Death Ride (Blue Bandits MC Book 5) (3 page)

BOOK: Death Ride (Blue Bandits MC Book 5)
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“It’s fine. It wasn’t that hard and he said I was more his type than you. Guess he prefers brunettes,” Jamie said and lifted her fork to her mouth. The flavors of the potpie exploded over her taste buds like a little dose of heaven and she moaned in pleasure.

Damn, Lissa could cook

Jamie really wished she’d paid more attention to Helga when she taught them how to cook when they were younger. Maybe then she’d be able to cook like this instead of being so bad at it that she could burn water. She wasn’t exaggerating that statement either, she’d actually burned out a pot of water while making pasta once. If Lissa hadn’t walked in and found it, the whole place might have gone up in smoke because it had started a small fire. Glancing up at Lissa, Jamie saw the frown clear a little as she began eating.

“No, that’s not what it is,” Lissa muttered mysteriously.

Jamie glanced at her wondering what she was prattling on about but was too busy eating to worry too much about it. Lissa shifted, her hand rising to shove the heavy fall of curls over her shoulder as she moved to sit beside her. Jamie bumped her shoulder.

“I did fine.”

“I’m sure you did. You were raised around this motley crew after all, but he shouldn’t have used you,” Lissa muttered, a dark scowl directed at the door that Jamie knew was meant for her brother.

“It was fine, Lissy. He took the bait and was down for the count in less than three minutes so he never got the chance to do anything to hurt me. You shouldn’t worry so much,” Jamie told her as she finished the last few bites of her meal.

“I just bet he did take the bait and if the drug hadn’t worked what would you have done if he had gotten aggressive?” Lissa asked.

“Taken him out like Evert taught me.”

Lissa snickered. “I love that you still insist on calling him that. Blade hates it and that serves his ass right for involving you in this scheme. He should have used one of the girls and not you.”

“Lissy, I’m no different than any of you. I can handle myself and I had a gun in my purse if things went sideways,” Jamie explained as she shoved the plate away, wondering if there was any more because she was still sort of hungry. Not that her hips needed the calories.

“I love you, kid, but you aren’t like the rest of us. Blade and I made sure of that. You’re a lady and we’re not,” Lissa told her in that motherly tone she got sometimes.

Jamie rolled her eyes. Lissa was ten years older than her so she was closer to Evert’s age than her own and she’d helped him raise her when their father died when she was six. He had already joined the Headhunters MC and had asked Lissa to look out for her when he wasn’t around. At twenty-two, she should be old enough that it wasn’t an issue but Lissa had never lost her motherly instincts when it came to Jamie. They were best friends despite their age difference and Lissa’s tendency to become a mother hen. She knew that being one of the sweetbutts made Lissa think she was less worthy than Jamie, which drove her nuts because she wasn’t.

“Just because you have sex with more men than I do doesn’t mean a damned thing, Lissy. You’re a lady too or I wouldn’t be one either,” Jamie growled.

“Jam-Jam, that’s not really how that works. You don’t understand the difference but I do,” Lissa said, shaking her head as she stood and grabbed the plate off the counter. She went to the oven and removed a pan and began dishing out another helping of potpie without speaking.

“Is that for you because I’m full,” Jamie asked, becoming distracted from their conversation by the scent of the food.

“No, you’re not. I know you keep insisting on a diet because you think your hips are too big but you aren’t pulling that bullshit with me around. Eat the damned pie,” Lissa growled, slapping the plate down in front of her with a glare.

“I don’t want it,” Jamie growled back but the smell was already making her mouth water and the damned hussy knew it.

“Eat it.”

“Fine, but only to make you shut up,” Jamie grumbled after a five-minute staring contest.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that, right?” Jamie asked as she started eating the second plate of potpie her friend had forced on her. Lissa smiled and went back to the stove to cover the leftovers and place it into the fridge before she turned to look at her again.

“Yep,” she replied.

“You know that being a lady has nothing to do with who you have sex with, don’t you?” Jamie asked after a long moment of silence where the only sound was her chewing and the scrape of the fork across the plate.

“No, Jam-Jam, I know you think that you know what makes someone a lady but trust me when I say I am nowhere near a lady. I am in fact a whore and that’s all I will ever be, but you, you’ll be more than that. You already are more than that,” Lissa said and anger flooded Jamie as her words sank in because she hated that Lissa insisted on limiting her capabilities.

