Read Deceptive Nights Online

Authors: Sylvia Hubbard

Tags: #romance, #women, #suspense, #passion, #contemporary, #detroit, #urban, #sensual noir, #michigan, #sylvia hubbard, #city

Deceptive Nights (4 page)

BOOK: Deceptive Nights
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And how do I know you
won’t run off with my money?”

She handed him the money he had initially
given her. “You can give it to me upon my return. I’ll be right
back,” she promised.

He watched her get out and walked to the pay
phone across the street. Phoebe called her mother. “I met an old
friend from high school at the bus stop. I’m going to have dinner
with him.” She rehearsed this line ten times before calling.


I’ll be home

No, take your time. I
insist.” Patricia sounded too happy. “I won’t wait up for you and
don’t you dare worry about the children.”

Her mother knew her too well, but despite the
fact she trusted her mother wholeheartedly, she would still worry.
“Thanks Momma.” Phoebe hated lying to Patricia, but she needed to
do this.

After hanging up with her mother, she called
her own personal voicemail and read off the American Express number
off the card along with the expression date. She wanted to make
sure if anything happened to her, someone would be able to trace it
to him. Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that, and she prayed that
this would be the easiest thirteen hundred she would ever make.

Turning back to the limousine, she saw the
driver outside the back doors waiting on her. Getting back in the
limousine, she sat right next to him.

Her windblown, French rolled hair made her
look so untamed and sexually arousing and those expressive eyes,
which boldly met his in curiosity, turned Jacoby on immensely.
Having her here in the flesh after last night’s fantasy was very
thrilling to him. He wanted to touch her all over, feel her move
underneath him and produce that groan he had too vividly imagined
her making.

His arm moved behind her head and he leaned
slightly into her. “I thought we would seal our bargain with a

She gently pressed her fingers against his
lips to stop him. “Before we do that, Jay, you should tell me what
kind of woman you are expecting. No one pays this much for anything
without some expectations.”

He smiled liking her strategy. “Responsive,
slightly aggressive - not dominant, eager to excite, very willing
to learn and open to suggestions.”

You’re describing your
perfect lover.”

Oh yes.” His breath was

Keep going,” she urged
him. The limousine was becoming hot with her thick coat on. So she
unzipped it slightly.

He immediately drew his eyes towards the
fullness of her breasts. “Don’t like sloppy kisses.”

Me neither,” she

I like them long though
and very thorough if you know what I mean.”

She saw how his eyes moved slowly up her neck
to her lips. Her tongue snaked out slowly and unconsciously with
the tip to wet the dryness.

I like to touch and I love
foreplay of any kind,” he continued.

She smiled, blushing knowing fully well what
that meant. “But of course with the proper protection,” she
reminded him.

He leaned even closer. “When can we seal our

She looked deep in his dark brown eyes then
down at his sensuous lips. Lord, he’d probably make her forget
everything. Control Phoebe, she warned herself. Leaning closely,
she whispered, “Soon.”

Was she playing games or
being a tease?’ he wondered.

They pulled up at the hotel and the driver
helped her out. She graciously thanked him and followed her “date”
into the hotel.

As they walked to the front desk to retrieve
any of his messages, she said, “Can I make a request?”

That distrustful look came to his face again,
but he still nodded. . She couldn’t run from him, which she hadn’t
asked for yet.

I’m slightly hungry.
Something light will do for now.”

He smiled with relief, “Soup?”

Phoebe nodded. “Sure, but no tomato. I’ll
wait here.” She sat down in a chair near the desk to give him a
little privacy for his messages.

After requesting his messages, he ordered for
the kitchen to bring up room service. Every once in a while he kept
looking back at her as if she would sneak away. Phoebe had to
wonder why he didn’t trust her or was it that he didn’t trust any
woman. Maybe he had gotten hurt by a number of many women too many
times. He was a strange, yet handsome man.

She put any machinations of anything longer
than tonight of this man out her mind and prayed she would not
regret her decision.

They’ll send it up right
away,” he said coming back.

Possessively he took her hand in his and led
her to the elevator. Her gripped tightened a little just as he
pushed the button for the eleventh floor as if she were bracing for

When the doors closed, she opened her coat
all the way and then turned to him. “I’m ready to seal the
bargain,” she said in a most seductive tone, making his manhood
twitch with excitement.

Moving awkwardly to her five foot four, yet
nicely thick in all the right places frame, he had to lean down
from his six two height to meet her lips, but hell if it wasn’t
worth it. Touching her lips with his seemed like a relief.

Her body instantly leaned against his and her
arms moved around his neck as their lips joined for the first time.
Her lips parted inviting his tongue in and he enjoyed the oral
sweetness. His large arms encircled her tightly deepening the

Suddenly, she was nudging him away and
reluctantly he let her stop the kiss.

This is our floor,” she
reminded him.

Jacoby couldn’t believe how alert she could
seem while he just seemed to want to lose it all. Her look of
amusement to his arousal exasperated him, as he hurriedly led her
off the elevator down the hall to his room. He had the card key in
hand before reaching the door.

Soon as they were inside, he drew her into
his arms again and proceeded to resume their initial kiss. She
could feel his bulge press against her belly and now she too became
eager. This man was pure intoxication and it was taking every
effort not to be overwhelmed by him, but damn if he wasn’t turning
her on completely. Pulling off her coat, letting it drop to the
floor, she hastily worked on the front of his pants.

The whole act of lovemaking seemed to enliven
her all at once. Especially since she hadn’t had it in so long and
Daniel had taught her so much. No longer was she the shy innocent
girl of twenty-four. She was twenty-seven and fully capable of
pleasing a man in any way shape or form.

