Death at Apothecaries' Hall

BOOK: Death at Apothecaries' Hall
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By Deryn Lake

Title Page




Praise for Deryn Lake's other John Rawlings Mysteries

About the Author

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Historical Note

By Deryn Lake
The John Rawlings Mysteries















A John Rawlings Mystery
Deryn Lake


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First published in Great Britain by Hodder and Stoughton 2001

This eBook first published in 2014 by Severn House Digital
an imprint of Severn House Publishers Ltd.

Copyright © 1994 Deryn Lake

The right of Deryn Lake to be identified as the Author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988.

A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4483-0133-1 (ePub)

Except where actual historical events and characters are being described for the storyline of this novel, all situations in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to living persons is purely coincidental.

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Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland

For Virginia and Charles Purle –

Friends for all seasons


I would like to thank, first and foremost, Lt Colonel Richard Stringer, Clerk of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, who was kind enough to let me visit Apothecaries' Hall, and who personally showed me round the many beautiful and interesting rooms, telling me a fascinating ghost story into the bargain. Without him it would not have been possible to write this book. Equal thanks go to Professor Denis Baron, who not only told me all about white arsenic but introduced me to Colonel Stringer in the first place. Again, this book would not have been possible without him. Other stalwarts helped too. Carrie Starren, archivist at Kensington Central Library, who led me to the rate books and let me go through them until John Rawlings, with his neighbours Mr Forgus and Mr Horniblow, duly appeared in the year 1760. My research companion on that occasion was Beryl Cross, whose poems continue to delight many readers. As ever, I am in the debt of P.C. Keith Gotch of the Metropolitan Police Thames Division, for his advice on where and when bodies in the river would surface. Thanks, too, to Victor Briggs for photocopying the manuscript when my printer broke down mid-book, and to Mark Newington, for his sparkling wit and unswerving friendship, and Dr Nigel de Sousa, who made quite sure I didn't get flu and so could finish this book on time. Last, but very far from least, I would like to thank my editor Philippa Pride, who poured oil on somewhat troubled waters when a harassed author turned to her for help. With a team like this, who could fail?

Praise for Deryn Lake's other John Rawlings Mysteries

‘One of the best mystery series to hand at present is the John Rawlings historical crime line … ten out of ten'


‘John Rawlings and the Blind Beak are developing into my favourite historical mystery heroes – tenacious in their search for villains, daring as they outwit them, yet always ready to pause for a moment of delightful domestic life. I'm eager for the next!'


‘evocative Georgian mystery … if you love a good whodunnit you won't be disappointed'

Evening Argus, Brighton

‘an absorbing murder tale set in Georgian London … splendidly evokes the atmosphere of the capital with all its elegance and intrigue. Wonderfully descriptive, it deserves to be a success'

The Kent and Sussex Courier

‘A wealth of marvellous characters parade across the pages, their dialogue is lively and John Rawlings is proving to be a real charmer.'

Eastbourne Herald

‘An effervescent tale … the author organises her large cast and colourful background with skill and gusto through a racily readable drama.'

Mail on Sunday's Night & Day Magazine

About the Author

Deryn Lake is the pseudonym of a well-known historical novelist who joined the popular ranks of historical detective writers with her gripping John Rawlings Mysteries.

Deryn Lake lives near the famous battleground of 1066.

Chapter One

‘It is not,' said John Rawlings, raising his quizzing glass to his eye to inspect the plant lying on the counter before him, ‘the finest camomile leaf I have ever seen.'

‘I agree,' answered Mr Clarke, the vendor, somewhat tartly, ‘but that is because you asked for
camomile, Mr Rawlings. Normally,
camomile is what is requested.'

‘Yes, I am aware of that. However, I am in need of desperate measures to cure a particular patient of mine.'

‘But dyer's camomile is not,' persisted Mr Clarke, who ran the shop attached to Apothecaries' Hall and was therefore considered a great expert on all matters relating to herbs, ‘generally used for medicinal purposes. Consequently this specimen is all I have in stock.'

‘I know the plant's true usage is as a dye, but I have come across an old Assyrian Herbal which recommends it as an external poultice.'

‘May I ask for what purpose?'

‘For application to the anus when said orifice makes a pustule. Believe me, I have tried everything else.'

