Deceitfully Yours (11 page)

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Authors: Bethany Bazile

BOOK: Deceitfully Yours
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Chapter Fifteen



“How was the photo shoot?” Stacia asks, pouring dressing onto her salad. The bistro down the street from our place is where we meet up at least once a week for lunch.

It was great. I still can’t believe I have this opportunity.”

stops eating and gapes at me. “Why not? You deserve this. You have a talent that can get you away from Mason. I only wish I was as talented as you are.”

“Are you kidding?” I ask

She shakes her head and continues eating.

“I’ve seen your sketches. You’re more talented than I am. Stop dragging yourself down.”

“That’s just a hobby.”

“My photography was a hobby before someone gave me a chance. Aren’t you tired of pretending and scheming? Don’t you ever want more?”

Every day.” She shrugs her shoulders like it’s an impossibility, a dream. “Is this about Jude?”

“Lately, everything is about Jude.”

She rolls her eyes and points her fork at me. “He’s got you hooked on his dick.”

“If that’s all it
was, I wouldn’t be so scared. I expected him to claim my body, but now he’s starting to dig himself into places I’ve kept guarded for so long.”

dominant men don’t just want your body. They want to own you, and from the look on your face, he’ll end up owning your heart.”

“The worst
part is I was supposed to be pretending to be interested in him to get to his safe, but I’m lying to myself. I’m pretending I don’t want everything with that man. I just don’t know how to get rid of Mason and keep Jude.”

“If anyone deserves a happily ever after, it’s you. I’ve never believed in fairy tales
, but I’d write one for you.”

“You? Write a fairy tale?” I can’t help but smile at that.

“Oh, it would be good.” She smiles wickedly. “Especially the part where the princess gets tied up by the big bad Dom and forced to—”

“Stacia!” I glance around the bistro and make sure no one’s listening.

“What? Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy it when he ties you up and makes you beg?”

Oh, I love it when he makes me beg. I just don’t need the whole neighborhood to know it.”

She shakes her head and sips on her bottle of water. “You embarrass too easily.
What will you do if he takes you to a sex club?”

Now that’s a possibility I haven’t considered yet. I don’t think I’d be comfortable having sex with Jude in front of an
audience, but I also know he puts on quite a show. I can only imagine how many women would envy me as they watch how sexually sinful Jude is. I can almost picture him causing me to lose all control and forget we have an audience. I’m sure Jude would make it an exhilarating experience, and maybe one day I’d be ready to experiment.




Jude stands alongside the lake, the cool summer breeze blowing through his hair. He’s gazing into the distance, something he does very often, and every time he does, I wish I had my camera to capture him. This time I do. I pull it out of the bag and snap a few shots. The way the moonlight reflects off the lake causes an amazing silhouette of Jude’s shirtless frame.

My camera shutters as I continue to capture the rare chance to watch Jude in a vulnerable moment. He turns
toward me abruptly, and the raw emotion on his face disappears, clouded over with a slight smile. I continue to capture him as he moves toward me. These pictures may be all I’ll have left of Jude when all this is over.

“How was your shoot?” He takes the camera out of my hands then pulls me into his arms. Though there’s a small chill in the air, his skin is still warm as I press my face against his chest.

I pull back so I can look into his eyes. “Good, but for the first time I couldn’t wait to be done.”

He smiles at me and does that thing he always does with his eyebrow. “You missed me.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” I try to cover up the fact I couldn’t stop thinking about him all day. Missing him is an understatement.

“I’ll let you lie to yourself a little longer.” He hooks his arm around my shoulders as we walk into the house.

“My God! What is that amazing scent?”

“That’s my mother’s famous pasta sauce.” He walks over to the stove and uncovers the pot. The smell floats through the air. This man is perfection. He
’s sweet at all the right times, he cooks like a master chef, and he fucks like a beast. What more can a girl ask for?

Taste.” He holds the wooden spoon to my lips. It tastes as amazing as it smells. The slight sweetness of the tomato intermingles perfectly with a rich garlic flavor.

This is delicious. How are you still single?”

He looks at me as though I
’ve said something wrong, shrugs his shoulders, then continues to fix our plates.

After filling the plate with pasta and his delicious sauce, he
places the plates on the table and grates fresh cheese on them before sitting next to me.

“Are you Italian?”
I ask.

“My mother
’s parents are from Italy, but my dad is British. My dad came to America as an international student and met Mom in college. They’ve been inseparable since. Love at first sight, if you believe in that.”

“I believe two people can
have an instant connection.”

“And that connection can grow so quickly, before you know it you’re in deeper than you bargained for.”
He looks as if that’s what’s happening to him, and if so, then we are in for more than we bargained for. I definitely didn’t bargain for my growing feelings for Jude and how something flutters in my belly when he looks at me in that intense way he is now.

After w
e finish eating, we sit in front of the television, watching an action movie as I cuddle up into his body. He makes me feel totally relaxed, and I’m asleep before we get halfway through the film.

I wake panting for air. I’m sweating
, but I feel so cold that I begin to shiver.
When did I get in Jude’s bed?

“You okay?” Jud
e is looking down at me, trying to see my expression in the dark.

“I’m fine.” I turn my back to him and hope my pounding heart doesn’t give me away. “Go back to sleep
.” My response is muffled in the pillow I’m clutching.

e caresses my neck and shoulder. “You want to talk about it?” He begins massaging the tension from my tight muscles.

“It’s just a nightmare.” It’s more like a horror movie
playing over in my head every night, except there’s nothing in those movies that can compare to the images that plague my mind.

“Anything that causes your
body to shiver as hard as this has to be more than a nightmare.”

