Deadlands Hunt (5 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Westerns

BOOK: Deadlands Hunt
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For Sally's part, she thought her beau's actions courageous. Since his hand remained firmly attached to the end of his arm all four times, she relaxed a bit. Perhaps the Weren weren't quite so terrifying after all.


"Brian Thompkins." It was a flat, unfriendly statement made while dropping onto the bench next to Amethyst. The choice put him face to face with Kyle and the shape shifter squinted slightly, top lip curling just a touch as he gave what was in view above the table top a slow up and down scan.


Kyle wasn't impressed. A vague suggestion of a sneer crossed Brian's face as he boldly gazed back before turning to Amethyst. "Are you truly set on this idea, Amy dear?"


"Of course she is," Peter replied for her, seating himself beside Sally and across from Curtis. "It's really quite sensible of her, you know."


"Sensible?" Brian snapped, affronted by the sly jab at his own commonsense.


"Oh, do be quiet, Brian." Amethyst’s tone was sharp. The appearance of the innkeeper and maid, both carrying dishes, caught her attention. "Ah, look. Breakfast."




It was a relatively quiet meal, during which assessments were made by each of the groups over tin platters piled high with good food.


"Kyle. Potatoes."


"Do I gotta, Chase? They weren't put on my plate," he pointed out. Chase leaned forward to look at him. Scowling, Kyle scooped a helping of golden fried browns onto his plate. "Can someone please pass the pepper?"


"You aren't fond of potatoes?" Amethyst asked.


"Nope." Kyle made a face before applying the peppermill with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. She studied him then looked at Chase.


"If he doesn't enjoy them, why do you insist that he partake of them?"


"It's courteous, for one. I'm his pack leader, for two," Chase replied, twitching one shoulder. Blinking, Amethyst regarded her own plate before smiling and looking up.


"I think we can skip potatoes when we supply shop today."


Kyle grinned happily. "Thank you."


Curtis and Bran waited in vain for Chase to say something. Realizing that he wasn't going to, Curtis pursed his lips in amusement. This red head, or more to the point, Chase's reactions towards her, was proving interesting.


"So what are our errands to handle for the day?" Peter asked after swallowing a bite of buttered biscuit and chasing it with a sip of coffee. He wasn't asking Amethyst, but Chase. Leveling an approving look on the human, Chase finished the bite of bacon he’d taken.


"You and Bran should go inspect the horses Amethyst bought, make sure they're completely sound and healthy."


"Capital idea," Peter agreed. Brian drew up, blue eyes narrowing slightly as he looked from a placid Amethyst to the Weren.


"Who put you in charge?"


"I did." Chase nodded at her. "With her agreement."


"Amy, really, I do think you and I need to have a little talk." Brian frowned, not at all pleased with the idea she'd let a shape shifter take command when she'd made it clear only the night before that she wouldn't allow him to do so.


A delicate red brow rose. "I don't believe we'll have time for any discussions that don't involve our preparations today, Brian. Perhaps later."


"I must insist, Amy."


Her chin rose. Curtis hid a smile of amusement. "You may insist as much as you like, but that doesn't change the fact that I'll be quite busy today and have little time to talk."


Kyle nudged Bran and both stared avidly while Brian flushed at her cool tone. Tilting his head towards Bran's, Kyle breathed, "Wager: her or him?"




"Damn. She's my pick too."


"Amy, I do insist, and we shall discuss this matter. Right now." Brian threw his napkin on the table and stood up, glaring down. Unperturbed, Amethyst put her fork back into motion, only to drop it when her arm was grasped.


"Oh, I say, that's probably not a good idea," Peter remarked as Brian pulled her upright and four deep growls resounded from across the table. None of the Werens were sure how city people behaved when at home, but out here on the border, men who handled women roughly tended to be taught the error in their thinking. Sometimes all it took was a thrashing. Other times, a more permanent solution was required.


