Day Beyond the Dead (Book 1) (8 page)

Read Day Beyond the Dead (Book 1) Online

Authors: Christina Dawn

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

BOOK: Day Beyond the Dead (Book 1)
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     “What the hell man. You could’ve killed me!”

     “True. But if I hadn’t fired you would’ve been dead regardless. You’re welcome.” Gerard walked off back into the storage room.

     “Holy shit man. Holy shit,” was all Darren could get out while he was still leaning up against the truck like he was frozen in time. “I thought I was about to get shot and then I found out I was about to get eaten. I can’t take this much stress. Hell I was a friggin’ accountant because I can’t stand intense stress and this FAR surpasses intense stress.” Darren looks around at the carnage, “Far surpasses.” Tara runs over to Darren and hugs him.

     “Are you ok? I was so worried.”

     “Tara, I’m fine,” Darren put his arms around his sister.

     Christa helped Damion get up and took his hand in hers, “There’s some boxes in the storage room. I’m not sure what is of use or not but we should go through that together. Let’s not split up again. There seems to be too many issues that come about from doing just that. Besides, I can’t lose you Damion.”

     “You won’t. I can tell you one thing though. I’m definitely going to keep one eye on Gerard because I don’t trust him nor his intentions,” Damion looked at Christa directing his last statement directly at her. “He’s been trying me since day one and I’m getting a little sick and tired of his shit. I have this feeling it’s gonna come to either him or me at some point and it damn sure won’t be me.” Damion took Christa’s hand and headed for the storage room. She could feel the rigged tension in his grip that let her know he was past his point of tolerance when it came to Gerard.

     The light outside turned to darkness as they went through the countless boxes in the storage unit. Mostly it was just uniforms and various other military clothing. Some boxes held MRE’s and a various assortment of equipment that could be beneficial such as canteens, night vision goggles, bullet proof vests, etc. Christa couldn’t help but wonder why so much was left there. She couldn’t figure out why they found so many useful items, but she didn’t dwell on that fact.

     They gathered as much as they could and packed the back of the two trucks in the garage. No one had even started them up to see if they were operational. “Wait a minute. Does anyone even know where the keys are to these vehicles? We might wanna make sure they are around here before we go through all the trouble of loading them up with supplies.” Tara couldn’t help but to vocalize her query.

     “They were in them. I already checked,” Gerard said.

     Something just didn’t sit right with Tara when she heard that. “Don’t you think that sounds a little too convenient? I mean really. They were already in the vehicles? I dunno. Something just doesn’t feel right.”

     Gerard stopped what he was doing to address Tara, “What doesn’t feel right? The fact that the dead come back to life to eat on the living or the fact that a vast majority of the population is dead already or-“

     “-ok, ok. I got it. I don’t like it but I got it.” Tara still didn’t feel right about it but she was willing to let it go.

     After they loaded up the vehicles they went through the remaining offices and rooms looking for whatever they could find. They didn’t find much of anything else so instead they scouted out the rooms for a possible place to sleep for the night. They found two rooms that were adjoining and decided on those two. Everyone took a sleeping bag from the supplies and found a spot on the floor in one of the two rooms. Darren, Tara and Gerard were in one room while Damion and Christa were in the other. For the time being they left the door open that joined the two rooms.

     “Where are you going?”

     “I’m just going to the restroom and maybe to take a look around. Don’t worry Damion, I am only going to the garage. I won’t be long. Just need a moment or two. Ok?”

     “Ok, but if you need me you scream got it?” Christa nods. “If you aren’t back soon I’m coming to look for you.” Christa knew he would too.

     Christa walked to the end of the hallway near the entrance to the garage and took a sharp right to go into the restroom. After using it she was washed her hands and stared into the mirror. Her face looked all too real. The darkness beneath her eyes revealed the loss of decent sleep as well as the stress of it all taking its toll. Her eyes were glazed over in a sleep deprived haze. She didn’t even care.

