Read Deceptive Nights Online

Authors: Sylvia Hubbard

Tags: #romance, #women, #suspense, #passion, #contemporary, #detroit, #urban, #sensual noir, #michigan, #sylvia hubbard, #city

Deceptive Nights (5 page)

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No.” She knew exactly what
he was referring to. “And no amount of seducing will change my
mind, sir. You do remember our deal. All precautions will be

But you took me,” he

But you did not come in my
mouth,” she pointed out.

Then I could have.” He
wrapped the towel around her body, tucking it slightly under her

Only if I had

He enjoyed her bluntness. She didn’t have
that silly high-pitched giggle and blush all the time like other
women her age, which was why he had always chosen to deal with
older women. “Would you have swallowed if I had come?” he

No. I don’t know you that

At first he frowned real hard because he
thought that was just idiotic, then he saw the teasing light in her
eyes and hooted with laughter. She was quite a fascinating

Pulling him out the bathroom, she led him to
the large king size bed, but paused as she looked around confused
and surprised. The only light in the room came from the two candles
on the wheeled table of food that had two chairs pulled up to it.
There were two silk robes lying across the bed with the hotel’s
emblems on the right breast.

Even though they had spent a great deal of
time in the shower, the food was still hot. He couldn’t believe how
taken aback she was at the setting. This act of kindness seemed to
break down her barrier and he knew he could probably drop to his
knees and taste her until the sun came up if it was his choosing,
but he would respect her modesty about the subject although he
didn’t understand her logic about it.

You did this?” she asked
turning to him.

I arranged-” He didn’t get
any farther. She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him so
hard he though she would inhale him.

Make love to me,” she
ordered breathing hard.

Aren’t you

She pressed a finger against his lips to stop
his thought. “Make love to me, Mr. Knight, right now.” She let the
towel fall to her feet and pressed her nakedness against his own
feeling his arousal against her stomach.

Jacoby was never one to refuse a request like
that. He couldn’t stop himself from touching every inch of her and
in turn, her hands were just as veracious. Somehow they made it to
the bed, with him sweeping her down under him and moving between
her willingly open soft supple thighs. She was like a hellcat and
he could smell her arousal so vividly.

Protection,” she reminded
him in a sweet whisper in his ear.

He nodded reaching for his wallet by the bed
and pulling out a condom.

She snatched it from him, tore open the
package and quickly put it on. “Now!” she urged spreading her legs
wide, and then wrapping them around his waist.

All he had to do was guide himself in. Yet
she took him by surprise by Her body arching her body hard and he
found himself driving deep into her. Jacoby grunted hard from her
tightness and she gasped in pain and pleasure feeling how thick he
was completely inside of her.

Would you like to continue
on your own?” he managed to tease.

Will I have to?” she
asked, gripping her muscles even more tightly against

It was his turn to gasp at the control she
had. Lord, she was going to kill him. He began to move inside of
her slowly. Their rhythm seemed awkward at first since, he wasn’t
use to a woman being so responsive, but soon he was driving into
her with such skill it was as if...

He didn’t want to realize it himself, but
they were very compatible when it came to sex. Even with the rubber
on it was evident she could affect him. He usually had to go a long
time before he came when he wore protection, but Jacoby now found
himself on the brink of an incredible peak.

Phoebe was so enraptured by his touch, his
movements, his wonderful rod; she paid little attention to her
body’s control. She could actually feel him getting ready to come,
but she wasn’t ready for it to end. She had come several times
already, but she wanted this last one to last for at least one more
for her.

Knowing he was distracted by the europium of
moving inside her, she released her legs and with the quickness
laid the left down and bumped the right against his hip hard making
him lose his balance as she rolled on top of him.

She didn’t miss a stroke as she began to
immediately move him deep inside of her.

This was not happening, Jacoby told himself
closing his eyes. It was a dream come true! He gripped her nipples
tight and held on as she rode him to orgasm just the way he like

She threw her head back moaning with pleasure
as the vibrations from shaft titillated her insides, making her
final orgasm burst forth like a geyser. Even her fingers trembled
as she held on his shoulders enjoying the ride. Soon the powerful
wave began to subside to tiny shudders as her muscles spasms died

Phoebe collapsed against him enjoying the
fullness inside of her. He was breathing just as hard and even
though the room was a mild temperature, they were sweating heavily.
Carefully, she masked her disorientation by their experience. She
had never orgasmed past once with Daniel, who had been a great
lover. Daniel was the one who had taught her how to really orgasm
with a man, but he also had broken her heart. She didn’t want to
get her heart into anymore messes. Sex and love were two different
things she forced herself to believe because she couldn’t stand to
get her heart involved anymore with any man.

Slowly, Phoebe moved off of him. He was still
sensitive, which was why he threw his head back in pleasure. Gently
she took off the condom and put it in the waste can beside the bed
after she wrapped it in some Kleenex located on the bedside

Putting his hands behind his head, he half
watched her enjoying her special attention, as she went to the
bathroom. He could see her with the wall mirror on the bathroom
door as she washed herself up thoroughly. She washed out the cloth
again, and then came out the bathroom to the bed with the cloth in

Kneeling between his legs, she washed his
groin area with the utmost care. Jacoby laid in amazement as she
finished cleaning then returned the cloth back to the bathroom and
laid down next to him waiting for his response.

He had a gleam of pleasure in his eyes.
Usually Daniel rolled over and went to sleep after making intense
love or watched television while she got him a beer.

Pushing the covers away from himself, he got
up and circled the bed. She visually inhaled him, taking in the
broad shoulders, the tightly defined muscled chest, a rippled
washboard stomach, powerful arms and legs, and a great butt. He
could do commercials for the Bowflex machine with his body, but she
had a feeling he was much more than a model. He carried himself too
arrogantly so he must be an executive of some type. Truly a
wonderful specimen of male.

