Deceived (2 page)

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Authors: Camilla Isles

BOOK: Deceived
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Chapter Three



Eli Lawrence had only been President of the Keepers of Bedlam for the last four months. His father, Big Daddy, was diagnosed with cancer six months prior. He didn't want to have surgery and put off chemo and radiation treatments a month after the diagnosis. He was stubborn that way. After the second chemo and radiation treatment he could no longer ride his Harley Softtail. That meant he wasn't able to fulfill his position as President. Although Eli didn't want to take over, and since Krank was VP, he should have taken over, Eli was voted in. Krank was getting older and said he'd only have the position a year or less before turning the gavel over to someone else. So now Eli was President and whether he was ready or not, his first major problem awaited.


The group followed the map to the Madison Forestry. It was a crude drawing, but Eli had ridden these roads and trails many times. He stopped at the entrance to a dirt road off the main Forestry highway and took out the map from his vest pocket. This was the road, for as much as he could gather looking at the diagram.


His mouth was dry and he felt a twinge of fear from what he might find. He’d been in the Club long enough to suffer losses of the human kind, but Krank--he was like a second father to Eli. Krank and Big Daddy had patched in at the same time to the KOBMC almost 30 years ago. He wasn’t looking forward to what he might find, for the club’s sake or his father’s who was already very ill.


Eli got back on his bike and motioned for the others to follow him. Slowly the bikes wound down the dirt path deeper into the woods. Squirrels and rabbits scattered and birds flew from their low branches higher into the treetops.


Eli could make out something straight ahead that contrasted with the rest of the wooded environment. The object swung slowly back and forth and Eli could feel his chest tighten. He put his hand up to motion the others to stop. He got off his bike and removed his helmet, laying it on the bike handle. Blaze, DD and a few others followed suit while the rest remained with their bikes.


Eli and the others walked slowly to the man swinging from the tree. His eyes bulged from their sockets and his face was swollen. Eli removed a knife from his pocket, cut the rope while Blaze and DD held the body, and then lowered him slowly to the ground.


“Fuck,” Blaze said. “I told him not to go alone to Marshall.”


“You know Krank was stubborn,” DD said.


“Yeah, and it got him killed,” Blaze replied.


They looked at the poster still hanging around Krank’s neck. It read,


“Back Off Or This Is Just The Beginning.”


Eli’s immediate thought was to the Hell Hounds, a rival motorcycle club gaining strength in their region and itching to claim territory. The KOBMC had been selling stolen goods for over 15 years in the region, which included cigarettes, liquor, electronics and small handguns. While some distributors wanted the club to move to higher end weapons, like other charters were, Eli and his father wanted to remain more low key to stay off the FBI’s RICO list. They knew the FBI would rather go after the big guns than the little fish and why rock the boat.


However, the Hell Hounds wanted to go all out, Uzis and fully automatic weapons were more their speed along with selling cocaine. They wanted it all and their greed knew no bounds. The two clubs had been circling one another for a while, but nothing major had occurred. A few threats here and there, vandalism, but this was off the cuff. Eli could see it heading down the road to busted heads, bullet wounds, and eventually dead bodies, but so soon? It was like the Hell Hounds were in a rush to get this war started and over with.


“Call Dog Breath and tell him to bring the van. Meet him at the entry to the Forestry,” Eli said to two of the members. They nodded and one grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket.


Eli turned to Blaze and DD, “We got to get ahead of this. Get in touch with the remaining members of the club. We’re having a church meeting at 5pm.”






Chapter Four



Lexi watched the club as they rode off down the freeway. She turned around, sat back down at the picnic table, and lit another cigarette. She couldn’t believe how turned on she was by the leader of the group, with his leather jacket, rough complexion, and brilliant blue eyes that seemed to look right through her.


Lexi wasn’t use to the bad boys. She had never been around them much, coming from an affluent family that only saw each other on Christmas. There was a wildness about him she found exciting and primal. She hoped her invitation to stop back by was taken, especially by Eli. She liked that name--it fit him. Lexi was surprised at herself and how fast the man made an impression on her. She hoped she did the same for him, but she suspected he had a bevy of tattooed beauties at his disposal.


She stamped out her cigarette and walked back into the kitchen.


“Raul, do you know of any motorcycle club in the area?”


“Sure, the Keepers of Bedlam. They’ve been around these parts for as long as I can remember. They do a lot of good for the community, doing bike runs for children’s charities and such.”


“Really,” Lexi said incredulously. “I guess I always picture motorcycle gangs like the Hell’s Angels when I think of bikers.”


“Don’t get me wrong,” Raul said. “They do mucho good things, but they’ve got some skeletons in the closet too. They own the bar, Chancey’s Tavern, in Carmel. Word is they deal in stolen goods, but the cops in town give them a wide berth because they also provide a certain amount of protection for the town.”


