Deception (Tamia Luke) (4 page)

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Authors: Naomi Chase

BOOK: Deception (Tamia Luke)
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She sang along with Keyshia, bringing her lips close to Brandon’s ear as she crooned the lyrics that told him how much she loved him.
When the mellow jam melted into a faster number, Tamia and Brandon picked up the pace. He was a good dancer, confident and smooth. As they grooved together, effortlessly matching each other’s rhythm, Tamia twirled around and curved her arm around the back of his neck. His hands slid around her waist, holding her closer as his warm breath caressed her nape.
Tamia shivered with pleasure. She provocatively gyrated her hips, delighted and aroused by the feel of Brandon’s hard dick pressed against her ass. As they ground against each other, the sweaty bodies around them seemed to fade away until she and Brandon were alone on the dance floor, transported back to the night of their first date. A night filled with passion and excitement, when their future together had been filled with endless possibilities.
When Brandon turned Tamia in his arms, she looked into his dark eyes and realized that he wanted to make love to her as much as she wanted him to.
She opened her mouth. “Baby—”
“Listen up, party people!” Lou announced over a microphone, his voice cutting through the loud music. “It’s time for us to make a special champagne toast to our guest of honor. I’ve got servers handing out glasses of Cristal, so be sure to grab one so you can toast to Tamia. Mamacita, can you bring your sexy self over here for a minute? And bring the rainmaker with you.”
Tamia and Brandon looked at each other, then walked slowly off the dance floor.
As they made their way through the steamy crowd, Tamia found herself smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. Because for the second time that day, Brandon had given her reason to hope that they would be together again.
The past five months had been a living nightmare, but tonight no one could tell Tamia that she wasn’t the luckiest woman in the world.
Chapter 4
It was after two a.m. by the time Brandon stepped through his front door.
After leaving the club, he’d driven around for a while trying to clear his head and get his raging erection under control. Dancing with Tamia had done a serious number on him. During the months leading up to her trial, he’d managed to stay focused on the case by constantly reminding himself that he and Tamia were over. She’d betrayed him in the worst possible way, so giving her a second chance was out of the question.
But the moment he arrived at the party tonight and saw her voluptuous body poured into that fuck-me dress, he’d nearly lost his damn mind. It didn’t matter that she’d broken his heart and destroyed their relationship. When he took her into his arms for that slow dance, she’d felt so right he’d almost forgotten that she didn’t belong there anymore.
Brandon leaned against the closed door and blew out a deep breath, disturbed by his conflicting emotions. He had no business indulging feelings for Tamia. He was with Cynthia now, a good woman who loved him and would never deceive him. No matter how sexy Tamia had looked tonight, and no matter how badly Brandon wanted to fuck her, he couldn’t betray Cynthia like that.
And just because he’d forgiven Tamia didn’t mean he’d ever forget the way she’d played him.
Grimacing, he pushed away from the door and moved silently through the darkened condo to his bedroom, where he found Cynthia waiting for him. Well, not exactly
. She’d fallen asleep amid a pile of legal tomes she’d been studying in preparation for an upcoming trial.
Pausing in the bedroom doorway, Brandon propped his shoulder against the doorjamb and watched her sleep. He remembered how stunned she’d been when he’d asked her to move in with him. Truth be told, he’d been pretty shocked himself. They’d been dating for only two months, and after everything he’d just gone through with Tamia, living with another woman should have been the
thing on his mind. But it had seemed like the most natural thing in the world to shack up with Cynthia. They already spent long hours together at the office. At the end of an interminable, stressful day, it was nice to have someone to unwind with. Someone who could relate to the demands of his job. Someone who was fun enough to play video games with—and freaky enough to go down on him as they sat in the back of a half-empty movie theater.
At the memory of those steamy encounters, Brandon grinned at Cynthia. She lay curled on her side with her long, slender legs tucked toward her body. She wore one of his Longhorn T-shirts and a pair of red boy shorts that had ridden up her ass. As Brandon stared at her round butt cheeks, his dick hardened again.
He walked over to the enormous bed and leaned down to kiss Cynthia. Her lips were soft, plump, and warm, like the ones nestled between her legs.
As she slowly opened her eyes, Brandon pulled away and smiled down at her. “Hey, sleepyhead.”
“Hey,” she murmured. “You’re back.”