Mr Clarke rolled a pair of pale protuberant eyes. ‘Dear me! I dread to think what colour the poor patient's fundament will turn if you put this on it.'

John attempted to look serious and wise as befitted his surroundings but ended up grinning. ‘He'd best wear yellow breeches for a week or two.'

‘If you add iron as a mordant the mixture will become greenish brown,' Mr Clarke informed him, keeping a straight face.

‘Merciful heaven,' said John, reaching into his pocket to pay for the purchase. ‘I can't bear to think about it.' Then he gave a laugh which echoed down Water Lane and away towards the Thames and in which Mr Clarke, who was far from a bad fellow despite his somewhat prim appearance and manner, cheerfully joined.

This day, John had journeyed to Apothecaries' Hall by water, hiring a wherry which had conveyed him through the freezing river wind as far as Black Friars Stairs. From there he had walked up Water Lane, passing the imposing arched entrance to the courtyard round which the various buildings of the Hall were situated. A few steps further on and John had come to the shop, above the door of which stood the Society of Apothecaries' imposing coat of arms. This displayed Apollo, the God of healing, slaying the dragon of disease, supported by two unicorns – these taken from the arms of James I who had granted the Society its original charter – a miniature horned rhinoceros raised above all.

It was November, 1758, and as cold as Muscovy, but inside the shop all was warm and cosy, and John, in no hurry to face the bitter journey home, lingered to talk while Michael Clarke wrapped up the Apothecary's various purchases.

‘So how are things with you, Mr Rawlings?' asked the other man, making a deft parcel.

‘Reasonably good. The shop is doing steady trade.'

‘And your apprentice?'

‘Coming on extremely well.'

‘Any marriage plans?'

John smiled a little sadly. ‘I have plans, but the lady concerned does not. She is an actress and currently wedded to her art.'

Mr Clarke nodded wisely. ‘Keep her on a slack chain, Mr Rawlings. She'll be easier to capture later on.'

‘I sincerely hope so.'

‘And what of your father, the redoubtable Sir Gabriel?'

The Apothecary's expression changed. ‘I am a little concerned for him, to tell the truth. He is slowing down very slightly. By that I mean he only plays cards and attends routs on four nights a week instead of seven.'

Mr Clarke looked amused. ‘Dear man. A remarkable figure about town.'

‘He is now seventy-four years old.'

‘Gracious, you do surprise me. He is always so imposing in his black and white rigs. I would have taken him for ten years younger at least.'

‘As do most people. However, I have thought to buy a country residence. Somewhere he may go for a little peace and quiet.'

Michael Clarke appeared dubious. ‘Somehow I wouldn't have associated your father with rural life.'

John grinned crookedly. ‘I know what you mean. I thought perhaps Kensington where there is a reasonably good social scene centred round the palace.'

‘A place like that would indeed be more suitable for a man of Sir Gabriel's temperament.' Mr Clarke handed over the parcel. ‘Now, Mr Rawlings, will there be anything else?'

‘No, unless you happen to have some herb true-love.'

Mr Clarke looked interested. ‘Ah! Treating a person who has been poisoned, are you?'

‘No, I wanted the plant for one of its other uses. To aid a patient with his performance in the boudoir.'

‘I see. But be careful, Sir. An overdose, which he might feel inclined to take, can produce delirium and convulsions. However, in moderation, the powdered roots consumed in wine are most effective, while the leaves are excellent for dispersing tumours and swellings in the privy parts, to say nothing of healing filthy old sores.'

John inclined his head in a gesture of respect. ‘Mr Clarke, a half-hour in your company is an education in itself.'

The other bowed delightedly. ‘Most kind of you to say so, my dear Sir. However, today I have had very little chance to air my knowledge. There is a Livery Dinner in the Hall and my customers have been mainly the mighty of the Society. Not those to whom one should express an opinion.'

‘I thought there were a great many craft moored at Black Friars Stairs.'

‘That is the explanation.'

John glanced at his watch, a gift from his father on his twenty-first birthday. ‘Then it won't be long before they come out. I'd best be off before you get a rush of important custom.'

Mr Clarke shook his head. ‘There you are mistaken, Sir. Most did their buying on their way in to the Dinner. Now they'll be in a hurry to get home before darkness falls. So stay a moment or two longer. I have some herb true-love in stock.'

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