“Interesting,” Lexi said. Bad boys with a heart of gold. She had a feeling the bad outweighed the good however, but she was willing to find out by how much.






Krank’s body lay wrapped in bed sheets on the pool table. Big Daddy sat in a chair next to the pool table with his head in his hands.


In the club meeting room, Eli sat flanked by his members at the long wooden table. He needed to appoint a new VP, but that would have to wait.


“Are we sure it was the Hell Hounds that killed Krank?” asked Blaze. “Normally they don’t dick around with laying claim to their deeds and this time the calling card wasn't quite their style.”


“Who the hell else has a beef with us?” asked Dirty Dan or DD. “I mean killing our VP--that’s a hell of a way to get our attention if it’s not the Hell Hounds.”


The members talked back and forth, as Eli listened. Blaze had a point. The Hell Hounds always let it be known when they struck, as it provided the mystique they wished to cultivate. This should be no different, but it was. Eli didn’t want to go off half-cocked, out for revenge without having all the facts. The boys were blood thirsty, and he got it, but now was not the time to let emotions run wild. They had to be smart.


Eli banged the President’s gavel on the desk to quiet the club members.


“Until we know for sure it was the Hell Hounds, no one is going after them.”


That brought forth several bellows of opposition.


“I understand your frustration, but what if it wasn’t the Hounds? We could start a bloody turf war.”


“That’s what they’ve been itching for and they started it when they killed Krank,” DD replied.


“We don’t know that…it’s not their MO. What if someone wants us to believe it was the Hounds,“ Blaze said. “Maybe someone wants a turf war so we kill each other off and they can take over.”


“Who could that be?” DD asked.


“Someone who hasn’t shown themselves yet.” Eli answered. “I say we bury our own and lay low. We can say Krank died of natural causes. The Hounds won’t like it if they can’t take credit for the kill. They’ll let us know in short order if it was them. Blaze, you and Dog Breath take Krank to the Thompson funeral home. Tell them we’ll pay our normal fee to keep their mouth shut on his rope wound.”


Eli turned to DD and said, “Take some of the boys and start spreading the word on Krank--natural causes, heart attack, something like that. We want it to get back to the Hell Hounds as fast as possible. That way we’ll know if it was them or not.”


“Right,” DD answered.


Eli pounded the gavel on the table. Meeting adjourned. The group filed out of the meeting room into the bar. Big Daddy still remained beside the pool table where Krank’s body lay.


“Pop, Blaze and Dog Breath have to take Krank down to the funeral home, “ Eli said to his father.


Big Daddy looked up at his son with red eyes. “You get the sons of bitches that did this, you hear,” he pleaded.


“Don’t worry Pop, we will.”







Chapter Five




Eli hadn’t had much time to collect his thoughts. He walked through the warehouse in back of the bar and sat down in one of the small offices. Like his father, Eli was upset about Krank, but he couldn’t show it to the club. He was President so he had to remain strong, but now, alone, he could let go.


Tears streamed down his face as he remembered Krank as a young man who would give Eli rides on his Hog and tickle him until it hurt. But Krank hadn’t been the same since his wife died of cancer, and with his best friend, Eli’s dad, battling the same crappy disease, Krank just didn’t seem happy anymore. Still, it didn’t give anyone the right to end his life as miserable as he might have been.


Eli wiped the tears from his face with his sleeve. Suddenly the face of the woman he met that day popped into his head. At the time they met, he was completely infatuated with the tall dark haired beauty. He could tell she had a smoking body, even with the business apparel she was sporting. Her sassy nature and obvious smarts made her even more intriguing to Eli. He welcomed the change of thought, sat back in the chair, and closed his eyes. He could feel his rod throb as he thought of the woman--Lexi that was her name. He wanted to see her again, but with all that was going on, it didn’t seem like the right time. But hell, was there any right time when it came to club life. Nope.


He stood up and looked at the clock. It was 6pm. He wasn’t hungry, but thought getting a beer at The Copper Door bar sounded good. Maybe the manager was around.


He headed into the Tavern. Krank’s body was gone and Big Daddy said he was heading home and going to bed.


“You need a ride home Pop? One of the prospects can take you,” Eli said.


“No, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me,” Big Daddy said as he walked out the door.


Eli turned to the rest of the crew and said, “I’m heading out. Think you all can behave?”


“You going back down to The Copper Door?” Journey, one of the club members asked. “We’ll ride with you if you are,” he said, motioning to Laser, another patched in member.


“Sure, come on,” Eli said.






Chapter Six



Lexi went home before the evening meals started to clean up and wear something a little less business like and more provocative. She selected a dark ocean blue low cut dress with a hemline that hit just above the knee. Her pumps and huge blue stoned necklace finished the ensemble.
, she thought,
I look hot without appearing like a slut. It should work.
Now the next question was, would he show up?