Yes, she had sex with men in the club for protection and because she enjoyed it but that didn’t mean that was all she could ever be. It always pissed Jamie off when she said shit like that. She knew Lissa was a hell of a lot more than just a whore or Jamie wouldn’t be the woman she was.  

“First of all, you haven’t had sex with anyone except my stupid brother in more than a year and I know that for a fact so don’t try to lie your way out of that one. He’s not been using any other sweetbutt so I know it must be you he’s sleeping with. And second, you can be anything you want to be so stop limiting yourself,” Jamie growled as she dropped the fork on the plate to glare at her friend.

“Why are you keeping track of who your brother sleeps with?” Lissa asked her with a raised brow.

“There isn’t a lot to do around here, you know, and he won’t let me get a job so…” she let her voice trail off and shrugged.

“You need a damned hobby. And I am sure you’re wrong about who he’s slept with. Most men don’t stick to one woman unless they’ve patched someone,” Lissa said as she grabbed the plate, knocking the excess food off into the trash before she placed it into the dishwasher.

“I am well aware that I need a hobby but I am not wrong about Evert,” Jamie muttered. She was sure because she’d heard Lake tease him about it a month ago. Evert had used his fists to solve that conversation and then he’d taken off for two days. She wasn’t sure where he’d gone but Lake hadn’t teased him after that, so maybe she was wrong but she didn’t think so.

“Go to bed, kid. I’m too tired to have this conversation tonight,” Lissa muttered and rubbed her forehead. She did look tired suddenly and Jamie wanted to ask her what was wrong because she could tell something was bothering her. After watching her closely for a moment, she decided she would allow her to evade the conversation tonight and stood up. She exited the kitchen to head up to her room, seeing her brother leaning on the wall near the bar watching the door. It made her almost smile.
Yep, there was something going on there
. She was sure of it because Evert never allowed another man near Lissa and that told a story she was sure her brother didn’t want anyone else to know.

Chapter Two



Death woke slowly, feeling the aching pain in every part of his body. His face felt raw like it had road burn and his shoulder felt bruised.
Fuck, he really must have drunk too much last night.
He shifted slightly, hearing a rattling sound that confused him as he tried to remember what had happened the night before. He felt like his brain was in a fog and the ache intensified as his haze slowly lifted. He let out a groan, not wanting to move because of the pain it caused to shoot through his entire body. He lay still trying to organize his thoughts. He’d gone to meet Blade but he’d never shown. Wait, wait, he had a sudden flash of Blade’s face smiling at him but it slipped away like water.
What the hell?
A face swam in his mind and he felt his body harden as her image formed in his mind.

He raised his hand to hold his head, feeling a heavy weight on his wrist and hearing that rattling sound again.
Wait he’d been taking the woman home with him and then what?
He couldn’t
seem to bring the rest of what happened into focus. He lay there for a long moment trying to think. He forced his eyes open to find a chain wrapped around his wrist and suddenly the night’s events came rushing at him.

Well, fuck

He was chained to the bed and Blade was his new jailer. The pretty brunette woman he remembered had trapped him for the Headhunters.
Just fucking fantastic
. Jerking on the chains which seemed to be attached to both his wrists, he heard them rattle but they didn’t budge. He looked up above his head in the dim light from the single lamp beside the bed and saw they were embedded in the wall. Death studied them for a long moment before he wrapped the chain around his wrist once and then again before he jerked harder on them. He felt the rough metal scrape against his skin but they still didn’t budge.

He mentally evaluated the chain in the darkened room. Perhaps if he had more leverage he could pull them out of the wall. He kicked the blanket off his legs knocking it off the bed. Finding them unchained, he grinned. Although he was stripped to his boxers—which he bet they thought would keep him from escaping—he knew if he could break the chains from the wall he would be out of here and on his way home. He took in several deep breaths before gripping the chain and using it to flip his legs up to press his feet against the wall. He shoved with his legs and jerked against the chains hoping to free them from the wall. He felt like his arms were going to fall off as he did it several more times. He was rewarded with a cracking sound but they still held.
Damn it.

“You won’t be able to break them, you know,” a soft feminine voice that seemed familiar for some reason said from the corner of the room.

Death stopped jerking and peered into the corner, seeing the outline of a woman leaning against the wall watching him. He didn’t respond and instead yanked again on the chains unwilling to believe her. He was getting out of here and he’d take her with him as a human shield if need be because he wasn’t sticking around here to be killed by Blade and his cronies.

“You’re going to hurt yourself if you don’t stop. Trust me, Evert made really sure you wouldn’t be able to break those chains,” she spoke a second time, taking a step closer to the bed.

