Deception and Lace (6 page)

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Authors: Katie Ross

BOOK: Deception and Lace
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“I don’t know maybe I should ask Demarion.”

“Oh really.  Posh.  He doesn’t care.  Let’s see your favorite color is baby blue.  How about a sapphire and sky blue?  Then we can look at blue bonnet flowers with maybe white roses.”

“I knew you would get excited.”

“Well first I need to know what your spending limit is?  That is important.”  Leanne just looked at her as her cheeks turned red.  “He didn’t give you a limit?”

“he just said the bigger the better.” 

“Wow.  Oh this is going to be so much fun.”  She started clapping her hands and hopping up and down on the seat.  Leanne just laughed at her childish excitement.  She looked up to see Mick walk back into the seats and smiled at him.  He looked towards her sister and smiled back at her. 

The ride home went smooth.  The limo picked them up at the air strip.

“A limo!”  Denise cried. 

“Oh man this is going to be a vacation of a lifetime isn’t it?”  Brad exclaimed happily. 

Leanne couldn’t help but smile at them and enjoy their enthusiasm.  Mick decided to sit up front with the driver to give them some privacy.  The window sectioning the back off was raised and she looked in the compartment that Demarion had taken the champagne from the previous evening.  Inside there was a bottle of Cristal.  Smiling she reached down and brought out three glasses handing each of them one and giving hers to Denise to hold.  They all giggled as she popped the top.  After filling the glasses Denise raised hers to make a speech.

“To a bright future to the one person in the world who deserves it more than anyone I know.  You have been my mom, my dad and my sister and I love you.   I still don’t know if I approve until I meet him but I hope you will be happy.”

“Thank you Denise.  I love you too.  You will like him, you will see.”

As they pulled up to the front gate Denis had opened the sun roof.  The two girls popped their heads out the top as Brad rolled down the side window to gaze across at the manor.  They both gave exclamations of surprise when they gazed upon the grounds. 

They pulled in front of the house and Mick opened the door to let Brad out and help the girls out. 

Smiling at both girls he stated.  “Mr. Delvinci should be home in a few hours.  Maura will show you two to your rooms.”

“But I don’t have anything to wear and Leanne is too tall to have anything that fits.”

“Don’t worry mam.  It has been taken care of.  Your rooms are already furnished with clothing.  Yours is across from your sister and Brad’s is beside yours.  There is an adjoining door as well.”

“Oh.  Why thank you.” 

Maura showed up just then and took Leanne in her arms.  It was funny seeing the small woman enfold her into her arms.  “Oh my goodness.  Leanne are you ok?  I heard what happened.  My goodness, my goodness.”

“Yes Maura thank you.  I am fine there is no need to worry.  Mick is a good bodyguard and I knew if Demarion trusted him then I could trust him as well.”

Maura beamed at this.  “Well this lovely young lady must be your sister.  Denise is it?”

“Yes mam.”

“Oh posh that mam stuff.  I am Maura at your service.  Come my dear.  I will show you and your friend to your rooms.  It may be good for all three of you to take a little rest after today’s events before dinner.  Mr.  Delvinci has brought in Chef Jeff to prepare a great dinner for you all.”

“Oh.  Thank you Ma…Maura.”  At the stern look from the small lady she remembered to call her by her first name.  She smiled as they walked upstairs with Maura and Leanne.  Leanne walked into her room and shut the door.  Resting her head against the door she breathed deep before walking over to the vanity to pick up her brush.  She knew she looked a mess after what had happened. 

There was a knock on her door before it burst open as her sister ran into the room.  “Oh my god Leanne.  There is a closet bigger than my dorm room.  And it is filled with beautiful clothes and shoes and jewelry.   And they are name brand.  I have never seen anything like it.”  She walked over to Leanne’s closet and opened it up.  “See.  Yours has even more.  My goodness.  Hey if it doesn’t work out do you think we could sneak some jewelry out.  That necklace alone would pay rent for years and years in an apartment.”  She pointed to a necklace that was shimmering with dark green emeralds and diamonds.  He was exquisite and probably cost a small fortune.

