Read Deadly Obsession Online

Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Romance, #Deadly Vices Book 1

Deadly Obsession (48 page)

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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“Is it a horse?”


“A new cowboy hat?” Nic arched a brow and she huffed. “I’m just trying to think of things that might be in the stables.”

He led her to a door on the side and opened it, ushering her inside with a wide sweep of his arm. “
Après vous, Madame

Lauren stepped inside and froze. The spacious room had two large windows on the west facing wall and had been set up like a studio. “This is where you’ll bring Vivian?” she asked, uncertain what to say.

He nodded. “Yes. But I didn’t stage this for her. I ordered the equipment after our weekend at your place. This studio is for you.”

“But you couldn’t know that I’d come here.”

He smiled. “A guy can dream.”

Lauren returned his smile. She knew all about dreams.

Her eyes bounced around the room. Nic hadn’t missed a thing. On the back wall was a desk on which sat a large widescreen LCD monitor connected to a state of the art desktop computer. But what immediately caught her attention and got her feet moving again was the brand new Nikon D3S that rested next to it. She picked it up as if it were a newborn child and with much the same awe. “How did you know I wanted this one?”

“You told me when you showed me how to use your camera.”

“You remembered?”

“I remember every minute I spend with you.”

“Thank you so much,” she said before carefully setting the camera on the desk and wrapping her arms around him. “But why?”

“Because I’d do anything for you,
ma bien aimée

Ma bien aimée
. What does that mean?”

“My beloved.”

Her heart bursting, she swallowed past the lump in her throat. “You should have a pet name too.”

“How about master? That has a nice ring to it.” She smiled and shook her head. “No? Maybe stud then?”

“I see where you’re going with this.” She laughed. Then she spotted something hidden in the umbrellas. “Oh! You got me a wireless flash system.” After examining her find, she pressed his hand to her heart. “I can’t believe you did all this for me. Everything I could ever imagine needing is right here.”

With a feather-light brush of his thumb, he stroked her cheek. “Do you have any idea how talented I think you are? I want to support you as a photographer in any way I can.”

“In any way, huh?” She flashed him a naughty look. “In that case, I think we should take some sexy shots of you. You know, to test out all this wonderful new equipment.”

“Your wish is my command.” He whipped off his T-shirt. “Where do you want me?”

Her gaze trailed over the length of him and she lingered on the sculpted muscles of his chest. “Anywhere, everywhere.”

“Right here, right now?”

“God, yes,” she agreed, falling into his arms.






Kaden snapped his phone shut. “That was the limo driver. They’re about ten minutes away.”

Flanked by Kaden and Rémi, Nic had been watching the horses in the field as he awaited Vivian’s arrival and mentally readied himself for what he had to do.

“Rémi, I want Tommy to stay with Rachel at all times.”

“I’ll make sure of it.”

“Kaden.” Nic waited until the man half turned, then held his gaze, injecting as much meaning as he could into his next words. “Make sure Jake knows, no matter what happens, he has to keep Lauren out of it.”


“And,” Nic added, “unless you have absolutely no choice, Vivian is not to be hurt.”

Kaden exchanged a look with Rémi, and both men nodded.

They weren’t happy with his decision, but he held firm. Vivian needed medical help, not a bullet in the head.

Rémi held his hand in front of Nic and opened it. In his palm sat a device similar to a Bluetooth earpiece. “Kaden and I will each be wearing one of these. We’ll hear everything that’s said in the studio. Anytime you need us, just say the word.”

Nic clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, man. It helps knowing you guys have my back.” Pushing off from the wooden fence he’d been leaning on, he thumped it with his fists, and turned away from the horses. “Okay, then. Game on.”

“Game on,” they echoed.

After a round of knuckle bumps, Rémi and Kaden walked back to the house, leaving Nic to his thoughts. He rubbed his neck and glanced toward the stables. Earlier, Lauren and Rémi had set up the borrowed video equipment, effectively hiding it among the camera equipment he’d bought for her. Rémi’s cop friend had also lent him a system that would allow Lauren and Jake to see and hear everything from the room above the studio. He hated that she’d be upstairs watching, but she’d have found some way to see what was going on. A way that might have put her in danger. This was definitely the safer solution.