Paling as he noted their eyes focusing on his throat, Brian carefully released the arm he held. His head rocked back as a small hand delivered a surprisingly forceful slap to his right cheek. Amethyst rose on her toes to go nose to nose with him. "I am
a rag doll to be dragged around at your pleasure, Brian."


"My sincerest apologies, Amy." Embarrassed, angry, and slightly scared, Brian chose to excuse himself. "I think a walk in the morning air will clear my head."


"I think that smack should've taken care of that." It wasn't Kyle's voice, but Bran's opinion. Brian vacated hurriedly, before he said something that would make matters worse. The sound of Kyle's mocking laughter followed him out the inn’s door.


Amethyst sat back down while speaking. "I don't understand what's gotten into him." She cast an apologetic look at the Weren. “I'm terribly sor…"


Bran interrupted. "Why are you apologizing for him?"


"Oh, because we're taught from the cradle to not cause scenes," Peter informed them, reaching for another biscuit. "At least not public ones. It’s terribly impolite, you understand."


"Hmph. Seems Thompkins missed a few of those lessons," Curtis grunted, then grinned wickedly. "Maybe a few remedial ones are in order."


"P'raps," Peter agreed equably, not appearing at all upset by the suggestion. The maid brought a flustered Amethyst a clean fork.


"You hit him," Sally whispered, rather awed. When the response was a pink blush, she added, "Oh, but he did deserve it, Amy. Truly."


Chase studied her downcast face over the brim of his coffee mug. Women who didn't fuss and retaliate when being manhandled were sure to feed the worms earlier than they otherwise would. Re-adjusting his assessment of her a bit, the Weren decided that she wouldn't freeze up and mentally added her as a group defender. She would still require protection, but a willingness to defend herself went a long way with him.




"I'll have to visit the bank first," Amethyst mentioned as napkins lay beside empty plates a short time later. "How much do you think I should withdraw?"


Chase hesitated. "We'll supply our own grub."


"Of course you won't," she disagreed. "I did promise Kyle no potatoes, and really, the supplies are the least I can do if you're not willing to accept anything for your time and effort." Amethyst met his eyes squarely, finding it much easier to do so after the surprise early morning meeting. "I shall be very put out if you don't allow me to see to the ah,
, Chase."


Holding her gaze, Chase allowed a grin to show before ducking his chin slightly in acceptance. "Well, I guess we can't have that. All right, Amethyst."


She again proved a gracious winner, flashing a smile and saying, "Thank you."


"You ready, Peter?" Bran asked, rising from his seat. The human mirrored the gesture with a nod and a pat to Sally's shoulder when she looked up.


"But what shall I do?" she asked in confusion.


"You’ll come with us and help with the shopping," Amethyst informed her. "Let's collect our things, shall we?"


"A wonderful idea, Amy," Sally agreed with relief. The two women rose and made their way upstairs. Bran herded a gently smiling Peter outside, leaving Curtis, Kyle, and Chase to wait.


"She did lay a right good one on him," Kyle idly remarked, stretching his legs out under the table.


"Feisty little lady," Curtis agreed in a definitely approving tone. "I think she'll do."


"Yeah, me too."


"Do for what?" Chase asked, not really paying attention to them while mentally compiling a list of needed supplies.


"For the trip over the border. What else?" Curtis shrugged then a feral grin lit up his face. "Maybe we can lose that Thompkins fellow for her."


"Not if we can help it."


"Wasn't meanin' on purpose like, Chase."




That Thompkins fellow was still fuming as he strode down the muddy street with a scowl. Amethyst's actions in acquiring the Werens as escorts and placing Chase in command of the expedition over the border had shredded his plans.


Spotting the general store, Brian decided a gift of some sort was in order.




The ladies returned with jackets and hats on. The hats were a source of amusement to the shape shifters, being fragile decorations that wouldn't stand up to even a little rain.


