Deadly Promises (4 page)

Read Deadly Promises Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon,Dianna Love,Cindy Gerard,Laura Griffin

Tags: #Fiction, #Suspense, #General, #Love stories, #Suspense fiction, #American Mystery & Suspense Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic suspense fiction, #Contemporary, #Anthologies (multiple authors), #Short Stories, #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Paranormal, #Romance - Suspense, #Romance - Contemporary, #Fiction - Romance, #Romantic suspense novels

BOOK: Deadly Promises
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“This is great,” she cooed, wishing she’d taken some acting lessons in school. “Thanks, Jeremy.”

Jeremy turned to her as she emerged from the garage. “I already moved your statue base to my garage. Got a friend who owns a body shop. He’ll fix the crack in the fiberglass.”

She did not want to owe him any more favors. Not if it meant treating him so poorly every time her brother showed up. “That’s nice of you to offer, but—”

“I’m leaving Tuesday morning on a business project that’ll take a while, but I’ll have the base returned to you before the end of the week.” Jeremy nodded at Vinny with, “Nice meeting you,” then walked to his house.

Not a swish in that butt.

“He didn’t get fresh, did he?” Vinny stared hard at the house next door.

“Him?” CeCe forced a laugh. “He comes up with fresh
, like the other day when he helped me arrange my new flower bed.” Jeremy hadn’t even known the flowers were pansies or had a clue about planting them. But he’d smiled the whole time like he enjoyed himself.

Where was Jeremy going Tuesday morning? And for how long? A “business project” sounded like one of those long trips the landlady had mentioned.

“I dunno,” Vinny muttered, unconvinced. Just as she’d figured, he started doubting if Jeremy was gay the minute he met him.

“You’re the one who told me he’d be a good neighbor,” she reminded her brother.

“He don’t look too swishy to me.”

“How would you know? You’ve never been around gay men.”

“You got that right.”

“Well, the ones I know from Jeremy’s gym are all buff and very nice. Professionals who treat me with great respect…”

“Okay, fine, whatever. I don’t need a lecture on being PC.” He finally turned his attention back to her. “I got to leave tomorrow morning early for a meeting in D.C., but I’ll be back tomorrow night.”

She had to bite her lip to keep from cheering. One night, and a day, without a Doberman chaperone. Taking a breath to calm her excitement, CeCe said, “Sounds important.”

“Family business.”

She tried not to frown and hoped “family business” wasn’t something not quite kosher going on. But she really didn’t want to know what.

“You be okay tomorrow?” he asked.

Her heart thudded in her chest. “Sure,” she said as calmly as she could to keep from piquing his interest. She’d have tonight with Jeremy. She’d be more than okay.

Vinny sent another sharp look at Jeremy’s house but must have decided he posed no immediate threat to her.

She smiled. He had no idea the threat she posed for Jeremy the minute Vinny drove away. But that gave her just one night if Jeremy was going somewhere this week. Crud.

“Let’s go get some dinner, sis.”

CeCe let out a strained breath. Her libido was screaming, but if she passed on dinner without a good excuse he’d get suspicious. “I’d love to. Let me grab some shoes and I’ll be right out.”

She ran into her house, digging around for a phone book. What if Jeremy’s number wasn’t listed? Her cell phone rang. When she answered, it was Jeremy.

“Where’d you get my cell phone number?” she asked.

“You wrote the flower order I picked up for you last week on a business card with your number.”

She slapped her head. What a dunce. “I’m sorry, but I can’t make dinner. My brother asked me to eat with him to discuss something.” Liar, liar, life on fire. Would Jeremy ask her to come over later for a nightcap? That’s what always happened in the movies.

The silence that followed squeezed her heart.

“That’s fine.” Jeremy didn’t sound like it was fine. “I’ll make sure Blade gets your fiberglass base back by the end of the week. Bye.”

“Bye.” The phone clicked in her ear.

She couldn’t believe she’d blown her chance.

shivered in spite of the muggy air still heating Atlanta at midnight. Every move he made hurt. Busted skin under his puffy eyes and cuts crisscrossing his chest still oozed blood. Threatening his balls had forced his hand.

He wasn’t a fucking CIA agent for crying out loud.

If he hadn’t been double-crossed he’d have delivered the goods without even getting his shoes dirty. The fool that screwed him was dead for sure. Only person Starface had ever kept around for more than a year had been Dorvan and even he was dispensable if the bone crusher screwed up.

Sam didn’t give two shits about any of them. He hoped stalling just a little longer would give him one last shot at getting out of this alive. The FBI had to be in this area, searching for him. Had they scoured the area and given up, thinking he was gone for good?

