Dearly Departed (21 page)

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Authors: Georgina Walker

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BOOK: Dearly Departed
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He appeared to his disciples three days after his passing. He was a great healer, medium and man of the times. Is his legacy one of teaching through example?

This is very controversial, I know; however, if we are to align our thoughts with the fact that there is an afterlife and we leave our physical case, the human body, with the soul leaving to venture to heaven, or the afterlife, isn’t that what the Bible says happened to Jesus when he died?

I have witnessed my qigong master, Zhao, stand on raw eggs in their shells. The eggs were cracked open afterwards and poured into a container as proof of what he had accomplished. A manipulation of his energy was needed through much training and discipline to accomplish such a task. So too, Saint Germain, reputed to be one of the greatest alchemists of our times, knew of this secret.

Likewise the Indian master, Sai Baba, produced in his hands the ashen-like substance, verbuti. Of course, there are sceptics who say magic and sleight of hand delivers these results and that there is no such thing as people being able to communicate with the dead. So where does that leave Jesus’ appearance after the third day? If we are taught to pray to a God or deity that we can’t see, yet believe our prayers and requests will be heard and many will be answered, then why can’t we believe that through the correct channels we will be able to access the afterlife?

Psychic protection techniques

Just as there is light, so there is dark. If we didn’t have the darkness, we wouldn’t strive to be closer to Godliness. You need to be mindful that we do not wish to attract Spirit visitations where there are lower frequency individuals—spirits who, when they lived on the earth plane, were deceptive to down right evil—who will try and jump in where, literally, angels fear to tread, influence your daily tasks, mimic people you know and lead you off in wrongful directions. Just as hygiene should be part of your daily ritual, now you need to incorporate psychic protection into your daily routine.

There are books written specifically for psychic protection techniques, with extensive information and workings, so I will just explain what works best for me on a daily and weekly basis. Not all of these techniques will be applicable for you. Just as a person who has false teeth will use a different cleaning method to a person who has natural teeth, the end result will still be clean teeth. The same is true with psychic protection.

Working through from morning to sleep, these are a few solutions and approaches you may like to try.

Aromatherapy, sandalwood oil

I recommend one that has minimal or no chemical residues. Place a small drop at the back of each ankle, inside the pulse point of both wrists, at the nape of the neck, the top of the crown of the head in the hair and on the third eye position, the space between the eyebrows. Be careful not to get this in your eyes as it can sting. This creates a psychic protection circuit around your body. It’s similar to applying fabric protection to your new lounge, the stains won’t soak in. This will discourage negative energy to seep into your energy field. It can be reapplied during the day.

Crystal protection

Amethyst is the crystal of tranquil dreaming. It symbolises intuition and is a natural choice for psychic opening and intuitive work. Its high frequencies act as a barrier against lower energies, making it a protective tool against psychic or spiritual attack. It activates the higher mind, allowing one to gain a clearer comprehension and understanding of the dynamics and root causes of life experiences. It is crucial, prior to using any crystal, to wash the stone under cold running water to cleanse any negative energy.

Wear amethyst as a pendant or on a charm bracelet, or for babies and young children, hang it as a mobile over their crib or bed for protection and as an aid for sweet dreams. You can also place an amethyst crystal next to your bed for protection. It’s essential that amethyst jewellery is unhampered by a solid backing, allowing the stone to convey to the wearer its full energies as it nestles against the skin. All these attributes can be found in my signature jewellery piece, Spirit of God.

In this piece, the perfect equilateral triangle symbolises Mind, Body and Spirit or the Trinity and is housed inside a circle, representing God—no beginning, no end—encompassing the whole person, the whole of humanity, the whole Cosmos. Within the circle lies a bezel-set facetted Brazilian amethyst gemstone. Amethyst engenders communion and communication with one’s guides and angels. See

Gold light technique

Imagine you’re surrounded by gold light, from the top of your head to the souls of your feet. This allows protection of your aura— the energy field that surrounds your being. Many psychics recommend surrounding yourself with white light, especially when in a situation of fear, but remember the lower frequencies or dark forces are attracted to the light or white. Purple or blue would be favoured in these circumstances of fear. The gold light can be used multiple times during the day to refresh or protect your energy field.


