Deep Focus (10 page)

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Authors: Erin McCarthy

BOOK: Deep Focus
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that when you walked off in a huff, or in her case, galloped off on a horse, you wanted them to follow? Melanie had made it clear that she was annoyed and in her mind, Hunter’s role was to catch up and coax a confession out of her so they could work things through. The fact that he was too obtuse to realize it incensed her even more. So she rode on and occasionally glanced back, wondering how he had managed to sour her mood so completely in the course of ten minutes.

She wasn’t a moron. She knew this was a vacation fling. But the fact that he had to point it out—as if he was terrified she might get ideas and fall in love with him—was beyond frustrating. The sheer arrogance of men astounded her. Why couldn’t she have some of that moxie? To go through life confident in her assumptions that men would want her would be extremely liberating.

Well, she would show Hunter exactly how she felt. She was not ready for a relationship in any way, shape or form. She was barely twenty-four hours out of the last one, and look at how unsatisfying it had been. She needed a breather and to assess what she really wanted, what she was looking for in a partner. The fact that Hunter assumed that because she had ovaries she would be clamoring to lock and load a man into a relationship was sexist and frustrating. She could do casual sex. Actually, she was going to
the casual into sex, thank you very much.

Hadn’t she proved that last night? Jeez. It was safe to say that she had not been thinking about her future or how to hook Hunter permanently when she’d slipped into bed wearing only her panties.

Now he was simultaneously worried that other men on the resort might find her attractive if she maintained the Melly persona, and concerned that if he appeared to be her boyfriend she might get some crazy idea in her head that he was her boyfriend. Apparently, she was supposed to walk some magical mystery line where she was friendly but not too friendly with him or anyone else who had a penis. Really. Where did men come up with this garbage?

Determined to shake it off, she rode ahead of the tour group, then doubled back. She had ridden a lot as a child, but almost never had the money to do it now. It was an expensive hobby. It felt great to be back in the saddle, and she couldn’t help but calm down in response to the sweet, gentle eyes of her ancient horse, Ariel. By the time she fell in line beside Hunter again, she was composed and determined to make him so hot for her he wouldn’t be able to maintain his seat.

“Having fun?” he asked her.

“Always,” she said breezily. “Isn’t that the point of vacation?”

He nodded, looking cautious.

“To lie in the sun, explore a little, mindlessly grope a stranger into the wee hours of the night.” That didn’t come out right. She was trying to be sexy, and she just sounded bitchy. They needed a do-over today. Two hours in, and they were off the rails.

“Is that what we were doing? Mindlessly groping?” He sounded offended.

“I believe that goes along with casual vacation sex, yes.” Not that she’d ever done it before, but it seemed to be part of the commonly accepted definition.

“That makes it sound so impersonal. It’s not like that. We’re becoming friends. We like each other.”

Melanie decided to give up. She had no clue what was going on inside that man’s head, and the truth was, she was starting to think she didn’t want to. It was probably a dark cave of fear of commitment and double standards.

“Okay,” she told him simply.

“What, we’re not friends?”

Oh, yeah, he was offended. He looked downright curdled. Of course, he’d been looking disagreeable since she’d gotten out of the shower and reminded him of their excursion. “Of course we’re friends.” Though it wasn’t as if they particularly knew each other. She was familiar with his expressions, his scent, and had gotten a very brief and abridged description of his childhood. That was about it. But this wasn’t how she wanted to behave. It wasn’t how she wanted to feel.

She was projecting onto Hunter. He hadn’t done a damn thing wrong. This was about Ian, and she swallowed hard, ashamed that she had let herself make conclusions about Hunter’s thoughts, motives, actions. If she wanted to know what he was thinking, for pity’s sake, she just needed to open her trap and ask the man.

“I’m sorry, Hunter. I didn’t mean to sound so weird. I actually really appreciate you being honest with me. I like that we’re both clear on the fact that we’re intending to enjoy our time here and enjoy each other.”

He eyed her carefully. “Did I push too much yesterday? I’m sorry if I did. I wasn’t trying to be an opportunist.”

