Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I (33 page)

Read Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I Online

Authors: Stacey St. James

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #sex, #bdsm, #alien, #futuristic, #slave, #sex slave, #breeders, #sci fi, #toys, #anunnaki, #rough sex, #penetration, #breed, #forced seduction, #deep penetration, #alien breeder, #alien toys, #multilple heroes

BOOK: Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I
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He was still trying to decide whether
to begin Emerald’s sessions again or not when she finally emerged
and Koryn sent her back to the bed so that he could do a scan.
Tariq watched the proceedings absently at first, but something
about Koryn’s attitude finally caught his attention.

Still no

Koryn glanced at him, his expression
an odd mixture of emotions Tariq had difficulty interpreting.
“Congratulations,” he managed finally. “You’ve impregnated

Tariq abruptly felt as if someone had
punched him in the gut. A wave of heat and then cold washed over
him while he struggled to catch his breath. “You’re certain?” he
asked hoarsely.

Koryn got up. “You can go to Tariq

He proceeded her to the table and set
the scanner down. “I’m positive. I ran the scan twice.”

Tariq stared at Emerald’s belly for
several moments when she stopped in front of him. Finally, he
reached for her and pulled her onto his lap, but he felt like every
movement was mechanical, as if his mind had become detached from
his body. He discovered when the cloud had lifted from his mind
enough for awareness of his surroundings to seep in again, that he
was still staring at Emerald’s belly. He settled his palm over her
perfectly flat belly, trying to imagine—to accept—that there was a
baby inside—his baby.

He couldn’t imagine it. Nothing felt
real, not the baby, not the conversation. It was almost more like a
dream. He met Koryn’s gaze again. “You’re sure?”

Koryn grinned abruptly and then
chuckled. “I’m sure. You’ve fathered a child. It wasn’t an
indecisive reading. It was positive.”

Tariq met Emerald’s gaze for the first
time, wondering what she thought about it. She looked as stunned as
he felt. Twin urges hit him at the same time—to throw up the
breakfast he’d just wolfed down and to escape the sense of
suffocation that descended over him.

He got up abruptly and planted Emerald
in the chair he’d just vacated, striding briskly toward the
bathroom. He stood at the lavatory for several minutes, splashing
cool water on his face and trying to decide if he really did need
to throw up or not. Finally deciding he didn’t, he dried his face
and hands and left the bathroom. “I’m going out,” he said

What do you want me to do
about Emerald?” Koryn called after him before he could get to the
door and escape. “Should I resume the sessions?”

Tariq paused at the door and turned to
stare at him a little blankly and then glanced at Emerald. “She’s
been bred,” he said stiltedly when he met Koryn’s gaze again. “Do
what you like … just don’t remove the inhibitor.”

Chapter Fourteen

Tariq had no idea what his destination
was until he reached the docking bay. There was very little
activity. Men were prepping a shuttle for another trip to Niribu
with more of the slaves, but they were in no particular hurry since
he’d ordered them to wait until Koryn’s second batch of clones were
ready for shipment. At that, it was hardly enough to make the trip
worthwhile—unless they managed to find more survivors.

The thought gave him a purpose and he
ordered a skimmer prepped.

How many men are you

Tariq looked at the man. “None. I’ll
be taking it out alone.”

The man gaped at him. “Begging your
pardon, lord, but … we’re at war. Shouldn’t you at least take a
couple of guards?”

If I thought so, I
would’ve told you to send to men,” Tariq said coldly. “Just get the
ship prepped.”

The man paled, saluted, and left the
operations room to take care of it himself. Tariq was pacing the
operations room impatiently when he returned thirty minutes later
to inform him the skimmer was ready. Without a word, he strode from
the room and crossed the hanger to the skimmer.

He opened the com-link when he’d
powered the engines up and turned the skimmer toward the bay door.
“Send me the most current coordinates of the search

Yes, sir! What time
should we expect you back, my lord?”

