Daunting Turns: Book 2 of Colson Brothers Series (3 page)

BOOK: Daunting Turns: Book 2 of Colson Brothers Series
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“Holy shit.” He’s huge. I gasped as he worked himself with his left hand and popped my breasts out of my bra with his other.

He pinched too hard making me arch as the pain went straight to my groin.

He looked down at me and picked up my hand to put under his. He shows me what he wants with his darkening blue eyes locked on mine. He bites his lower lip and lets go to support his upper body with his hands on either side of my head.

He pushes into my hand so I tighten my grip. He inhales and groans a low guttural growl I’ve never heard from a man, not that I’ve had many to compare notes.

He empties himself on my breasts, neck and chin. It’s warm and sticky. There’s a lot of it. It’s running down my neck. He takes his right hand and palms his mess all over my breasts.

When he was happy he’d rubbed it all into me he slid down lower, and lower, leaving the rough tickle of his beard in the wake.

He sunk his teeth into my patch making me groan back, “No. Don’t.”

He pushed my knees apart and lowered his mouth onto me.

He ran his tongue all around, exploring, claiming. He bit just the right spots making me want more. “Oh God.”

He lifted his head coming to a full stop and tapped my stomach.

I looked up, or down as it would be, “What?” I’m breathless wondering what the hell he wants.

He pointed to himself.

“I don’t know what you want.” I let my head drop back to the ground in defeat.

He tapped my stomach again so I looked up.

He clenched his jaw and pushed two fingers steadily inside me. “Oh my God.”

He stopped mid stroke clearing his throat. When I looked at him this time he pointed at himself again and slowly began to push into me with those large fingers of his.

“You want me to say your name?” It was a guess, but a good one as he nodded and went back to work.

“Turner!!!” I screamed because he dove in hard and fast. He suckled and stroked me until I was fighting his name on my lips and the orgasm between my hips.

I lost. I lost hard and fast. Nerve endings came crashing down all around and inside me. The repetitive crashing of the climaxes threatened to drown me.

When I couldn’t take anymore I begged for him to stop. He continued to stroke me as he came up to hover over me. His eyes are dark again as his erection presses against my hip.

“Stop.” I begged.

He bit his lip and rolled me over on my stomach. He climbed on and put his large erection between my cheeks. He pushes his fingers that have my sex on them into my mouth.

His fingers mimic his thrusts. I thought I was saving myself by biting his finger, but instead he dug in pushing against my teeth for more pain. He groaned again and I felt his warm wetness on my back.

He came down on his elbows on top of me, I thought for a second he was going to crush me. He took my earlobe in his teeth and said so softly I barely heard, “You can’t hurt me, but you’re welcome to try.”

“So, you can talk.” I’m still trying to catch my breath.

“What I choose to do, is none of your concern. I earned you, you’re mine now. Obey me, or you’ll find pain you never knew existed under my hand.” He warned in that same low monotone voice with a sprinkling of anger on top.

“Earned me?” This might explain Slider’s reaction, or lack there of.

He began rocking again as his erection revived itself. “You belong to me now. Are you on birth control?”

“If I say no, will you let me go?”

“No.” He lifted up and I felt him doing something behind me. When he came back he showed me a condom. “But if you’re not, and this breaks, you’ll find yourself on the doorstep of an abortion clinic.”

“I don’t believe in abortion.”

“Then I suggest you prepare yourself. Giving birth to my offspring will kill you in childbirth. Which is it Georgia?”

“I’m on a IUD, there’s a couple years left on it. But that doesn’t mean you get to fuck me!!”

“Oh, I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to beg for it once I’ve broken you.” He rocked a little harder letting more of his weight crush me to the ground. He brought his hand down and under me so he could find my clitoris. He lifted me a little as his fingers pounded me like his cock between my cheeks.

He pushed his finger into me, “Give it to me. All this is mine. When I tell you to come for me, you come for me.” He bit my shoulder and I knew he was close.

I bit the blanket as I found this mentally and physically humiliating.

He sunk his teeth hard into my shoulder.

The pressure, pleasure, and pain consumed me. “No, not again.” I begged hating that he can do this so easily.

He sat up and put one hand on my lower back as the other continues to work me to the brink.

“Not yet. Wait.” He added his second finger and began pounding me, top and bottom. “That’s it. Damn you’re wet. You like what I’m doing to you? Do I make you wet woman?” His voice is strained now.

“I… I…”

“I can feel how tight you are. Oh baby, that’s it. Hold it for me, don’t give in, fight me. Fight me!!” He brought his voice up an octave and I came so hard I shattered inside.

He gave one last thrust and moved his hand to press his cock against my lower back. “Fucking you is going to be a wonderful way to spend the Summer.”

I can’t breath. I feel fucked. I hate that it feels so good. Wow he’s intense, and scary. Very scary. As humiliating as he makes me feel, it was also amazing. I never knew such a bold fear could make you want something so different from the person giving it. I wanted to break him like he threatened to break me.