“Calm down Denise.  They are only materials.”

“I know but I have never even seen stuff like this.  You can’t tell me you are not a little excited.  I know you are not wallowing around in his money but it feels good to not have to worry about if you are going to make rent next month or what we are going to have for dinner like we did when we were kids.”

She smiled at her sister and admitted.  “Yes it does.  But that is not why I am doing it and you know it.”

“Yes I do.”  She still couldn’t take the smile from her face.

“So tell me about Brad.  Are you dating if so how long?  And how serious is it?  And why the hell didn’t you tell me about him?”

“Ok slow down.  Brad and I have been seeing each other for a year now.  And before you go all motherly and started sprouting fire from your mouth, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry.  I wanted to make sure it was something that was going to last.”

“Well?  How serious is it?”

“It is a little serious.  We both want to be cardiologists and he wants to think about marriage after graduation when we settle into our careers.  We are talking a year or so but.  Oh sis.  I love him so much.   He makes me feel so special like I am the only woman in the world.  Like I am the most beautiful and he says the funniest things at the worst time that all I can do is laugh at him.”

Leanne gathered her sister close as tears streaked from her eyes.  “I am so happy for you.  You deserve to be loved and cherished.”

Denise leaned back as she looked at her sister worriedly.  “So do you.  Are you sure this is what you want to do?  I mean this stuff is all nice but will you be happy?”

Leanne thought back to the night before and smiled.  “I think I will be fine.”

“OH MY GOD!  You have slept with him haven’t you?  I see that look in your eye.”  As Leanne’s cheeks blushed she gave away her guilt.  “Wow.  Ok I am going to check on Brad.  I will see you at dinner.  Maura said to pick out one of the gowns and it may take me a while to choose.”  She giggled as she walked towards the door.  “First how was it?”  She grinned wickedly at her sister.

Leanne smiled as she told her.  “I have only found passion like that one other time.”

“Oh your mystery lover boy from the past uh?  I’ll see you in a bit.”


Leanne laid back as she thought back to the night she lost her virginity.  She was 18 a the time:

              Dad lost again.  This would be the last time they had to deal with it though.  Now that she was 18 and legal in the United States she would take her sister far away and take care of her.  She walked around the corner intent on getting her sister and packing as fast as they could to leave before he came home and drank himself stupid.  Rounding the corner she saw Leo leaning against the tall pillar of the casino.


“Hey beautiful.  You ready to run away with me yet?”

“You know I can’t but I am glad I saw you.  I wanted to tell you goodbye.”

Leo had helped her and Denise escape the apartment multiple times when people were looking for her father.  He was always there when they needed him like he somehow knew they were in trouble.  She had met him outside the casino one night when she had been crying two years before after another losing streak of her fathers.  He had taken her home and they had gotten her sister.  She always left Denise at home not wanting her to be around the stuff their father did.  He had then taken them to a little diner and they had eaten dinner.  That was the first time that they ate out in almost a year since their father’s last winning streak.  He had come home laughing and taken them to Chuck E. Cheese.  She always found bags of food in front of their door.  Someone would knock and when she got there to open the door they were gone.  There were always bags of food and on top of the bags laid a King of hearts.  She never knew what it meant but she had kept everyone in a shoe box. 

“Goodbye?  What do you mean?  Where are you going?”

I am taking Denise away from here and this life.  We are going to make a life for ourselves and settle somewhere where his enemies can’t get us.  She will go to college and make something of herself.  I just can’t do this anymore.”

“Come with me.  Let’s go to my place to talk.”  She quietly nodded and she let him lead her to the apartment he had a couple blocks down.  They walked into the apartment and he sat her down to go get her a soda.  She looked around.  She had been here multiple times before.  She smiled her thanks as he handed her the Pepsi.  “Let me take you away.  Let me take care of you.  Please Leanne.”