When I get back!” Tariq
snarled, breaking the link.

* * * *

If you’re done, go get in
the bed,” Koryn said.

Emerald glanced up at him, feeling
reluctance pierce the cocoon of shock, but she got up and moved to
the bed. By the time she reached it, she discovered she was
struggling with tears, again, and for the same reason.

Tariq was angry with her. He wasn’t
even pleased that she’d conceived for him.

Because she’d been upset about the
woman and she hadn’t been able to hide it.

She’d thought she was doing really
well, that she’d gotten the hang of pretending she didn’t feel
anything at all.

Tariq had been so pleased
with her, too! He’d been so sweet. She hadn’t realized just how
much she craved the tenderness he showered on her until he’d
withdrawn again and she realized she’d screwed up—again! She hadn’t
realized just how badly, though, until now. She’d been more upset
the night before that he was too angry with her to make love to her
as he had the first time than she was about not being allowed the
pleasure of a release herself.
had left her miserable and achy, but she was
almost used to that. Not in the sense that it bothered her any
less, but in the sense that she’d come to expect it—more pleasure
than she’d imagined anyone could feel and no culmination, no sense
of completion, just more pleasure until it became as much torture
as pleasure.

He knew she’d been trying to figure
out how to get in to his computer. She’d seen the suspicion that
had instantly transformed his features when he’d seen her standing
by the desk. Koryn had probably told him she’d been snooping
earlier, too!

The worst of it was that
she hadn’t found anything at all. All she’d wanted to do was to try
to discover something about their world. She didn’t know anything
except what they’d told her and that was limited to ‘training’. She
hadn’t really thought they were lying to her about the danger.
they might be exaggerating for the sheer joy of tormenting her, but
she hadn’t found out anything and even the effort had cost her more
than she’d expected.

It wouldn’t do any good to try to
explain why she was snooping or that she hadn’t actually found
anything. She knew it was enough that she’d tried. And, considering
she was punished for hour upon hour for days on end for nothing
more serious that looking at them the wrong way, or allowing her
anger to show, or not instantly leaping to every command, she
couldn’t imagine what sort of punishment that was going to get

Except she could—now. He
was going to discard her, send her away. She thought she’d rather
be dead than have anyone else touch her. She
Tariq and Koryn.

She was so upset, she
didn’t realize that she’d forgotten to assume the position for
punishment until she discovered that Koryn was standing by the bed.
It made the urge to cry stronger, the discovery that she’d screwed
up again, but what difference did that make
, when Tariq was so disgusted
with her he wasn’t even interested in punishing her

Swallowing the urge to burst into
tears, she lifted her arms and drew her knees up, hoping if she did
well enough today, Koryn would tell Tariq and he’d get over being
angry with her.

His touch was harder to
endure and remain perfectly still and compliant than it should have
been. She’d been deprived of any release at all until she’d thought
she would go completely mad, but Tariq had removed the belt and
given her the wondrous orgasm. She’d been allowed another when
Koryn had come to her and yet almost the instant Koryn touched
touched her—she was warm and then hot and then feverish with the
need boiling in her veins and near to weeping with the strain of
holding herself perfectly still and allowing him to make it

She was relieved when he moved between
her thighs, not because she would have release, because she
wouldn’t, but because she knew it would give her a little respite
once he’d come. She could rest before he started again.

She thought he must be as big as
Tariq—at least as big as the machine. No matter how wet they made
her, her flesh screamed from the strain when they penetrated her.
She began panting for breath with fear the moment she felt the head
of his cock against her, felt the skin begin to burn with the
strain of stretching around him because it always got much worse
before it began to ease and allow the pleasure dominance

He curled his arms beneath her and
grasped her shoulders bearing down on her from both ends. Relief
flickered through her when she felt his cock head enter her but it
wasn’t much of a relief. Once inside, his flesh continued to
stretch hers to the point of burning until he’d driven the thick
member so deep she could barely catch her breath.

