Deep Blue (7 page)

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Authors: Yolanda Olson

BOOK: Deep Blue
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“Um, you can’t cook that if it’s frozen,” I said as politely as I could.

She whipped around so quickly that a thick stream of cooking oil flew out of the bottle, splattering across the floor. I wasn’t sure if she was planning on throwing the bottle at me, so I walked over and took it from her.

“Here,” I said putting the stopper in the sink and filling it with cold water. I dropped the wrapped cut of steak into it and smiled. “It’ll defrost this way then we can cook it.”

I watched her shrug and walk over to the window. She sighed as she leaned down into the sill and looked out over my farm.

“So, what’s your name?” I asked conversationally.

The girl glanced at me over her shoulder with an incredulous look on her face.

“Are we really doing this again? Got another corral you’re taking me too?” she asked with a mix of anger and slight fear.

Corral? I haven’t done that in years.

“I was just trying to be friendly,” I replied.

“My name is Posy. Wait; do you really not remember?” she asked curiously.

“Can’t say I do,” I replied with a shrug. “It happens sometimes. Head injury when I was a kid.”

I saw suspicion cloud her eyes. I tried to smile but it appeared like more of a grimace. She smiled and turned her attention back to the window.

“What happened? When you were a kid, I mean,” she said out the window.

“Well, I don’t remember the whole story obviously, but I guess I fell off my dad’s tractor when we were riding down the farm one day. I had too much energy I guess,” I said with a laugh. “Anyway, I wound up knocking my head on the side of it on the way down. Took me a few days to recover from what they told me. They thought I was a goner, but I guess I’ve always been pretty strong. I pulled through and here I am. Twenty three years later and I still have blackouts sometimes.”

“Then I guess my question wasn’t fair,” she said with a sigh.

“Which one?” I asked with a laugh.

“Asking if you’d let me leave today.”

I cleared my throat and wondered exactly what I forgot this time. She mentioned the corral but I was pretty sure I hadn’t done that in seven years. Even though it could be fun sometimes, it was so monotonous that I stopped going because I didn’t see the point in it anymore.

I stared at her silently trying to remember when a blips of memories started coming back to me. It was like an open faucet when you test the water, before you open it full force to get the torrent you were looking for. A small smile started to creep across my lips again. I
been to the corral seven years ago; with Posy.

“I hate to say it pretty girl, but it seems like you’re just not a lucky gal,” I said softly.

Her body stiffened as her head dropped in defeat. It was obvious to her that I remembered now and it was even more obvious to her that I was going to do my damndest to not forget.

“Today’s not gonna be an easy day for you, but I’ll do my best not to make it painful,” I said, walking over to her and putting my hands on either side of hers on the sill. “I think you’ll actually enjoy today, Posy. And if you don’t, there’s always tomorrow.”



he heat of the sun was bearing down on my shoulders like a ton of bricks. I wasn’t sure what the fucking point of this was, but Troy seemed to be enjoying himself. He was riding slowly behind me on his damn green tractor, while I, like a beast of burden, was pulling some kind of seed contraption behind me. It was heavy and my arms were screaming at me to give up, but he told me to be sure to go in a straight line so he wouldn’t have to correct my mistakes.

At any point that I tried to stop, that the heat was too much or that the weight of the machine was making my arms shake, he’d pull up next to me and remind me that if he had to stop to do the work himself, I’d end up under his stables again.

So, I grit my teeth and bore the burden as best as I could. All seventeen new rows of miles long plots, worth of burden. 

“Not bad, baby girl,” he said, standing up on his tractor and looking at the newly seeded rows. “Here.”

I was breathing heavily and didn’t have the energy to look up. Even though I had set the machine down, I was still holding on to it because I was afraid that if I let it go, I’d fall over.

Troy chuckled and jumped down from his tractor, put an arm around me, and held me against him. I glanced up at him and watched him opening a bottle of water with his teeth. He held it to my lips patiently as I drank the entire bottle in two gulps.

It wasn’t exactly cold because we had been outside for so long but it was better than tasting the sweat each time I licked my lips for some modicum of hydration.