“Where’d you put it?” Dorvan led the hike through Marietta Square where little stirred in the park area of the square just after midnight.

“Told you. In the goddamn statue.” Sam squinted into the dark, peeking everywhere Dorvan’s light stroked the terrain. But no hint of the FBI’s presence registered with him.
Come on guys, be here
. He’d run out of options and finally agreed to show Starface exactly where he left the memory card before Dorvan got to try a new way to make him talk. Perspiration pebbled across his lip. Sam’s new black shirt stuck to his skin where blood had soaked through and dried.

“Which statue?” Starface ground out the question, thick with threat.

Sam drew a painful breath. “Girl with a baby. Had a bunch of leaves around the base. Right over—” What the hell? “It’s gone,” he whispered, not believing. A knife poked his ribs. He flinched at the new cut.

“Look, I swear it was here,” Sam babbled. “Dorvan, tell him. You stopped me right after I dropped it. Tell him.”

The thug shined his beam over the area. “You know, I think he’s right. There was a little statue right here.” He shined the light over the ground. Grass was still depressed from the base. “Yeah, there was another one here.”

Starface stepped in front of Sam. “Better not be fucking with me. You stuck it in a statue that isn’t here?”

“I swear. I wouldn’t bring you out here just to piss you off.” Sweat rolled down Sam’s face and dripped off his chin. A stream pooled along his bound hands. He swallowed, panting.

Starface appraised Sam for a moment, then nodded. “I believe you. Move out.”

Sam’s breath wheezed out in relief. He stumbled behind Starface who walked away from the square and down a side street then turned between two buildings.

“I’ll get it back, make everything right, okay?” Sam offered. “Whatever it takes to make you happy, you got it.”

“Really? Anything?” Starface stopped next to a Dumpster that smelled nasty where bums had pissed beside it. The star-shaped birthmark on his cheek puffed when he smiled.

Sam took that as encouraging. “You got it. Just say the word.” He grinned, seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

“Dorvan. Make me happy.”

Sam’s mouth opened, but Dorvan’s gloved paw clamped over his lips. A sharp pain seared his chest where Dorvan shoved the blade deep. Double pain when the blade jerked out. Sam crumpled, his head bouncing against the gravel and dirt, throat gurgling. He tried to breathe, scream. Nothing.

Starface snapped his fingers at Dorvan. “Find that statue. Get my memory card. We got forty-eight hours to deliver it.”

Sam stared at the empty alley.

The memory card with damning photos and a video… now someone else’s problem.

Tears ran from his eyes. His heartbeat slowed. Each harsh breath rattled in his chest. Starface watched him, clearly waiting to make sure dead men didn’t talk.

Screw all these bastards. Sam clenched against a racking pain and forced a smile at the asshole just to worry him.

It worked.

Starface’s confident smile lost shape.

Blood poured from Sam’s mouth. He was drowning and couldn’t say another word if it would save his life. He closed his eyes, prepared to wait for Starface at the gates of hell.

Good fucking luck to whoever had that memory card now.

fingers on his chest. Sleeping would be nice, maybe even possible if he could get that kiss with CeCe off his mind.

Was she sleeping? What was she wearing? Anything?

He covered his eyes with his hand, listening to the ceiling fan swoosh around in a steady rhythm. She’d changed her mind the minute her brother showed up. That said a lot, almost as much as the fact she’d been clearly unhappy when he introduced himself to her brother.

Then the excuse for bailing out of dinner.

He’d been brushed off before. It just hadn’t cut quite so deeply the other times.

His cell phone vibrated against the nightstand surface. He stretched across the bed, noted the time on his alarm clock was after midnight, and answered the phone. “Sunn.”

“Jeremy? Did I wake you?”

He knew that sweet voice, but CeCe sounded distressed. “No. What’s up?”

“I heard a noise in the backyard and… I’m afraid.”

“I’ll be right there.” He shoved the phone between his shoulder and ear on the way up and yanked on his jeans lying across the foot of the bed. “Don’t open the door until you know it’s me.” He hung up and zipped his jeans then grabbed his Walther P99 from the nightstand, heading for the sliding door to his backyard.

Cool air trailed behind him when he stepped into the humidity so thick he could almost carry it. He made a quick scan around his backyard that was still as a crypt. He leaped over the fence separating their yards and walked around until he felt certain nothing alive was nearby.

Before reaching her patio door, he shoved his weapon between the waistband of his jeans and his back then tapped.

The curtain inside moved, then the door slid open.

