Deadlands Hunt (20 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Westerns

BOOK: Deadlands Hunt
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"Thank you," the red head replied. "Now, Sally, do smile for me. Please?"


"As you wish," Sally replied, feeling defeated. She had so hoped the Weren would arrive, but it appeared that he wasn't coming. Preceding her friend out the doorway, the blond pasted on a falsely cheerful smile.




"Through those gates!" Peter shouted over the clattering of hooves. Chase aimed his horse in the direction pointed, silently wondering if he was too late.


What would he do, if he walked in and discovered he was? Wish them well and leave? Say nothing and walk away a second time?


Bringing their horses to a halt at the foot of the stone steps leading up to the great wooden doors of the cathedral, all five riders leaped from their saddles. The four Weren unconsciously swept back the sides of their dusters, hooking the material behind the pistols that rode at their hips. Chase led the way up the steps, Kyle and Curtis at either shoulder. Bran and Peter fell in behind them, trading an uneasy glance.


Reaching the doors, Chase grasped the handles and paused for the briefest second before flinging them open. He blinked while taking the first step inside, eyes adjusting from bright sunlight to the dimness of the nave.


A figure in white, looking small in the distance, caught his gaze.


Am I too late?




The quiet gasps and murmur of voices caused Amethyst to pause with her hand halfway to the offered one of Marcus. His gaze left her face for the aisle behind her.


She glanced back, eyes widening in disbelief. Five dark figures paced steadily down the aisle towards her. Their strides matched perfectly - left, right, left right - as they walked. She strained to make out the face of the leader, even though she knew who it had to be.


Turning to face them, she barely noticed the hushed uproar rising as the guests realized there were Weren among them. She only had eyes for the lead figure, now halfway up the aisle.


Marcus' voice was quiet when he moved to stand just behind her. "Wonderful. I'd hoped he'd make it in time. You'd have made a lovely wife, Amy, but there's no reason at least one of us can't have what we truly want."


"What?" Her voice was barely audible.


"That is Chase, correct? Go to him and say whatever you need to in order to settle things between you. These people are here for a wedding," Marcus reminded her, pleased his plan had worked. "Hurry along."




Chase paused, only thirty feet separating him from the woman he loved and the man whispering in her ear. The man she was supposed to marry, who straightened and smiled directly at the Weren before stepping back.


He looks like a nice fellow
, Chase decided, eyes returning to Amethyst, who was staring at him. The Weren focused on her, barely breathing.








Amethyst felt frozen in place, eyes meeting the pale golden ones that had haunted her dreams for months now. Unheeded, her bouquet fell to the ground from suddenly nerveless fingers as dizziness threatened.


Then she was gathering up the heavy satin skirt while launching herself towards him, a smile growing on her face. An answering one split Chase's as he caught her with a joyous laugh and swung her around. The cathedral resounded with the shocked tumult of hundreds of voices. Neither of them heard it as he set her on her feet, clinging to one another for several long minutes.


Forcing himself to release her, Chase gently pushed her back while keeping hold of one hand. Going down to his knee before her, the Weren finally asked the question he'd wanted to for so long. "Amethyst, will you be my wife and mate?"


"I will," she replied, face shining with happiness.


"Well, now that that's out of the way, might I suggest the two of you join us up here and seal the deal? Be a shame for all this to go to waste, don't you think?"


Rising, Chase looked over her head to meet the twinkling brown eyes of the other man.


"I must insist on being the best man though," Marcus informed him as they stepped onto the dais. "Since I'm a friend of the bride's and do have possession of the rings."


He offered his hand with a grin and Chase shook it. Very quietly, the Weren said, "Thank you."


"You're quite welcome. Marry the woman before she explodes, would you? I'm afraid that would be rather messy," Marcus replied.




A large warm hand stroked down the length of her back, causing a dozing Amethyst to smile softly in response. Opening her eyes, she found golden ones gazing tenderly down. "Were you aware that my sleep has become severely curtailed as of late?"


"So has mine," Chase pointed out unrepentantly. "I keep waking up to make sure you're still here."


Sliding her arms around his neck, the red head smiled. "I believe we've already proven that I am indeed here twice this night."


"I seem to need more proof," the shape shifter responded before delivering a kiss that left them both breathless.


Amethyst teasingly asked, "Well? Am I still here?"


"You damn sure are," Chase replied, happily nuzzling her hair. He'd been right, after all.


Everything had worked out just fine.


About the Author:



A sword-toting alien with a fetish for fur and four-legged creatures who writes fiction and tweets.

She writes scifi as G. L. Drummond, fantasy as Gayla Drummond, and other genres as Louise Drummond. She can usually be found on Twitter (
), babbling uncontrollably about a variety of things.


As G. L. Drummond:

After the Fall scifi series:

Tria’s Tale

A Little Nip

Good Intentions

The Silent One

By Chance

As Gayla Drummond 

Moon Children:

Dark Cravings

Dark Dawn (coming soon!)



Rift – A Wolven Tale


Table of Contents














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