“No.  You need to live your life and I need to leave.  Thank you for being such a good friend Leo.  I don’t know what I would have done without your support.  You have been a true friend.”  He sighed as he stood up and started to pace.  “I don’t want to be your friend Leanne.  I want to be your husband, your partner.”

“But Leo.  I can’t.  We don’t even know each other.  I don’t even know your last name.”  She stood slowly and walked to him.  “Please just let me go.”

He looked to her with sorrow in his eyes as he raised his hand to caress her cheek.  “I will never be too far away Leanne.  Remember that.”

“I will.”  She whispered.

He lowered his lips to take hers in a soft kiss.  She kissed him back feeling the spark all the way down her body.  She felt like one of those girls in the chic flic who are waiting for their leg to flip up from a kiss.  If she was in one of those stories she knew her leg would be up right now.  He slowly drew her to him and she melted against him.  He trailed kisses down her neck and across her collar bone.

“Tell me to stop or I don’t know if I wil be able to.  I know if you say the words everything halts right now.”

Pulling his head back up to hers she whispered to him as she stared into his eyes.  “Don’t stop.  Give me something to remember you by.”

HE smiled down at her as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.  He put her back down on her feet and started removing her shirt and pants.  She stood in front of him in a pair of white cotton panties and white bra.  They were plain and not the most enticing lingerie a woman could wear but he thought she was the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen.  She helped him to remove his shirt and pants.  He wlked her backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed.  He kissed her again and again as he lowered her to the bed.  Rising above her he looked down at her with some extreme heat in his gaze.  He slowly caressed her sides until his hand came up to rest beneath her breast.  Slipping his hands behind her back he unclasped the straps and slowly slid it away from her body to fling it somewhere behind him.  She looked at him with eyes heavy with desire.  Kissing her again his hand slid down her flat stomach to trace the top of her panties back and forth.  She was trembling now from anticipation and desire. He slid his hand under the band to lightly stroke her softness.  She gasped quietly and closed her eyes to the pleasure he was evoking across her body.  He slowly drew her panties down her legs.  He spread her legs wide so that he could insert one finger inside her.  After a few slow thrusts he inserted two fingers and then three.  Stretching her he watched the emotions running across her face.  Slowly he slid his boxers off and reached into his night stand to pull out a condom and quickly put it on.  He slowly raised himself to rest between her thighs.  Looking down at her he watched her as he slid the tip of his penis inside her.  She was tight and stretched to accommodate him.  Leanne had felt herself stretch as he eased in a little more.  It felt  different like she was full but not painful or uncomfortable at all.  He stopped when he came to the barrier looking down at her. 

“Thank You.”

“For what?”  She gasped.

“For giving me such a sweet treasure.”  She smiled up at him.   The smiled instantly disappeared with a gasp as he broke through the barrier of her virginity.  “Shhhh sweet heart it is ok.  I am here.”  He kissed the streaks of tears that coursed down her cheeks.  Leanne laid there as her body got used to the idea of something being inside it.  The pain disappeared almost as soon as it appeared.  It was placed with a pressure and feeling she had never felt before.  She writhed underneath him but stopped instantly when he moaned above her.

“I’m sorry.  Did I hurt you?  I just needed to move.  I needed something…..  I don’t know.”

“Oh no dear you feel like heaven itself.  I know what you need.”  He slowly slid out before he slowly slid back in again.  She gasped quietly as he continued stroking her.  He brought her lips to his own.  He kept repeating it over and over until they both climaxed.  Leanne felt like she exploded into a million pieces in a diving feeling that was amazing.  He made love to her while he stared into her eyes the whole time.  It was the best time of her life.  He slowly withdrew and told her not to move.  He walked into the bathroom and she heard the water running for a few minutes before he came back carrying a wet wash clothes.  Her face turned blood red as he cleaned the traces of blood from her and left again.  He slid into the bed next to her and covered them both.  “Are you sure you have to go?”

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