Dead Lost (Kiera Hudson Series Two (Book 8))

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Dead Lost

(Kiera Hudson Series Two)

Book 8



Tim O’Rourke

First Edition Published by Ravenwoodgreys

Copyright 2013 by Tim O’Rourke

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organisations is entirely coincidental.

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Story Editor

Lynda O’Rourke

Book cover designed by:

Tim O’Rourke

Copyedited by:

Carolyn M. Pinard

[email protected]

For all of us who get lost from time to time…


Thanks to:

Shana at

Caroline Barker at

Melly at the Vampire Forum

Who all took the time to review my books – Thank you!


You can contact Tim O’Rourke at

Or by email at
[email protected]

More books by Tim O’Rourke


Kiera Hudson Series One

Vampire Shift (Kiera Hudson Series 1) Book 1

Vampire Wake (Kiera Hudson Series 1) Book 2

Vampire Hunt (Kiera Hudson Series 1) Book 3

Vampire Breed (Kiera Hudson Series 1) Book 4

Wolf House (Kiera Hudson Series 1) Book 4.5

Vampire Hollows (Kiera Hudson Series 1) Book 5

Kiera Hudson Series Two

Dead Flesh (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 1

Dead Night (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 1.5

Dead Angels (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 2

Dead Statues (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 3

Dead Seth (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 4

Dead Wolf (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 5

Dead Water (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 6

Dead Push (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 7

Dead Lost (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 8 Coming December 2013!

Dead End (Kiera Hudson Series 2) Book 9 Coming Soon!

Kiera Hudson Series Three

Lethal Infected (Kiera Hudson Series Three) Book 1 Coming 2014!



The Jack Seth Novellas

Hollow Pit (Book One)

Seeking Cara (Book Two) Coming 2014!


Black Hill Farm (Books 1 & 2)

Black Hill Farm (Book 1)

Black Hill Farm: Andy’s Diary (Book 2)

A Return to Black Hill Farm (Book 3) Coming 2014!


Sydney Hart Novels

Witch (A Sydney Hart Novel) Book 1

Yellow (A Sydney Hart Novel) Book 2

Raven (A Sydney Hart Novel) Book 3 Coming 2014!


The Doorways Trilogy

Doorways (Doorways Trilogy Book 1)

The League of Doorways (Doorways Trilogy Book 2)

The Queen of Doorways (Doorways Trilogy Book 3) Coming 2014!


Moon Trilogy

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Moonbeam (Moon Trilogy) Book 2

Moonshine (Moon Trilogy) Book 3 Coming 2014!


Samantha Carter – Vampire Seeker Series

Vampire Seeker (Samantha Carter Series) Book 1

The Vampire Watchmen (Samantha Carter) Book 2 Coming 2014!



Written by Tim O’Rourke & C.J. Pinard



Coming 2014!


You can contact Tim O’Rourke at
or by email at
[email protected]

Dead Lost

Chapter One


The Photographer


Kiera Hudson screamed. The sound almost broke my heart. But I had to keep telling myself that this wasn’t the Kiera I loved as a friend… a sister.
Kiera was going to kill Potter. I could remember moments from my past when I would’ve been quite happy to see the obnoxious jerk
take a bullet or two – but not now. Not anymore. Potter was my friend too, and if I were to be honest, he was like family.

Taking aim at Kiera as she hid in the bicycle shed outside the front of Bleak Point Railway Station, I squeezed the trigger of the gun clutched in my fist. Bullets whizzed from it, turning the bicycle shed into splinters. Kiera sped away in the dark. I glanced to my right and watched Potter push Sparky’s corpse to the floor inside the station. I had killed Sparky too, and I hadn’t felt bad about doing that for one moment. In both my lives so far, he had been untrustworthy. He was a friend to no one. Through the glass doors at the front of the station, I could see Potter come racing forward. His eyes were as black as ever, as were his wings that now tore from his back. I took a step back into the
shadows, the hood I wore covered my face. Potter launched himself through the glass front doors. It broke in a spray of glass that danced in the night sky like glitter. He landed on the ground, wings out and claws raised. Potter snarled, brandishing his fangs. Although I had seen him like this so many times before, the sudden sight of him crouched on the front step of the station took my breath away with fright. Potter could be imposing most of the time, but as a Vampyrus ready to kill, he often looked terrifying. With his shirt open down the front and ripped across the back, I could see his chest, stomach and arm muscles as hard as stone beneath the pale light of the moon.

There was another scream and I glanced right to see Kiera race towards the fields that led away at the back of the station. I took aim and fired.

Potter shot into the air and rocketed over the roof of the station. I followed, keeping low to the ground. My jet black wings hummed behind me. I couldn’t risk taking full flight for fear of Potter seeing me. I couldn’t let that happen until I had killed Kiera. If he saw me too soon, he would stop me. Although this wasn’t the Kiera either of us truly knew and loved, Potter wouldn’t let her die. Racing just inches above the grass in the field below, I could see Kiera running away. How long would she keep up the pretence? I wondered. She could change into a wolf at any time and outrun both of us. Then, swooping out of the sky like some giant bat, Potter threw his arms about her waist and soared away.