The dinner crowd was heavy and Lexi remained busy orchestrating the kitchen and wait staff. She kept an eye and ear out for thundering bikes, but it was difficult to hear anything within the restaurant. She knew the bikers wouldn’t come into the main dining area, preferring the bar instead, so she’d look in occasionally to see if she could spot them. Nada.


She was starting to feel a little blue. The crowd remained busy but the wait staff and kitchen had found their rhythm and were moving like clockwork. Her feet were killing her,
stupid high heels
, she thought. Lexi decided to take a break in her office, but as she filed past the bar entrance, she spotted Eli and a couple of other bikers as they sat at the bar. Guess my feet will have to suck it up she thought as she glided into the bar area.


Eli, Laser and Journey had just sat down at the bar and ordered some drinks when Lexi walked up.


“I see you boys made it back,” she said smiling. “Lester, whatever they’re drinking it’s on the house,” she said to the bartender.


“Why thank you little lady,” Journey said. “What do we owe this nice gesture?”


“The word is your club is very giving towards children’s charities. I just want to show my appreciation,” Lexi said as she looked towards Eli.


Eli liked what he saw. The V-neck of her dress cut very low, showing off nice sized tits without appearing whorish.


“Yes, we’re good, but we can also be very bad,” Laser said, making sure he took in the gorgeous brunette in front of him.


“Okay, quit your leering gentlemen,” Eli remarked. “Take your drinks and find us a table.”


The two smiled knowingly and took off for a table in the corner. Eli turned his attention to Lexi.


“Since you already know some things about the club, tell me about yourself Lexi.” His voice was as smooth as she remembered and the musk cologne he was wearing filled her senses. There was no mistake from earlier today, he definitely got her engines revving.


“Well, I’m just a Midwestern gal, divorced, no children, who was sent here by her company to manage this restaurant. Actually, the company is a conglomerate. They own restaurants, stores, even banks. I’m a glorified accountant who was sent here to hold down the manager’s position until they can find someone else.”


Lexi stopped cold. Here she was blabbering on about business, something Eli could likely care less about, but it was all she knew.


“Wow, that must sound totally boring to you.”


“The question is; is it boring to you?” Eli asked.


Lexi sat down on the stool next to Eli and said, “Yes, yes it is.”






Eli and Lexi continued to talk. Their banter was easy, as if they’d known one another in a different life. Laser and Journey ordered their steaks and drank free beers. When they were finished, Eli and Lexi were still talking as they sat at the bar.


“Well boss, we’re heading out,” Journey said as he put on his leather jacket.


“Okay, I’ll see you guys tomorrow then,” Eli answered.


The two thanked Lexi for the free drinks and headed out the door.


Eli turned to Lexi and asked, “Am I keeping you from your work?”


“Oh they’re fine. Believe me, if the cooks or staff needed me they’d find me in record time. It’s starting to slow down for the night. This is when I usually head home.”


“I’d offer you a ride but I’m not sure how comfortable you'd feel in that dress on the back of a bike,” Eli said. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re way sexy in it.”


“Thank you for the compliment, but as it so happens, I have a change of clothing in my office that may fit the occasion.”


Eli smiled, “I can’t wait to see it.”


As Eli waited for Lexi to change, his thoughts turned to Krank and the entire fiasco. While the Hell Hounds were capable of offing one of his crew, his gut told him it wasn’t them. Problem was, who? He was glad for the distraction tonight otherwise he’d go crazy trying to figure it out. But Lexi was more than a distraction however. He liked how she put him at ease. Not an easy task, especially today. He wanted to take her to Chancey’s Tavern, but he didn’t want to scare her off either. She was definitely not a biker babe, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t become one.


At that moment Lexi walked into the bar wearing tight jeans and a button shirt that was unbuttoned almost half the way down. Eli liked what he saw.


“Now that outfit would look good on the back of any bike, and especially mine.”


Lexi smiled and Eli put his arm around her waist, gently, as they walked out the door. His touch sent rivers of tiny shocks down her legs, awakening senses she had long forgotten about.


As they approached the bike Lexi said, “I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before.”

“Just grab on tight darlin and don’t let go,” Eli said with a grin.

Don’t worry
, Lexi thought,
I won’t






Lexi loved riding on the back of Eli’s bike, with the wind in her long dark locks, arms around his waist, and her sex up against his tight ass. She felt those stirrings rise up in her loins once again. This man had turned on a switch that was flipped off long ago. She buried herself in her work with Spectrum Inc. and had allowed them to engulf her mind and body. But now, in this moment, Spectrum was completely forgotten and all she could think of was how good this man felt.


