Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (14 page)

BOOK: Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“I’m sorry, baby, but watching you and Duncan was too much. I won’t last long.”

Logan slammed into Cane without mercy. She could almost feel his cock lengthen and thicken, signaling that he was about to come. His thrusts became erratic, and he panted and groaned. Throwing his head back, he moaned loudly as he shot his seed deep into her womb. Cane could feel his cock pulse with each spurt of his cum and screamed as an unexpected orgasm swept over her.

Lights sparkled behind her eyelids as Cane tried to catch her breath. She felt Logan collapse on her and wrapped her arms around him enjoying his solid weight on her. She was aware of him pulling out and rolling to the side taking her with him. She felt Duncan’s warmth on her back and he slid in close and wrapped his arm around her.

“Are you okay?” Cane didn’t have the strength to answer Duncan
he just grunted and hoped he understood what that meant.

“Sweetheart, are you okay? We didn’t hurt you, did we?”

She opened her eyes to see both men starting down at her with concern on their faces. Holding back tears she smiled. In that instant, she knew that she wanted to be with these men for the rest of her life no matter what anyone thought of their relationship. The fact that they were so concerned about her happiness was more than anyone had ever shown her in her entire life.

“I’m more than okay,” she said as she placed a palm on each of their cheeks. “I have never felt anything as good in my entire life.” She felt a strong urge to tell them she loved them, but didn’t want to ruin the moment if they didn’t feel the same way, so she just continued to smile and stare up at them. She felt both men relax when they realized that she was okay. Fully sated, Cane closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. She was vaguely aware of the guys kissing her and saying something about cooking dinner as they moved out of the bed, but she couldn’t find the strength to open her eyes. She heard soft laughing and the door closing as sleep took her again.

Chapter 12

Sam had been staring at the TV when his cell finally rang.

Snatching it from the coffee table, he flipped it open and yelled, “Kevin, it’s about damn time you called. You should have been in that town over three hours ago, what the hell were you doing?”

There was silence on the other end of the line, but Sam couldn’t feel bad for yelling. The bastard should have called sooner.

Sighing, he knew Kevin could be just as stubborn as he was
so he apologized. “Look, I’m sorry for yelling, I’m just ready to get out there so I can get her back. Did you at least find her?”

“Yes, I found her
he was just checking out of the bed
breakfast when I arrived. I don’t know if she knew I was coming, but something spooked her, so I followed her to see where she would go. She is now staying at the house of the local sheriff and his deputy.”

Kevin paused and took a breath. Sam could tell he wanted to say more, and tried his best to hold on to what little patience he had left. He was seriously going to punish the bitch when he got a hold of her for turning his life upside down.

“There’s more,” Kevin said
turning Sam’s attention away from all the ways he could punish Cane. “I think she is involved with at least one of them.”

Growling, Sam stood and yelled, “At least? What the fuck do you mean at least?”

“Well, I can’t be for sure, but the way they both touched her and guarded over her, it seemed like she was involved with both of them.”

Not giving Kevin a chance to finish explaining, Sam snapped, “Keep an eye on her. I’m on my way!”

Slamming his phone shut, Sam began to pace the room to try and calm down. He always knew she was a slut, but two men at once? She was his and no one else’s and he would make her see that once he finally got his hands on her. Feeling slightly calmer, Sam gathered his bags and left the house. He called and let his friend know to get the jet ready because he was on his way. Soon he would see Cane, and he couldn’t wait to see look on her face when he showed up in town.

* * * *

are we going to do
Logan?” Duncan asked as he entered the kitchen after having a shower.

“About what?”

“You saw how fast she wanted to run today when we told her about the medical records. What are we going to do to keep her safe so that she stays with us? We can’t watch her twenty-four-seven. Hell, he may even be on the way here as we speak.” Rubbing his hands across his face, Logan sat down at the table.

“What if we made Riley her personal bodyguard? He has been complaining all summer that there isn’t anything to do around here and how nothing exciting ever happens. I bet he would jump at the chance to do it.”

“I know he would go for it,” Duncan said, “but do you think Cane will?”

“What will I go for?” Cane asked as she leaned against the doorframe, causing both men to jump.

Logan was the first one out of his chair followed by Duncan as they crossed the room stopping in front of her.

“Hey, baby. How are you feeling? You aren’t sore or anything, are you?” Logan asked as he leaned down to kiss her.

I’m good. What are you guys talking about?”

Duncan leaned down and kissed her as well and led her to the table. As he sat down, he said, “We were talking about how to keep you safe just in case. We decided to ask Riley to be your personal bodyguard when neither of us can be with you.” He expected Cane to protest, but she didn’t say anything
. She
just sat there staring at them.