"You ladies might want to think about getting a couple of real hats." Kyle settled his on his head. "Something like ours. Keeps the sun and rain off, and you can use it for a bucket when you don't have a real one handy."


"Versatile," Amethyst commented, not certain she'd want to drink from a hat that had been in use all day long. It didn't seem hygienic. Curtis opened the door for them and she led Sally out. Kyle followed closely on their skirt tails, offering each an arm the minute it was possible to do so.


The red head accepted the gesture automatically, but Sally hesitated. Leaning down, Kyle smiled cheerfully and promised, "I won't bite."


She looked startled, but took his arm after glancing at her friend. The other two Weren rolled their eyes while Kyle strutted down the porch with a lady's hat bobbing at either shoulder. The inn's porch, around the side that faced the street, connected to the wooden sidewalk in front of the post office. Kyle found a problem at the end of that one, since two steps down led to a muddy gap between it and the next building.


"Whoa up, ladies." After a second, Kyle scooped Sally up. A faint shriek accompanied the move and he grinned. "Muddy. I'll carry you across."


"Oh." Sally subsided into a pale blue heap of silk.


"Just give me a minute," he told Amethyst while stepping down.


"Don't be silly." Gathering and lifting her skirt, her ankle appeared, causing a long, loud whistle from the group of men gathered in front of the blacksmith's shop across the street. Blushing, Amethyst stepped down onto the top wooden tread. Kyle had hit mud, frowning as it squelched unpleasantly and his boot sank five inches, disappearing under the filth.


"It's really deep, and it stinks too." A nudge from Curtis sent Chase to the top of the steps. Amethyst blinked, no longer standing on her own two feet. Turning her head, she met Chase's pale gold eyes. "I'm certain I can manage."


"Ruin your little boots." He didn't say anything else, but she made a note that her riding boots might have been the better choice for the day's outing. In fact, she realized that she and Sally were poorly outfitted for what lay ahead.
, she decided,
will have to be remedied immediately




Brian frowned while browsing the small women’s section of the general store. There was no jewelry. There were sewing goods, ribbon, and a few baskets. Apparently, these border types didn't believe in proper sweetmeats for a lady's delicate constitution - he'd already rejected the small candy selection.


"I require something special," he informed the shopkeeper, who was a short man barely able to see over his own counter.


"Got some oranges in the back."


Brian sighed. "Perhaps you have some lace shawls in back?"


"Ah no, my lord. If it's ladies' ready goods, you'll need to go down three doors to Miss Arabella's."


"Very well." Brian turned and marched out of the general store. He'd no sooner stepped outside than the sound of a woman's laughter caught his attention. Glancing down the street, Brian froze at the sight of Amethyst being carried across the muddy expanse by one of the Weren. The fact that Sally was also being carried didn't matter to him. Brian scowled, watching as they gained the walkway and she was placed on her feet. She smiled up at the shape shifter, her hand resting briefly on his sleeve while she thanked him.


Jealousy tinted Brian’s vision green. When he blinked, both women had disappeared into the bank, leaving the Weren trio to lean casually against the building's front to wait. Glaring at them, he felt a chill as all three looked in his direction, black hats shading their faces. Shuddering, he quickly turned to head for Miss Arabella's.







"You sure we can't lose him?" Curtis asked while they watched the human retreat further down the street. "I think he's a cull."


"Aw, he's just mad that Amethyst smacked him in front of everyone," Kyle scoffed. "Hurt his pride."



"I'll hurt his pride." Curtis grinned, smacking one palm with a meaty fist. "Be a pleasure. Think she'd want to watch?"



"I doubt it," Chase said, his tone dry. The three Weren straightened up as the bank's door opened and the two ladies rejoined them. "Ready?"



"Yes, we are. Quite." Amethyst smiled. "Time to shop."



"Have to go back across the street." Kyle stepped around Curtis to sweep Sally up. The blond didn't say anything, having decided that he had a rather amusing sense of humor. Chase picked Amethyst up and the quintet headed back across the street.

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