Daughter Trilogy Bundle (67 page)

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Oh.  What if she's already with… someone?" I pry.

"She won't be.  My mom said I was fated to stand beside her.  I think that speaks for itself," he says with a shrug.  "I'm not looking to settle down with anyone, but I can't just overlook my mother's vision.  Why are you so curious, and why am I telling you all of this so freely?" he blabs.

"I just like knowing a person's motives and aspirations.  You're telling me because I pose no threat, and it's obvious you've needed to talk to someone for a while about all of this.  Do you not have a group or an alliance somewhere?"

"You do know a lot, but no.  I stray from groups.  Too many things can go wrong if one person turns on you.  I don't find it worth the risk," he explains.

"I see how that could be a deterrent." 
Crazy bitches have tried killing me from inside the group. 
"You would be safer with a group though," I encourage.

"I might be, but I've survived a long time on my own.  I can continue on living as I have.  There's a sense of freedom outside a group you can't find inside one."

"There's a strong connection from inside you can't find outside," I counter.

"You know a lot about this portion.  I'm assuming a group saved you, and you learned from them," he quickly interjects.

I laugh a little as I nod.  "You're good," I lie.

"I knew I'd figure it out eventually," he smugly replies.

He slowly lifts my shirt, and I flinch when his fingers lightly graze my side.  His electric touch is a little too stimulating in my vulnerable circumstance, but I love Devin too much.  I miss him so much it aches, and I'm dying to call him.  I regret having ever been so short with him.

Jace smears a thick cream on my waist, and I can feel the cool conflicting with the heat as the concoction melds to my skin.

"That feels good," I mumble through a moaned sigh.

He smiles a little as he continues his circular pattern, and I feel the new tingles of his electric hands.

"You're leaking," I giggle out.

He blushes lightly while letting a bashful grin slide play across his lips.

"Sorry.  I don't know what's wrong with me tonight.  I've already sparked against you several times, and I've gone much farther with girls than that without so much as showing a little static," he gripes in embarrassment.

"You have sex with mortals?  Isn't that dangerous with the infections and all?" I gush in disbelief.
"You're group told you a lot of our secrets," he almost gripes.  "But yeah, it's dangerous if you're careless.  It's an easy affliction to fix if you catch it early on.  I always have, and I've never had to clean up a mess."

"You can fix them yourself?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah.  I can pull the infection out, and I can adjust memories as well.  I know how to block visions, and on occasion I might catch a glimpse of something myself," he says proudly.

"Can you see me?" I ask curiously, almost a little smugly, knowing it's very unlikely.

"That's the thing.  I can't control the visions.  They just come at random, but I've never seen you,” he says, laughing out the last bit.

He has no idea why I'm asking that, and he thinks it's some sort of come-on judging by his eyes.

"Can you see someone's memories?"

"If they open their minds to me or if they're having a nightmare.  The nightmares are a way into a stubborn mind.  I usually try not to see someone's memories though.  I've got enough shit going on in my head."

I laugh lightly, but it's cut short by a sudden yawn.  He puts a small pillow in his lap.

"Lie down, and I'll finish treating some of the wounds around your face.  There're several that need these little butterfly things."

"Band-Aids?" I laugh out.

"Yeah," he chuckles.

I do as he says, and I yawn again as my eyes flutter shut.  It's been such an exhausting day and by far the worst birthday of my life.

Chapter 7


One Hot Mess


I wake up with a slight crick in my neck, and I realize I'm still lying in Jace's lap.  His head is tilted back, and his eyes are still closed as he continues his slumber.  I sit up and tug on his shirt to wake him.

"Oh, wow.  I see a lot of sunshine out there," he grumbles while squinting.

"Not a morning person," I chuckle.

I'm usually the one griping about the early hour.  Devin is always so perfect in the mornings. 
Devin… Oh no. 
I have to find a phone.

"I have to call Devin.  He's probably out of his mind with worry right now," I panic as I jump too quickly to my feet.

I cry out slightly, and grab my side while doubling over.  My ankle almost gives way under me, and it's all I can do to stay upright.

"Easy.  You have to be careful.  We probably need to take you by a hospital, and let them take a look at you," he cautions.

"No.  I don't go to hospitals," I grunt through the pain.

"Well, we'll find a doctor's office then," he counters.

"I'm fine.  I just need a minute.  I forgot about my wickedly banged up ribs and my stupid ankle," I gripe.

"I'll see if I can find you something else to wear then," he murmurs helplessly as he tries to think of a way to help me.

"I really don't care what I look like.  I need a phone," I urge.

"Okay, okay.  We'll find a phone," he concedes.  "Sheesh.  You think you'd be a little upset with the guy considering he didn't tell you happy birthday, and you sat in a local pub all alone eating ice cream," he utters.

"He's probably in an absolute panic.  I should have tried harder to call him last night," I guiltily add.

He grabs his keys and walks over to help me steady myself.

