Death Wish (38 page)

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Authors: Trina M Lee

BOOK: Death Wish
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We sat there for what felt like just seconds but was sadly much longer. I was racked with guilt over what I’d done to the prostitute. I could have killed her. Or turned her. Acknowledging that Arys was right about his darkness consuming me was hard. I didn’t want it to be true.

Chapter Twenty-Four



“You brought your other half. How nice.” Shya was less than impressed to see Arys at my side. “I expected as much.”

“Did you really think I’d let her come here alone?” Arys sized up the demon with blatant scorn. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but I do know you can’t be trusted.”

Shya waved us into his large, open, modern home. “Please join me in the back. It’s far too nice a night to stay inside.”

He led us through the living room and adjoined kitchen, out the large double doors that opened onto the backyard. I was relieved to be outside, preferring it to the suffocating confines of the house. Though it was open and large, Shya’s house was so white washed that it was hard on the eyes. Besides, being indoors on a full moon night felt like being caged, so I gratefully drank in the sight of the impressive backyard.

The patio was adorned with a black and white furniture set. The upper floor of the house extended out above the patio, giving it a protective cover from the elements. A glass-topped table sat in the center, laden with food and drinks. Right away, my gaze was drawn to the scarlet-filled champagne flutes.

A stretch of fragrant, green grass separated the patio from the pool. It was inviting with its crystal clear water shimmering beneath the silver glow of moonlight. Beyond the pool, the vibrant lawn stretched as far as the eye could see. Shya certainly had a fine piece of property. It was trendy and luxurious. Perfect for hosting a party, which he seemed to feel he was doing.

“Help yourselves to anything you like.” The demon indicated the display on the table. “Lilah should be here before long. We need to time the binding just right. It must be done at midnight.”

Arys picked up a champagne glass, sniffing its contents before returning it to the table. “Blood?”

“I aim to please.”

The yip of coyotes broke the quiet. They were far away though their voices carried. It caused the animal within to stir restlessly. I needed to be furry, and I needed it now. The bloodlust’s reprieve earlier had been brief. Much too brief.

I ignored the elaborate table display. “So what’s the plan? I’ve got to warn you, I’m not feeling entirely confident that I can hold the wolf back.”

“You have no choice.” Shya’s smile vanished. His crimson eyes were ice cold. “Hold yourself together until I bind her or else we fail, and you will likely die. How’s that for incentive?”

Arys frowned but said nothing. He walked a slow circle around the pool. His gaze traveled around the entire backyard as well as every entry into it. I was so happy to have him with me; I was a nervous wreck and was sure it was obvious.

“Follow my lead, Alexa,” Shya continued, “and everything should go off without a hitch. Then we shall both be free of the threat she poses.”

The doorbell rang and I jumped. My heart leapt into my throat. Shya clasped my left hand in his, trailing a warm finger over the dragon etched into my flesh. I shuddered, unable to repress the reaction to the snake-like slither of his power crawling over me.

“Trust me.” Then he was gone, striding through the house to the front door.

“Arys, I can’t do this,” I whispered. My hands trembled and I fidgeted anxiously.

He was at my side in an instant, watching Shya warily. “You can and you will. You have to. Remember, there is no other creature on earth like you. Show them why they fear you.”

His smooth as velvet voice was soothing, infusing me with confidence where before there had been fear. Our connection was as strong as ever. I focused on it humming through me until my fingers began to tingle.

An unnatural breeze bathed me in a cool wind seconds before Falon appeared beside me. It didn’t startle me this time. I was beginning to get used to the fallen angel’s sudden appearances.

He grabbed my arm and leaned in close. I could feel the urgency about him. “Keep my secret, and I’ll owe you a favor.” His breath was warm against my ear. He held firm, refusing to let me pull away until I responded.

We both looked up at the sound of Shya’s voice. He was heading back our way with Lilah in tow. She was dressed for a fight in cargo pants, a tank top and army boots. Her flame colored hair was tied back in a braid, and her eyes sparkled with devious delight.