You know how good you feel after a dip in the ocean? The salt purifies and takes away negative energy, making you feel alive and refreshed. If this is unavailable to you, a good substitute is rubbing a salt scrub over your body under the shower or in the bath, placing a cup of salt in your bath, or placing a cup of salt in a bucket of warm or cold water and soaking your feet for 40 minutes. Make sure the water is not discarded in the kitchen sink, where food is prepared; we don’t need vegetables stained with negativity. Place salt in containers or bowls made of glass, ceramic, wood or shell, just not plastic or metal, and place under tables, beds or office desks—anywhere that seems to be an energy drain or where there are negative individuals. The negative energies will be drawn to the salt container. Empty the salt down the toilet once a week and refill.

Sage or smudge stick

We have American Indians to thank for sage’s contribution to warding off negative energies. At the end of each week, I sit down with a lit sage stick, and work in an anticlockwise direction from my head to the souls of my feet. At times I feel the negative energy lift off my body’s aura. For those who find sage too pungent, you can use lavender. When smudging your home or a room, have a window or door open to allow negative energies to escape. If you have spirit visitors who you wish to move on, this works wonders. Don’t forget, you can also command a spirit to leave by saying, ‘Please leave, and go to the light’. The use of oil burners using lavender or sage are appropriate, just watch small children near naked flames. My neighbours always know I’m awake when they smell my favourite Nag Champa incense burning—smoke dispels lower energies.


At the conclusion of my reading day, I have a shower and wash my hair, allowing the water to wash away any build-up of negative energies I may have accumulated. Then I change into a complete set of clean clothes. My ironing person just loves me—he’s never out of work! Residues of negative energies can be trapped in the pores of our skin and on our clothes. A glass of water will also absorb negativity: It can be a great solution for an office full of stress and can be easily left on a desk or table without anyone the wiser. Never drink this water though, or use it on plants, because you’ll be allowing this negative residue to feed your body or your plants. If you’re accustomed to having a drink of water by your bed, place a saucer or lid on the glass.

The priest and the medium

A heart needs only its own voice to do what is right.

Vanna Bonta

y eldest son, Andrew, attended a Catholic college. Early one morning, I had a very vivid dream that I had to give a message to the head teaching brother at the college.

The dream quoted biblical passages, and I was to give the brother courage and confidence in his abilities as a priest. Now there was no way I was going to ring or even write to a Catholic brother and perhaps bring extreme pressure to my son who attended that school.

All through the morning, I kept hearing in my mind: ‘You must deliver this message, you must’. No way, I thought. So I went shopping.

Upon my return I noticed that a portrait of Andrew in his college uniform had fallen off the picture wall. I had a whole wall full of a variety of photos of the family. No-one else had been home so I thought it was just coincidence, although deep down I was secretly thinking, ‘Surely this isn’t God or Spirit at work’.

I put the picture back up, did some work around the house then went out again. The house was left empty, again no-one else was home. Upon returning, I opened the front door, and jumped back, absolutely stunned and shocked. The photo of Andrew had not only come off the picture wall, it had made its way from the wall, around the corner, under the archway and was facing upwards towards the front door. I couldn’t miss it!

I rang my friend, Louise, who is not into conservative religions, yet she said, ‘Oh, whatever the message is to that brother, you’d better give it to him. Something’s going on in your house.’

I’d cut my finger on my writing hand, quite badly. I don’t have perfect writing at the best of times—no-one can ever read what I write—so I had an excuse again not to write to the brother.

It was just before 11 p.m. on Sunday, when suddenly the most intense smell of rosemary permeated through the lounge room.

