Deep Fire Rising - v4 (14 page)

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Authors: Jack Du Brull

BOOK: Deep Fire Rising - v4
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“So what happened at the Luxor?” Ira hefted the file. “This is a preliminary police report. One dead tourist, one slightly injured security guard, two severely wounded pool cleaners and two unknown subjects found dead outside your room when security chased away three other unsubs.”

Mercer was surprised. And impressed. He thought his indiscriminate cover fire would have maybe injured one of the assassins, not kill two of them. There was something to be said for luck, because firing through walls required no skill. He told the story as accurately as he remembered it, his conversation with Harry, the woman being pushed to her death and his headlong plunge down the sloping glass wall. He omitted nothing except his rescue and subsequent conversation with Tisa Nguyen. He wasn’t going to give her up until he knew what Ira and Dr. Marie were really doing at the DS-Two site.

“And what about Donny Randall and the explosion?” Ira prompted “Any theories?”

“The same ones you have,” Mercer answered. “That the accident that killed those men and prompted you to call me in wasn’t an accident. Donny arranged that as well, expecting to be named overall boss of the project in hopes you’d tell him what was really happening out there. When that didn’t happen, whoever was controlling him decided to cut their losses. Randall was told to kill me and disappear. The charge he planted would have done the job had Ken not spotted the explosives. Donny was in the command trailer and would have seen us on the camera. He remote detonated them an instant too late. He didn’t stick around to see if we drowned and obviously had help getting out of Area 51. Because Sykes’s men didn’t find vehicle tracks, and I assume radar coverage here would have detected a helicopter at even treetop height, you might want to consider a two-man hovercraft met him in the deep desert and took him away. Everyone at the mine knew we were headed to the Luxor, so the killers had a backup team waiting in case Randall failed. Is that about how you read it?”

Ira took a breath. “Everything but the hovercraft,” he admitted. “Hadn’t thought of that.”

“I’ve been square with you.” Mercer’s expression was one of ill-disguised anger. “Don’t you think it’s time you’re square with me? What’s going on out there, Ira? A lot of people are dead and it’s not over a secret nuclear waste dump.”

“It’s not, but I can’t tell you any more. I’m sorry. I’ll understand if you want out of the project as long as you promise not to discuss anything that’s happened in the past two weeks.”

“I don’t even
what’s happened in the past two weeks,” Mercer said with frustration.

“It’s best that way,” Briana said gravely.

Mercer could take Ira’s deal now, walk away, and there’d be no hard feelings. He’d probably even keep his job as special science advisor. But he’d never learn the truth, and to Mercer that wasn’t an option. Ira had dangled a mystery in front of him, baiting him with just enough information to keep him interested. He was being played. He knew it, Ira knew it. And both knew Mercer wasn’t going to back down. This offer was more about keeping the guise of secrecy rather than any real secret.

“I’ll stick it out with the promise that I get ten minutes alone with Randall the Handle when you finally catch him.

Ira grunted. “I’ll hold the son of a bitch down for you.”

“So what do you have on the gunmen?”

“No ID. Their clothes had all the labels removed but looked like they could have come from any Sears store in the country. The cops are checking all the cars in the surrounding parking lots, but with a hundred thousand tourists in town at any moment I doubt they’ll find anything. The weapons are on their way to the FBI lab. We’ll probably find they were bought at a gun show from a guy with an attitude toward the government and a real short memory. We haven’t gotten anything on the men themselves, at least from the criminal databases. It’ll take more time to search all the others. I’m not too optimistic.”

“You don’t think they’re locals hired for the job?”

“Not unless the Vegas mob is hiring out Thai contract killers.”

“Thai?” Mercer hadn’t taken the time to look at the assassins’ features so the revelation that they were Asian came as a shock. He immediately thought of Tisa Nguyen. And the group she belonged to.

“Thai, Laotian, Cambodian. Not sure which yet. We’ve got a physical anthropologist coming in to make a determination.”

“There were five men who hit my room and more outside. Anything on them?”

“Nothing on the three that got away. The guards were too far away. They went down the emergency stairs and left the hotel in the confusion. According to a few eyewitnesses who saw the men rush into the pool area, they were tall, short, black, white, Hispanic, well dressed, wearing rags, carrying rifles, carrying pistols, and one guy was certain one of them was carrying a sword. All of which is pretty typical with panicked witnesses.”

