Dead Ringer (31 page)

Read Dead Ringer Online

Authors: Mary Burton

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Romance, #Suspense, #Crime

BOOK: Dead Ringer
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her cell phone, she dialed Kendall's
home number. She waited for the message to play and for the beep. "I'm running
late tonight. Don't freak. Just wrapping up a few more details and then I
promise to put my feet up and
it easy."

hung up, dropped the phone into her purse, and ducked her head against the cold
as she headed to her car. As she shoved the key in the lock, she heard
footsteps behind her.

turned and found Dana standing just feet from her. "Dana, what do you want?"

thin frame huddled in her fur coat. "I want to talk to you about the baby again."

woman didn't understand no and that sent a ping of fear down Nicole's spine.
"We've been through this. I'm not letting you adopt this child."

frustration burned through her practiced smile. "But you don't want it!"

challenge had her taking a step back. "I don't know that! And even if I don't,
I won't give it to you."

"Why not?"

don't like you." She'd not meant to sound so harsh. But there it was. She was
through trying to dance around the woman's feelings.

face hardened. She fumbled in her coat pocket and pulled out a gun. Moonlight
glinted off the barrel, which was pointing straight at Nicole. "I really don't
care if you like me or not."

glanced around the dark parking lot hoping to see someone. There was no one.

grinned. "No one is going to help you now. I tried to be nice. I tried to pay
you. But you give me no choice now but to take the baby."

hand slid to her stomach. A violent protective urge rushed her senses. "You
can't have her."

going to take her."

you shoot me you'll hurt the baby."

didn't look concerned. "I can shoot you in several places that will
incapacitate you but not hurt the baby. I've been practicing for this, you

took a step back. She'd seen this crazed look before.
In her
late husband's eyes.
"You're insane."

practical. I know what I want and I go after it. Now start walking."


car is parked in the corner of the lot."

not going."

jabbed the gun at her. "If you force my hand, you'll lose. Because if I don't
get what I want I'll start going after the people you care about.
Namely that snooty Kendall Shaw."

has nothing to do with this."

your friend. She's leverage. Now start walking or I go after Kendall." A dark
smile twisted her lips. "I wouldn't have to kill her to ruin her. A cupful of
acid to the face and her life would be destroyed forever."

felt sick.
"Leave Kendall
out of this."

up to you. Start walking or I go after her."

took a step toward the car. There had to be a way out of this. She'd escaped
Richard. She would get away from Dana.

pulled keys from her pocket and clicked the remote. The lights of a BMW flashed
and the trunk popped open. "Then there's your friend Lindsay. She's expecting,
I hear. I'd hate for her to have a nasty accident and lose her baby."


all have a touch of it in us." She jabbed the gun in the air. "Now drop your
purse on the ground and move!"


face twisted with rage. In a split second she rushed Nicole and brought the
butt of the gun down on her head. Pain stunned Nicole and she stumbled. Dana
pushed her into the trunk and grabbed her purse. She slammed the lid closed.

shook her head and immediately started to pound on the trunk lid. "Let me out!
Let me out!"

then began looking for the lever, which was supposed to glow in the dark. But
she couldn't see it anywhere. As her head throbbed, she frantically patted the
darkness expecting to feel it. Her stomach contracted painfully. The pain
pulled her attention from the lever for a moment, and she had to breathe deeply
until it passed.

a gunshot rang out.

screamed. Another shot followed, and someone fell against the trunk and seemed
to slide to the ground.

started to pound on the trunk, crying,
Help! I'm in
here! Dana has locked me in the trunk!"

all right, Nicole." The voice was masculine.
Very soothing.

nearly wept with relief. "Let me out. That woman is crazy. She's trying to take
my baby."

not going to take your baby," the man said. "It's all right now."

you find the keys? I think they're in her pocket. You can let me out. The
release lever in here is gone. I think she disabled it."

heard him move behind the car. Then she heard the clink of the keys. Thank God!
He was going to save her.

seconds passed as she waited for the trunk to pop open.

you going to open the trunk?!" she shouted.

just yet, Nicole. Not just yet."

stranger moved away from the car, and for several long minutes there was
nothing. She screamed, "Help!"

someone tapped on the trunk. "I'm back and Dana won't bother you anymore."

waited for the lock to turn and when it didn't she begged, "Let me out,

can't do that." The man moved to the front of the car, got in, and fired up the
engine. The car backed up and started down the road.

curled into a tight ball as tears welled in her eyes. Dear God, who had her?


