellboy with your luggage, sir," Kry scoffs sardonically in a mock British accent.

I laugh a little as Devin winks at me and hops up to pull on his pants.  I pull the sheet tighter to me, ensuring nothing too much is seen, and then I lower my eyes to the floor as Devin opens the door.

"Thanks, here's a tip," Devin teases.

"Funny," Kry says with a chuckle.  "Theia said we'd head to another safe house tonight."

I look up, still avoiding eye contact with Kry.  I stare at Devin as I speak a little excitedly.

"I can control it.  I did just then.  I don't have to go to another safe house."

"You controlled it once, baby.  You need more practice, more time, more everything," Devin sighs.

Kry finally notices my sheet attire, and he winces very noticeably.

"Great.  I really wish I hadn't seen that," he grumbles.

Devin glares threateningly at him, and then I jump to my feet with the sheet still clenched in my hand.

"I'll prove to you I can control it," I plead.

Devin narrows his eyes.

"Why is it so important to you to stay out of the safe house?"

I fight the tears that try to climb out as my voice crackles slightly.

"They found us once already.  You said we hid better among mortals.  I don't want to be the reason everyone's life is at risk.  I feel the control.  Let me prove it," I beg.

His eyes soften, and then I notice Kry is trying his best not to look at me.

"I'm sorry, Kry.  I'll put on some clothes.  Just give me a minute," I say softly.

"Thank you so much," he whines.

I try not to laugh, and Devin flashes into the bathroom before I close the door.

"You don't have to do this.  We've dealt with this before.  You don't want to risk hurting mortals."

"I don't want anyone at all getting hurt.  I can do this.  Please, let me show you the control I feel."

He frowns a little but nods to give me his begrudged blessing.  I smirk as the victorious glow emerges, and I start pulling on my clothes.

He turns to leave while I pull on my shirt, although his scandalous eyes do take a second to indulge in one last peek.

He and Kry are waiting for me by the door when I walk out, and I hear Persia speaking from behind them.

"Sorry.  It's hard not to overhear from such a close distance when you're not whispering.  I'd like to watch this," she says softly.

I smile at first, and then my face beams with embarrassment when I see the flushed cheeks of Devin.

She just heard a lot more than any mother ever should.

"Sorry, Persia.  I didn't think about-"

Devin stops trying to apologize when the flooding humiliation deepens his cheek color and he strangles on his sentence.

"It's not like we haven't been hearing it since you two made up.  I'm sure Persia has heard as much as I have," Kry snarks.

She laughs ridiculously hard, and Devin's embarrassed smile is so distractingly sexy.

I've been dealing with Aphrodite for much too long to let such things affect me.  I can assure you I'm not quite as rattled as the others."

The blushing continues, and Devin walks over to take my hand while grinning bashfully.  Kry examines the decimated bed, and a pout emerges.

"I'm officially jealous."  He looks at Persia and grins.  "You got any more daughters out there?"

Devin rolls his eyes, and Persia frowns her disapproval.  Kry shrugs innocently, and we all walk out toward the balcony.

It's quiet, and the hotel's simple appeal is granted by nature's beautiful scenery painting the surroundings.  Devin smirks as he walks to the edge of the third floor balcony.

I tilt my head to question such a cocky grin, but he suddenly throws his legs over the balcony and drops to the ground.

I lean over the edge just as Kry flips over and pounds the ground with his feet.  Devin is propped against a car and uses his head to motion for me to follow their lead.

Persia catwalks across the thin railing before stepping off.  She crouches slightly as she hits the ground with a graceful
, and then she strides toward the woods.

I smile as I climb over and place my heels on the edge of the ledge while hanging on to the railing behind me.  Devin smirks as he slides his hands into his pockets and waits for me to take the leap.

I take a deep breath and giggle out my nervousness as I start and stop numerous times.

"Sometime today, please," Kry says in mock exasperation, a smile giving him away.

I roll my eyes and take one last breath before pushing off.  The wind gushes into my face, and the adrenaline surges through me, pushing my stomach into my throat.  It's exhilarating at first, but I cringe and lock up my eyes as I brace for impact.

I feel my body suddenly
against soft, strong arms, and I smile when I open my eyes to see the smoky ones staring back at me.  I wrap my arms around his neck, and he leans over to kiss me.

"Sorry, I couldn't let you hit the ground.  Impulse save," he says humorously.

"I prefer this landing," I seduce.

"Okay, so I thought we were supposed to be getting a different sort of show out here," Kry teases.

Devin smirks as he lowers me.  Our eyes stay locked until I finally force the contact to break.  I have something to prove right now.  We can resume this moment later.

I start walking through the tall, unruly weeds engulfing us.  Devin frowns when my shirt tears against a patch of thorns.  He pushes his hand out casually, and a ripple flies out.

The weeds in front of us shred under its force, and a path emerges.  He stifles a smug grin as he takes my hand, and I fight off the turned-on state overcoming me.

We find a place completely surrounded by nature's veil, and I shake off my nerves as I try to harness the beasts within.  I turn to him and smile.

"Kiss me," I say with the same blunt grace Persia used once before.

"Can you just skip to the part where you show us your control?" Kry grumbles.

I snicker slightly, and Persia answers him for me.

"She needs to be provoked.  She can't bring it forth unless she is this early on."

"Then she can't control it," Kry says with a sigh.

"I can't summon it, but that's not the part that's going to hurt someone.  I can stop the provoked attacks.  The rest I can learn as I go.  The only thing that's going to hurt someone is my inability to control a stirred storm."

Kry shrugs and puts his hands over his eyes like a child not wanting to see his parents kissing.  Devin gives me a wicked grin as his eyebrows bounce up and down, and I try not to giggle foolishly as he strides toward me.

"Happy to be of assistance," he seduces.

"Really?" Kry gripes with disgruntled distaste, his eyes still covered.

I laugh a little more, but the humor vanishes the second Devin's lips encase mine.  I feel the passion pouring into my mouth, and awakening the goddess instantly.  His delicious tongue plays with mine, making my temperature rise... literally.  I can feel my blue eyes turning green as the storm begins to stir over head.

The kiss deepens, and his hands grip tighter against me, pushing me to the brink of insanity.  He doesn't stop either.  He's making me stay in control.

His tongue continues to own me, and the passion burns against my skin.  I can smell the burning stench of clothes sizzling away, and I steady my breath to ease the fire.  I can do this.  I've done this.

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