He pulled himself free and sat next to me taking his shirt off. He used it to clean up his mess. “You’ll do the wash. I’ll show you what to do. Defy me in any way, and I fuck you until you scream. Talk back to me, and I’ll wash your mouth out with my cock.” He stated standing up to pull on his jeans. I hadn’t realized he’d taken them off.

“You’re seriously keeping me up here? What about my job? My family? Won’t Slider wonder where we are?”

He shrugged, “If I gave a fuck you might not be here. Get up. I don’t like having to tell you what I expect. Learn to anticipate my needs, and meet them. If you don’t, you’ll never see the bottom of this mountain.”

“Slider would let you kill me?”

“Slider owes me a life, I’m taking yours. Get up, get your clothes.” He tossed me his set of keys. “You know where they are. Do not get dressed. Get the clothes and come with me.” He ordered before walking over to pee on a tree. Why do men do that? Is it a territorial thing? What did the trees do to them??

I do as I’m told looking forward to washing him off my body. I feel violated, humiliated, ashamed, and yet at the same time my body is horribly relaxed. Damn him. There’s something sickly erotic about his caveman style abuse. I hate that I crave this man the second he stops abusing me.

He led me to a river of clear flowing water. I dropped my bra and his jacket before walking right into the ice cold water. My ass stung at first, then it was soothed by the numbing cold of the water.

Turner was in the water next to me with a bar of soap and a washcloth, lathering. “I wash you, you wash me. It’s the same every day.” He told me.

I nodded and waited. Until I can come up with a way out of this nightmare, I have to play along.

“Good girl. Turn around.”

I did. He washed my hair, back, face, chest, legs, goodies and everything in between right down to my toes. If I wasn’t about to freeze to death, or wanting to drown him, it might be delectable.

When he finished he re-lathered and handed me the cloth. I took it and looked up. “You’d really kill me?”

“Yes.” He assured me, and I believed him.

“Can you kneel down so I can wash your hair?”

He looked skeptical at first them lowered to his knees. “I can tell you’re biding your time. Rest assured Miss Pine, I have no intention of letting you out of my sight.”

I didn’t say anything because it doesn’t matter if he knows what I’m thinking or not, since I’m not sure what I’d do to get away from this giant man. One long stride from him equals a good three of mine. He’s stronger than a bull, I smiled because his father’s name is Bull.

“What amuses you?” He asked putting his hands on my hips under the water.

“I was thinking about how damn strong you are. In my head I compared you to a bull, then I remembered who your father is. I smiled because it seemed funny in my head, out loud it’s just stupid.” I babbled finger-combing his long locks like he had mine.

His hair is a very dirty blonde, but it’s long, both on his head and face. He reminds me of a young member of ZZTop, but wider than the stage in his girth.

“You talk too much.” He scowled.

“You asked. If you don’t want me to talk, don’t ask me questions. Dunk.” My inner lawyer is always on guard.

He dunked probably saving me from another ass tanning. I washed this big gorgeous man’s back when he stood full upright. He has tattoos and scars like most bikers. Some knife wounds, two distinct gunshot wounds. You can tell by the round scars, and the matching ones on the front.

He’s watching me as I move around him.

I washed him as far as I could before looking back up at him, “I can’t reach your calves and feet under the water.

He took the towel and re-lathered it to wash himself under water. His eyes are still on mine.

“What?” I asked needing to know why he’s looking at me like this.

“Who were you fucking before I took you?”

I laughed at the unexpected question. “Nobody. If anything, I was getting fucked out of a job. That’s the only fucking I’ve had in four years.” I looked down at the washcloth in his hand, “Well, unless you count earlier with your fingers.”

“You lie. All women lie, lawyers lie even more.” He declared.

I laughed again, “True, but not usually about something so innocuous. Whether I tell you the truth, or a lie, makes no difference. Why bother lying? It’s been over four years Turner, if you can’t tell by how tight I am, then believe whatever you want, I really don’t care.”

“I can tell.” He splashed me and pointed to the shore, “Go. I want you dry by that fire so you don’t get sick.”

“Yes sir.” I dunked one more time before taking my minor victory and heading in.

He prepared more chicken for breakfast and lunch. This could get old. It’s like he only eats because he has to. I doubt he tastes anything as fast as he consumes the food.

He came and went around camp the rest of the day. I mostly sat under his cut and blankets trying to hide and not bring on any more punishments, or other unwanted attention.

I spent most of the time combing tangles out of my hair and adding wood to the fire. It was a pretty boring day, but because he wasn’t focused on me I kept my mouth shut. The short nap I took after lunch helped kill some time.

Shortly before dark he prepared another chicken dinner, which had me asking as we ate, “Where do you get these?”

“I make them. Eat. You’ll need your strength living up here with me for three months.”

“Three months?? Why so long?” I sat back shocked but still hungry as the cool night air took over the warm air of the day.

“By September it will be too cold for you. If you make me kill you before that time I won’t have to move, so it’s your choice. Stay strong or die up here.” He stood up having finished. “I’m going for a walk, don’t wander off.”

BOOK: Daunting Turns: Book 2 of Colson Brothers Series
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