Read Deceit of Angels Online

Authors: Julia Bell

Deceit of Angels (23 page)

BOOK: Deceit of Angels
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in Bristol she found a parking space and following Jason’s directions she made
her way to the offices of Barnes, Atherton and Gill.  Nigel was waiting for her
and in his polite and professional manner made her comfortable and offered her
a cup of coffee.  And then they got down to business.

important that my marriage is ended as soon as possible,” she told him.  “I’m
hoping to divorce him on grounds of his adultery.”

long as he admits to it, then there shouldn’t be any problem.”

pursed her lips.  “I caught him out three times.  The first two he admitted to,
but he denied the third.”

sat back in his chair.  “Did he admit his guilt in front of witnesses?  I mean,
besides you.”

shook her head.  “No, he was always defensive and even the first two were
difficult for him to admit.”

could be a problem.  It will be your word against his.”

there any other way I can get a divorce?”

there’s unreasonable behaviour, but you’ll have to give a statement listing
reasons why you think your husband behaved unreasonably.”

his adultery, he was a good provider and an excellent father.”

there’s irretrievable breakdown of marriage.  But you’ll have to wait one year
for that to happen.  When did you leave your husband?”

of June, but that seems such a long time to wait.”

linked his fingers together.  “If you want a quick divorce then I can only
suggest you…let him divorce you on grounds of your adultery.”

squirmed uncomfortably.  “But that doesn’t seem fair!  He cheated on me while
we were married while I…” She knew she was blushing, it seemed so strange to be
talking like this to a relative stranger. 

would be the easiest way,” he said kindly.  “Have you talked to your husband

yet.  But I will when he comes back from his business trip.”

If he’s willing to admit he committed adultery then I will need to know the
name of his solicitor then we can start communicating all the details.  Also,
your husband will have to tell his solicitor the time and place when it

nearly dropped her cup in her lap.  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.  What do
you mean, time and place?”

put his elbows on the desk and clasped his hands together.  “Mrs Stevens, if
your husband is going to admit adultery then I will need verification.” Her
embarrassment showed in her face.  Nigel had seen this many times before and
smiled sympathetically.

that really necessary?  I mean, what would happen if I admitted adultery?” said
Anna slowly.

it would be the other way round and your husband’s solicitor would need the
date and place when it happened.”  He spread his hands on the desk.  “I know it
sounds harsh, but it’s only a question of your husband providing a date and
place of his own choosing.”

you need photos too?”

couldn’t help laughing.  “No, that won’t be necessary.”

put down her cup and sighed.  “It seems such a degrading business.  Why can’t
he just admit it and leave it at that?”

assure you there’s nothing to worry about.  It’s just a formality.  If
everything goes smoothly and your husband doesn’t contest it, then your divorce
should go through in four or five months.  That would make it February.”

would be good.  The sooner the better.”

about a settlement?”

haven’t thought about that.  We have a house but it’s mortgaged and I think a
few investments.”

an amicable divorce the property is usually shared and if your husband sells
the house you will be entitled to half.  Unless your husband buys you out.”

shook her head.  “Would it be easier if I just killed him?”

gave a chuckle.  He had really warmed to Jason’s new lady friend.  “Well, if
you decide to do that, I will have to pass you on to our Mr Gill.  He deals
with criminal law, I only deal with family law.”

she had left Nigel’s office, Anna found a café and bought a cup of coffee.  She
watched from the window as shoppers hurried past carrying their purchases.  All
these people, she thought, going about their business.  All with their own
worries and plans and dreams.  And quite a few of them will have gone through a
divorce.  Well, she thought feeling more confident, if they can do it so can I.

found the shop were she had bought her dress for Margaret’s party.  She wanted
to buy another for this evening.  Doctor Orchard and Sarah were coming to
dinner and Margaret had requested a more ‘dressy’ occasion, although not too
formal.  Anna made a selection from the rail and after trying on a few, finally
settled on a red lace cocktail dress, knee length with pretty embroidered
shoulder straps.  The assistant was very helpful and found some matching shoes
and a handbag.  She only needed to buy some ‘bits and bobs’ and then she was on
her way home.


She was nearly
ready.  She had done her hair and makeup and was sitting at the dressing table,
her kimono wrapped round her, the dress still hanging on the wardrobe door. 
Her thoughts returned to her appointment with Nigel Barnes.  She had liked him
and if he was Jason’s friend as well as his solicitor, then there was no reason
why she shouldn’t have absolute faith in him.  But if Dave refused to
co-operate, it would be down to her and she would have to give the time and
place when she had committed adultery!  Time and place indeed!

was a quiet knock on the door and she went to open it just an inch to see who
it was.  Jason was standing outside; his hand already raised as though he was
about to knock again.

evening.  I thought I’d escort you downstairs.  The good doctor and his wife
will be arriving in just ten minutes.”

got a better idea,” she murmured.

he could say another word, she pulled him into the room, slamming the door shut
behind him. She leaned up against the wall, entwining her arms round his neck
and forcing his face down towards hers. Her kiss was passionate and took him

a surprise! I didn’t expect this when I knocked on your door!” he gasped.