     In times like these you didn’t care what you looked like and usually you didn’t care what you smelled like. What you did care about was that you were unscathed and able to survive another day. What you did care about was the well-being of your loved ones. Everything else was just trivial frivolous perks that didn’t mean much nowadays. So while Christa was well aware she wouldn’t be winning any beauty contests soon she also didn’t really seem to give a shit either.

     After exiting the bathroom she opened the door to the garage. It was easily a good 30 degrees colder in the garage due to the lack of sufficient heating. She couldn’t help but look around and take stock of the dead bodies that seem to litter the area like scattered glass laying where they landed in whatever situation they expired in. Christa was so sick of dead bodies but in a sense she was becoming partially desensitized to it as well. The commonality of it among the places they went to slowly took away its shock value. That didn’t mean it still didn’t effect her in some way though because it did.

     She felt the need to at least clear out the room so they wouldn’t have to constantly step over a dead body. Christa noticed a door that lead to the back of the building. She walked through the center of the garage and made her way to it. She placed her hand upon the knob and paused momentarily to get her mind ready for whatever she may find. She quickly thrust open the door and immediately saw a snow mound right new the door. There was nothing else. No undead. No vehicles. Nothing except a small clearing, minus the snow mound, and some shed that was placed right before the railroad tracks.

     She propped open the door with a nearby box and started to pull the nearest body to the door. She made it outside the door and pulled the body near the mound, but slipped and fell on top of it. This mound felt funny. It felt like a solid mass that wasn’t just snow. She pushed herself up, getting leverage with her hand, off the mound. Her hand broke through something and it felt slightly warm inside. She pulled her hand back quickly and blood flung from her fingertips onto her shirt and face. She let out a scream from the initial shock of it. After realizing what had just happened she started clearing away the snow and discovered the mound of snow was actually a mound of dead bodies.

     After inspecting the bodies closer she could tell from the markings on the face and the appearance of the eyes that it looked as if these people were not infected. This was puzzling and she couldn’t quite make out why they were killed if that was the case.

     Just then Damion rounded the corner in a rush followed by the rest of the group. “Are you okay,” he asked as he ran over to her and put his hands on her arms. Damion noticed the blood on Christa’s hand, shirt and face and panicked. “Oh my god Christa are you okay? Is that your blood?! Where are you hurt??”

     “No Damion, I’m fine. That’s not my blood. I fell on top of this mound, which I thought was just snow, but as I went to get up my hand went through a dead body. Look at these bodies. More importantly look at their faces, especially their eyes. Do you notice anything?”

     The whole group went over to the bodies and looked closely as if they were trying to crack a thousand year old mystery. As they stared no one made a sound. “Not one of you can tell? Their eyes are like ours. They don’t look like they were infected before they were shot. Plus when I put my hand through that one corpse there was still a tiny amount of warmth there. I don’t have to tell you what that means. This didn’t happen that long ago. What I can’t figure out is why they were killed if they weren’t infected.”

     Gerard spoke, “Well we don’t know enough about this disease to know if the appearance of the eyes are tale-telling really Chris. I mean I can’t even remember their eyes after they were killed.”

    Christa replied immediately, “Well I can and they don’t look like that Gerard. I’m telling you I have this gut feeling about this. I don’t like this place. Everyone started looking around in the black abyss of night once Christa spoke those words. Their visuals only reaching so far.

     “Let’s get back inside for now. We’ll figure this out. Why were you outside anyhow?”

     “Damion, I was only trying to clear out this room.”

     “Next time Christa, please don’t take initiative by yourself. Be thankful it was actually dead bodies and not a horde of undead. I don’t know if we could have made it to you in time and I don’t want to even think about that scenario. So please, don’t make me have to ever again.” Christa could see the worry in his eyes and she was upset with herself that very instant that she ever put it there.

     She walked over to him and placed a kiss on his lips, “I’m sorry baby. I promise. Never again.”