He stepped into the dark kitchen and heard her back up a couple steps. He could just make out her pastel robe–covered shape from a nightlight glowing in the hallway behind where she stood. “Are you okay?”

“Not really.”

Jeremy moved forward then paused. “No one is out there.”

“I’m still scared,” she whispered. “Don’t leave me alone.”

The sound of her voice was enough to jack up his pulse, but he turned rock hard at the plea to stay with her. Good thing it was dark in here or she’d see how badly he wanted to take her up on that invitation.

He was worse than a dog.

She wanted comfort and he wanted her.

“Jeremy?” Her voice lowered a notch, husky. Just keep destroying his restraint with every word.


“Would you hold me… for a while?” She took a step closer.

How was he going to do that and not touch every inch of her? His groin throbbed, heavy with desire.

But his conscience kept interfering. “How about if I promise to keep an eye on your house tonight?”
In between cold showers

“I’d really rather you stay
… tonight.”

He could smell her fresh shower and sweet feminine scent. His senses sharpened in the dark, every nerve ending begging to feel her. The fine hairs along his neck lifted, warning him of a threat far more dangerous than a felon with a weapon.

If he held her close right now, she’d know exactly what he had in mind. Back off while he still could.

“Not a good idea,” he warned on a tired sigh.

isn’t a good idea?” She stepped close enough that their toes should be touching. His eyes had adjusted to see her better. She wore a long silky robe, something pink that shimmered when she moved. Wavy hair fell loose around her shoulders. The tiny heart-shaped face turned up to his with naked longing.

He wasn’t even going to address her last question. “Go to bed, CeCe, before I do something we’ll both regret. If you think I can stay here tonight and keep my hands off you, I’m telling you right now I’m not that damn noble.”

“Fair enough.” She lifted her hands to the front of her robe and let the sheer material slide off her shoulders to pool at her feet. “I’m not that innocent.”

He should be dead, because this was either heaven or hell, depending on what happened next.


CeCe held her breath.
Please don’t leave
. A dinner date would have been so much easier than this, but that kiss in the garage convinced her to take a gamble with Jeremy when Vinny destroyed her evening.

She believed Jeremy would understand once she explained her situation to him. Just not right this minute. Maybe once they had a chance to know each other she could tell him a little about her life. She hated lies and didn’t want to sleep with a man she couldn’t tell the truth to.

But he wasn’t saying a word.

She’d die of mortification if he turned her down right now. She’d never tried to seduce a man and if she didn’t get her hands on Jeremy tonight her window of opportunity would slam shut as soon as Vinny returned tomorrow night.

And she’d lose her nerve.

If standing here almost naked in a short pink camisole top and lacy underwear wasn’t vulnerable feeling enough, she’d just exposed herself emotionally.

Jeremy turned away from her and headed for the sliding glass door.

Her heart squeezed with disappointment.

But the door whipped to the left, closing. The lock clicked shut.

Then he returned to her. And stood very still, inches away, but so close he should be able to hear her heart pounding with hope.

“Jeremy, I—”

His hands cupped her face, silencing her next words when warm lips descended on hers. What an amazing mouth.

She was going to fold faster than a poker player with a bad hand if this was the prelude to what was to come. CeCe clutched Jeremy’s waist then slid her hands up the warm skin covering taut muscles across his back. She’d almost fainted at the sight of all that sculpted body on display when he rushed in wearing only jeans.

Capable hands moved down her shoulders and behind her back, pressing her closer. His tongue brushed past her lips, sparring sweetly with hers.

She shivered at his touch, his strength and gentleness.

He was being damn careful with her. Did that mean he wouldn’t go any further? She had one night if he was leaving Tuesday and wanted all of him tonight.

Then she prayed he wouldn’t forget her while he was gone.

She hoped she wasn’t making a wrong move, but she shifted her hands between them and climbed her fingers up his chest where his muscles quivered from her touch. That encouraged her. She grasped his shoulders and pulled herself up against him until she felt the solid ridge in his jeans.

He was definitely up for more than kissing.

She made one sensual rub, then another.

A growl vibrated from Jeremy. Heady excitement rushed through her at the prospect he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She smiled and ground her hips in what she hoped he’d think was a seductive way.

Jeremy reached down and scooped her up until her legs hooked around his waist, then his kiss deepened, demanding all her attention. He was so beautiful. Muscles rippled beneath her fingers with every move. He held her bottom with one hand and her head with another, his mouth refusing to give an inch, overwhelming her with his kisses.

She tightened her legs, sliding intimately against him.

Jeremy lifted his mouth from hers. “You better have a condom somewhere in this house or we’re walking to mine just like this.”