The room fell silent. It was clear that the hitmen were professionals. The evidence they left behind wouldn’t amount to anything. The truth was, the assassins were gone. Donny Randall was gone. And in their wake were a whole lot of questions no one could answer.

“What’s happening at the mine?” Mercer asked, pressing on.

“High-speed pumps are draining the shaft,” Dr. Marie answered. “It might take a few days.”

Mercer recalled the force of the deluge and knew it would be longer than a few days. He also recalled the water’s strange salinity, how it had tasted and even foamed up like seawater. He decided against asking about it. Like Tisa’s presence, he thought it best to keep a few things to himself. “Then I guess the only thing to do is wait for the pumps to do their work.”

“And look around for an abandoned hovercraft,” Sykes added.



The pumps were still going full blast, discharging a hundred thousand gallons an hour, when a patrol in a Jeep Cherokee found the truck-sized hovercraft a hundred miles southwest of the DS-Two site. It lay on its deflated rubber skirt next to a heavy-duty trailer. The fuel tank was near empty and Donny Randall’s fingerprints were all over the passenger side of the open cockpit. Tire tracks matching those left by the government Jeeps continued on in the same direction. It was simple to figure out how they’d done it. The extraction team had trailered the hovercraft into Area 51 with a Jeep Cherokee like the guards used to arouse less suspicion. They’d unloaded the air cushion vehicle at its maximum range from where Randall waited at the rendezvous spot. Once they had their mole, they’d returned to the Jeep, abandoned the hovercraft and trailer, and simply drove away. A neat, well-executed operation.

It took just six hours to trace the hovercraft to its manufacturer in California and determine that the vehicle had been stolen a week earlier from the company’s proving grounds. Dead end.

On Mercer’s recommendation, half the miners assigned to the project were sent home with a fat bonus while the men from his shift remained in Las Vegas in case they were needed once the mine was drained. The only personnel left at the DS-Two site were a handful of engineers to monitor the pumps and Mercer himself. Ira and Dr. Marie remained at the main Area 51 complex and called in for daily updates.

He was sitting in the control trailer idly thumbing through a week-old news magazine, his feet on a counter, a cup of coffee at his elbow. He was contemplating getting lunch when a noise penetrated his lazy musings. Not a noise, but rather the lack of noise. For four days he’d heard the steady background roar of water rushing through the twelve-inch pipes from the pumps. It became one of those sounds, like traffic to a city dweller, that became so pervasive he had to concentrate to hear it. When it cut off suddenly, it took a moment to realize it was gone.

Several pairs of feet ran past the trailer as technicians raced to the mine head. Mercer launched himself out the door in their wake. The man overseeing the big cycloid pumps had already hit the master override so the diesel engines chugged in neutral and the pumps spooled to silence.

“What happened?” Mercer snapped, already taking command of the situation.

“Something’s clogged the intake on pump number two,” the air force staffer replied.

“Any increase in turbidity levels?”

“No, sir. Particle levels in the discharged water have remained constant. We’re not sucking mud.”

That eliminated Mercer’s first idea, that the pump had been fouled with silt. “Have you tried reversing the pump to blow the intake clear?”

“The computer does that automatically whenever there’s a jam. It didn’t work. Whatever’s in there is stuck solid.”

Mercer went quiet for a moment. “Okay, what’s the water depth at the intake?”

The sergeant checked a monitor slaved to the main pump station. “One hundred ten feet.”

Not too deep that Mercer couldn’t dive it. He knew from his conversations with Sykes the first night back from Vegas that his team had brought all their equipment to Area 51, including scuba gear. It would be quicker to dive to the clogged intake than wait for an underwater camera to be shipped in.

“Here’s what I want,” Mercer said, his plan in place. “Kill the diesels. I don’t want either pump run up again. We can’t risk the guts being torn out of them if whatever’s down there gets into the other one. While they’re down, make sure the second pump wasn’t damaged. I trust the computer override, but only so far.”

“Yes, sir. Anything else?”

“That should do it.” Mercer returned to the command trailer and dialed Ira on a secure phone. “Ira, we’ve hit another snag.”