Falon’s grip tightened painfully. For some reason, he was desperate to keep Shya from finding out about his sexcapades with Lilah. This might be a deal worth making.

“Fine,” I hissed, shaking him off. “I’ll keep your dirty little secret. For now. Don’t make me regret it.”

He quickly put distance between us, taking a seat on one of the comfy looking lounge chairs. His silver wings shifted to accommodate him. Leaning back, he feigned casual so well I almost bought it.

Shya oozed arrogant confidence when he stepped back onto the patio. He swept over to the small sofa adjacent to Falon and perched on the arm. Lilah stopped at the threshold, her orange eyes scrutinizing each one of us in turn.

“Alright, Shya, what are you up to?” With hands on her hips, Lilah glared daggers into the smirking demon. So, she didn’t trust him either. That was reassuring.

“I told you, my dear. I would deliver the wolf straight into your hands. Did I not make good on that promise?”

I felt Arys tense beside me. Somehow, I remained calm despite the bombshell that had just dropped. It was too soon to assume what was the truth and what was a lie. I had no choice but to give Shya the benefit of the doubt.

Lilah met my eyes briefly, and I saw uncertainty in her gaze. She refused to acknowledge either Falon or Arys. “What’s the catch? Last time we spoke you were adamant that I wasn’t even to look at her the wrong way. What could you possibly need so badly that you’d be willing to give up such a prized piece of your collection?”

I bristled at that but remained unaffected – I could take a few insults – I had bigger concerns.

“You know what I want.” Shya’s entire demeanor changed. He was suddenly the slick businessman.

The two demons shared a look, and something passed between them. A peal of laughter rippled from Lilah. “It’s never going to happen, Shya. Nothing in this world or the next could convince me to hand you that kind of power.”

“Not even if I have valuable information that could help you break the curse? Information that you will lose if you kill Alexa and turn your back on me.”

The yip of coyotes far off in the distance taunted my wolf. Demons weren’t part of my world; I didn’t belong here with them. Escape. That’s what the wolf cried out for. Release. I swallowed hard and tried taking a few calming breaths. I could do this; I was fine.

Lilah looked at me, and her eyes narrowed. I met her stare steadily, daring her to make a move. I’d be happy to tear her throat out. It might not kill her, but it would hurt like a bitch, and I would enjoy doing it.

“I’m here because you promised me a deal I couldn’t refuse,” Lilah’s voice grew thick with anger. She sauntered up to Shya, glowering down into his smug face. The air pulsed with the suffocating heat of demon power.

“And, I will give you one.” If Shya was anything but coolly amused, it didn’t show until he rose to face Lilah head on. Staring into her with a burning hatred in his red eyes, he grinned. “I have the key to breaking your curse.”

“Bullshit,” spat Lilah.

I held my breath. Watching the two of them attempt to stare one another down, I couldn’t help but feel that I wouldn’t like where this was going. I was right.

“It’s Alexa.”

My heart stopped. My mouth went dry, and I had to replay those two words in my head several times. Did I hear that correctly?

Lilah recovered quickly while I stood there dumbfounded. She looked skeptical but wasn’t too quick to dismiss it as bullshit. The weight of her gaze was heavy. My cheeks burned. I felt like I’d just been betrayed, but I didn’t know what the hell was going on.

I exchanged a look with Arys who stood ready to defend me. The promise of chaos hung on the air. I reached past the wolf who paced inside me to the power rooted in my core.

“Go on.” Lilah crossed her arms and tapped a foot impatiently.

Shya looked incredibly pleased with himself. “What is the one thing that you need most in order to escape the curse?”

“I’m not playing this game. Get to the point.”

“The blood of a divine creature,” Shya continued, dismissing her angry retort. “The most obvious would be an angel. It would also be nearly impossible. That leaves very few possibilities. However, other divine creatures exist, others who belong to the light. One of which is within our midst.”

