Debutante (12 page)

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Authors: Madeline Moore

BOOK: Debutante
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Luke found Tony in the sauna.

‘There's a place downtown – Cheetahs
– where the cougars hang out,' said Tony. He was lying on a towel with another towel draped across his torso.

Oh well, I already know the size of his cock.
Luke closed his eyes. He mopped his brow.
Things are getting out of hand …

‘There is?' he said. ‘Great! What do we do, put a notice up in their ladies' room?'

Tony shook his head. ‘Emily said whatever it takes, right?'

‘Right.' Luke swiped at his face again.

‘What it'll take is one of us going there and propositioning some of these older ladies.' Tony stretched his arm so he could grab a ladle and pour cold water over hot, fake rocks. He rolled over onto his belly. As the room filled with even more steam, he made a pillow of the towel that had covered his privates and tucked it under his head. His ass was bare. ‘Ahh. This is heaven.'


‘You?' Luke was seized with a sense of desperation. He
to get out of the sauna and away from this house.

‘Not me. You. You and Richard.' Tony's voice was muffled by his makeshift pillow.

‘The Tarantino freak? Why him?'

‘He's big on older women. You should see his collection of what he calls “the golden age of porn” tapes. Richard says they were all in it for the fun of it, not the money. He says you can see it in their eyes.' Tony's voice slowed. His eyelids drooped. ‘Maybe he can pick out the right kind of cougar for us.'

‘I'll ask him, then.' Luke, practically gasping for air, swung the door to the sauna open. ‘Print us up another batch of business cards, OK?'

‘Now?' Tony's eyes opened.

‘Yeah now,' snapped Luke. ‘Christ, man, wake up already! It's the middle of the fucking day!'

Tony stood, wrapping a towel around his dripping body. ‘Yes, sir!'

Chapter Fifteen

That night, after carefully preparing for their assignment at their house, Luke and Richard showed up at Cheetahs
It was just after ten p.m. Despite their business cards, fresh-faced and crew-cut Richard had to show ID. The bouncer grinned. ‘These she-cats'll eat you up, sonny, looking like that.' The chubby-cheeked boy was dressed preppy: loafers, chinos, pale-pink shirt and an Argyle pullover sweater with pink in the pattern, contrasting with Luke's Doc Marten's, black jeans and tight black T-shirt. Between them, they figured, they had the market covered.

They bought two beers for ten dollars each. The barkeep told them, ‘Don't worry. Most of your drinks will be bought for you, if you play your cards right.'

They found a booth and scanned the room. The patrons weren't all older women and younger men.

Luke nodded towards a table with two people, a couple who were likely in their mid-forties, maybe married. ‘What do think they're doing here, Rich?'

‘Looking for a young stud for her, with him watching them do it, or else for a threesome.'

‘I don't know how I'd feel about going home with a man and a woman. It seems kinda creepy to me.'

‘Different strokes, Luke. Still, I agree. If they were all friends, before, I think that'd be OK, but being picked up by a couple of complete strangers sounds kinda risky, to me, 'specially if it's a big guy.'

Among the throng, there were a few older men and younger women, but the clientele was predominantly women in their forties and men in their twenties.

‘Makes sense,' Luke said. ‘Both sexes at the ages when they're in their sexual primes.'

‘Now you're getting it,' Richard said. ‘Just remember, if you get one in the sack, let her teach you. Act dumb.'

‘Be my pleasure.'

‘This is OK with Emily?'

‘She said do whatever it takes to get a cougar. If this is what it takes, it's not my fault, is it?'

‘I'm on your side, bro.' Richard tapped the table with his empty bottle. ‘No kind ladies are lining up to buy us drinks, Luke. Will the expense account run to another round?'

‘This is my pocket, Richard, but I guess we can't sit here dry.'

At the bar, Luke ordered two more. When he picked the beaded bottles up, a husky contralto said, ‘That's on my tab, Bert.'

Luke turned. His benefactress looked a well-preserved forty, with wide-spaced ice-blue eyes under long lashes and tinted eyelids. Her lips were a little thin and painted bright red. His eyes moved down. Her gold lamé top plunged to the belt buckle of black velvet Capris with gold trim. Her gilt sandals had four-inch heels.