I know I’m a bit late but I’ve just thought of another birthday present I’d

With one
hand, she unfastened her robe and let it slide with a soft swish to the floor. 
Underneath she was wearing a satin slip in pale pink.

let out a cry of dismay.  “Anna! We haven’t time for this. We’re expected

started unbuttoning his shirt, watching with joy as he struggled with her, his
features twisted with bewilderment and desire, as he tried to understand her
sudden actions, even if her intentions were quite clear.  Once his shirt was
undone, she slid her arms round him and caressed his back, continually kissing
his neck and throat, delighting in her role as temptress.

breathed faster, pressing her close.  “Oh, God! It’s a shame we haven’t got
time,” he murmured.  He hooked his finger under the strap of her slip and slid
it off her shoulder, kissing her bare skin.

says we haven’t got time?”

told you, they’re waiting for us downstairs.”

you’d better hurry up and get on with it.”  She started unbuckling the belt on
his trousers.

gabbed her hand to stop her.   “Anna!  You know I don’t do this kind of thing
in such a hurried manner.  I’ve always prided myself on a little finesse and
care to detail.”

had managed to get his belt undone and now aimed for the zip.  “I do know! But
as you say, we haven’t got time.  And if you think ten minutes isn’t long
enough, then I disagree.”

groaned and his hand went down to her thigh and then up under her slip.  He
jerked back from her.  “Dear Lord!  You’re wearing stockings!”

gave a giggle knowing she had him now.  Pushing his trousers over his hips and
exposing only the necessary parts of his anatomy, she ran her fingers lightly
over his buttocks and then pulled the small of his back towards her.  He
breathed heavily through his teeth, squeezing her up against the wall, his face
showing the strain of mounting tension. 

minutes and counting,” she whispered in his ear.

a moan of relief he finally surrendered.  Lifting her up onto the chest of
drawers he ripped off her panties.  She drew her knees up round his waist and
he lunged forward, his mouth covering hers as if he wanted to devour her.

was frantic and wild and very wonderful.  His breathing becoming faster and
more rasping, his skin sticking damp and hot against her slip.  She moved with
him, not thinking of her own pleasure, but instead simply enjoying the fury of
his passion.  Exhilaration overwhelmed her as she relished her power to
tantalise and satisfy.

minutes, his body heaved and then stiffened, the ecstasy and vigour of his
orgasm making him rise up on his toes to absorb the intoxicating sensation that
shot through him and threatened to rip him apart. Sucking in his breath, he
released it with a groan and an anguished cry of gratification.

madness passed and he stood quietly, taking in huge breaths to calm his
pounding heart.

And then they
were laughing together.

he said his voice hoarse and hardly able to leave his dry throat.  “The car
wasn’t enough for you, then?”

were you saying about people waiting for us downstairs?”

“To hell
with them!” He stared at the ceiling, concentrating his mind on the ornate

stroked his face.  “Poor love. You look as though you’ve run ten miles.”

I feel as though I’ve run ten miles.  I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

mind.  You’ll feel much better after you’ve had a cup of tea.”

threw back his head and laughed.  “A double whisky would be more appropriate. 
I think I’d better go to my room and sort myself out, although the way I feel,
I’m wondering if I’ll be able to walk.”  He quickly adjusted his clothing and
helped her down.  He picked up the robe from the floor and she held it against
herself.  She looked so lovely and innocent that he couldn’t help pulling her
close and holding her in his arms once more.  “See you in a minute,” he
whispered, opening the door and stepping outside.  Before leaving, he kissed
her hand.

she slowly closed the door, she lowered her eyelids seductively.  “Bye,
sailor.  Call on me any time.  You know where I live.”

tried to answer, but instead blew out a long breath and made his unsteady way
to his own room.

gave a chuckle as she scurried to the bathroom.  She completed her toilet
routine and tidied herself up, before slipping into her new dress and putting
on her shoes.  As she left her room she couldn’t help laughing.  How about
Thursday evening, on top of the chest of drawers?  Mr Barnes ought to like
that, she thought with amusement.  In minutes, she was in the parlour demurely
kissing the doctor and his wife and taking a cocktail from Ben.  She watched
the door for Jason but there was no sign of him.

was Margaret, who asked irritably,  “Where is Jason? He’s not usually this
late.  We can’t start until he arrives.  Anna, have you seen him at all?”

looked up from talking to Sarah, who was telling her about their holiday to

did see him, Margaret. I think he went to his room.”

suddenly appeared at the door. His hair was damp from taking a shower and he
had changed his clothes. But his smile was more apologetic than guilty.

What have you been doing! We thought you were never going to come down!” his
mother reprimanded him, as she poured him a drink.

murmured ‘sorry’ and took his place beside Anna on the couch. 

leaned towards him and whispered,  “Yes, Jason. Why don’t you tell your mother
what you’ve been doing? I’m sure she’d be interested to know.”

he answered, almost choking over his glass.

tell me you’re afraid of what she might say?”

He grabbed her
hand and squeezed hard, turning his face away to stop himself laughing.


That night Anna
snuggled down next to Jason, happiness flooding through her.  Everything was
going so well.  The boys were paying her another visit, her divorce was in the
pipeline and she was engaged to a wonderful man.

rolled over and raised himself up on his elbow to look at her.  “So, what time
is milady leaving me in the morning?  Shall I set the clock for the wee small

you can leave it.  I’ll get up when you do and then pop to my room to have a
shower and get changed.”

BOOK: Deceit of Angels
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