“I’m the one who jumped into bed naked. No, you didn’t push.”

“I don’t want you to regret this. I want you to have fun, not wonder what I’m thinking or feeling.”

“What are you feeling?” Damn it, why did she go there? She was annoyed with herself for being so wishy-washy and back and forth.

“I’m feeling damn lucky, that’s how I’m feeling. I never expected a week like this. Or a woman like you.”

In the pursuit of being open and honest, she said, “I feel as though I should mention that I’ve never done this—had a vacation affair. I don’t exactly know what I’m doing, so be patient with me. I get that the general concept is we don’t see each other once we get back to Chicago.”

“That is the general concept. We need to agree that we’ll stick to the vacation fling parameters. Shake on it?” Hunter stuck his hand out to her.

She felt as though she was agreeing to buy a car. “Can we pinky swear instead? Shaking hands makes it feel like a business arrangement.”

Hunter laughed. “Yes, we can pinky swear.” He hooked hers with his and gave her a smile. “I pinky swear that I’m going to make you so hot later tonight you won’t even remember you’re from Chicago.”

Yes, please. She felt her nipples tighten. “I’m not. I’m from Kentucky.”

“You’re killing me.” He tried to lean closer to her, but his horse skittered in the opposite direction. “By the way, I want you to tell people we’re together,” he said, looking very determined. “I screwed up big-time making a joke out of the film-star thing. I never should have exposed you like that.”

“I think I exposed myself,” she said, going for a joke. “But just to you.”

He did laugh with her, but he also added, “I’m serious, Melanie. I want you to make it clear to people we’re together. I don’t want anyone crossing any lines, and I definitely don’t want you wandering around the resort by yourself.”

It wasn’t as if she’d been clamoring to get away from him. She had no idea why he was suddenly so worked up. But she could pretend to be his girlfriend. On one condition. “Fine. But you have to talk to me, open up. If I’m going to pretend to be your girlfriend, I have to know details about you.”

He made a face, but he nodded. “Probably not necessary, but if that’s what you want.”

“It is.” If she was going to be snuggled up against him at night, and holding hands around the resort during the day, she wanted to know his middle name and where he’d grown up. Why he’d joined the marines. What he wanted for his future. All of it. “It will be fun, Hunter. You can get to know me, too.”

The look he gave her was so scorching and sexy that she actually wobbled a little in the saddle. “I intend to.”

Wow. Melanie decided she was done with this whole group-tour thing. They were walking back into the barn area, and she was grateful. She wanted some private time with Hunter. He dismounted first, and when it was her turn he reached up to help her down.

Normally, she could dismount on her own with no assistance, but she was so rattled by sudden arousal and the memory of Hunter thrusting inside her that she fell out of the saddle harder than she intended. She saw the momentary wince on his face when he caught her, and she remembered he had an injury.

“Oh, my God, your arm,” she said, instantly fretting. She landed on the sand and stepped away from him, feeling horrible. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” His voice was rough, his lips pursed.

He wasn’t fine. But her Hunter 101 class had taught her to leave it alone. He would not appreciate her fawning over him or repeatedly offering him sympathy. He was a Tough Guy.

So instead of fussing over him, she just put her arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He stiffened even further.

“What was that for?” he asked.

Giving him a smile, she shrugged. “For the crowd? Or just because I felt like it? Maybe both.”

When she dropped her arms, she slipped her hand into his, knowing that despite his demand they act like a couple, it would make him uncomfortable. She laid her head on his shoulder. “Can I call you pookie?”

“Look who found her inner smart-ass.”

“Who?” She pretended to search the beach.

Hunter gave her such a long look she burst out laughing.

An older woman patted Melanie on the arm as she walked past. “You two lovebirds are so cute together.”

The woman was clearly drunk, because Hunter looked anything but cute—more as if he had indigestion. “Thank you,” she said anyway.

“Is this your honeymoon?”

“No, we’ve been married for five years. That’s why he looks so grumpy.”

Hunter snorted.

“Well, maybe it’s time to have a baby, then,” the woman said in a singsong voice.

Definitely drunk.