He paused, panting. It allowed her
body to slowly adjust to his girth and the burning pain eased. The
muscles along her channel began to flutter with excitement the
moment he withdrew and thrust into her again. She reached her peak
with the dread she always felt now, knowing all that would happen
was that her body would strain and strain to pitch her over the top
without success. She began to claw uselessly at the sheets when he
began to pound into her so hard and deep that the quaking inside of
her reached a new level of torment, moaning and then gasping out
keen cries that were closer to screams. He shuddered, rammed into
her hard a handful of times as his cock jerked and spewed his hot
seed inside of her and finally leaned weakly against her, pressing
her into the mattress in spite of the fact that he was holding most
of his weight on his arms.

He uttered a pained grunt when he
pulled his flaccid member from her and rolled to one side. Emerald
felt her throat close with misery and loss.

It threw her into complete confusion
when Koryn caught her chin, tipping her head to one side and
covering her mouth. His kiss was languid, but still filled with
enough heat to make the muscles in her channel clap together a
little frantically. He rolled to his back when he broke the kiss
and lay with his eyes closed. She thought he might have fallen
asleep. She closed her own eyes, willing the heat to leave her. It
made it worse when they started again, but it gave her a little
respite and she’d learned to appreciate even a few moments

She’d cooled enough that she was
beginning to drift toward sleep herself when she heard Koryn
swallow. “Kiss me, Em.”

She opened her eyes and turned to him,
levering herself up high enough to reach his mouth when he didn’t
lift to meet her. He held perfectly still while she fitted her lips
to his and made the motion that made her lips cling to his. He
swallowed audibly again when she lifted her head to look at him
questioningly. He met her gaze with a look she couldn’t entirely
understand. “Touch me—kiss me as if you’re making love to

Emerald felt her heart contract almost
painfully. Shifting her weight, she rubbed her face against his,
turning to kiss his cheeks, his eyes, to rub her nose along his and
then returning to his lips. He opened his mouth and covered hers
when she nibbled at his lips, twined her tongue with his and
stroked it and then sucked on it when he thrust his tongue into her
mouth. He caught her head between his hands when she would’ve
withdrawn to explore further, holding her while he sucked hungrily
at her mouth and tongue.

He allowed his hands to drop again
after a moment, allowed her to break the kiss. She balanced her
weight on her chest, stroking him with her hands as she explored
his throat with her lips and then his chest. He moved restlessly
beneath her, kneading her arms and shoulders and back and buttocks
as she worked her way across and down his broad chest to his belly.
He caught her beneath her arms and dragged her up his chest when
she began to stroke his cock, reaching behind her to spread her
cleft and spearing the head of his cock into her.

You’re so wet for me,
baby,” he gasped hoarsely as he pressed her downward to engulf more
of his shaft. For several moments, he seemed content to saw
shallowly in and out of her and then he pushed her upright and
caught her hips, drawing her down over his cock as he pivoted his
hips to drive deeper and deeper.

He stopped, panting for breath when he
could go no deeper. Emerald had been panting so hard for breath she
felt dizzy. Leaning forward to brace her hands on him she began to
move, leaning forward and pressing back faster and faster, trying
to find a rhythm he liked. He settled his hands on the tops of her
thighs, rocking her back and forth until she began to move the way
he wanted her to. He seemed to force his hands to relax then,
catching his breath, holding it, and then expelling it gustily.
“Gods, baby! Gods! You feel so good.”

Emerald felt her body peak in
response, felt her muscles convulse so hard around his thick shaft
that it spiked with pain and pleasure in almost equal measure. He
caught her arms abruptly, dragging her against his chest and
rolling on top of her. She grunted at his frantic, pounding thrusts
and lost her breath entirely when he bore down on her, driving as
deeply as he could as his body began jerking and shuddering with

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