She took a sip from what Luke assumed was an Appletini, by its colour. ‘Have you

seen enough, young man?' she asked.

Luke cleared his throat. ‘Not yet.'

‘Bad boy?' she asked.

‘Working on it.'

‘Need help?'

‘I wouldn't say no.'

‘To what?'

‘Just about anything.'

The blonde laughed, a full-blown, head-back laugh. ‘I like you already, “Bad Boy”. Have you a name?'


She extended a hand. ‘Gloria.'

‘Glorious Gloria from across the pond.'

‘Guilty!' Gloria laughed again. ‘Fancy a bit of Brit, mate?'

Luke nodded. For the life of him he couldn't come up with a witty response.

Gloria looked at the pair of bottles in his fist. ‘Hard drinker?'

‘No. One's for my friend.'

She frowned. ‘You're with someone? Boy or girl?'

‘Boy. Richard.'

‘You going to introduce me, then?'

Luke led her to the booth where Richard was waiting and made introductions. ‘Well?' he asked his friend.

‘I'd say so.'

Gloria said, ‘It's not nice to have secret conversations. What was that all about?'

Luke answered, ‘Richard thinks he can tell how … er … fiery a woman is by her eyes.'

She turned a smouldering look on Richard. ‘And?'

‘Scorching. Love your accent, too.'

Gloria grinned. ‘So, what's happening, boys? You two gay and looking to experiment or what?'

They both assured her, and assured her, and assured her, that they weren't in the least bit gay.

‘So what's the deal? One to hold the other's hand? We don't have a virgin here somewhere, do we?' She posed the question with relish.

‘No, no virgins, sorry. Is that your thing?'

‘My “thing” is my business, for now. So tell me all about yourselves.'

Luke produced his NAIL business card.

After a glance, Gloria dropped it on the table. ‘Save that to impress little girls, Luke. This town is full of movie producers and directors who've never made movies.'

‘I'm serious,' he assured her. ‘We've only made a couple of shorts, so far, but this is how we're putting ourselves through movie school.'

Gloria picked his card up and took a closer look. ‘“Naked And In Love”? You kids are making porn movies?'

‘Artistic ones,' Richard said.

‘Hm.' She looked thoughtful.

Richard opened his mouth but Luke nudged him into silence.

‘You have a full crew, cameramen, lights, sound, the whole shebang?'

‘Everything,' Luke told her. ‘As I said, we've already made a few movies, and sold them.'

‘So they're being seen by people?'

‘One trilogy has gone viral on line.'

‘I'm impressed. You know, when you get a little older you start wondering if there's anything new to explore. I think while I've still got the body for it, I might enjoy a good shag captured on film.'

‘It's all digital now –' began Richard but Luke cut him off.

‘Our buyer has asked us for something with a younger man and a … mature … woman,' he said.

‘Mature like me?'

‘Exactly,' Luke told her. ‘A true cougar.'

She mused. ‘Kinky, at your age. What is the world coming to?'

‘Well, would you?' Luke asked.

‘Depends. This cougar is pedigree. Understand?'

Luke frowned. ‘You mean …'

‘I mean I come with papers. Health papers. Do you?'

‘Absolutely,' Luke assured her. ‘So, are you in?'

‘Don't I have to audition first? Don't you want to see what you get?'


She opened her purse and took out a key card. ‘Midnight, the Tiara on Park Lane, suite one nine one one.'

Richard squeaked, ‘Both of us?'

Her look passed from Luke to Richard like a flame-thrower. ‘I have a big appetite.'

‘We'll do our best to satisfy it,' Luke assured her.

‘I'm counting on it.' She sashayed away, leaving the boys looking at each other.

An hour later, Luke paused to admire the famous back-lit four-storey cascade in the lobby of the Tiara

Richard touched his elbow. ‘It's seven minutes to twelve. We should keep moving.'

Luke shook his head. ‘I don't know about this, Richard.'



‘She told you, whatever it takes.'

‘Even so.'

‘How about we play by President's rules?'

‘Which are?'

