Death by Devotion (Book #9 in the Caribbean Murder Series) (8 page)

Read Death by Devotion (Book #9 in the Caribbean Murder Series) Online

Authors: Jaden Skye

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Mystery & Detective, #Women Sleuths, #General, #Police Procedural, #Private Investigators, #International Mystery & Crime, #Contemporary

BOOK: Death by Devotion (Book #9 in the Caribbean Murder Series)
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falling in love messed things up, as far as solving crimes went, but Cindy also
thought of Ann’s words then.  Life wasn’t just about solving crimes. There was
a bigger picture. People needed love, they deserved it.

thought Mattheus and I could do both,” Cindy said quietly, “be in love and
solve crimes at the same time.”

smiled warmly, “You could have, as long as the crime you were solving involved
someone else.”

what are you saying?” she asked.

saying Mattheus can’t be ruled out,” Sean replied intently.

felt a knife go through her heart at the thought that Mattheus could be
implicated. “But he didn’t do this,” she insisted.

hope you’re right,” Sean replied. I really do, but I also need clear evidence –
there’s a lot more to investigate.”

was impressed. Sean had thought a lot about things and wasn’t satisfied

second hand answers.  He wasn’t willing to take the party line, either. He knew
what he was doing, was smart and strong.

right on target,” Cindy responded, “your arguments are air tight.”

should be,” said Sean slowly, “I didn’t go to law school for nothing.  I’m a trained
lawyer, used to prosecute cases.”

was surprised, but it made perfect sense. Sean wasn’t anything like the other
police officers. “Why did you give up the law?” she asked him.

said I did?” Sean grinned. “I’m on it daily, without being stuck in an office. Wading
through papers was way too confining. I like the outdoors, moving around, meeting
people face to face. I’m a guy who lives by my gut.”

shivered. She got it, she knew him, could relate to everything he said.

fantastic, Cindy,” Sean said then, from out of nowhere.

had no idea what prompted that. “Thanks,” she said. “I guess it’s unusual to be
with a woman detective.”

it’s unusual to have a woman you can really talk to who gets it,” Sean replied.
“It’s unusual to have a woman who feels the same way you do.”

flushed.  How did he know she felt the same way? It was great talking to him as
well, but she wanted to focus back on the case.  It was too easy to get

should I know about the underworld here?” Cindy turned back to business.

to keep away from them unless I’m there too,” Sean replied, in no uncertain manner.

else? They’re into drugs?”

the least of it,” Sean continued, “money laundering, sex, trafficking, corrupt,
diseased enforcement. Rotten jails. They got their grubby hands stretched out into
everything in the island. And I mean everything.”

shuddered. The island had such an untouched, balmy feeling to it. It was so
beautiful, and the other side was filled with elegant hotels, restaurants,
shopping, beaches, a perfect haven for visitors.

seemed to know what she was thinking. “The trouble here doesn’t touch the
tourists,” he said. “It’s way, way deeper than that.”

was an ex con, wasn’t he?” Cindy pursued it.

he was,” Sean replied. “And he did his dirt right from his jail cell – saw to
it that plenty of people disappeared. He worked directly for the Kingpin, did
what the guy needed.

made him extra valuable.”

lots of people must have wanted him dead,” Cindy jumped on it. “They must be
happy about this.”

they are,” Sean seemed to enjoy their discussion. “Lots of goons are gloating  

he’s gone. And you know what they’re especially happy about? They’re thrilled
they got a suspect for the crime sitting in the clinker, nicely tied up. This
way no one looks any further.”  Sean stopped to see if Cindy got what he was
talking about.

telling me it’s dangerous to look further, not to muddy the waters?” Cindy was

telling you your life will be in danger if you probe Cain’s network too deeply,”
Sean said. “Leave that for us to do.”

suddenly felt exhausted. Whose team was Sean on anyway? Was he protecting Cain
and his buddies? Was he also pleased that suspicion was focused on Andrea,
Petra and Mattheus? Cindy pushed her chair away from her table then.

for letting me know how things work here, Sean,” she said quickly.

on, wait a minute,” he said, pushing his chair away along with hers. “I’m not
telling you to cover anything up. I’m just telling you to be careful. Don’t go
there alone. Don’t investigate it out in the open. Do it quietly, undercover.
And, if you have to go there, I’ll go with you.”

didn’t know what to think.

at me, Cindy,” Sean said then, standing up. “Do I look like the kind of guy who
would ask you to brush anything under the rug?”

smiled.  No, he didn’t, not at all.  Sean looked just exactly what she needed
at the moment. And she had no idea how he’d come into her life.