“Thanks,” I said breathing heavily.

He gave me a nod and a smile. “Want more? I have another bottle in there.”


Troy carefully leaned into the seat of the tractor and then back toward me. Again, he used his teeth to open the water bottle, then held it to my lips. I took my time with this one; four gulps and I was done, not to mention feeling slightly stronger. I pushed myself off of him and climbed into the tractor.

“Guess I’m driving you back?” he asked with a smirk.

“I can’t walk back, Troy. I really don’t have the energy right now,” I replied leaning over the steering wheel.

He nodded and climbed up into the seat shoving me back a little, before he turned the tractor around and drove us back toward his house. In the distance, I saw the irrigation machines starting to turn on like clockwork and welcomed the water splashing against me as we passed the one closest to us.

“Feel good?” he asked.

“Yeah. Definitely.”

“Good. You can take a shower when we get back,” he said like I had won a prize.

Gee thanks,
I thought sarcastically.

“Wrap your arms around my shoulders, pretty girl. I don’t want you to fall off,” he said when he felt me waivering behind him.

I rolled my eyes and leaned on him like he told me too. The last thing I wanted was to have to walk back the rest of the way when I was already on the brink of passing out from exhaustion.

A few moments later he pulled up in front of the house and turned the tractor off. Gripping my wrists tightly, he leaned back and grabbed my legs, setting them on either side of him, then climbed off with me on his back. If I wasn’t angry at being nothing more than an indentured, sex servant to him, I would’ve found it hilarious to be getting a piggy back ride on a farm. Instead I just wanted a bed and to be left alone.

Troy set me down on his couch and ran a hand over my hair. It was a sweet gesture; it told me that he
gave a fuck about me.

“Wait here. I’ll go run you a bath,” he said as he turned on his heel and left me in the living room.

I took a deep a breath as my lungs would afford me and closed my eyes. It felt nice to be able to lie on the couch and not have to move. Today was five hellacious morning hours in the bag working like a farm animal because it amused him.

With a foot half into dream world, I was brought back out when Troy lifted me up into his arms.

“I hope you like bubbles. I’m not one for them really, but I guess they’re supposed to be relaxing,” he said with a chuckle.

When we reached the bathroom door, he stood me on my feet and pulled my dress off. Troy only ever let me wear dresses; he told me if he liked being able to have access to any part of me any time he wanted. So far he hadn’t followed through on it and I was grateful.

“Pull your panties off, Posy. I’ll get your bra,” he said keeping one arm loosely around my waist while he used one hand to unhook my bra and slide it off of me. Leaning down, I slid my panties off and stepped out of them when they hit the floor. “Can you get in?” he asked, letting go of me.

I nodded and lowered myself into the warm water, stretching my body out as far as it would go, and closing my eyes. The water felt so good on my tired body. Once again, I found myself being grateful to Troy for a small act of kindness. That was until I heard him unbuckling his belt, followed by the sound of his jeans unbuckling. I kept my eyes closed, but I knew he was pulling his boots off, tossing his socks to the side, and sliding his pants and underwear off.

“Scooch up,” he said.

I let out a shaky breath as I felt him put his hands on my back and move me forward. He gently lowered himself into the water, pulled me back against him, and let out a sigh.

“God this feels good,” he said.

I didn’t respond. Suddenly I found myself in a strange predicament. I could feel Troy’s hands slowly rubbing my arms up and down, and it felt good. With as much as I hated to admit it to myself, it felt damn good.

“Can I try something?” he asked softly.

I nodded without hesitation.

He leaned forward slightly and grazed my neck with his lips again, his beard sending a tingling sensation through my body. He used one of his large hands to push my hair out of the way and gently kissed my neck, while using the other to squeeze my breasts together. I let out another shaky breath as I leaned my head back against him. My nipples immediately became hard and he used his fingertips to tease them in turn.

“Ohhh,” I moaned, moving my hand down onto his leg. I wanted to grab his dick. I wanted to stroke it and I wanted to make him cum more than anything I had ever wanted before, but he hadn’t told me I could, so I had to restrain myself.