Tuesday, January 21, 12:15

was past midnight when Kendall got home from the television station. She was
bone tired as she stood in the kitchen and flipped on the lights. Todd had hung
the cabinets, attached the hardware, and installed the new appliances. The room
looked stunning. And for a flicker of a moment she felt happy. However, the
feeling flittered away, as it did of late.

moved to the phone and played back the answering machine's messages.
Two messages from Brett.
He prattled on about work again
like nothing had happened. And then the third message replayed. It was from

rush to call me back," she said, sounding a bit breathless. "I got your paperwork
and I want to go over a few things with you. Like I
no rush. Just set up an appointment. Talk to you soon. Ciao."

stood in the half-lighted hallway, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest.
She was really going to do this. She was going to search for her birth family.
So many years of pretending and ignoring and now she was going to look. The
decision left her feeling elated and oddly troubled, afraid even. What was the
old adage, "Be careful what you wish for?"

next message played. "Kendall, this is Jenny, your mom's old neighbor. I found
something in my attic. I think it'll be of interest to you."

checked her watch. It was too late to call or visit Jenny. "Damn." She'd have
to wait until morning.

last message was from Nicole. She was going to be late. She sounded tired and
her promise to cut back sounded heartfelt. Kendall nodded. "Good."

front doorbell rang, yanking her from her thoughts. Thinking it must be
she moved quickly toward the door and peeked through
the curtained glass panels.

smiled at her. "I need to talk to you," he said.

let the curtain drop and groaned. She opened the door. Cold air sent a chill
through her. "Go away."

need to talk." The faint scent of whiskey wafted toward her.

don't think so. You screwed me over today and then didn't have the guts to face
me at the office."

smile turned brittle. "Look, I don't want to fight. I want to talk about us.
About us getting back together."

had eroded her patience. "There
no us." She moved
to slam the door.

shoved his foot in the doorjamb, keeping the door from closing. "I'm not giving
up on you."

going to call the police," Kendall warned. Her voice had attitude, but she was
afraid of Brett. She'd never seen him like this before and realized he wasn't

started to shove the door. Slowly it inched open.

pushed back. "Leave me alone, Brett."

don't understand."

there a problem here?" Jacob Warwick's stern voice cut through the night behind
Brett, making the slighter man snarl. Jacob's expression was fierce and his
clenched fist said he was ready to fight if need be.

the hell are you doing here?" Brett snapped. His gaze turned accusing as it
moved from Jacob to Kendall. He released the door and faced Jacob. "Kendall and
I have personal things to work out."

glance cut to Kendall and he studied her face for a second. "That true?"

asked him to leave," Kendall said. Jacob was a welcome sight.

icy stare shifted to Brett. "You heard Kendall. Leave."

is none of your business." Brett's words sounded like a whine.

is." Jacob seemed so calm, yet there was a fierceness about him that allowed no
room for argument.

backed up. "I'll have your job for this."

didn't flinch. "I don't think so."

eyes narrowed. "What are you doing here? It can't be police business."

didn't answer.

folded her arms over her chest. Let Brett think what he wanted about them.
"Leave now."

shook his head. "Didn't take you long, did it, Kendall? How long have you been
sleeping with him?"

gaze was pure ice. "Leave."

called her something under his breath and hurried down the stairs and around
the corner.

let out a breath. "I'm not sure where you came from, but thanks."

kept his gaze trained on Brett. "He's more persistent than I first thought he'd

didn't expect that from him."

watched Brett get in his car and drive off. "I'm not surprised."

are you doing here?"

I ask you a few questions?"


checked his watch. "Yes, but you normally don't get in until late."

stepped aside and waited for him to pass by her before she closed the door.
"What can I do for you?"

masculine scent mingled with the cold and radiated off him. "This may be
nothing, but I'm following up on a lead."

arched a brow. "You're coming to me about a lead?"

tightened his jaw. "This is strictly confidential, Kendall."

smiled tartly. "When are you going to give me a quote?"

expression remained serious. "Are you adopted?"

question took her back. No one had ever asked her that. The answer was a simple
yes but she couldn't bring herself to say it. "Why would you ask a question
like that?"

third murder victim was adopted. The second had been in foster care. We haven't
been able to determine if the first was or wasn't adopted. There's no denying
the first two victims look like you."

third doesn't."

He shoved his hand through his hair. "There are too many coincidences here to
ignore. My gut is telling me all three women were adopted."

throat tightened with unexpected emotion. "Yes, I was adopted."

released the breath he was holding. The news didn't seem to please him. "What
can you tell me about your past?
Your birth family?"

other than my parents adopted me at age three. They never discussed it. I've
just started trying to track down the past. But the records are sealed. I've
only just hired a search consultant to see what she can find out." She tried to
stay calm. "Do you think the killer is targeting adoptees?"

don't know." Dark circles hung under his eyes. "Like I said, I'm trying to tie
the pieces together."