A dramatic pause got Lilah thinking and left me sweating. Falon sat up straighter in his chair, listening attentively. Every person present turned to study me. I felt like a specimen on display, which put me on the defensive.

“I can’t believe you never figured it out.” Shya openly mocked the puzzled vampiress. “Alexa is a White Flame. Against the odds, she’s been united with her twin. She doesn’t live under the shapeshifter curse. She’s gifted.”

Lilah’s eyes widened, and she took a step toward me. “She’s one of the Hounds? How can that be? They were all destroyed.”

My hands danced with blue and yellow energy. My patience had run thin, and the wolf was ready to chew its way out of me. Vampires and demons had been discussing me as if I were no more than an object for years. I’d had enough. Now, I was readying for a fight.

“Not all of them.” Shya caught my eye and winked as if this were some joke we were both in on. “Living as a vampire has sheltered you, Lilah. The Hounds can never be thoroughly destroyed. You should know that.”

I couldn’t hold back anymore. “What the hell are you talking about? I won’t be discussed as an object when I’m standing right here.”

“Hounds of God.” Falon broke his silence, drawing everyone’s attention from me to him. “Shapeshifting was originally a punishment, a curse twisted by both angels and demons. The Hounds of God were those shapeshifters that were not cursed but gifted. They battle evil rather than become it. Legend would have you believe the Hounds no longer exist but they do. They are chosen. There are stories of Hounds dated as recently as the 1600s.”

I tried to absorb what I was hearing. Lilah was eyeing me up in a whole new way. All it took to make me feel like an ignorant young mortal was spending time with those who had outlived me by thousands of lifetimes.

“So you see,” Shya came to stand between Lilah and me. “Alexa’s blood is the key to breaking the curse that binds you. Had you succeeded in having her killed, your best chance at freedom would have died with her.”

Understanding settled in Lilah’s flame colored eyes. She nodded knowingly, her gaze darting from me to Shya. “Now you want to exploit my folly for your own gain. I bet you’re quite proud of yourself.”

“Indeed, I am.” Shya rubbed his hands together like a gleeful child. “You know my terms. They haven’t changed.”

Was this for real? I couldn’t tell who Shya was screwing over anymore. It appeared to be me. I rolled a psi ball in my hands as I considered smashing it into the back of Shya’s head.

“No.” Lilah was firm. “You ask too much.”

Shya’s rage was sudden and furious. The power rose up around him to burn with the intense heat of an open flame. The dragon on my arm pulsed in response. 

 “Helping you reclaim your throne entitles me to as much. Make me your second-in-command or remain forever as you are, an outcast queen with no people or kingdom to call your own, answering to a werewolf with more power than you will ever see again.” Shya was seething. So was I. The bastard was playing Lilah and me against each other. He would side with whoever could give him more.

I reached deeper, allowing more power to spill over me. I wasn’t going out without a hell of a bang. Arys shot me a warning look, which I pretended not to notice. I was panicking. All I could do was be as ready as I could.

“You pathetic, insipid, power-hungry worm.” With the grace of the undead, Lilah gravitated closer. Jabbing a finger into Shya’s chest, she grinned maliciously, revealing fangs. “You can only dream of having power like I had. Your collection of rare and wonderful creatures won’t bring you what you seek. You will always be underworld scum unworthy of even cleaning my boots. I’d spend eternity in this form before I’d consider making a deal with you.”

 There was a boom like thunder. Shya’s huge black wings flapped once, driving Lilah back. Despite her limited demon power, she was unafraid. I’d once seen her drop a demon with no more than a word. The fact that she didn’t seem able to do it to Shya indicated he was far more powerful than she would admit.

Her gaze slid to me, and the sparkle of intrigue within had my wolf in fits. “You and I can help each other, Alexa. Neither of us needs to be bound by Shya’s manipulative deception. Help me regain my full power, and I can remove his mark from you.”

Tempting but not good enough. Shya terrified me in all his dark glory, yet he was nothing compared to what she would be if she escaped the curse, I was certain.

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