Who the fuck was Evert?
Death didn’t care who he was because he was about to prove her wrong. He felt like his arms were being ripped out of their sockets as he jerked again and plaster fell down on his head. He grinned, looking up and hoping to see the chains hanging by a thread but instead saw that they were still attached to what looked like a steel beam.

Blade was smarter than he’d given him credit for, wasn’t he?

Flipping himself back to lay on the bed again, his wrists screaming at the damage he’d done to them trying to escape, he glared towards the woman. She stepped forward and he realized it was the brunette—what had Blade called her? Brenda, no, wait, Becky.

“Well hello there. Come to gloat about capturing a Blue Bandit?” Death asked, his voice snide.

She winced as she moved closer but not close enough that he could grab her.

“No,” she whispered. “I wanted to be sure you were okay.”

“How sweet. Did Blade send you in here to check thinking it would play on my sympathies? Because if he did, he’s in for a rude awakening. That ship has sailed.” He watched her face in the low lighting as she tried to examine his wrists from a few feet away like she really did care if he was injured.

“He doesn’t even know I’m in here. He’d be angry if he did,” she said in that husky whisper.

Death was surprised by the surge of panic that hit him when she said that because despite what she’d done, he didn’t want her hurt. Blade and his crew were likely to do something really nasty to her if they found her here after telling her to stay away and he realized that he didn’t like the idea of that. Unwilling to examine that thought too closely, he glared at her and shifted on the bed trying to sit up.

His panic made his tone colder than he intended when he spoke. “You need to leave. I’m fine but you won’t be if they catch you in here,” he growled.

She tilted her head and watched him for a long moment before stepping a bit closer, her hands reaching out to move the chain aside to see the damage he’d done to his wrists. She frowned and let out a tsking sound as she examined them.

“He won’t hurt me but he wouldn’t like it much either.” Death felt the softness of her fingers gently rubbing over the raw skin on his wrists.

“Trust me when I say you need to leave. I don’t know how long you’ve been with this crew but I know for a fact they will hurt you if they find you here after they told you not to be. You need to leave,
,” Death growled, shaking her hands off his wrists while glowering at her.

She shook her head and looked down his body. Her cheeks suddenly flushed with color and she made a gesture towards his waist.

“Um, you’re kind of—umm,” she stuttered out, now bright red.

Death looked down to see that his cock had poked out of the opening in his boxers and he wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. It did answer his question about her being a really good actress though because no one was that good at acting. A wicked idea for getting her to leave came to him and he leaned back eyeing her reddened skin.

“Well then put it away.”

“Umm, I can’t—won’t. You do it,” she muttered, her face now cherry red she was so embarrassed. Death watched her take a step back from the bed and her hands came up to gesture that he should put his own cock back in his pants.

“I would, sugar, but see,” he rattled the chains showing her that they really wouldn’t allow him to reach down and adjust himself. He thought she’d be out of the room in seconds but instead she seemed to steel her backbone and she stepped forward.

“Right, right. So, um, don’t move then,” she said as she reached out and her soft hand covered his half-hard dick.
Holy fuck.
Death couldn’t stop his cock from twitching in her hand and hardening completely because the feel of her tiny hand on him was like lightning running through his veins. His breath caught and he watched her attempt to shove his thick member into the opening. It was not cooperating with her at all. It wanted to be touched, caressed, and he knew that when he finally managed to escape he would be taking her with him. He wouldn’t leave her behind to be maimed and left to die because these sick fucks were in the mood to mess up an innocent woman.

Death was disappointed when she finally managed to shove his randy cock back into the boxers and step back. Her cheeks were beyond red and her hands shook slightly. He, on the other hand, wanted to grab her and roll her beneath him. She was still staring at his crotch but looked up to meet his eyes with a little frown.

“Shouldn’t it be going down or something? I know me touching it made it hard but it’s still poking out and I don’t know if it will stay in there if it doesn’t go back down,” she said, looking horrified. Death wanted to laugh at her utterly innocent question.

“It’s not going down anytime soon, sugar. It has a mind of its own.” Death couldn’t say that his own mind wasn’t right there with it tonight though as he stared at her breasts. They were covered in a thin blue top that hung low, revealing the tops of her silky looking globes. His mouth watered as he thought of sucking on one of those sweet treats.

“Right, well then,” Becky said as she lifted the blanket off the floor and began arranging it over his legs. She frowned when the covers were shoved upwards by his still randy cock and he chuckled at the glare she gave it. Her eyes snapped to his and they watched each other for a long moment. Death felt an odd tugging sensation in the region of his chest as they continued to stare into each other’s eyes. A thunk sounded in the hall, breaking the spell and making Death worry about her getting caught in here with him.