This man in particular, whom she found highly
attractive and erotically arousing.

No woman had over undressed him yet before he
knew it, she had his pants down and quick as lightening with the
sweetest caress of her fingers against the tip of his manhood, she
broke off the kiss again dropped to her knees and enveloped him
deep into her oral cavity. He groaned rolling his eyes up into his
head enthralled by her warm deliciously wet mouth against his
member. He was amazed at how deep she could take him and just
watching her made him want to come.

Not yet,’ he told himself
grabbing her shoulders, pulling her up and kissing her even more

Lord girl, you’re going to
kill me,” he murmured through his kisses.

She giggled, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help

Don’t ever be sorry,” he
growled, tackling her neck with his lips.

She whimpered in pleasure yet drew him close,
loving his mouth on her body. There was a knock at the door. She
gasped, but he didn’t care.

Jacoby felt could eat later. He could eat her
and be full.

Jay,” she warned after the
second knock. “Our food.”

Eat later,” he murmured,
capturing her lips again. He couldn’t get over how good it felt to
kiss her. She was so responsive and willing.

Another round of knocks came and then someone
on the outside said, “Mr. Knight.”

Jacoby huffed angrily and moved away.

She laughed at his frustration. “I’ll take a

No!” he said

Standing up from the bed with him, Phoebe
kissed his cheek. “Yes, Mr. Knight,” she said, using the name she
heard from the outside of the door assuming him to be that man.

Hearing his name on her lips made his manhood

When you’re done with room
service, you can join me,” she told him seductively.

The thought of her all wet turned him on
immensely. “Hurry up. I’ll be in there in a second,” he promised,
turning on a light switch so she could see. They’d been in the dark
the whole time.

She gasped seeing the actual size of him,
then closed the bathroom door and leaning against it to compose

Jacoby ran a nervous hand through his short
cut fade after fixing his clothes somewhat. Why did he feel this
night was going to be special? She was not the first. So what if
she aroused him more than any woman had ever and had a mouth he
could kiss forever. She was erotically fantastic and he had yet to
touch her inside.

Calmly he opened the door to the servant who
pushed in the cart of soup and fruit, with some champagne. After
tipping him, Jacoby quickly undressed. The shower had been going
for five minutes already and he could just imagine herself all
soaped up.

He carefully laid his jacket over the chair
with a slight tilt so he would know if anyone touched it and
specially put his wallet and other pocket necessities on the table
next to the bed very carefully also.

Quietly, he entered the bathroom just in time
to see her washing the soap off of her. He stepped inside right
behind her startling her.

With no words needed she moved to him and
pressed her body against his. Their lips joined instantly and she
moaned that special moan as their tongues met and his hands moved
down between her legs to enter her softness. It was warm and wet
just like he imagined his other hand cupped her full breast and
then his lips moved down to suckle the large dark nipple. She
gasped his name as he quickly moved her around until her back
pressed up against the wall and the water bounced over his

Phoebe closed her eyes drowning in electric
pleasure running through every vein in her body. He switched breast
repeatedly, each time bringing cries of pleasure from her.

She couldn’t believe how wanton he made her
feel and she didn’t care. Right now, she was on the brink to having
an all time unbelievable orgasm. It had definitely been too long
since a man had touched her like this. His mouth left her breast
and began a decent to her belly. He briefly paused nibbling at her
navel and letting the tip of his tongue trail down to her soft
thatch of hair.

Her body froze suddenly. She realized his
destination as soon as he started to part her legs wider. She
dropped down to her knees, not caring if her hair got wet, to stop
his venture. “Jay, we do have an understanding don’t we?”

He frowned a little confused by the serious
look in her eyes. “Of course.”

With caution,” she
reminded him.

Raising a brow of offense, he questioned
dubiously, “You’re going to deny me tasting you?”

That sounded so erotic to her ears and sent
warm chills down her spine. Gathering her sanity, she said, “You
don’t have to.” Standing up knowing that answer should have
sufficed, she also added, “You’re just doing it because you feel
guilty because I did you. Men shouldn’t feel that way.”

Jacoby wanted to get mad, but then couldn’t
because she looked so sure about it. He had never met a woman who
actually thought the idea of a man giving her pleasure orally was
strictly prohibited. “Who put that thought in your head?” he asked
out loud standing up and putting both hands on her shoulder to stop
her from moving or looking away. His tone of voice was brusque and

She stiffened in defense. “What thought?”

That a man using his mouth
on you was merely an act of guilt.”

I don’t know what you
mean,” she denied as she gently pushed his hands away and got out
the shower trying to avoid his intense gaze.

He could tell that was a lie as he too got up
and turned off the water. Jacoby didn’t want to call her a liar,
yet he did want the truth. Just not right now, he was positive they
had more time to find out about each other.

She got a towel, but instead of drying
herself off first she dried him off. He felt like a king as she
took her time. It felt so good, but he knew she was purposely
trying to make him forget their conversation. It almost worked.

The more she denied him though, the more
Jacoby wanted to do it. It was the most confusing predicament he
had ever been in. He wasn’t use to being told no and now that he
had, he didn’t like it one bit. “What if I told you I wanted to
taste you?” he insisted.

I would deny you.” She
pulled gently on his arms for him to step closer to her.

He took the towel from her and began to dry
her off.

You don’t have to,” she
said as he nudged her to turn. Although, she did love the feel of
the rough towel against her skin, she was just not use to

Reaching around her body, he gently cupped a
full size breast and used his thumb to rub the peak to life. She
leaned against him reaching behind him caressing both of his firm

While planting soft kisses on her neck, he
turned her around. “You won’t change your mind, will you?”

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