“B… B…” She couldn’t think.



He swung her around, moving with the stealth of a large jungle cat in the dark. His mouth found hers again, turning her insides crazy hot. When he entered the bedroom she blushed at the candles burning. Would he think it was silly or too romantic?

He slowly lowered her to the bed and brushed his knuckles across her cheek. “You’re even more gorgeous in candlelight.”

She sighed or maybe the room did.

“I want to see all of you,” she whispered, tentatively.

Jeremy stood up, reached behind him, and laid a Walther P99 on the nightstand. She shivered at the smooth way he handled the weapon. Total confidence.

“I’ll put this out of sight if it bothers you,” he said, pointing at the gun.

She shook her head. “I grew up with guns in the house.” In fact, Jeremy would be surprised to know how quickly she could break down and reassemble the one on the nightstand.

But right now she was more interested in the barrel inside his pants. “The only thing bothering me is you so far away.”

He smiled and unzipped his jeans. Candlelight glowed across his golden skin, highlighting muscles carved to perfection. Not an overdone bodybuilder, but a modern-day Adonis with a powerful build softened only by honey-blond hair brushing his forehead.

When he peeled out of the jeans she lost her breath.

He’d dressed commando. Impressive.

Jeremy dropped down over the top of her, supporting his weight with his forearms.

She inched back at the untamed look in his eyes.

“Should have run when you could have,” he teased. He moved farther on the bed, still towering over her, but paused as if checking to see if she’d changed her mind.

CeCe shook her head slowly and smiled. “I’m all yours for the taking.”

A feral gaze lashed through those simmering green eyes.

He slipped an arm under her back and lifted her up, moving her higher on the pillow, then pushed her hands above her head to grasp the vertical bars in the brass headboard. “Don’t let go.”

Don’t let go?
She didn’t dare ask why for fear of him stopping.

He ran his hand down her throat, over her shoulders, across the silky top barely covering her breasts in this position. His fingers lingered, slipping beneath the material to trace a path around one nipple.

She tensed, waiting, but he didn’t touch the sensitive bud.

His finger drew circles slowly down to her navel, then paused. He lifted the edge of her camisole and shifted the thin material back and forth across her taut nipples. A fiery sizzle shot straight through her, erupting in a frenzy of wet heat that pooled between her legs.

She clenched, needing him to touch her everywhere.

The silk drifted back in place when he released it.

Her heart raced, anticipation taking her breath.

His fingers lightly raked the exposed skin around her navel then across the front of her lace underwear. His lips followed behind his fingers, kissing and nipping her skin.

He touched the inside of her thigh and slipped a finger under the edge of her panties.

She tensed, waiting for him to touch her most intimate spot. When he pulled the lace aside, he lowered his head and kissed her then ran his tongue across the fragile skin.

She gripped the bars and arched, crying out at the wave of pleasure that seared through her. He stopped before the sensation crested and kissed his way back to her breasts.

“I want to touch you,” she panted.

“Not yet, sweetheart.” His lips grazed her abdomen, kissing lightly and murmured, “I love the feel of your skin. So soft.”

He lifted her silky top, slowly, letting the material feather the tips of her breasts again, then slid it over her head. Tears stung her eyes at the exquisite pain.

Then his mouth covered one breast.

She’d expected relief, not blissful torture with a razor edge. His tongue toyed with one nipple, slowly driving her mad. A hand covered the other breast, then his thumb scraped gently across the beaded tip.

She arched, shaking with need for more, but he kept her dangling on that painful edge.

Jeremy moved slowly up to her mouth and the kiss was fierce this time, consuming and possessive. His thick erection rubbed against her stomach. She lifted up, pressing against him until he hissed and lifted away. She opened her eyes to see the muscles in his neck corded, tense from the strain of holding back, taking this slow.

She’d waited years for this chance and didn’t want slow and easy. She scrambled to think of some way to shake him up so he’d stop being so careful. “I’m… wet for you.”

His whole body shuddered. “You’re killing me,” he muttered. He lowered his head and suckled her breast, then moved his fingers inside her panties until he pushed one inside her. She inhaled a sharp breath and moaned on the release.

He drew the wet finger out and caressed her folds, teasing the one spot where her body begged for relief. He’d barely touched her when she exploded into a thousand sparks, her mind and body screaming with release.

And he wouldn’t let her stop until she collapsed.

“Good God, woman.”

“What?” she panted.

“I almost came just watching you.”

She basked in the thrill of his words since that’s all her boneless body had the energy to do.