He was taking her to his club’s bar, Chancey’s Tavern. Lexi wasn’t so naïve about what that meant. First, she knew a biker bar wouldn’t be anything like the clubs she use to frequent. The smoke, language and people would be primal and she would have to ready for anything.


Eli pulled the bike into the Tavern’s parking lot. The front door stood wide open as music spilled out. A trail of smoke also emerged, wafting its way lazily towards the heavens.


“So how did you like your first ride?” Eli asked as he helped Lexi off the bike.


“I loved it. I felt so free.”


“Yeah, that’s why we like to ride.”


He grabbed her hand and led her into the Tavern. Some of the club members were there with a couple of prospects, including Dog Breath, manning the bar. The rest were customers who looked like club wannabees and of course, biker babes. There was an assortment of women and Lexi tried to take it all in without being obvious.


The women were of all ages. Some were old ladies sitting with their men, and others were looking to hook up. There were groups of women young and old, and they were all looking at Lexi. She was the new girl, escorted by the President of KOBMC.


The crowd was muted tonight as Krank’s death resonated through the Tavern. Eli had told Lexi about Krank’s death earlier (the natural causes death), and how much he meant to the club. Lexi felt bad for the club members and the patrons who were clearly upset by the news.


Eli guided Lexi to a table where Blaze and his old lady, Alice, were sitting. Alice was in her late 40’s, but she looked much younger. Her long and thick blond hair appeared like a halo around her head. She had green emerald eyes that danced when she smiled.


Eli made the introductions and called a waitress over.


“What would you like to drink Lexi?”


Now Lexi was more of a white wine girl, but she knew that might make her look soft.


“I’ll have a beer, whatever’s on draft,” she answered.


Eli smiled and turned to the waitress, “Make that two darlin.”


The four made small talk, getting to know one another, as best as one can in a crowded bar. Lexi felt like a fish out of water, but only because she wasn’t use to this type of environment. As the night wore on and more drinks were consumed, she started to feel at home. More of the club members and their old ladies came by to talk with the group. They all seemed nice enough, but she was sure this was because of Eli. If she made Eli happy then the club was happy.


Lexi excused herself to visit the ladies room and Alice joined her. When they walked in, three of the unattached biker babe wannabees stood primping in front of the mirrors. They performed their up and down, look the bitch over routine at Lexi.


“Don’t get too comfortable Mommy--you’re too old for Eli. He likes them young and wet.” The girl making the statement had coal black hair, white skin, and too much blush on her cheeks. She wore tight leather pants and a white tank top with no bra that made her tiny nipples stand at attention.


“Take it down a notch Rose,” Alice said to the girl. “You wouldn’t want Eli to know you disrespected his guest, now would you?”


Rose whipped around back towards the mirror. Her long hair hung straight down the middle of her back.
She’s very pretty
, Lexi thought,
but her attitude makes her ugly


The girls walked out and left Alice and Lexi alone in the restroom.


“Don’t mind Rose,” Alice said. “She has more bark than bite. She’s wanted to become someone’s old lady for the last year. I think she’d even take on Dog Breath at this point, but no one wants to deal with her temper and wild ways. What these bitches don’t realize is that these men deal with drama all the time livin the club life--they don’t want to come home to it too.”


It made sense to Lexi. The funny thing was, she was drawn to the wildness of Eli and his club, but maybe it was the opposite for him. Perhaps he was drawn to her because she offered a more secure and stable background. Maybe they could fill each other’s needs.


“Alice, do you think I’m way over my head here? I mean I’ve enjoyed being here tonight and I really like Eli, but do you think this is something I could handle?”


“Honey, only you can answer that,” Alice answered. “I do know one thing. Eli’s been floundering the last year, especially since he’s dad got sick with cancer. And today only compounded it with Krank’s death. But he has a light in his eyes when he looks at you that I’ve never seen before. If you can do that, and especially on a day like today, I’d say you’re good for him. Whether he’s good for you or not--that’s for you to decide. But you don’t have to decide anything tonight. Let’s powder our noses, take a pee, and go back to our men.”


As they headed back to their table, Rose and her entourage gave them a wide berth. The girls remained at the bar drinking, talking to Dog Breath and the other prospects.


“You girls were gone for a while,” Blaze said.

“Girl talk,” Alice said.


“Well, I’m glad I wasn’t privy then,” Blaze responded.


“We are too honey,” Alice said.


The group laughed and then Eli said, “I’m going to take Lexi for a tour.”


The two headed into the warehouse portion of the Tavern. Eli showed Lexi the meeting room where “church” was held. He explained how club business worked and Lexi was surprised that it wasn’t much different from a corporation, just on a smaller scale.


She looked around the warehouse, at the stacks of boxes ranging from computers and televisions to cigarettes and liquor.


“Looks like you’ve got a wide array of items the club pushes through,” Lexi said.


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