I heard Kiera scream out again, but not with fear this time, but surprise. Or was that delight? She had Potter racing to her rescue. He would do anything to protect her now and this Kiera knew that. Why did Potter always have to think with his dick?

I took aim and fired again.

Bullets whizzed past them. I wasn’t too worried about Potter taking a stray bullet. He would soon get over it – he always did. Sure, he would bitch and complain, that was another of his talents as well as having his brains in his bollocks, but Potter would heal. And so too would Kiera, unless one of my bullets went straight into her head.  

They corkscrewed through the air above me as I raced just inches over the hilltops. The camera I had taken so many pictures with, hanging from around my neck. I could see Potter glancing down at the ground in search of me. If Potter and Kiera got away, he would only hide her in a place of safety then come back for me. I had to stay out of sight now so Potter believed he had left me way behind. After all, I doubted he would suspect for one moment that his pursuer had wings just like him. There were no other Vampyrus left in this world of wolves.

Staring up at them, I watched Potter tighten his arms about Kiera as he raced through the air. Just like mine, his wings rippled out on either side of his body. I couldn’t help but notice how
Kiera had her face pressed against Potter’s chest. And for the briefest of moments, a snapshot image of Kiera and Potter raced across my mind. It was like a flash of déjà vu. Again, I had to remind myself that I wasn’t looking at the Kiera Hudson I knew. She wasn’t exactly an imposter; she was from another
. In this
Kiera Hudson was a wolf and she had already killed the Potter from this
world and she was about to kill the other. I couldn’t let that happen. Potter wasn’t meant to be interacting with
Kiera, but just like it always did, Potter’s dick had gotten in the way again. Would he ever learn? Not while there were beautiful women in this world like Kiera, I figured.

I saw Kiera look up into Potter’s eyes, and he stared back down into hers as they swept through the night sky. Who did he think he was, freaking Superman taking Lois Lane for a quick swoop over Metropolis, for Christ’s sake?

I followed them, as Potter swooped out of the sky toward a remote dirt track lined with pine trees on either side. I could see a parked, beat-up old red Mini. The
reflected more than just people. Potter dropped out of the night sky with surprising grace. With his feet touching the ground, Potter slowly lifted Kiera out of his arms. Kiera didn’t let go, even though she was back on the ground.

I raced toward the trees, and planting my boots on the ground, I snuck between them. Even from some feet away, I could hear both their hearts racing in their chests and the blood surging through their veins. Both were hot, Potter for her, and Kiera for her impending kill. 

Kiera looked up into Potter’s face and whispered, “So it is true, there are winged creatures. You’re one of them.”

Now the real Kiera would’ve never asked such a dumb fucking question. Positioning myself behind a nearby tree, I tried to take aim with my gun.

Potter stared down into her bright hazel eyes.
Snap out of it, Potter,
I wanted to roar at him from my hiding place. Hadn’t he learnt his lesson with Sophie and Eloisa? How much action did a guy need in his life?

Still in Potter’s arms, Kiera reached out and caressed one of Potter’s motley-looking wings with her fingertips. “They’re beautiful,” she whispered.

“Oh please,” I sighed and took aim.

“Kiera…” Potter started.

“Shhh,” she said, then leaning forward, she placed her lips over Potter’s mouth.

“Move, bitch,” I hissed under my breath. If I shot her in the head now, Potter would end up with a throat full of her brains. Perhaps I should fire, I thought, gently squeezing down on the trigger. He’d think twice about ever kissing anyone ever again. I might not be doing
Kiera a favour, but
Kiera would love me forever more. 

I watched her pull Potter close as Kiera’s kiss became evermore passionate. I pressed the trigger further, then stopped. Potter seemed to be trying to ease her from him. He opened his eyes and pushed her away from him. He had a kind of disgusted look on his face, like perhaps her breath had smelt real bad or something. It was the tongue, I smiled to myself. He had felt that soft silk hair covering that lined the underside of a female wolf’s tongue.

“Kiera…?” he whispered, looking at her.

“Yes,” Kiera smiled, her eyes now blazing like two glowing coals. 

Staggering backwards, Potter said, “You can’t be Kiera. This is a trick… you’ve got to be…

“Lilly?” I whispered, taking aim again. I had been right; there had been more women in Potter’s life than just Sophie and Eloisa. No wonder Kiera had left Potter. 

“Who’s Lilly?” Kiera said, tilting her head to one side and staring at Potter with her bright yellow eyes. “Not another woman?”

Another jealous Kiera,
I thought. These
worlds really were mirror images of each other. How does one guy manage to piss off the same woman in two different
? Only Potter could do that.

“What other woman?” Potter mumbled, looking as if he had been caught out again.

There was a small part of me that actually felt kind of sorry for him. Only a very small part. He looked lost – he looked trapped.

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