Chapter 9



     The light broke through the windows hitting Christa’s eyes which caused her to wake. She stretched out her arms and legs out limbering up for the day. For a brief moment she almost forgot where she was. She wondered if she would ever get use to waking up in strange places. Opening her eyes to foreign scenery and having to remind herself that this isn’t a nightmare, and yes Bree was gone. It seems like life’s own cruel way of torturing her every day.

     She looked around the room and realized her and Damion were still alone. She slowly got up and closed the door that adjoined the two rooms. She soon realized that only one thing made her forget the whole situation. Making love to Damion. She walked slowly back towards Damion and took off each article of clothing while he slept. She crawled slowly back under the sprawled out sleeping bag. Christa slowly undoes Damion’s pants, being careful not to wake him. She reaches inside them, cups his balls and slowly maneuvers every inch out. She licks her lips in anticipation. Her head disappears under the cover.

     She brings her lips to the base of his cock. She puts her tongue against the underside of it, presses firmly and licks upwards until she gets to the tip. She puts it inside her mouth and deep kisses his erect shaft. By this time Damion had awaken and his moans let Christa know that. She grasped his shaft in one hand motioning back and forth as her lips slid across his glistening cock. She was eager, overly. Her desire had become voracious. She was venting all her emotions through sexual acts.

     She pulled back from suckling Damion’s manhood and climbed on top of him. She could feel every inch slide into her waiting wet hole. Christa sat down until every inch was inside of her. She arched her back and let out a slight moan. Her thoughtfulness for her companions next door was not even a remote thought in her mind. She continued to ride Damion’s hard dick with a vigor that sent him into overdrive.

     He quickly rolled her over and propped her legs up over his shoulders so he could penetrate her even deeper. Christa let out a faint yelp at the sharp pain she felt in her lower abdomen. Damion was very well endowed and knew exactly which buttons to press, so to speak. Damion wasted no time penetrating Christa deeper and deeper, harder and harder. She could feel his soft balls slap against her ass with every thrust.

     She grabbed his hand and put it around her neck as he kept slamming against her. She loved it when Damion would get aggressive with her. It always turned her on when he took initiative and took what he wanted. She never liked being manhandled but it always excited her when Damion would do it to her.

     She could feel the pressure rising in her lower abdomen with every deep thrust. She wrapped her hands around Damion and placed them on his backside so she could pull him into her even deeper. When Christa did that it prompted Damion to give it to her even harder.

     Damion leaned down to press his lips to Christa’s but before they kissed Christa said between labored breaths, “Fuck me Damion. Fuck me hard.” With that it was no holds barred for Damion. With his first hard thrust Christa let out a faint scream. Damion continues fucking Christa as he puts his mouth over hers. Their tongues encircling each other. Damion can feel the muscles in Christa’s wet pussy tightening around his dick. He knows that means she’s approaching climax.

          Quickening the pace, Damion puts his hand over Christa’s mouth to quiet her. As Damion felt her tensing up she could feel the same thing. She wanted to feel his warmth fill her up inside. Christa spreads her legs open as wide as she can, inviting Damion in to her very depths. As Christa reaches her peak she sinks her nails into Damion’s back and lets out a loud uncontrollable moan as her body climaxes. Immediately after, Damion releases his load deep inside of Christa. She can feel the warmth fill her up as Damion gives her every last drop. So much so she can feel his sticky warmth sliding down her slit.

     She can feel his dick throbbing still inside of her as he lays there on top of her. He turns his face towards hers and locks eyes. Softly he presses his lips to her and gives her a slow, deep kiss.

     “Oh my god Damion, you are gonna make me want to go again.”

     “I wish we could make love all day. It’s my favorite past time.”

     Christa smiled, “You are my favorite past time too.”

     “Yeah, well next time can you be a little bit quieter when enjoying your favorite past time,” Gerard yelled from the adjacent room. Christa’s eyes widened and she couldn’t help but laugh quietly at Gerard’s remark.