He stretched out beside her and ran his fingers over her face. She kissed his palm. He turned her toward him and kissed her, his lips sweet now, gentle.

There he went being careful with her again.

“That’s not it, is it?” she asked.

His hand stilled.

She reached down and grasped the smooth skin stretched tight over his penis. He growled and clenched at the touch. Slowly, she stroked her hand down, then upward to the damp tip.

Jeremy let out a harsh sound. “Where’s that condom?”

She sat up and shoved him back on the bed playfully. Her heart thumped in a wild rhythm. To cover her nervousness, she just smiled and hoped she could do this correctly. Reaching over, she opened the nightstand drawer with shaking hands and dug around until her fingers touched foil. She moved back to Jeremy and straddled him.

Then fought with the foil packet.

She was going to embarrass herself if she couldn’t at least open the damn condom. Large hands covered hers. She met Jeremy’s gaze, terrified she’d see him laughing. He didn’t say a word or smile, just opened the package, tossed it aside, and handed her the condom.

The last time she did this with a boy—and he
a boy—who wasn’t quite so well endowed.

CeCe drew a breath, then took her time sheathing Jeremy, careful not to move too fast and scratch him with her nails. He was so silent and rigid by the time she finished, CeCe looked up to see if he was okay.

A line of perspiration beaded his forehead.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“No.” His voice sounded raw. “I don’t think putting on a condom has ever felt so erotic.”

That had to be the nicest thing a man had ever said to her. She smiled with a sassy toss of her head.

Jeremy hid his surprise over her flash of boldness. She’d shocked the hell out of him when he stepped into her kitchen and found her waiting for him like a birthday gift wrapped in silk. CeCe Caprice had another side of her he’d never have expected. He’d guessed she hadn’t done this much and watching her fumble with the condom removed any doubt. He would bet she hadn’t been intimate with a man more than once or twice.

What she lacked in experience she made up for with unbridled enthusiasm. But what had triggered this for tonight?

Why had she blown him off and now…

She lifted herself up over his cock.

He lost all concern about why and grasped her hips, easing her down and sliding himself inside her. He gritted his teeth at the ragged pleasure of being surrounded by her tight heat.

Her eyes widened with a range of emotions, from surprise to shock to pleasure, with each inch he lowered her down his shaft until she dropped her head back, tightened, and moaned.

If she kept that up, he’d be looking like the one with little experience. He’d never met a woman who exploded so quickly. Just a touch.

She leaned forward again, her hands on his chest and a wicked gleam in her eyes. Without a word, she lifted up then down. He gripped her hips and met her stroke for stroke, every muscle in his body holding back, fighting to make this last.

CeCe quickened the pace and gripped his chest. He moved a hand until he could tease her with a finger. She arched sharply, tensed, and came again.

The woman was incredible.

He stroked deep inside her, coming right behind her. The force of his orgasm lashed through him sharp as heat lightning. His body clenched with a last powerful thrust. Rough breaths shuddered from him. The blinding surge of energy slowly abated.

That had been pretty freaking amazing. Not what he’d imagined at all and he had a healthy imagination.

She fell forward in a heap on his chest. Chuckling, he wrapped her in his arms, unable to do more until he got his breath back. CeCe was one incredible woman.

She’d been nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs when he’d walked into her kitchen, trying to seduce him when it was obvious she had little experience at inviting men into her bedroom. Maybe something important had come up with her brother that she’d felt took priority over a casual dinner.

Jeremy could understand that, even though he had no family. Never had. But why had she called him over here late tonight? Because he said he was leaving in two days? They still could have gone to dinner tomorrow. Unless she had plans.

In spite of this late-night gift, CeCe was no quick roll in the sheets.

She was a nice girl and sweet… and hot as hell.

Why question his good fortune?

Because he couldn’t suppress a chiding voice that said this was all he’d ever be to any woman.

The contented sigh that slipped from her warmed his heart. He reached over and pulled the spread across her when she shivered. He’d rushed over here ready to take on any threat only to find she was the real danger.

She fit in his arms. The idea of keeping her there felt right. What was he going to do after this when he’d be gone in less than two days now?

He rolled her to the side and wrapped his leg over her, tucking her close. Unwilling to let her go now that he had her.

In the past, he’d spent a few hours in bed with a woman then got antsy, ready to leave. Not caring who his bed partner saw next. He’d had plenty of those encounters, but in fairness to both players all those women had been just as happy to treat him like another throwaway memory.

Walking away from CeCe wouldn’t be so easy and he sure as hell didn’t want to think about another man touching her.

CeCe was the kind of woman who would want more from a relationship.

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