"I can carry you," he offers.

"I'm fine.  They're just cracked and sore, but I might need you to be a little bit of a crutch because of my ankle."

"Why were you eating ice cream?" he asks randomly.


He laughs a little at my puzzled offering and opens the door for me to step out first.

"I've been curious why you were sitting at a local pub eating ice cream.  It's what drew me to you, and I never did ask," he murmurs with intrigue.

"I thought Mrs. Doubtfire's sizzling pass is what drew you to me.  Was that a ploy?" I tease.

He chuckles mildly while shaking his head.  "Absolutely not.  That was just the perfect excuse to talk to you.  Now, the ice cream," he prompts, and I shrug a little.

"I've always hated cake, so when I was a child my mother would buy me ice cream instead - not ice cream cakes, just ice cream.

"As I got older, I started sharing the tradition with my best friend.  She's away on her extended honeymoon this year, and I'm sure she forgot all about me due to that little fact.  I thought I would share a bowl with Devin this year, but he forgot just like everyone else," I pout.

"And you're not pissed at him?" he asks with a subtle hint of hope dangling in the undertones of his question.

"I was, but then some crazy freaks tried to kill me.  Life and death situations tend to bring about some perspective.  He's been incredibly busy, and I haven't exactly been making life too easy on him," I mumble.

"Why did he send you to Ireland?  How did you know you were in the vortex?"

Before I can answer, I smell the most wonderful scent in the world, and tears spring to my eyes as I see Devin walking into the apartment building we're walking out of.

Sheer relief floods his tortured face, and my tears pour freely.  I can barely put any pressure on my ankle, but he flashes to me before I even have to try to get to him.

He pulls me to him, and I squeal as too much pressure reaches my abdomen.

"Oh, baby.  What happened to you?  Were you there?  Were you in the house?" he panics as he pulls me back to examine my tragic appearance with a horrified expression retuning to his face.

"No.  I was there just before the collapse though," I sniffle out like a blubbering fool.  "You found me."

I've done so well to not fall apart, but now that he's really here, I just can't hold it back anymore.

"I always find you," he breathes as he carefully scoops me up.

"My ribs, Devin… my ribs," I strain out through the excruciating pain.

He instantly puts me back down, and he pulls up my shirt to examine the discolored travesty on my stomach.

"Damn it.  Who the fuck did this to you?" he demands.

"Sirens," I murmur quietly as I notice people starting to stare.

"He's immortal?" Jace yelps out too loudly, his ashen face used to emphasize his shock as he interrupts our reunion.  He turns his attention to Devin, and his eyes burn against him with fury tainting his icy blues.  "You can't be engaged to a mortal.  You know how fucking dangerous it is.  How dare you!" he yells.

"Jace, people are looking," I quietly caution, my eyes darting around to all the unwanted attention.

People are whispering loud enough to hear as they try to figure out what is going on.

"I don't give a damn.  I'll clean it up later if I have to.  Adisia, you can't be with an immortal this way.  It's too dangerous," he warns.

Devin's eyes narrow and he finally realizes what I'm wearing.

"Who the fuck are you?" he blares.


"I'm the guy who picked up the slack while you were off letting her get torn to fucking shreds.  You put her in danger, and I fucking saved her life," Jace snarks.

Devin flashes to him and throws him against the wall by his throat, the wall cracking and crying out against the unexpected force.

Jace retaliates as he shocks him with a low voltage warning strike, but Devin is resistant to such light waves.

He's been dealing with me for too long, and my seductive waves have aided him in building a tolerance.  Jace is fortunately holding back though, not hitting him with a deadly strength.  I've seen those currents more amped up.

I scream out when I foolishly try to run over to them, and then I collapse to the ground when my ankle folds under me.

Devin and Jace instantly flash back over to me, forgetting their fight, and I cry loudly as I swat at both of them.

"Stop it.  Devin isn't hurting me, and Jace did save my life last night," I scold while trying to gather up some dignity in my completely broken state.

I hate being so fragile.

Devin scoops me up and holds me on my unaffected side.  I continue to sob lightly, and Jace's jaw tenses.

"Adisia, you don't know like I do.  You spoke of infection last night, what do you think will happen if you stay with him?"

"You haven't told him?" Devin asks quietly as his lips graze my forehead.

"No.  I didn't know how to.  It sounds sort of crazy, and he's looking for the daughter of Aphrodite because he's supposed to help her," I explain.

Devin's lips purse, and Jace's eyes shift around in confusion.

"What's going on?"

I tighten my lips to a thin line, noticing all the eyes still on us.  I don't know how to tell him I'm the one he's looking for.  Hey, maybe it's Persia he's looking for.  She's single.

"Jace, we need to talk, but I don't want to do it out here," I murmur as I lean against Devin's perfect chest.

He kisses my forehead again, and I feel his guilt radiating from his body as his face contorts in disbelief while staring at the numerous wounds I'm covered in.