     Damion gave Christa a look, “It’s not my fault that a certain someone can’t contain herself when I push all the right buttons.”

     “Oh baby, and I love how you push them over and over and over and-“ Damion kisses Christa urgently.

     “As much as I hate to say it, I guess we should get dressed and get up. What we found last night is still not resonating with me all too well. I rather take what we got and find a new place. It’s not worth the risk.”

     “I agree. Well baby I need to freshen up so I’m going to head to the bathroom,” Christa leaned over and kissed Damion once more before dressing and heading off down the hallway. The hallway was more lit than the night before but it took on a more eerie tone this morning for some reason. Christa slowed her pace as she got farther down the hallway and more towards the bathroom door.

     She paused outside the door with her hand pressed up against it. Something didn’t sit right with her. She held her ear to the door but heard nothing so she decided to go in. She slowly opened the door and noticed the room was exactly the same as it was the night before. That fact alone made her feel more at ease.

     She went into the stall and sat down. Christa heard a slight noise in the stall next to her which made her pause. She lowered her head and looked for anything visible but couldn’t see anything. She sat back up, pulled up her pants and slowly walked over to the sink while staring at the door to the stall that was next to her. She slowly turned on the water and began washing her hands. As her eyes were still on the door it shook slightly for just a moment. Christa froze in place. She didn’t know whether she should go for the door fast or check to see if anything or anyone is behind the door.

     “Hello? Is there anyone in there?” Christa tries to peer through the slit in the stall door but can’t seem to see anything from the distance. She takes two steps towards the stall door and she sees a shadow move quickly which causes her to step back abruptly. Her back now against the main door to the bathroom, she looks at the stall door waiting on something or someone to open the door. It doesn’t move. Christa holds still for another minute waiting for something to happen. She slowly opens up the door behind her and heads down the hallway at a jogging pace.

     Damion grabs her by the shoulders as she makes it to the doorway, “What’s wrong Christa? What happened?”

     “I thought something or someone was in the stall next to me. I heard a noise but I couldn’t see anyone or anything. Then I saw the door move and a shadow, but then nothing.”

     “Has anyone seen Tara? I woke up this morning but she isn’t in the room,” Darren asked as he burst through the adjoining door.

     Christa looked over at Darren inquisitively, “You mean she’s not anywhere to be found? Was she feeling okay?”

     “She said her stomach was bothering her late in the evening and then she went to sleep. Maybe she went to the restroom?”

     Christa thought to herself for a moment and then realized that it was probably Tara in the restroom and who knows if she was asleep or sick and just didn’t answer. “There was movement in the stall next to me just no reply. I’ll go check. It has to be.” Christa ran down the hallway for the restroom door and went inside with as much haste. “Tara, are you ok? Open the door and let me help you.” She could see her feet now by the door on the inside of the stall. Christa grabbed a quarter out of her pocket and used the side of it to wedge it in the indentation on the lock and turned it to open it. The door flew open and Tara fell out onto Christa with her face landing straight on her chest. Christa fell back with Tara on top of her. She could feel her face on her bare chest and it was borderline cold.

     Christa tried to push Tara up off of her but she couldn’t get her up. She felt like dead weight. Christa screamed for help. Footsteps could be heard scurrying down the hallway. They pushed on the door only to meet resistance from Christa’s body up against the door with Tara on top of her.

     “Why can’t we open the door?! Christa?! Christa!!”-Damion yelled at the top of his voice as he pushed his body up against the door again and again. Christa tried to wriggle free from under Tara and from in front of the door. Just then Tara started to stir slowly.

     Christa tried to grab Tara by the sides of her face when she noticed she was moving, “Tara? Tara? Can you hear me Tara? You are gonna have to move from on top of me. Tara?” Tara’s face turned gradually until Christa could see her eyes and what she saw horrified her. Tara’s eyes were glazed over as if she were dead; but the blood vessels in her eyes were half busted and this hollow stare was all that was left. Christa instantly made sure she had Tara’s face in her hands as she held it a distance from her bare skin. “DAMION!! DAMION!! GET HER OFF ME!! GET HER OFF ME!! OH MY GOD!!” All that could be heard were Christa’s blood curdling screams.