Nic checked his watch. Five minutes to showtime.

He shook out his legs and arms, rolled his shoulders, and stretched his neck. Then he filled his lungs until he felt a slight burn, and let the air out slowly. With his eyes closed, he repeated the breathing exercise a few more times, imagining himself in his role. He would be charming like Nic The Lover, but not so smooth that Vivian would get suspicious.

Tonight he was playing the part of a man whose entire life has turned to shit. He’s lost most of his money and is on the verge of losing his career because he doesn’t have enough money to pay the stalker who’s blackmailing him. His past is rearing its ugly head, and he’s about to lose everyone and everything that’s ever meant anything to him. Except
—the leading lady of this little farce. He’ll see that she’s the only one who has stood by him, the only one who really loves him. And he’ll realize he loves her, not as a friend, but as a woman. He’ll invite her to a night of seduction and ply her secrets from her, pressing her to prove her love.

It would work. It
to work.

Behind him, he heard the gate open and the low purr of the limo’s engine as it drove down the lane. He arranged his face into a slightly desperate expression before turning to face her. She needed to see a man on the brink whose only hope for salvation had just arrived.

Taking large steps but maintaining an unhurried pace, he approached the car now parked in front of the house. When he was still several steps away, the driver got out and opened the passenger door. Nic stepped closer to help Vivian out of the car but paused to admire the long leg encased in silk hose that appeared. His eyes trailed down to her toes and his expression slipped. On her foot was a shoe—with a fucking red sole. He had to hand it to the woman; she was absolutely fearless.

Vivian extended a hand out of the car for him to take. He dove back into character. Damn, he couldn’t fuck up like that again.

Summoning all the grace he could, he handed her out of the limo, then raised her fingers to his lips, kissing them with reverence. “Vivian, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

She leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek. Her breast pressing against his arm was obviously not unintended. “Darling,” she said, stoking his cheek, “have things been so terrible?”

He rubbed his face in the palm of her hand and looked deep into her eyes. He lowered his voice and said, “Everything’s falling apart, Viv. And I’ve been so lonely without you.”

Tilting her head, she smiled slightly. “Well, I’m here now. And I have a surprise for you.”

“Really?” His eyes widened without any acting on his part.

She chuckled. The deep sound, so different from Lauren’s light laughter, grated on his nerves. “Should I tell you now or keep it for later?”

“Now, please,” he said, making puppy dog eyes at her. Excitement rolled off her in waves. Whatever this news was, it was big.

“I managed to get another two million.” She gripped his arm and made little hops in her three-inch red-soled heels. “You have enough money now to pay off the blackmailers.”

Acting appropriately happy, he wrapped his arms around her waist and twirled her around. “Thank you! Thank you.” He made one last circle, then set her down but didn’t release his hold. He stared into her eyes as if opening up his soul to her. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything.” Her voice was low, husky with arousal. Her hard nipples poked into his chest. Nic knew what he had to do.

He let desire cloud his eyes. While maintaining eye contact, he lowered his head until only an inch separated their lips. Then he hesitated, and pulled back, dropping his arms. “God, Viv. I’m so sorry.”

Vivian blinked, looking a little dazed. “What are you sorry about?”

“I hope I didn’t offend you.” He stepped back. “Having you as my agent means a lot to me. I’d hate myself if I ruined that.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “It’s never been just business between us.”

He remained silent, but gave her a skeptical look.

“Why do you think you never settled down with anyone in all these years?” Her eyes flashed with irritation. “All the women you’ve been with were using you. Even that no-talent department store photographer.”

Nic clamped his jaw shut.
Play along

She touched his chest. “Darling,” she said, her tone soft. “I know it hurts to admit it. But you know I’m right.”

He blew out a long breath and dropped his head. “As soon as she got that offer from
Vanity Fair
, she dumped me.”

“She wasn’t good enough for you. None of them were.” Her hand smoothed over his chest, and he had to grit his teeth to keep from shuddering.

Instead, he raised his head and frowned, as if considering her words. Then he nodded. “You know, Viv, even when I had no money and no prospects, you saw something in me. You made me who I am, and you never expected anything from me in return.”