Chapter 9



cell Andrea was being held in was in back of the police station, tucked under a
low hanging shed. There was a small window that let in some air, a bed, a
chair, sink and toilet. Other than that, it was bare. Because they’d found her
right beside Cain, his blood all over her, there’d been no problem getting her
locked away.

hadn’t yet been allowed to speak to his daughter directly. He’d spoken to her
briefly over the phone, told her he was on the case. She’d mumbled something
and hung up fast. Today would be the first time he saw her in person since the

guard led him down along the little corridor that led to the visitor’s section.
Andrea would be brought out and the guard would stand watching them from

wait here,” the guard said to Mattheus as they got closer. There was a small
wooden table and two rickety chairs in the waiting section, and a ceiling fan
that kept whirling the stuffy air around.

sat down and waited, hardly able to breathe.  Beads of sweat covered his
forehead as he wondered what Andrea would actually say. He knew he had to
approach this like a detective, but his fatherly feelings got the better of him.
He thought how much he’d love to grab her and for the two of them to escape.

a few minutes
Andrea walked into the holding section, accompanied by the
guard. She wore loose overalls, a T shirt and looked sweaty, messy and distraught

Andrea, honey,”
Mattheus immediately jumped up to greet her, as she looked away.

me, your dad.”

looked down at the floor as the guard led her to a chair opposite Mattheus.

she was seated and the guard took his position in the back of the room, Andrea
looked up at her father.

has got to be awful,” Mattheus said the moment his eyes caught hers.

are you here?” Andrea replied glumly.

was taken aback. She seemed in a fog, enclosed in a world of her own.

here to help you,” he said, wondering if his words even got through.

yeah,” she mumbled.

it or not, I’m on case,” he continued. “I’m gonna find out who did it and get
you out of here.”

chance,” she said sullenly. “The police are convinced it was me.”

do they think that?” Mattheus needed to hear more from her.

eyes flashed with sudden hatred.  “Because I had the bastard’s damn blood all
over me.”

couldn’t sit still. “And how did that happen?”

when I got there, he was laying flat in a pool of blood. Hell, I yelled and bent
down over him to see if he was still breathing? It’s possible, you know!”

is always possible,” Mattheus commiserated.

wanted to pump on his heart and bring him back,” Andrea spoke in a throaty
tone. “I know how to do that.”

then what happened?” Mattheus was spellbound.

leaned on him and tried to make him move. He didn’t,” Andrea went on. “Then I
saw the knife laying there in the corner. His throat had been slashed.”

was the first Mattheus had heard about a knife and how exactly Cain had died.

grabbed the knife to look at it,” Andrea went on, the words pouring out.

God,” Mattheus groaned. Her fingerprints had to be all over it.

God, what?” Andrea’s eyes narrowed and she stared at him. “You think I should
have just left him lying there like that and walked away?”

said that,” Mattheus whispered.

didn’t kill him,” Andrea wailed. “How could I kill him? I’m not strong enough
to kill him! Someone slashed his throat with a knife.”

you tell them about the knife?” Mattheus continued. He wondered why it had not
been mentioned and if they’d had it.

know about the knife, they’ve got it,” Andrea said. You think I could have killed
him like that?”

looked at her askance. “No, of course not, how could you?” he said.”Exactly,”
she spit back at him, “but you wanted him dead too. You could have done it, or
found someone to do it for you.”

could hardly breathe. “Believe me, Andrea, I had nothing to do with this.”

don’t believe anything you say,” she whimpered, “and for all I know it could
have been you! Get out of here, I’m sick of you.”

barely know me,” Mattheus’s voice grew edgier, “it’s too soon to be sick of me.”

said I ever wanted to know you, anyway?” Andrea bit her lip hard as she spoke. 
“What good did you ever do me? You gave me false hope, came down here and made
me feel there was a way out of this mess. You said there was definitely
something we could do to get away from Cain.”

are you talking about?” Mattheus went cold.

said mom and I could get away from the bastard and that something could be
done. You don’t remember?”

remembered. “I didn’t say you should kill him. Mattheus shut his eyes in horror.
Why was she turning the tables on him? Who was she defending? If Andrea didn’t
do it herself, was there someone else she cared about that she was protecting?

flipped back into detective mode. “If you want me to help you, you’re going to
have to tell me everything you know,” he retorted. “Everything.”

chance of that,” she sneered.

the best chance you got, Andrea,” Mattheus responded. “This isn’t a game, you’re
in big trouble right now.”

I am and maybe I’m not,” she replied, suddenly haughty.  “The medical examiner
results aren’t in yet. No one knows exactly when he died. He might have died a
long time before I ever got there.”

one knows exactly when you got there, though,” Mattheus said quickly.

know,” Andrea spit out.

not enough. They need cold facts, witnesses.”

day long I was with my friends in town,” she went on, “lots of people saw me.”

took a deep breath. That was good to hear. “I need to speak to some of those friends,”
he said.

hell you do,” she responded. “They’re my friends, my life. It’s none of your damn

has to speak to these people to confirm you were with them,” Mattheus answered

yeah, but not you,” she exclaimed. “Who said I want you knowing my private business?”

you told the police about this?” Mattheus took a step back.