“What happened?”

“Pump is fouled and we can’t clear it. I want to dive down there with Sykes to take a look. Can you send him over with some scuba equipment?”

“Ah, hold a second.” Ira must have clamped his hand over the mouthpiece because Mercer couldn’t hear a thing. The pause stretched to a minute. “Ah, okay. Dr. Marie wants to know the water depth.”

“A hundred ten feet. Shallow enough for Sykes and me to reach.”

“Hold on again.” This time Ira was away for over three minutes. “Yeah, I’ll send him over, but I’m coming too. There are some things I need to brief you on. We’ll chopper in within an hour.”

Forty-eight minutes later, a Blackhawk landed a quarter mile from the mouth of the box canyon that hid the DS-Two mine at the edge of the shallow lake of water pumped from the tunnel. The lake was ringed with mud where its shores receded each day through evaporation, then expanded again at night as the pumps discharged their flow. Mercer dispatched a Humvee to pick up Ira, Sykes, and the dive equipment, then ordered everyone else from the cavern. Whatever Ira had to say in his briefing would likely be secret.

The Humvee backed into the cave and braked next to the elevator hoist. Sykes immediately began to heave the heavy dive bags from the back of the vehicle as though they were sacks of groceries. Mercer and the driver helped with the air tanks. Ira waited near the lift, peering down into the inky blackness of the shaft. The air held the tang of salty water, like a thin sea mist.

“I guessed at the size,” Booker Sykes said as he peeled open the first bag. Inside was a black wet suit.

Mercer held it up. It looked about right. “I’m touched you noticed.”

“Funny. So what’s it like down there?”

“We’ll take the elevator to the water’s surface. There’s a trapdoor on the bottom. From there it’s a straightforward dive down to the pump intakes. They’re forty feet below where we tunneled off the main shaft.”

“Anything in the tunnel we should worry about?” Sykes continued to pull equipment from the bags: lights, regulators, weight belts.

“I doubt it. The way the water was blowing through there, any equipment would have been shoved down into the sump.”

Sykes took a moment to visualize the dive and nodded to himself. “And what about you? Can you handle the dive?”

“I don’t have your experience, but I should be all right. This isn’t like diving into an unfamiliar cave. I know the shaft and we don’t need to go into the tunnel.”

“That’s for sure,” Ira interjected.

The two men looked up from their work.

“Under no circumstances are either of you to enter the tunnel.” Ira’s tone was harsh.

Mercer was about to ask why, caught the look in his friend’s eyes, and let the question die on his lips. He’d always known Ira to have a great sense of humor and an understanding of how to supervise people. He rarely gave such a direct order unless there was a compelling reason. Mercer understood enough about the world Ira inhabited to know he would never tell him what that reason was. Ira held Mercer’s glance for a moment, and Mercer let his focus drift away. It was as much of an acknowledgment as he would give.

“That’s an order, Mercer,” Ira said. “I don’t give them very often, but when I do people had better listen. This one’s for your protection, not mine. Do not leave the main shaft.”

“Okay,” Mercer finally said.

“Captain Sykes?” Ira directed his attention to the Delta Force operator.


“Mercer is not to leave your side and neither of you are to enter the tunnel. Go down, clear the intake, and come straight back up. Is that clear?”

Even on his knees, Sykes managed to look like he’d come to attention. “Yes, Admiral.”

He’s scared, Mercer realized. Ira’s scared of whatever’s down there. What the hell were he and Dr. Marie up to? What was it Tisa had said? A single seismic spike, like a bubble, had formed within the rock and then vanished. Her exact words were “a contained nuclear explosion.” Maybe there had been a weapon test like her group believed. Something that got out of control?

From where he worked next to Booker, Mercer could see into the yawning mouth of the mine. It was uniformly square, darker and suddenly ominous. The damp air coming from it felt like an icy breath.

Fifteen minutes later, after Sykes ran through a number of safety procedures Mercer already knew, they were ready for the descent. Ira sent for a crane operator to work the hoist while Mercer and Sykes shuffled into the skip and settled themselves on the floor. Standing around for the minutes it would take to reach the water level was an uncomfortable option with fifty pounds of gear on their backs. Both men had various tools linked to their weight belts for when they reached the pump intake.

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