I'm one of the pieces."

think so, yes."

this moment, she felt so utterly alone. Her life felt so hollow, so rootless.
"Do you think those women are related to me?"

don't have any evidence yet. But yes, I do."

ran long fingers through her hair. "I've been drawn to this story from the beginning."
Her voice was barely a whisper.

didn't say anything. But with him so close, she didn't feel that alone. "I
don't know if I'll have answers anytime soon. Carnie, the adoption consultant,
said it could take years."

laid a hand on her shoulder. Its warmth calmed her nerves. "I'd like to go to a
judge and see if I can get your adoption file opened."

luck. Carnie said she doesn't know of a closed adoption file that's ever been
unsealed by the courts in Virginia. Apparently, death is not considered a good
enough reason to open an adoption file."

was surprised how candid she was being. But on a gut level, she trusted Jacob.
"My mother's--my adoptive mother's--old neighbor left a message on my machine.
She'd found something in her attic. She wouldn't say what it was."

call in the morning?"

early as I can."

A silence settled between them. There wasn't much more to say to each other.

glanced at the door as if he suddenly realized that he was overstepping.

she didn't want him to leave. Why
was it
when she was
with him life just felt brighter, better, edgier?

looked down at her. She read the attraction in his eyes but doubted he'd try to
kiss her again. She'd blown him off the last time, and if Jacob Warwick was
anything, he was a man with pride. The move would have to be hers.

Kendall wanted to kiss Jacob. She wanted to feel the touch of his skin against
hers more than anything in the world. And it wasn't just about banishing the
loneliness. She wanted him.
Had wanted him for a long time.

faced him and pressed her hand to his chest, felt the rapid beat of his heart.
Rising on tiptoes, she kissed his lips. He didn't close his eyes or surrender,
but stared at her.

don't want this," he said. "You're upset.

kept her body close to his. "There's a lot of crap in my life right now that
I'm not sure of. But I'm sure of this."

brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face.

want you, Jacob." She waited, not willing to give more than she had until he
made the next move.

then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. A soft moan rumbled in her
chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His hard chest brushed her
nipples and they quickly firmed. He took his time exploring the inside of her
mouth, and she sensed the simmering heat inside him.

he pulled away and nibbled her ear with his teeth. "I want you, too."

pulled him back, pressing her breasts against his chest, and kissed him harder.

was no denying her this time. A soft growl rumbled in his chest as he crushed
her against him and he kissed her back, pushing his tongue into her mouth.
Greedily, she accepted him. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and clung to

had imagined this moment for over a year and yet none of his fantasies compared
to actually touching the woman.

broke the kiss. Her breathing was quick, ragged. "My bedroom is upstairs."

could barely think. "You're sure about this?"


kissed her again, fearing she wasn't real.
And then allowed
her to lead him up the stairs to her room.
She turned on the light on
the nightstand and it cast a warm glow over the four-poster bed.

backed her up to the edge of the mattress until the backs of her legs pressed
against it. He kissed her again. This time her hands fumbled with his jacket.
She pushed it over his shoulders and he quickly shrugged it off without
breaking the kiss.

slid his hands from her silk-clad shoulders to her breasts. They felt so soft,
round, full in his hands. She groaned and arched into him.

unfastened the pearl buttons of her blouse and slid her blouse off. He leaned
forward and kissed the soft mounds of her breasts, which peeked out over a
white lace bra. Her scent enveloped him and he realized he'd never wanted any
woman as much as he wanted her now.

pulled his V-neck sweater off and slid her manicured hands over his chest. He
pushed her backward and the two fell onto the bed. His weight pressed her into the
mattress. He kissed her neck as he unsnapped the bra clasp between her breasts.
He captured a pink nipple between his lips and suckled. She arched her back and
pressed into him.

next few moments were blurred by desire. He shrugged off his pants with her
help and then pulled her panties off. He hovered above her wanting to savor
this moment but knowing that the raging desire in him wouldn't allow it.

pushed into her tight center. She gasped with desire and cupped her hands over
his bare buttocks. Desire washed over him and he started to move inside her.
She matched him stroke for stroke, her desire as wanton as his.

found their release in one blissful explosion and he collapsed down on her,
resting his face in the hollow of her neck. His heart thundered in his chest
and mingled with hers. He didn't raise his head. But in this moment, his life
felt right. The hole that always lurked in his soul had closed. He traced
circles on the scar on her shoulder, realizing for the first time that he needed
assurance. "Regrets?"


voice held no hint of the emotion he'd felt in her body when they'd made love.
He met her gaze. Her expression was guarded. On reflex, he reined in his
feelings. He didn't want to box her in a corner because he knew how he'd react
if someone did the same to him. He'd bolt. "It does complicate things."

"Only if we let it."

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