Defeat Cancer (2 page)

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Authors: Connie Strasheim

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Treatment Approach

IV Treatments

Vitamin C

Alkalinizing Agents, Including Sodium Bicarbonate

Vitamin A

Considerations in Treatment

Dietary Recommendations for Healing

Treating Hormonal Imbalances

The Pros and Cons of PET Scans

Lifestyle Recommendations for Healing

Treatment Plan Duration

Treatment Outcomes

Roadblocks to Healing

Insurance Coverage for Treatments

Inexpensive Cancer Treatments

Ineffective/Dangerous Cancer Treatments

How Friends and Family Can Help Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Final Words

Recommended Resources

Contact Information for Colleen Huber, NMD

5: Juergen Winkler, MD


How I Became Involved in Integrative Medicine

Treatment Approach

IPT—Insulin Potentiation Therapy

Chemotherapy Sensitivity Testing

Pre-Chemotherapy Nutritional Protocol

Tailoring Treatments to the Individual Patient

Conventional Chemotherapy versus IPT

Treating Hormone Imbalances

Treating Immune System Imbalances and Infections

Balancing Brain Chemistry

Other Tests and Treatments to Heal and Support the Body


pH-Balancing Treatments


Magnet Therapy

Dietary Recommendations

Treatment Duration

Logistics of Treatment

Treatment Outcomes

Roadblocks to Healing

Patient/Practitioner Challenges of Healing

Dangerous/Ineffective Treatments

Last Words

Contact Information for Juergen Winkler, MD

6: Elio Martin Rivera Celaya, MD, with Steven Hines


About Hope Wellness Center

What Causes Cancer

Testing and Treatment Approach

Controlling the Over-Expression of Estrogen Receptors on Cancer Cells

Restoring Proper Cellular and Immune Function with Electrolytes and Other Nutrients

The Relationship between Fungal Infections and Cancer

Anti-Coagulant Therapy

Inhibiting the MDR-1 Pump

Dendritic Cell Vaccines and Stem Cell Therapies

Dietary Recommendations


Balancing the Hormones and Neurotransmitters

Treatment Outcomes

Factors That Influence Healing

Roadblocks to Healing

What More People Should Know About Cancer Treatments

Our Greatest Challenge as Practitioners Who Treat Cancer

Dangerous and Ineffective Cancer Treatments

Inexpensive, but Effective, Cancer Treatments

How Family and Friends Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Final Words

Other Recommended Books/Websites

Contact Information for Elio Martin Rivera-Celaya, MD and Steven Hines

7: Martin Dayton, MD, DO


What Cancer Is and What Causes It

Diagnostic and Testing Procedures

Treatment Approach

IPT-Insulin Potentiation Therapy

Natural Substances to Poison Glycolysis and Prevent Angiogenesis


Other Anti-Cancer Nutrients

Using Pharmaceutical Drugs Off-Label: Viagra, Naltrexone and Persantine

Immune Support


Dietary Recommendations

Strategies for Emotional Healing

The Importance of Awareness, Spontaneity and Intimacy

Healing Regret, Resentment and Self-Righteousness

Using Energetic Devices and Homeopathy to Release Emotional Trauma

Treatment Outcomes

Roadblocks to Healing

Low-Cost Treatment Solutions

How Family and Friends Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Recommended Books and Websites

Last Words

Contact Information for Martin Dayton, MD, DO

8: Robert Eslinger, DO, HMD


What Cancer Is and What Causes It

Strategies for Mind-Body Healing

Cancer Treatment Approach

Boosting Immune Function

Bio-Oxidative Therapies

Intravenous Vitamin C


Insulin Potentiation Therapy

MEAD Analysis and Balancing the Body’s Meridians

Other Adjunct Treatments

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation or Biophotonic Therapy

Revici Remedies


Heavy Metal Chelation


Earthing or Grounding Therapy

Dietary Recommendations

Treatment Duration

Treatment Outcomes

Roadblocks/Challenges to Healing

How Family and Friends Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Risky Treatment Approaches

Dangerous/Ineffective Treatments

Final Words

Contact Information for Robert Eslinger, DO, HMD

9: Nina Reis, MD, and Hufeland Klinik (Clinic)


What Cancer Is and What Causes It

Our Holistic Approach to Healing

Treatment Protocol


Thymus Therapy

Local and Moderate Whole Body Hyperthermia

Fever Therapy

Permanent Shower Therapy

Programmed Oxygen Multi-Step Therapy (OMT)

Ozone Therapy

Colon Hydrotherapy

Massage Cupping


Vitamin E

Vitamin D-3


Vitamin C

High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy

Auto-Hormone Therapy (AHT)

Other Natural Anti-Cancer Treatments

Additional Treatments

Conventional Therapies

Treatment Procedure

Length of Treatment and Maintenance Program

Psychological/Mental Health Treatments


Painting Classes

Clay Field Therapy


Visualization Therapy

Treatment Outcomes

Factors That Influence Healing and Roadblocks to Healing

The Problem with Conventional Cancer Treatments

Lifestyle Recommendations for Healing

How Friends and Family Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Contact Information for Hufeland Klinik and Nina Reis, MD

10: Julian Kenyon, MD, MB, ChB


What Cancer Is and What Causes It


Sonodynamic and Photodynamic Therapy

Treatment Procedure Using Sonodynamic Photodynamic Therapy (SPDT)


Intravenous Vitamin C

Pancreatic Pro-Enzymes

Dendritic Cell Therapy Vaccines

Ukrain and Metronomic Low-Dose Cytophosphamide

The Use of Bindweed Root for Stopping Angiogenesis


Treating Hormonal Imbalances

Dietary Recommendations

Testing Procedures and Dark Field Microscopy

Other Considerations in Treatment

Maintenance Treatment Program

Treatment Outcomes

Lifestyle Recommendations for Healing

Roadblocks to Healing

Inexpensive Cancer Treatments

How Family and Friends Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer

Final Words

Contact Information for Julian Kenyon, MD, MB, ChB

11: Constantine A. Kotsanis, MD


What Causes Cancer

Treatment Approach

Summary of Our Cancer Treatment Program

Seven Components to Healing: An Integrative Treatment Process

IPTLD/IPT—Insulin Potentiation Targeted Low Dose Therapy

Nutrient Supplementation

Botanical Therapies

Enzyme Therapy


Treating Infected Teeth

Correcting Hormonal Imbalances

Dietary Recommendations

Healing Emotional Trauma

Lifestyle Recommendations for Healing

Low-Cost Treatments

Treatments to Prevent Cancer

Factors That Influence Healing and Roadblocks to Healing

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