Daniel wouldn’t come close to him with his
beer belly, hairy flabby chest, and lanky thighs.

Are you always this bold?”
he asked, sitting on the edge of her side on the bed. He placed one
hand on each side of her thighs.

Bold?” She raised a dark
brow letting the covers drop to her waist. “Do you really think I

He chuckled deeply and sensuously sending
warm shivers through her nerves. “I just wanted to know if this was
all an act?”

Damn his mind couldn’t be happy with his
body. Yes, this man was a true thinker. Even as she could tell his
body was completely sated, looking deep in his eyes clearly told
her, his mind was far from it. “If it is, are you getting your
money’s worth?”

Definitely.” He pulled the
tray closer to the bed and plucked a grape from the bowl of fruit
with fresh juice around it. She opened her lips to allow him to put
it in. It was still cold to her amazement and so sweet to

He handed her the cream beef soup and watched
her eat. “How do you know how to please a man so well with your

I pleased you?” she asked,
smiling as if he had bestowed a million dollars on her.

Indeed. Which is why I’m
giving you a chance to eat so you may have enough strength to do it
again?” At the thought of her just doing it made him rise a little
to life.

Again?” She licked her
lips. “That would mean more money,” she teased, not thinking he
would take her seriously.

No doubt.” He was dead
serious. Jacoby knew he would want her again and had every
intentions of compensating her.

Phoebe couldn’t believe he took her seriously
and she really didn’t want to talk about money right now. Agreeing
to this she hadn’t realized he would actually be such a good lover,
but he was. Handing him the bowl almost empty, she licked her lips
and decided to answer his earlier question. “Daniel, my ex-husband
kind of taught me. I read books and sort of studied lovemaking to
make him stay. He would stay for a while and then another woman
would come along. When my father died and I got the money, he
married me only to get his hands on it, but as naive as I was I
thought he loved me. Now he’s gone with my money, forever, and left
me with the babies.”


Just two.”

That was the reason for
the phone call?”

She nodded. “My mother would have gotten
worried to death.”

I understand. So Daniel’s
never went down on you?”

She rolled her eyes to let him know she was
getting tired of him trying to talk with her about the subject. “Of
course not. He said men only did that because they felt guilty
about women doing it to them and enjoying it. He didn’t feel guilty
for anything.”

He looked quite offended. “It’s not guilt at
all. It brings me pleasure just as it does you when you do it to

We won’t discuss this,”
she said firmly. “I’ve told you no. We are taking precautions. Plus
that’s only something people in love do. Daniel just probably never
loved me, I guess.” She shrugged offhandedly as if this didn’t
bother her and then chortling to herself, she said out loud,
“Stupidly it took me two babies and a divorce to see

Why he wanted to know all about her was
beyond even him? Jacoby pushed this thought away reminding himself
this was a one-night stand and he would probably never see her
again after tonight. Yet, deep inside he wanted to.

Taking a juicy piece of cantaloupe he slid it
into her mouth making the juices run down her chin. He pushed away
her hands that tried to stop it; instead he used the tip of his
tongue to capture the sweet drip along her chin and following the
path back to her mouth.

She chuckled. “I never thought eating fruit
could be so erotic.”

You should see what I can
do with watermelon and whip cream.”

She laughed now, but was immediately stopped
as his mouth tackled a sensitive spot in her neck.

Soon they were pushing the covers away and he
was feeling every inch of her with his hands. Twice he tried to
move his face between her legs and she diverted him with either a
kiss to his own nipples and a bold fondle to his groin.

It drove him insane to know she had the upper
hand at all times, yet still he made love as if there were no


Chapter 6


Several hours later, Jacoby suddenly stirred
and realized she was missing from the bed. Looking around the room
he saw she was nowhere to be found. Cursing under his breath he
looked at the time and saw it was about four in the morning.

I’m sorry, did I wake
you?” she asked coming out the bathroom fully dress.

You’re leaving?” he asked
surprised, sitting up and turning up the lamp that had been dimmed

She even had on her coat and her hair looked
untouched. “It’s late. I need to be home.”

Jacoby was gripped with a sense of urgency
not to let her leave, but he couldn’t force her to stay. “What if I
wanted to see you again?”

When you came back in
town?” she asked. “Maybe.”

He reached for his wallet noting it was in
the exact same place he had tossed it in when he had gotten the
second condom out. This ruled out any possibility that she was not
a thief.

Phoebe watched as he took out his business
card and three thousand dollars, and then handed the bills to her.
Never in her life had she ever seen this amount of money in her
life and as desperately as she needed all of it, she had to be
honest and reasonable about this. She counted out fourteen hundred
and placed the rest back on the table on the table. “Our deal was
for fourteen hundred.”

But we went twice,” he
disputed with a wicked wink.

Fighting the urge to smile at just the
thought of that delightful experience, she said as seriously as
possible. “I’m already feeling awkward taking this money and I
really was teasing when I asked for more money, Mr. Knight. Plus
you gave over the amount if I was really expecting that money.”

Can’t I tip?”

She sighed tiredly. “Can I be unbusinesslike
for a second?” Her left eye twitched in slight exasperation.

He nodded eager to hear what she had to

You’ve given me a most
pleasurable night. I’ve never been made love to so completely in my
life and I thought no man would be able to surpass Daniel, but you
have shown me it isn’t only the man to make lovemaking fulfilling
it is also me and that I don’t have to worry about lovemaking but
other things in order to keep a man, when I thought all this time
that was why Daniel left me.” She placed four hundred dollars on
the table. “I don’t want any extra from you because I feel I would
be ripping you off. I just want to go with what you originally

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