“I’m back.” He sat on the edge of the bed and reached over, running his hand up her smooth thigh to cup her ass. She gave him a look but didn’t move away.
“How was the party?” she asked.
“Good.” He hesitated. “You should have come.”
She snorted. “I don’t think so. We both know Tamia didn’t want me there.”
Brandon didn’t deny it. He hadn’t missed the way Tamia’s face lit up when he’d arrived at the club alone. Although she’d told him to bring Cynthia, Brandon knew she would have resented Cynthia’s presence at her celebration. He’d done the right thing by leaving Cynthia at home, but that didn’t make him feel any less guilty about it.
Trying to change the subject, he nodded at the books scattered across the bed. “Get a lot of reading done?”
“Not really.” Cynthia sat up, pushing her disheveled hair off her face. A slight frown marred her brows. “I had a hard time concentrating.”
, Brandon thought. But he had to ask. “Why’s that?”
She hesitated, biting her lower lip the way she did whenever she was uneasy about something. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you ... and Tamia.”
He said nothing, waiting for her to elaborate.
Which she did. “She wants you back, Brandon.”
Of course he knew that. He’d known for months. But he couldn’t admit that to Cynthia, or she’d start questioning his motives for taking Tamia’s case. And he didn’t need—or want—that kind of scrutiny from her. Not when his own feelings for Tamia were still unresolved.
He rose from the bed and started across the room toward the walk-in closet. “Tamia and I aren’t getting back together.”
“Are you sure about that?” Cynthia challenged.
Brandon paused, glancing over his shoulder at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She frowned. “I was there today, Brandon. I saw the way Tamia was looking at you, like you were her whole world. And you went out of your way not to answer the reporter’s question about reconciling with her.”
“That’s because I didn’t want to embarrass Tamia,” Brandon said calmly. “She’s been through hell these past months. Today was her big day. Nothing else mattered.”
Cynthia regarded him for a long, tense moment. “I don’t think you understand how difficult these past five months have been on
, too.”
“Of course I do,” Brandon said quietly.
When everyone from his parents to his best friend had tried to talk him out of representing Tamia, Cynthia was the only one who’d supported his decision. He knew it hadn’t been easy for her. As Tamia’s attorney, he’d been required to spend a lot of time at the prison with her, preparing her for trial and trying to keep her morale up. They’d talked for hours on end, growing closer than they’d ever been before. She’d called him at all hours of the day, frequently interrupting his evenings with Cynthia.
One night, he and Cynthia had been making love when Tamia called. In hindsight, Brandon knew he should have ignored his ringing cell phone. He was in no condition to give any legal counsel or pep talks.
Resenting the interruption—and wanting to punish Brandon for taking Tamia’s call—Cynthia had rolled him onto his back and straddled him. After lowering herself onto his dick, she’d started riding him with long, sensual strokes. And then she’d done something new with her pussy, something that made him lose control. By the time he regained his composure and picked up the fallen cell phone, Tamia had already hung up. The next time he saw her, she’d been clearly upset. He’d felt guilty, but that was the last time she’d ever called him after eight p.m.
Pulled out of his reverie, he blinked at Cynthia. “I’m sorry, baby. What did you say?”
She frowned, shaking her head at him. “Just because my father’s a minister doesn’t mean I’m a saint. I get jealous and paranoid like any other woman. Having to share you with your ex-girlfriend was no damn picnic, but I dealt with it because I love you, Brandon, and I know your conscience would have eaten you alive if you hadn’t helped Tamia. But now that you’ve done your part and gotten her acquitted, I don’t want to share you anymore. And I shouldn’t have to.”
“You won’t,” Brandon assured her, retracing his steps to the bed. “Believe me, sweetheart, I know how trying this whole situation has been for you. I wouldn’t have blamed you for walking out on me months ago.”
“Don’t think I didn’t consider it,” Cynthia muttered, picking up one of her textbooks.
Brandon smiled. “But you didn’t leave,” he said, his hip touching hers as he perched on the edge of the bed. “You hung in there with me, and that means more to me than you can imagine. As for me and Tamia getting back together, have you ever heard that old song by Chicago, ‘If She Would Have Been Faithful’?”
Cynthia looked faintly amused. “Chicago?”
Brandon grinned. “Don’t laugh. You know how Kessler’s always playing eighties music on his computer?”