“You should go now. Like I said, you don’t want to be caught here if they told you not to,” he muttered.

“Really, it’s not that big a deal. Evert isn’t a bad guy,” she said, rolling her eyes.

Damn it. She needed to listen to him. She must not have been here long if she thought they weren’t going to hurt her for doing something they told her not to. Shit, these bastards were likely to hurt her for nothing at all really. That thought didn’t sit well with Death and it made him even more determined to get them both out of here before she was hurt.

, what the hell was going on with him? Was he experiencing Stockholm syndrome or something? Why the hell should he care that she could be injured? She was the reason he was here in the first damned place. Death didn’t know but he wasn’t one to think too hard on shit. He just did it and fuck the issues it caused or the way it affected the outcome of things. Yeah, he was too fucking impulsive sometimes. Why did she keep talking about Evert? Who the fuck was Evert anyway?

“Really, just go,” he growled, his cock finally deflated after thoughts of her ending up like some of this club’s victims ran through his head.

“I am. I was only here to make sure you were okay after I drugged you anyway,” she snapped as she moved towards the door with a little snotty up-tilt to her nose. Ha, she was going to get all holier than thou when she was the reason he was here.
Little witch.
He was staring at her ass twitching as she walked away when the creak of the door opening made his insides cringe. His dark eyes moved to the door and he glared hard at the man entering.

“Ja—Becky, what the hell are you doing in here?” Blade demanded, a dark scowl on his face. Death jerked on his chains wanting to protect her from his wrath. If he hurt her, Death was going to eviscerate him on the way out.

“Seeing if he was all right after we drugged him,” Becky replied, not looking at all worried about being caught in his room, confirming that they’d likely picked her up just to get her to do this mission and capture him. She had no idea what kind of trouble she was in and that made Death struggle with the chains even harder because she was going to end up getting herself killed if she didn’t watch it.

“Fine,” Blade growled and eyed him for a moment before allowing Becky to step out the door, catching her arm as she moved past. Death didn’t like that one damned bit. He felt like his wrists were nothing but raw skin from the way he was jerking on them. “We will be discussing this in the hall so don’t go anywhere,” Blade finished, his eyes meeting hers, and Death saw her stare at him for a moment before she nodded and stepped out when he released her.

“You won’t be breaking those chains, Death, so you might want to stop ripping the skin off your wrists,” Blade muttered sarcastically as he shut the door.

“Fuck you, you little putz.”

“Wow, and I thought we were friends.” He stared at Death before letting out a little chuckle and shrugging. “Guess not.” Blade let an evil grin spread over his face and Death wanted to rip it off with his fist. Only at the moment that was impossible, which didn’t help his mood any. He watched Blade turn to follow Becky into the hall and his insides twisted with thoughts of him punishing her.
Damn it, why did he care?
He tried to force himself not to speak but somehow he couldn’t seem to stop the harsh words that flowed from his mouth.

“Blade,” he growled as the other man glanced back at him, his hand still on the door handle. “Don’t hurt her for being in here. I don’t give a fuck that I owe you for Roz or the information you’ve fed us over the years. You’ll die if you lay a hand on her.” Death watched the way the other man’s brow rose to his hair line and his head tilted as he considered him for a long moment.

“Even after she trapped you, it bothers you that I might hurt her, doesn’t it?” Blade asked.

“Just remember that I always get my revenge. If I don’t escape myself you know my club will be coming for me and when they get here, you better believe I’ll be leaving with them. Only question is whether I’ll be slicing you to pieces as I exit or if I will let you live.” Death glared at Blade who watched him silently with his hand still hovering over the handle on the door.

“Huh, interesting,” Blade finally said, looking suddenly thoughtful.

That wasn’t a look he wanted to see on a Headhunter’s face, that was for damned sure.
Why had he said anything about the girl?
He should have just kept his mouth shut and murdered Blade on the way out if he’d hurt her. Now the son-of-a-bitch knew how to control him. Yep, he was becoming a damned fool and he had no idea why. Becky shouldn’t even be a blip on his radar and yet here he was giving up his hand like a rookie over just the idea that she might be harmed. He had lost his fucking mind when they drugged him. Likely when they’d allowed him to fall face first onto the pavement. Huh, maybe that was it. Hitting his head had to be the reason he was acting so out of character because nothing else explained it.

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