She smiled and squeezed his arm. “Even then I knew you were special.”

“I got the impression you saw me as a kid.”

“Hardly.” Her fingers ran up his arm to caress his shoulder. “You’re all man.”

Nic swallowed and met her gaze. “Since the day we met, I’ve had feelings for you, Vivian.”

“Good,” she said, pressing against him, “because there’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”

When her mouth touched his, Vivian made a small sound, like a sigh, and tightened her arms around his neck. Closing his eyes, he imagined Lauren’s sweet face while Vivian nibbled his bottom lip and smoothed over the tiny bites with her tongue. Could he do this? Vivian was beautiful, but he’d always thought of her as a mother, or a favorite aunt.

It’s just another acting job

Except it wasn’t. This time, his life—and Vivian’s—depended on his skills. She had to believe every word, every look. Every touch.

“You make me so hot,” he said, his voice low. With his hands on her face, he inched back so she wouldn’t notice his lack of response, and took control of the kiss. He kissed her deeply, then ran his lips over her jaw and buried his face in her hair. “I want you. But not here. You deserve better.”

Pretending to breathe hard, he drew back. Her eyes gleamed with desire.
So far, so good
. Without giving her time to say anything, he took her by the elbow and led her up the ramp. “Let’s get you settled in.”

He opened the door to the house and had to bite back a smile. As planned, Rémi and Kaden were in the kitchen, engaged in a rather loud argument concerning the relative merits of the Montréal Canadiens and the L.A. Kings.

Rachel and her nurse, Marie-Soleil, had set up a physical therapy session in the living area. Nickleback belted out one of Rachel’s favorite rock anthems from the speakers scattered around the room. Tommy jumped on the couch playing air-guitar while both ladies sang along loudly—and off-key.

Vivian halted abruptly in the entrance as the noise registered. Nic plastered a resigned expression on his face. She arched an auburn brow. “I thought you said you were lonely.”

“I am.” He shook his head. “They go about their day being
while my life falls apart.”

Vivian frowned and caressed his face. “My poor, darling. They don’t deserve you.” She stretched up on her toes and brushed her lips against his. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Rachel grimacing and had to glance away.

When she settled back on her heels, Nic rubbed a thumb along her lips. “You know what, Viv?” He flashed one of his practiced movie star smiles guaranteed to make women melt. “I think we deserve each other.”

“How right you are, my darling. I’m going to make you happier than you’ve ever been in your life.”

Leaning down, he gave her another quick kiss and moaned as if he wanted to take it much further but couldn’t. With an exaggerated sigh, he picked up her luggage and took her hand, pulling her up the stairs. He opened the door to the remaining empty room. “I’ll put your things in here.”

Her gaze swept the room, stopping on the single bed. She turned to him but a loud noise on the stairs saved him. Wide-eyed, they watched as Kaden and Rémi thundered past, playing an athletic game of catch in the hall. Nic barely had time to kick the door shut before the football slammed into it. Seconds later, the door crashed open and Rémi fell into the room.

Vivian’s mouth hung open, seeing the man lying on the floor at her feet.

“Damn, almost caught that one.” Rémi grinned like a fool.

Nic coughed to cover a surprised laugh. But like some looky-loo at the scene of an accident, he couldn’t look away.

With perfect slapstick precision, Rémi tripped over the ball as he scrambled to stand up. His hand shot out, grabbing Vivian’s arm. She lost her balance and grabbed Nic, sending the three of them to the floor in an inglorious pile. Nic scrambled to his feet, while from his position on the bottom of the pile, Rémi roared with laughter.

“Nic, man. You should’ve told me your new squeeze liked sandwiches,” Rémi said, as he winked at Vivian and pinched her ass. “I’m up for it if you are, sweetheart.”

Her lips curled into a nasty excuse for a smile, and Nic could see her nails digging into his friend’s chest as she shoved away from him. “I wouldn’t let you touch me if you were the last dick on earth.”

Nic intervened before things got even uglier. He smacked Rémi’s hands off Vivian’s butt and lifted her up. Her mouth was set in a thin line, and her eyes flashed with anger. Running his thumb along her chin, he cupped her cheek. “I’m so sorry, Vivian. Give me a minute to take care of this.”

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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