‘BJs don't count as sex. If Mr Penis doesn't meet Miss Vagina, in an intimate sort of way, no one has two-timed anyone. That's President Clinton's rule, which almost makes it a law.'

‘And anything else goes?'

‘You already shook her hand.'

‘No I didn't.'

‘Well, if you had, would that be sex? Would that be cheating on Emily?'


‘A peck on the cheek?'


‘If you touched her –'

Luke interrupted with, ‘I get the point. You have to draw the line somewhere and we are deciding to draw it at actual penetration.'

‘We're not deciding. Clinton decided. We're just following his lead,' Richard reminded him. ‘And the line is drawn at

‘What's the –'

But Richard was already heading for the elevators, leaving Luke to think about why the word ‘penetration' needed modifying.

It took three swipes of the card for Richard to get the door to 1911 open, but he wasn't used to key cards and his hand wasn't that steady. The suite was spacious, with no bed visible, so it had to have more than one room. There was a four-seater green leather couch against the wall opposite the entrance. Gloria was displayed on it.

She'd changed. Her narrow feet were tucked into pom-pom kitten-heeled red satin mules. She wore black nylons that were as sheer as shadows. The hose were held up by the suspenders of a frilly garter belt that nipped her narrow waist. Her breasts were nestled in a quarter-cup crimson satin bra. Over all, she wore a flame-tinted peignoir so fine that it did little more than glisten over her flesh. She had another Appletini in her hand.

Richard gasped. ‘I think I've died and gone to heaven!
, Luke, is what a porn star is supposed to look like.'

‘You're too kind,' Gloria purred. She turned her gaze to Luke and lifted an elegant eyebrow.

Responding to the unsubtle cue, he said, ‘You look fantastic, Gloria. I really mean that.'

‘How sweet. It's so nice to meet young men who've been taught good manners. A rare pleasure these days.' She topped up her glass from a vacuum pitcher.

Luke suppressed a laugh. The situation – the topic of conversation – combined with Gloria's classy English accent, was so odd it was funny and yet it was extra-sexy at the same time. He couldn't help but wonder what she'd sound like if she were vocal when she climaxed. Would she say something like, ‘Jolly good show. I'd rather like another of those, if you don't mind?'

Luke thought that it'd be more polite to make some friendly conversation before … before the three of them got started. ‘You sure like those Appletinis, huh?'

‘A girl needs her vitamins. “An apple a day”, right? Then there's celery and tomato in a Bloody Mary, the olives in Martinis, lemon slices, orange peel twists – I believe in a healthy diet.'

The boys chuckled to show they weren't taking her seriously.

Gloria patted the couch beside her. ‘One of you join me, please. The other, if you don't mind, can take the first shower.'

Richard asked, ‘Shower?'

‘Humour me. I do like a man's body fresh from a good hot shower. If you two don't want to be separated, you can shower together, if you like, but I'd insist on watching.'

‘No, no, that's fine,' Luke assured her. ‘I'll go first.' Perhaps it'd be easier getting into the threesome if Richard already had it started.

Richard made for the couch, shedding his sweater as he went. Luke headed for the bathroom. It had everything, including disposable razors and two toothbrushes still in their plastic bubbles. Luke let the water pound his skin, growing an erection when he thought about Gloria's body and what he was going to do to it, he hoped, and losing his stiffness when he remembered that he and she wouldn't be alone. He could cope with that, he thought, provided – what was the expression he'd heard? – he and Richard didn't ‘cross swords'.

What if Richard's was bigger than his? Nah. Not at all likely. But …

Ablutions finished, Luke dried off and looked for a robe. There wasn't one. He could put his worn clothes back on but that likely wasn't what Gloria wanted. In the end, he settled for knotting a big towel around his waist. It wasn't the most modest or secure garment, but what the hey!

When Luke got back to them, Richard was bare-chested but his zipper hadn't been pulled down. He was kissing Gloria and fondling one of those cute English tits of hers, though the miniscule bra was still in place. They must have been taking it slow, waiting for him.

Gloria said, ‘Richard, shower. You, Luke, come here. Let's see what you have to offer a lady, shall we?'

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