“It’s nothing. Seriously, I don’t even remember what it was about.” I can almost hear h
im contemplating his next move. I wait nervously for him to continue badgering me about the dream, but he doesn’t. Instead he lies back down, cuddling me in his arms. His warmth immediately makes me feel safe.

I get a weird ache in my chest when I think about the nightmare. The most frightening part was this time
Shane’s face was so different. This time it was replaced with a dark-haired, brown-eyed Jude. If Jude ended up like Shane, I would never be able to forgive myself. I haven’t even begun forgiving myself for the first time.




Dawn is glimmering on the horizon when I wake again. The room is a soft shade of amber, and Jude is hovering over me, intensely focused on my body. His featherlike touches over my skin, his gentle, caring gaze makes me feel unsettled.

He grazes
my nipples with his fingers, causing them to pebble. He leans in and tongues one nipple, soft and slow. Instant arousal ripples through my body, and moisture pools between my legs.

He kisses my
collarbone, then licks his way up my neck. As he settles between my legs, his hard cock brushes against my thigh. His gaze locks with mine, and I can see his next move coming. He leans in to kiss me.

And I

That’s what I do
—I panic. I push against his chest, turning my face away from his lips. He forces me to look into his analyzing gaze by pulling my head with his hand. I try to turn away, to resist giving him this last piece of me, but I know he’ll win. He pushes his cock into me swiftly, demanding my submission. I grip his biceps, eyes widening from the impact of him.

He watches me as he thrusts. I don’t know what he’s looking for
, and I hope he can’t find it in my eyes.

“Give me your mouth,” he demands quietly.

I shake my head and moan as he thrusts again. “I can’t.”

“Let me have it, Kylie.”

I sigh. “I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“Giving you too much.”

He smirks
. “I already have all of you, sweetheart. You just don’t want to admit it. Open up and let me taste you.” His cock bumps against my G-spot, and my lips part.

Jude dives in, swirling his tongue into my mouth much like the way he’s plunging his hardness into my depths. He kisses me aggressively, eating away at my free will until I’m lost.

His thrusts are rapid and aggressive. His forearms are braced on the bed, both hands cupping the back of my head. He’s holding me captive to the onslaught of his mouth. I lace my fingers into his hair and give in. I kiss him back fiercely. He moans into my mouth and begins a beautiful rhythm as his body and mouth consume me all at once.

He slowly drives me higher and higher, taking pieces of me along the way that I’ll never get ba

en he finally breaks our kiss, he looks at me with heavy-lidded eyes. “How can you deny you’re mine when you’re dripping wet for me?” He shifts his weight and pushes his cock hard against my G-spot. “Come for me, baby.”

official; I love all sides of Jude. This soft side may be my favorite. He plays my body like a professional, and the moment I scream my release, he captures the sound with his mouth. He kisses me so hard our teeth clash and our tongues battle.

His mouth freezes over min
e as he comes. His soft pants whisper against my lips; his body tenses and trembles as his cock pulsates inside me. I stroke his back as he leans his forehead against mine and absorbs his pleasure—my pleasure. Our pleasure.

I push my face into his neck and conti
nue to hold his body over mine, desperately clinging to him.

“What are you doing?” he asks in my ear.

“I’m just sniffing you,” I murmur into his neck.

He rears back and looks into my eyes. “I smell like sweat and sex.”

“I know, but it smells so alluring on you.” I stick out my tongue and lick his salty skin. He shakes his head at me, then kisses my lips gently, nips my lower lip with his teeth. He soothes it by sucking it into his mouth.

I’m wrapped up in something serious
ly amazing, because I want him again. I want him all the time. It’s a sickness, and I need a cure for this ailment. He lays his head next to mine on the pillow, shifts his weight, and falls asleep still buried deep within me.




“Maryanne, this is Kylie.” Maryanne is Jay’s mother
, and she’s the sweetest little woman I’ve ever met. Her twins and I tower over her and make her look like a midget. She has a warm smile and pixie cut blond hair.

, she’s gorgeous. Come in, dear. Dinner is almost ready.” Kylie is taken aback when Maryanne leans over and kisses her face. It’s beyond obvious that Kylie is not used to having family. I wonder how long it will take to get her to open up about it.

We follow Maryann
e down the hall and into the kitchen. “I believe you’ve met Jay.”

, I have. Hello, Jay.”

Jay waves at Kylie as he steals a piece of Maryanne’s chicken off the serving platter. She swats his hand and shakes her head at him.

“This is Jax’s girlfriend, Candice. Where did Jax go?”

“He stepped out to take a call,”
Candice answers in her shy voice. Candice is less Jax’s girlfriend and more his slave, but I imagine that would be tough to explain to his mother. Her long, dark hair practically covers her face as she sits with her head down.

“I’ll set up dinner
. Please make yourself at home, Kylie.” Maryanne scurries off into the dining room. Her home has always been open to everyone. Since her husband’s passing, she tries to surround herself with as many people as possible.

. Now Mom’s going to pressure me to bring a girl home.”

“You don’t have trouble finding a girl, Jay
,” I say. “You have trouble finding one with good qualities.”

Jay shrugs and continues to eat. Jax walks in through the sliding doors
, and I hear Kylie gasp. I lean over and whisper into her ear, “You’re going to pay for that.”

I’d be surprised if Kylie didn’t react to Jax in some way. Though he and Jay are twins, he has a bigger build and long
, barbarian-style blond hair. Most women swoon as soon as he walks into a room. Kylie reaction wasn’t so bad, but I’ll still make sure she knows where her attention should be tonight.

takes a while to get comfortable, but once she sees how easy Maryanne is to get along with, she loosens up. Jax and Jay keep her engaged in the conversation, but she avoids all personal questions

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