"Let's go back up to my place," Jace mumbles

Devin follows behind him as chokes a little on his overwhelming emotion - the reality of my mortality suddenly crashing down on him.

"Baby, I'm so sorry.  I can't believe I let this happen.  You were supposed to be safe."

"You didn't let this happen.  It's not like you could have seen this coming.  I'm alive.  That's all that matters," I say softly.

He's careful not to jostle me at all, and I nestle into him as he sweeps through the doorway of the less than appealing bachelor pad.

I stifle a grin as his eyes take in
of the small apartment, and he fights hard not to comment as the tart taste of insult rattles around in his mouth.  He almost acts scared to sit down, but he finally does, and he keeps me in his arms while resting me on his lap.

He strokes my hair gently as the heat from his breath, still heavy in complete dismay, warms my face.

"Well, we have privacy.  What's going on?" Jace urges as he plops down with his eyes narrowing at Devin soothing me.

"I used to be immortal," I blurt out almost by accident.

His mouth gapes open in shock, and then it claps shut as he shakes his head.

"That's impossible.  You can't be immortal, and then not be immortal."

"You can when there's a rewind," I explain.

"So someone rewound time, and then you went from immortal to mortal?  Why?" Jace asks suspiciously.

"Not someone.  She rewound time," Devin adds, his breath uncertain about trusting this messy stranger whose boxers I'm wearing.

"That's impossible.  Only certain full blooded titans can do that, and there's only one of those left in existence.  From what I hear, Deidra isn't capable of such things as a rewind," he says dismissively.

"It is possible when you have as many titans in you as she does.  She's a ball of power.  She's the daughter of Asteria, Prometheus, Aphrodite, and that's just for starters," Devin continues.

"Whoa.  Wait.  You're a daughter of Aphrodite, and you just sat there and let me tell you all of that last night without saying anything?" Jace asks with an insulted, betrayed tone.

"It was a lot to drop on you, and it was also a lot for me to take in.  I'm in love with Devin, and I'm going to spend my long or short eternity with him," I whisper.

His eyes brim with shock as he plops back.  Devin's grip tightens on me when he calculates the obvious rejection I'm dealing out.

I sincerely hope Jace doesn't tell him he kissed me.

"I'm coming with you," Jace says as he stands to his feet.

"Absolutely not," Devin quickly objects.

"Devin, he's a son of Zeus.  He can help us," I say softly.  "Besides, I'll need someone to help me out in the new vortex," I discreetly tease.

I know he's not going to leave me alone with Jace out there looking out for me.

"There won't be anymore vortex stays.  The only other one is too small an area to confine you to anyways.  You
’re coming home with me, but I'm not sure taking him with us is a good idea," he grumbles.

"He saved my life, Devin.  He doctored me up, and he got me to safety.  Why don't you trust him?" I ask suspiciously.

"He kissed you," Devin says through clenched jaws.

"How do you know that?" I gasp, my eyes now gaping.

He sighs, his eyes looking away to shield him from exposing the pain he apparently doesn't want me to see.

"Camara saw it.  I was worried you'd break the rules, and I knew there was only one bar close enough to the vortex for you to venture out to.  I had her watching it.  She said he kissed you, and you chastised him for it before running off back into the vortex.  I was beyond relieved you did that, but I was terrified I was on the verge of losing you after our earlier conversation and my stupid mistake.  That's when I decided to fly out here."


"We need him.  Should I give you the speech where you have to trust me?" I tease lightly.

He rolls his eyes, and his lips fold over mine momentarily before pulling back.

"You know he can hear everything we're saying," Devin scoffs.

"Sorry.  I'm trying not to," Jace says through strain from the bedroom.

I laugh a little, and Devin grumbles lightly under his breath.

"I love you," Devin murmurs against my lips.

"I love you," I say with a smile as I fall into his gentle embrace.

Jace walks out while clearing his throat to break us up, and I see his bag at his side ready to make the trip to who knows where.

Devin's nose turns up a little as he spots the dishes, and he remarks sardonically, "Do you want to tidy up before we go?"

"Nah.  I just got this place to crouch while I was tracking the Athena bitches," Jace says dismissively while offering no other reaction than a shrug.

Devin's eyes dart back up, and he seems concerned with that.

"They were here a while?"

"Yeah.  I guess they somehow sniffed her out.  They left about three days ago.  I was thinking they might come back, but they never did," Jace gripes.

"They shouldn't have been able to find her in the vortex," Devin worries.

"What does that mean?" I ask with anxiety lacing my tone.

"That means I need to find out where they're getting information from.  I know we don't have a mole, but it's possible they've established a connection that allows them to sneak in visions.  I'll have to make sure I've got a firm block on everyone.  I've been too lax in that department because I've been too busy recruiting others.  Until I have a firm grip on it, I think it's best if we stay with just our closest members.  I'll set up arrangements for the others to be close by, but not in the same home as us," he says very calmly.

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