I told them, and they couldn’t care less,” Andrea retorted. “They never even
asked me who my friends were, or where I was. They grabbed me and threw me in
here. I even saw one of them smiling.”

was easy having Andrea locked up, Mattheus realized.  That way no one had to
look at anyone further - except possibly at him.

in a huge mess, honey,” he said finally, “and you’ve got to trust someone.”

that Andrea looked at him fiercely. “Trust who, you? Why should I? You ran out
on me and mom and never looked back, once. You never cared.”

going to hold that against me the rest of your life?” Mattheus shot back at
her, “no matter what I do to make it up?”

I am,” Andrea went on. “And besides, I’ve got other people helping me.”


mom. She’s coming to see me after you,” Andrea proclaimed.

seem like she helped you much while you were growing up, did she?” Mattheus
blurted out.

stood up, inflamed.  “What do you mean by that? My mom loves me, she takes good
care of me.”

let Cain beat you, didn’t she? And not only him, but her other husbands too.”
Mattheus wasn’t pulling any punches. This was no time for playing games.

eyes suddenly brimmed over with tears. “Mom couldn’t help it, she had no

all have a choice” Mattheus insisted.

down here, we don’t,” Andrea cried out as tears streamed down her beautiful,
distraught face.

the guard standing in the back came over to Mattheus now. “Time’s up. Another
visitor’s waiting.”

was jostled. “Excuse me?” he said.

a certain amount of time allotted with each visitor here,” the guard informed

Mattheus stood up. “I want to make another appointment right now,” he declared.

guard just nodded, “Take it up with the officers in the front,” he said. “It’s
up to them.”

looked over at Andrea then who was looking at him with a helpless stare.

worry, I’ll be back soon, honey,” he said loudly. “Nothing’s gonna keep me


Mattheus turned and left through the narrow hallway, to his surprise, Petra was
walking towards him with a short, muscular man at her side. A guard followed a
few steps behind them.

Mattheus called out, but she simply threw him a strange glance as she walked
past him, not stopping to say hello.

lady’s another handful. Sure can be uppity,” the guard remarked as Petra passed
by. He seemed to feel badly for Mattheus for a moment.

can say that again,” said Mattheus, grateful for the guard’s support.

you want to talk to the cops about another appointment, this is the place to
go,” the guard showed Mattheus a long, narrow room, filled with different cops
and a receptionist up front.

went up to the receptionist and just as he did, to his surprise, a side door
opened and out came Sean. The two of them caught each other’s eye at the same

if it isn’t Mattheus,” Sean came over.

to see you, Sean,” Mattheus replied, as if it were just a normal afternoon.

can I help you?” Sean replied.

just had a visit with my daughter, and would like an appointment for another
one as soon as possible,” said Mattheus.

eyebrows rose. “Hope it went well.”

some ways,” said Mattheus. “But it’s just a beginning, I need more time.”

can understand that,” Sean replied. “There’s a lot left to explore.  How about
coming into the back with me now, so we can talk things over.”

what?” Mattheus hedged for a second, wondering if Sean wanted to interview him.

an important part of the picture,” Sean confirmed it.

course I am, thought Mattheus. Why shouldn’t I go?  After all, this guy has
been assigned to help me and Cindy. Mattheus wasn’t sure what to make of Sean,
but it couldn’t hurt to find out. And, the picture of Petra walking down the
hall with that guy bothered Mattheus tremendously. He urgently wanted to find
out who he was, and what he was doing with her. Something was off, and he
wanted to ask Sean about it.  It would be great to have Sean as an ally, though
Mattheus wondered if that was possible. There was a strange edginess between them
and Mattheus felt it, even now.

on back with me and we’ll talk,” Sean repeated, as Mattheus consented, curious
to see where it would all lead.


room Sean took Mattheus into had big open windows with a view of a long street.
Mattheus looked out at the run down, second hand shops and people ambling about
in and out of them.

must be quite a trip for you,” said Sean, as they sat down at a round table.  “Not
quite what you expected, I bet.”

can say that again,” Mattheus agreed. Even though Sean had a casual manner
about him, Mattheus felt the intensity of his focus. “By the way, who was that
guy Petra came in with? I saw them as I was leaving.”

looked away. “I’m not at liberty to give you his name,” he said.”Why do you

was jolted, suddenly reminded that he and Sean were not on the same team.  The
police were bent on keeping Mattheus an outsider and the conversation was not
going to be between equals. Obviously, Sean had something else in mind.

find it odd that Petra would be with another guy so quickly,” Mattheus went on,
anyway. It had really rankled him to see the two of them so cozy.

makes you think he’s another guy?” Sean looked surprised. “How do you know he’s
not a friend, or brother?”

about the way they were walking together,” Mattheus continued, taking Sean on. “I
have a nose for what people mean to each other, have been in this business too
long not to realize.”

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