“Not this week,” Hunter said.

Melanie was amused. She waved to the woman and tugged on Hunter’s hand, pulling him away with her. When they were out of earshot, she said, “So do you want kids someday?”

“Sure. Why? Most people do.”

“Don’t get defensive. Jeez. I was just curious.” Hunter was a tender guy, despite the fact that he liked to think he wasn’t. She would bet money he’d melt like butter in the microwave over a baby.

“Do you?” he asked.

“Someday.” Melanie didn’t have the urgent desire at the moment, but she definitely enjoyed children. “I think that woman was plastered.”

“She did smell like rum,” he conceded.

“It’s only eleven in the morning.”

“She’s on vacation. Don’t judge. And just for the record, I think talking about whether or not we want kids falls outside the scope of vacation sex.”

He was right. But she didn’t mean anything by it. She was just making conversation. Melanie smacked his arm. “Hey. I pinky swore we’re just having fun, and we are. So why can’t I talk about whatever pops into my head?”

“I guess there’s no reason you can’t.”

“What’s your drink of choice? Just beer?”

“Yeah. I’m not a big drinker. You can’t drink out on the base in Afghanistan so I got used to doing without. Then I got stateside and got wasted on just a couple of drinks. It wasn’t worth it. I’m sticking to beer. What about you?”

“I’m a wine girl.”

“A wino?” He smirked.

“Now who’s the smart-ass?”

Hunter changed the subject. “Can we get some breakfast? I’m starving. Pastries in the morning are for kids and French people. I need some eggs and bacon.”

“Every day is going to be about your stomach, isn’t it?” They were walking back toward the main building of the resort. He was still holding her hand, which surprised her. Sure, he wanted everyone to think they were together, but she had him pegged for a no-public-displays-of-affection kind of guy. Although he had definitely been all about the postsex snuggle the night before.

She was doing it again. Projecting. Ugh.

He shot her a wicked grin. “That’s not the only physical need that requires frequent satisfaction.”

Perfect. He had a gift for making her instantly aroused. How did he do that? It was some kind of sexual voodoo. “How frequent?”

“Morning, noon and night.”

Whatever. He was clearly in the mood to tease her. “Don’t exaggerate. I was asking a serious question.”

“I’m being totally serious. That’s my ideal.”

“Three times a day? That’s not even possible!” She didn’t think. Was it?

He gave her a long look. “Of course it’s possible. There isn’t a grace period after sex.”

“But...who has time for that?”

“I said
. Under circumstances where there’s nothing else you have to do—like being on vacation.” His thumb rubbed across the palm of her hand. “So why not?”

Why not, indeed? “Umm...” Lordy, she felt both scandalized and quite intrigued. The man was ambitious.

“I had high hopes for waking up in the best way possible this morning, as a matter of fact, but you snuck off into the shower. Tomorrow I’m going to have to get the jump on you.” He winked.

So that explained their earlier tension. He’d been wanting breakfast meat and her, and she’d been all about getting out the door and onto a horse. “Oh. I didn’t realize that. You didn’t say anything.”

“You were so cheerful and efficient. I didn’t think you could be talked into ditching your excursion.”

That made her seem so predictable. “You’ll never know unless you try,” she countered.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” She was really getting into the idea. “We could go back to the room right now and see what happens when you do try.”

“I need breakfast first.”

Of course he did. She was trying to be spontaneous and sexy, and he wanted bacon. She couldn’t help but be amused. “Of course.”

“But then you should be prepared to be swept off your feet. You don’t have anything planned for this afternoon, do you?”

“I was hoping to go back to the pool,” she answered.

“The pool will still be there tomorrow. Today we’re locking the door and making the people in the next room jealous.”

That sounded promising. “Then let’s feed you some protein and put out the do-not-disturb sign.”

* * *

She sounded intrigued by the concept of spending the afternoon in bed. He couldn’t believe she’d never done it before. It seemed unfathomable for someone her age—not that he knew what that was, exactly. “How old are you anyway?”

She glanced back at him as he opened the restaurant door for her. “Twenty-eight. Why?”

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