* * * *

Fighting to hold back tears, Cane just sat and looked at her men. Never in her life ha
she felt this special. They just gave her the best sex of her life, and now they were sitting here trying to come up with a way to protect her.

“I don’t want anything to happen to anyone because of me. I don’t deserve all of this, you two have given me enough already.”

“That’s nonsense,” Logan said.

“Yeah, I agree with Logan. We want you here with us and we want you safe. Nothing is more important than that.”

Sighing, Cane spoke
“I have a feeling that you two are not going to take no for an answer
are you?”

“You know us already,” Logan said

I will let Riley be my bodyguard, but only until school starts. I won’t have him missing school because of me.”

“It’s a deal,” Duncan said as he kissed her on the cheek.

“Come on, Logan, we better get dinner fixed or Ali is going to kill us.” Cane laughed at that and shook her head. She could imagine the tiny Ali bossing four big, strong men around.

Cane sat at the table and watched as Duncan and Logan made dinner. Even though the men were so big, they moved gracefully around the kitchen. She could tell that they probably cooked dinner together a million times by the way they knew what
other needed without asking. They had been friends for so long that now they didn’t even have to speak to know what the other was thinking. They even finished each other’s sentences sometimes. She giggled.

They’re like an old married couple, she thought. She wondered if they would ever be like that with her. Cane had no doubt that she loved them and wanted to spend the rest of her life with them, but did they feel the same way about her? She definitely saw lust and what she thought was love in their eyes when they had made love to her, but she couldn’t be for sure. Wiggling in her seat, her body still tingled from the way they worshipped it. Never had she felt like her body was going to come apart before. She never had an orgasm before with Sam, and she always blamed herself thinking something was wrong with her. Now she knew that wasn’t the case. Duncan and Logan managed to give her several mind-blowing orgasms. Cane could feel her cheeks flush as she felt her body become aroused just thinking about earlier.
How can I want them again so soon after the best sex of my life?

Before she could think about it anymore, she heard Ali’s voice as she came through the front door. “Cane, you’re here! I was wondering what happened to you when you didn’t come into the diner today.”

Ali immediately came over and hugged Cane.
What is it with this family?
She felt welcomed since the first day she met them.

“I have been here with Duncan and Logan. I was planning on coming in, but I got sidetracked.” Ali looked at Duncan and then Logan and turned back to her with a knowing look. Cane could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks and all the way down her neck as she blushed. Ali laughed and then winked and smiled at her as she left the room.

Chase and Riley arrived shortly after Ali, and they all sat down to dinner. Cane laughed and talked and enjoyed conversing with the whole family. She realized that she wasn’t nervous but actually comfortable with this family. She felt accepted and knew that they never judged her for any reason. For the first time in her life, Cane felt like she belonged and it was the best feeling in the world. Duncan and Logan explained Cane’s situation and the need for Riley to be her bodyguard for a little while just as a precaution. Of course Riley quickly agreed, no questions asked. Looking at Riley and seeing the genuine smile on his face assured her that he truly didn’t mind taking the job
so starting early the next morning once Duncan and Logan left for work, Cane officially had a bodyguard. Once that issue was cleared up, the guys also explained that Cane would be living with them. They didn’t explain sleeping arrangements, but I think they all knew that she would be with Duncan and Logan. Ali seemed the most excited about this and showed it by bouncing in her seat and clapping when they told her. The rest of dinner flowed by easily and Cane helped Ali clear the table and do the dishes since her guys cooked. Her guys? Yes, they were her guys and she had no plans of letting them go. The thought should have sent her running since she had only known them for a few days, but the thought of leaving them scared her even more.

Once the kitchen was clean, everyone headed their own separate ways as Cane followed Logan and Duncan out on the back patio. The sun was just starting to set.

“Would you like to go for a walk?” Logan asked.

“Isn’t it about to get dark? We won’t be able to see where we are going. What if we get lost?”

Duncan laughed. “Relax, sweetheart, we grew up here remember. We know these trails like the back of our hands. The majority of the trails were made by me and Logan when we were boys.”

Still not convinced, Cane bit her bottom lip. “If it makes you feel better”—Logan winked—“you can hold the flashlight.”

“It’s a deal.” Cane knew that she would never be able to say no to these guys. Grabbing the flashlight that Logan held out, she turned it on and stepped off the patio. Logan grabbed her free hand and Duncan placed his hand on the small of her back as they began walking. Cane felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up and a shiver run up her back. Stopping, she turned and scanned the trees.

“What’s wrong? Cane?” Both guys spoke at the same time. Cane scanned again but didn’t see anything or anyone.

You are getting paranoid, girl. Who would be following you in the woods? No one knows

BOOK: Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
3.36Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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