Defeat Cancer (4 page)

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Authors: Connie Strasheim

BOOK: Defeat Cancer
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Without exception, due to their passion, dedication, intelligence and courage, the doctors portrayed in this book are all healers. I know some of them personally through our mutual membership in professional organizations and attendance at meetings, as well as through patient discussions. Others I’ve read about over the years in my quest to find a better way to treat my patients, as well as myself (during my own cancer ordeal). Still others were first introduced to me through the pages of this book. I consider them all to be intrepid fellow explorers, who are seeking to find help and comfort for their patients. Their patients are also fellow explorers, displaying even greater courage, through their willingness to look for and find better, more humane ways to deal with the cruel disease that we call cancer.

Richard M. Linchitz, MD, Glen Cove, NY

  • Founder and Medical Director, Linchitz Medical Wellness, Glen Cove, NY
  • Chairman, Integrative Medicine Consortium
  • Board of Directors, American College for Advancement in Medicine
  • Board of Directors and Secretary, International College of Integrative Medicine
  • Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board, International Association of IPT Physicians
  • Certified Trainer for IPT
  • Board of Directors, Best Answer for Cancer Foundation
  • Board Certified, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, American Academy Anti-Aging Medicine, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, Certified Chelation Practitioner
Foreword by Robert Jay Rowen, MD

Nothing strikes fear into a person more than sitting in front of the doctor and hearing the word “cancer.” All of a sudden, everything goes blank and your mortality stares you in the face. And immediately, you are hustled in to one, two, or all of three “therapies” (slash, burn and poison) seemingly at the speed of light, with dire warnings to act quickly or face death. Sadly, most Americans submit, due to abject fear.

Look at the persons to your right, or left. Statistically, one of them will be struck with cancer. The treatment is an industry, and its politics are gruesome. In California, for example, it is a crime to treat cancer with anything other than the aforementioned “therapies” to “protect” you, the consumer. Yet there is a Catch-22. A cure has never been reported for these gruesome treatments for stage 4 cancer, except for a few limited tumors like testicular or some blood dyscrasias. At best, they extend life by a few weeks or months but at a horrific cost to your bank account and worse to your quality of life.

The pundits will scream, “Early detection saves lives,” but by the time a cancer is detectable, almost 100 percent of people have circulating cancer cells in their bloodstream. Hence, it’s really a joke to cut the tumor out, and an absolute lie for the surgeon to say “We got it all.” (Johnson and Johnson is developing a blood test which detects cancer cells in the bloodstream as this book is printed). Cut it out? What happens when you cut a section of mold off a piece of cheese? In a few days three more mold spots appear. Cancer behaves no differently. It’s usually just a matter of time
before micro metastases or circulating cancer cells manifest into new tumors. Interestingly, about twenty percent of many cancers are destined to go nowhere even if not treated at all. Could the apparent “cures” of these early excisions be nothing more than a reflection of tumors that were destined to be contained by a functioning immune system? I personally think so!

The only answer to cancer is prevention. But, that, too, is difficult. We are so awash in a sea of poisons that even unborn babies are marinating in up to 200 different man made toxic chemicals. Our foods are sprayed with them. Monsanto is condemning us to GMO Frankenfood with the blessing and protection of our own government. Our soils are depleted of minerals and the Standard American Diet (SAD) makes all but a few of us dangerously nutritionally depleted. Most all of us are at risk of eventually hearing the “C” word.

A Canadian survey of oncologists found that few oncologists, if any, would take their own potions. In my 22 years in Alaska, I knew of one oncologist who clandestinely flew to Mexico for treatment rather than submit to chemo. You don’t need to go to Mexico. There are brave American physicians who are thinking outside of the box and, in some cases, risking their necks to bring you less toxic or even non-toxic treatments. A century ago, doctors were injecting pancreatic enzymes and inducing remissions. In my 22 years in Alaska, I met several people “cured” by the pioneering work of Dr. William Donald Kelley (a dentist no less!) who simply changed their diets, provided them with enzymes orally, and detoxified them. You’ll read about that treatment, among others, in this book.