     Damion and Gerard both pushed on the door as hard as they could. Slowly the door opened and they found Christa on the floor holding Tara mere inches away from gnawing into her flesh.

     “Oh my God Tara! No! No! No! No!” Darren fell back against the hallway wall as he realized Tara was gone. Damion and Gerard both grabbed Tara and pulled her off of Christa. Damion held Tara from behind her with an arm around her neck while Gerard prepared to stab her in the head.

     “Stop!! Wait!! She’s my sister. I’ll do it,” Darren said adamantly.

     Gerard looked at Darren in astonishment, “Are you sure?”

     Damion was struggling as he was holding Tara, “Whatever you guys decide please do it fast.”

     Darren took the knife from Gerard and stood before Tara and Damion. Looking into her face he could tell there was no trace of Tara left inside. “I love you Tarbear.” Darren pulls the knife back and quickly sticks it into her forehead and pulls it out. Damion lets go of Tara’s body and she falls to the floor. Darren stands there over the body staring down at it while handing the knife nonchalantly back to Gerard and then walking off down the hallway.

     Damion walked over to Christa and took her in his arms. “No more bathroom breaks by yourself ever again. I don’t understand how she turned.”
     Christa wracked her brain, “The only thing I can think of is that she got bit when she was attacked but never said anything. It couldn’t be anything else.”

     Gerard looked over Tara’s body and found a small bite mark on her finger, “You’re right Christa. The tiniest bite mark is on her finger.” Gerard stared at how small the mark was. He was trying hard to fathom how such a small mark could have such devastating effects. In that moment he realized just how easily everything could be taken away. “You think you’re invincible and then a small cut takes you out of the game. Life hangs in such a delicate balance these days.”

     Christa could tell this was all hitting Gerard pretty hard. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Even through all of his wrongs Gerard has a pretty big heart.

     “I’m going to check on Darren and make sure he doesn’t do anything foolish,” Damion walked off down the hallway towards the room Darren went into.

     Christa looked over at Gerard, “Are you going to be okay?”

     Gerard looked over at Christa, “Me? You are the one that nearly died, are you okay?” He closed distance slowly and stood a foot from Christa. “I was so scared. I don’t think I’ve ever been truly that scared before. Listen, I know we aren’t together but I can’t help but wonder if I had never made that horrible mistake would we still be together now in lieu of everything that has happened? Would you have still ran into Damion’s bed no matter the case?”

     Christa sighs, “Listen Gerard, I-“

     “-Don’t bother Christa. They were rhetorical questions. I only stated them so you would know where my mind has been. I have loved you for a long time and I always will, but I understand what we had is just that, what we had. We won’t have that or anything like it again and I’ve come to accept it. I don’t have to like it but I’ve accepted it. I guess in a funny way I have always known that Damion was the guy for you. I just didn’t want to accept it. I thought I could love you better, but no matter how much I love you, and I do love you Christa, Damion loves you too. I just don’t want there to be this tension between all of us, especially when there is so much as is with the way the world is. I don’t expect Damion to like me all of a sudden but can’t he at least respect the fact that we have something in common? We both care about you and we both want to keep you safe. That should be enough right now. I’m not trying to get you back because I know that is a fruitless venture. I just don’t want this situation to end up getting one of us killed.” Gerard paused and as he spoke Christa could see the hurt in his eyes, “I saw how you looked at me out there, and him. You thought I had thoughts of killing Damion and he thought so too. Christa, do you really think I am capable of something like that? I mean really? You should know me better or at least I thought you did. Why would I do something like that? To get you back? If anything that would just make you hate me worse wouldn’t it.”

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