“Do you like that?” he asked, moving both of his hands to my breasts, giving my nipples a hard pull.

I nodded and his lips formed a smile against my neck. Holding my left breast tightly in his hand, he let his other one slide down my stomach and disappear into the bubble filled water.

“Troy,” I breathed as he slid his fingertips over my pussy lips, gently teasing me. “More.”

It didn’t take anything else. He parted them with a finger and immediately began circling my clit gently and quickly. My body tensed up even more and I arched my back underneath his skillful hands. He plunged one finger deep inside of me causing me to moan loudly.

“I think you like this more than you want to admit,” he whispered into my ear. “And I fucking love the sounds you make.”

He plunged a second finger inside of me, opening me wider, and began to move them in and out. My hips began to move to the sensation of his fingers inside of me causing him to chuckle.

“More,” I pleaded in a tone I didn’t recognize.

Troy abided by my pleading and began to thrust his fingers in and out of my rhythmically. He went from gentle thrusting to harder and deeper with each passing second. And just as he had me on the brink of the most amazing orgasm I knew I would ever have, he stopped.

“That’s enough for now, baby girl,” he said, pulling his fingers out of me. “Get cleaned up. We’ll have more time to play later.”

Fucking asshole



here the hell is Scout?
I was walking around the house looking for my dog while Posy cleaned herself up in the tub. I was pretty sure I hadn’t seen him in a day or two and it was bothering the hell out of me.

I went outside and called out for him. I whistled, I slapped my thighs, I yelled his name at the top of my lungs, and still nothing.

“What the fuck,” I muttered to myself. I turned around and went back into the house to find Posy waiting in the living room. “Hey, any idea where my dog is?” I asked her.

She looked at me with wide, fearful eyes and shook her head vehemently. It was obvious to me that she was lying.

“Where’s Scout?” I asked her again, crossing my arms over my chest.

“He ... Uh ... He, um, ran away,” she stammered.

“No, he didn’t,” I replied sternly. “Scout would never run away and any time he’d disappear, he always came back. Now where the fuck is my dog?”

I stalked angrily toward her and grabbed her by the neck. Lifting her off the couch, she gripped my wrist with her hands, trying to get air back in her lungs but I only squeezed harder. This bitch had done something to my dog and I was gonna find out what no matter how I had to get the information out of her.

“Troy ... I ... Can’t ... Breathe,” she gasped out.

“That’s the point. Now I’m gonna give you a little leeway and you’re gonna tell me where my dog is or so help me God, today will look like a dream compared to the fucking nightmare I will put you through,” I promised darkly.

“You shot him. Remember? The vet told you he had cancer and you couldn’t afford to put him down,” she said in a raspy voice.

I let her go and stared at her, bitter tears stinging my eyes. Scout had cancer? Why couldn’t I remember that?

“Where’s his body?” I asked, my voice cracking.

“We buried him by the tree. You cleaned him up so nicely and wrapped him in a quilt so he would be comfortable. It was the most loving thing I saw,” she said, her hand rubbing her throat.

“Show me,” I said turning her around and shoving her toward the door. Nothing she said would ever make me believe that I would shoot my own dog. I loved him too much for that. I’d sell everything on my farm to put him down humanely. Everything.

A sob escaped her throat as she opened the door and led me out to the tree that sat on the side of my house. She pointed a shaky finger at a freshly disturbed patch of land. I walked over to inspect it, then waved her over.

“Dig,” I commanded.

“Where’s the shovel?” she asked tearfully.

“Use your fucking hands!” I shouted.

Another sob escaped from deep inside of her as she got to her knees and dug her fingers into the soft Earth. I stood by and watched impatiently as she pulled away the dirt and grass, crying so hard that her entire body shook. Thirty minutes later, she was standing in the hole and rubbing the tears from her eyes, leaving dirt stains in their place.

“Here he is,” she said pointing down toward a dirty quilt.

“Give him to me,” I said, holding out my arms.

She reached down and scooped up the bundle, gagging for a moment, before she managed to finally hoist it out and put it in my arms. I stared down for a moment in horrible emotional pain, as I saw his tail hanging out the end.

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