She nodded.
“Well, one night we were working late in his office when this Chicago song came on the radio. I’d never heard it before, but the words captured my feelings about the way things worked out between us. If Tamia hadn’t cheated on me, you and I wouldn’t have hooked up. If she would have been faithful, I would have missed out on being with you.”
Cynthia’s expression softened. “Do you really mean that?”
“Of course.” But even as the assurance left Brandon’s mouth, he wondered whether he really
meant what he’d just told her. Did he honestly believe that losing Tamia was for the best, or was that just wishful thinking on his part?
Frowning inwardly, he reached over and cupped Cynthia’s cheek, as though touching her would silence his doubts.
She smiled, tears misting her eyes as she rubbed her face against his palm. “You’re just trying to sweet-talk your way into my panties,” she teased.
Brandon grinned weakly. “Is it working?”
“Maybe?” He leaned over and kissed her, feeling her nipple harden as he caressed one of her breasts. “What about now? Is
“Mmm ...” Suddenly she pulled away. “No.”
“Why not?”
“Because you need to take a shower. I can smell Tamia’s perfume all over you.” Cynthia eyed him suspiciously.
Guilt assailed Brandon at the memory of dancing with Tamia, grinding his dick against her juicy ass until he almost nutted in his pants.
Watching him carefully, Cynthia frowned. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”
Brandon met her gaze. “Like what?”
Her frown deepened. “What, exactly, happened at that party?”
“Nothing?” Cynthia repeated skeptically.
“Yeah, baby. Nothing.”
They stared at each other, two lawyers trying to see who would back down first.
After several moments, Cynthia smirked at him. “Let me give you a word of advice,
. The next time you want to seduce me, don’t come home smelling like your ex-girlfriend. Trust me, it’s an automatic mood killer.”
Brandon frowned. “Come on, Cynthia—”
“I’m serious, Brandon. No shower, no action.” She returned to her book, leaving no room for debate.
Sighing heavily, Brandon rose from the bed and made his way to the walk-in closet. He sniffed at his suit jacket, then inwardly groaned. Cynthia was right. He smelled like he’d spent the entire night in Tamia’s arms. Which wasn’t far from what he’d been tempted to do.
Grimacing, he removed his jacket, shirt, and pants, then set them aside to be dry-cleaned.
Unless Cynthia decided to burn them first.
When he emerged from the closet moments later, she didn’t even glance up from her book, though she’d never been able to resist the sight of his naked body. Despite his demanding schedule, he always made time to work out. The result of his efforts was a hard, muscular physique that turned female heads wherever he went.
Not now, though. He might as well have looked like Fat Albert, for all the attention Cynthia was paying him.
, Brandon mused.
My black ass is
in the doghouse!
He headed toward the master bathroom, then changed his mind and abruptly reversed direction. Cynthia’s eyes widened as he bore down on the bed, his jaw set determinedly.
“What are you doing?” she demanded. “You’re supposed to be taking a—”
“I will. We can shower together, after we’re both good and sweaty.”
She swallowed visibly. “Brandon—”
He bent and kissed her hard, silencing her protests. As she melted against him, he reached down and swept the book off her lap. It landed on the floor with a heavy thud.
He lowered himself to the bed, covering her body with his as he tugged off the T-shirt she wore, baring her breasts. They were small but plump, crowned with pretty chocolate nipples. He leaned down and flicked his tongue over one, then the other.
Cynthia groaned and arched her back, breasts thrusting upward in sensual invitation. He palmed them, pushed them together, and took both nipples into his mouth.
“Ummm,” Cynthia moaned with pleasure, eyes rolling closed.
When he’d finished sucking her tits, Brandon grasped the waistband of her skimpy boy shorts and eased them down her legs, revealing a narrow patch of black pubic hair. His dick throbbed at the sight of her fleshy lips glistening with arousal.
He draped her legs over his shoulders and lowered his head, then drew her clitoris into his mouth.
She let out a strangled cry as her hips arched off the bed.
Brandon nibbled and sucked her clit, then began eating her pussy as she writhed against him and grabbed fistfuls of the bedcovers. Within seconds she was climaxing, damn near suffocating him as her thighs squeezed his head.
After several moments, when her body had stopped bucking and trembling, she collapsed against the bed and exhaled a deep, shaky breath. “That was

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