Successful cancer treatment doesn’t have to be expensive, either. Decades ago, Max Gerson, MD, documented scores of cures with diet and juicing alone. I’ve had several patients go into remission with just diet, supplements and detox strategies. But cancer is a lifelong treatment. It represents a failure of the immune system. Once a cancer patient, always a cancer patient. Two such women with stage four breast cancer who went into total remission felt that they had beat the disease and jumped off the diet wagon a few years later. Shortly afterward, their cancers returned with a vengeance.

The cancers of today are not the same as just two generations ago, in Gerson’s day. We are far more toxic and nutritionally depleted. Our stresses are far higher. All these impair the ultimate killer of cancer—your immune system. While some patients might respond to simple measures, others may require more intensive treatment to reduce their tumor burden while supporting the immune system. The questions become “what therapies to do?” and “who to go to?”

This book may provide you the answer. Here are well-experienced physicians you can “interview” by reading their philosophy and approach. There is no “one size fits all” as there seemingly is in orthodox medicine. I like it when patients come to me having done a lot of personal research and “homework,” prepared with lots of questions about approaches, whether they have cancer or other challenges. Your choices are not limited to just the handful of therapists in this book. Quite possibly there are integrative physicians near you who employ methods you’ll read about shortly.

Cancer, even late stage, does not have to be a death sentence. I recently saw a 76-year-old Indian swami with cancer encircling his cecum (colon) with huge metastases (11 and 9 cm) in his liver. He looked terminal when he barely could cross the threshold into my office on his own power. Within three months, his tumors had shrunk 75 percent, his liver function returned to normal, and he was back at work full time in his spiritual duties. No toxic therapies were applied, only immune support (oral and IV). Though still bearing a tumor, he is still alive and functioning normally fifteen months after first coming to my office.

Please read and study the information in this book. You do have many wonderful and often effective alternatives to “slash, burn and poison.”

Robert Jay Rowen, MD
Editor-in-Chief, Second Opinion Newsletter
Phone: (707) 578-7787
Preface by Connie Strasheim

Cancer is an elusive, complex, and difficult disease to treat. Unfortunately, medical politics and pharmaceutical interests have added to this complexity by heavily influencing the kinds of treatments available to people with cancer. Conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, are usually the only options offered to cancer patients, but they aren’t always effective.

Fortunately, integrative, naturopathic, and other types of “alternative” medicine frequently offer more effective solutions, which have been proven in clinical outcomes studies and in doctors’ experiences with their patients. I put the word alternative in quotes because I believe that labeling non-conventional treatments as such is to assign them an undeserved inferior status.

In this book, a wide variety of treatments are described, all of which have effectively helped many cancer patients live long, productive lives. The physicians in this book practice integrative medicine, which takes the best of conventional, naturopathic, and other medical disciplines such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and homeopathy, to formulate protocols that treat the underlying cause of disease, rather than just its symptoms. These doctors share the goal of treating their patients with whatever works, regardless of medical politics or other non-beneficial influences.

While conventional medicine has proven to be useful for treating a handful of cancers, for most types of cancer, its track record has been dismal. Dr. Robert Eslinger, DO, one of the doctors who
participated in this book states that, “From 1990-2004, over 150,000 people with all types of cancer were studied, and it was found that only 2.1 percent of them were still alive after five years. All had done full dose chemotherapy.” (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2004) Eslinger adds that more than 250 billion dollars have been spent on cancer research over the past 60 years, and yet, the cure rate for cancer hasn’t improved much since 1950.

In my interviews with the fifteen physicians in this book, I learned that conventional treatments for cancer have their place, but are useful only for certain types of cancer, are often inappropriately prescribed, and are inadequate in the absence of a holistic approach that includes botanicals, dietary modifications, and other therapies which augment the effects of anti-neoplastic (anti-cancer) therapies.