As rosemary signifies remembering, and is traditionally used on Anzac Day to remember our dearly departeds who fought in the wars, I had to ask myself if Spirit was trying to invoke my memory of the message with the fragrance?

Then I saw a monk walk from my kitchen, and even as a write this I’m getting goosebumps again. He seemed so real. He was dressed in a brown habit with a hood covering his head. He positioned himself at the dining room table, behind the chair I occupy when having the evening meal. I just knew I had to write to the brother with the message—obviously the monk wasn’t going to go away until I had accomplished the task he was there to oversee.

I didn’t own a computer back then, so with a pen and a piece of paper in hand, I wrote the message—with Andrew’s photo coming off the wall twice, the fragrance and the monk standing behind me. If my son or I were going to be excommunicated from the college culture, we may as well go out in style!

The next morning, I relayed the event to the staff in the office where I worked, all five of whom were Catholic. They begged me to send the letter, although I never divulged the message, just the circumstances. They had learnt over the years never to doubt my experiences.

Some six weeks passed and I received a letter from the brother.

He apologised for his lateness. In fact, he wrote that when I had the dream it was Vocation Sunday in his order. It’s the day set aside for the brothers and priests to reflect upon their commitment to the church and the order, and how they saw themselves being of service in the coming years. The scriptures I had given him were ones he’d been studying.

He explained that his reason for taking time off from the college was to attend a retreat, to pray and contemplate whether he should take the next step in his spiritual life from a brother to a priest. He thanked me for this message and asked me to keep him in my prayers.

I hoped perhaps I’d given him some comfort or confirmation of his direction in life. I’m not a Catholic; I was raised as a Methodist and eventually become a Sunday school teacher. So I

was totally unaware of the doctrine for brothers and priests in the Catholic faith. I felt reassured and happy when I read the official announcement in the college newsletter that he was leaving to become a priest.

My gift as a medium that day was truly tested. Was I bold enough and confident enough to move beyond my fear and deliver an important message? I’m so pleased I did—this man had been praying and asking his Heavenly Father for guidance and confirmation as to his vocation in the church. Heavenly wisdom that Sunday was delivered to a medium—me—to give to one chosen to lead and shepherd His flock. I smile as I sense the intertwining of two very different messengers—a Christian brother and me, working in the supernatural world. You could say we are divinely linked; the common thread is that we both work to deliver messages from above, that there is life after death—it’s just open to interpretation!

Keeping an open mind Keeping an open mind

The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.

Colin Wilson

our own belief system may start to be challenged by the shock of losing someone special. You may cling to the religion of your childhood, you may build on these beliefs, or you may pull away from structured philosophies and start looking for alternatives; and if you have never been to church before, you may now start to question whether there really is a God or Heaven. This is the gift you’ve been given through loss.

If you haven’t already, you may start to question your own principles and those of your family, friends and culture. This is part of the evolution of your own soul’s development. How fortunate you are to be able to now question your own mortality, your own purpose and direction. You may never have thought about spiritual things until your visit to a psychic medium puts you on a spiritual quest to find the answers.

Not all mediums conduct private readings. Some internationally acclaimed mediums, such as renowned psychic medium James Van Praagh, travel the world giving live performances to stadiums packed with thousands of people. This is a daunting task. Imagine all those people jammed in next to each other, sitting in the dark, while he’s under a beacon of intense stage lighting, tuning into communications from the other side. This task takes great skill and experience to deliver accurately what he’s receiving. No wonder at times there can be crossed lines as he channels his senses to receive.

A more informal demonstration of proof of the existence of communication from the dearly departed can be experienced at a Spiritualist church, which believes that after we die we go back into Spirit until we make the choice to return to earth. Each Sunday there’s a visiting psychic medium doing ‘platform work’, where the medium uses their unique style and gifts to deliver messages from one’s past to members of the audience, usually in a small group setting.

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