The physician participants in this book have discovered better, and in some cases, incredibly effective ways to heal the body from cancer, without weakening the immune system and producing the same side effects as most conventional treatments. Research studies have proven their success, as have the doctors’ clinical experiences with them. Unfortunately, the American Medical Association (AMA), FDA, and associated organizations don’t recognize clinical outcomes (or patient experiences) as valid indicators of a treatment’s effectiveness. Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are valued over the actual results that doctors get with their patients. Whenever front-line, practical studies have been conducted in doctors’ offices to evaluate alternative treatments, their results have often been disregarded and trivialized by the medical establishment.

In writing this book, I didn’t intend to address cancer politics, but I quickly learned that it’s impossible to talk about cancer without mentioning the politics behind it, because politics have limited people’s access to beneficial treatments and brainwashed much of society into thinking that full-dose chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the only effective treatments for cancer, when in reality, there are safer, better alternatives for many people. People often
don’t know about these alternatives unless they research them, because they aren’t actively promoted by the FDA, AMA, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, or the media, which is heavily subsidized by the pharmaceutical industry. However, the doctors in this book, as well as their patients, will attest to the fact that these treatments have been used by thousands of people, and that they work. Patient success stories can be found on the doctors’ websites, and elsewhere. The purpose of this book is to help people with cancer access important information that would otherwise be difficult to find.

Politics aside, those who read this book will find a wealth of information on cancer treatments that have either successfully put many people’s cancers, even terminal cancers, into remission, or have allowed patients to live functional lives for many years, even though tumors may still be present in their bodies. Advances in medicine have transformed many kinds of cancer from a terminal disease into a malady that can either be cured or managed successfully for years, like other non-fatal chronic illnesses.

It may seem improbable that a person could live for years or decades with a tumor present in the body and yet not have symptoms. Nevertheless, some doctors, such as those found in this book, are accomplishing that with their patients. Of course, these doctors are also putting many cancers into remission. In both cases, their outcomes are far more positive than what is typically seen in conventional medicine.

A plethora of treatments are described in this book, from Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) to gene-targeted therapies, pancreatic enzymes, mistletoe, dendritic cell vaccines, nutrients, botanicals, and other proven therapies. No one doctor’s protocol is exactly like another’s, and by studying the similarities and differences among them, readers may find it easier to discern the treatments that may or may not work for them.

A multitude of alternative cancer treatments are promoted on the Internet, in support groups, books, and elsewhere, and it can be
challenging for the average person to know which treatments to pursue. My goal in writing this book has been to diffuse some of the confusion by presenting options that have worked for many people, based on the authoritative clinical experience of licensed doctors, rather than anonymous Internet websites. You may feel overwhelmed by the tremendous amount of information contained herein, so I suggest that you highlight those sections that seem most beneficial or relevant to you, and take note of the treatments that are mentioned multiple times throughout the book. Chances are, if several doctors are using the treatment, it’s because it has worked for many people. The opportunity to make comparisons between alternative treatments based on different doctors’ perceptions is one of the benefits of this book.

As a survivor of chronic Lyme disease who was severely disabled by symptoms for more than seven years, I have learned that similarities exist between Lyme disease and cancer. People with these diseases must do more than just take a drug or receive six rounds of an intravenous treatment to get well. The desire to get well powerfully influences healing, as do people’s beliefs and emotional support systems, attitudes, diets, daily habits, and nutritional protocols, in addition to other factors. While this book describes medical treatments for cancer, it also discusses other factors that influence healing. This is to provide a comprehensive perspective on attaining and maintaining health, so that the factors which caused people to be sick in the first place are minimized or eradicated from their lives. The importance of a holistic approach to healing, which takes into consideration all aspects of a person’s life and biochemistry, shouldn’t be underestimated.

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