Defeat Cancer (30 page)

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Authors: Connie Strasheim

BOOK: Defeat Cancer
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Because of the associations that I have observed between specific traumas and the different types of cancer in people, my nurses and I talk to our patients about what kind of stressors were going on their lives roughly two years prior to their diagnoses, because this information can provide us with clues about how to heal them on a mind-body level. It’s important to bring their subconscious minds into the treatment process, because the subconscious mind is what runs the body and controls all of its automatic processes.

I do a therapy called Psych-K in my office, which uses biokinesiology, or muscle testing, along with affirmations, to communicate directly with the subconscious mind, in order to alter its beliefs. By testing my patients’ muscle responses to different questions, I can ask their subconscious minds if they really want to heal. And nine times out of ten, even if on a conscious level they want to
heal, the initial answer of their subconscious to this question is “no.” I must then explain to them that if we don’t address the underlying subconscious drive that’s causing them to want to remain ill, then none of my therapies will be effective for them. This is one reason why I believe that cancer has such a terrible cure rate. People have all these subconscious motivations for illness that don’t often get addressed, especially in Western medicine.

Ninety-nine percent of my patients with cancer are in sympathetic overdrive, which means that their bodies are in a state of “fight or flight,” or high arousal, and they are scared to death. I tell them that the worst thing that they can do is declare war on their tumors. There’s no activity that creates as much of a sympathetic response in the body as war, and if patients have the mentality that they are in a war, then their bodies’ fight or flight response becomes activated, and their immune and digestive systems shut down. This is because the functioning of the immune and digestive systems is considered to be non-essential for the body’s immediate survival when it’s behaving as though it were in a war. It’s not a big deal if the body is in a state of sympathetic dominance for a few days, but when it’s for a few years, it’s a big problem.

Frequently, the onset of people’s symptoms occurs when some major stressor in their lives finally gets removed. It’s amazing how many people get sick when they go on vacation. So I teach my patients the importance of strengthening and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (which is opposite to the “fight or flight” system and is what gets stimulated during relaxation and meditation). This in turn strengthens and stimulates the digestive and immune systems.

We use specific mental healing exercises to accomplish parasympathetic dominance in our patients, including CDs that use different sound technologies to synchronize and stimulate neural development in the two hemispheres of the brain. The left side of the brain in most people is scientific and analytical, and the right side is artistic; it’s the side that looks at the sunset and smells the flowers.
In our daily lives, rarely do we activate both hemispheres simultaneously, but whenever we do, the parasympathetic system gets strongly activated. One of the things that we use to activate the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is a CD called
. It uses sound technology to coordinate communication between both sides of the brain. It does this by causing both hemispheres to vibrate simultaneously and at the same frequency. This ultimately brings patients into a state where optimal healing can take place.

Getting to subconscious lies that can block healing is also important. I often have discussions with my patients about the circumstances of their pasts, because it gives me insights into their diagnoses. For example, I might ask them what their childhood and relationship with their parents was like, because the answers to this question can provide me with important information about their self-image and what might be blocking their healing. I find that the most common belief associated with a poor self-image, and which blocks healing, is that people aren’t worthy to heal. And if they don’t feel worthy of wellness, then they won’t heal.

We then use Psych-K to de-program those harmful beliefs from the mind and re-program healthier ones into it. This is accomplished through the use of affirmations, body postures, and muscle testing. First, we develop affirmations for our patients to recite, which serve to replace the lies that they believe. Then we put them into a certain posture (crossing their hands and legs, for instance), according to kinesiology techniques (muscle testing). We want to find out what the most empowering position is for them to be in, then we ask them to start repeating the affirmations for two or three minutes. Then we retest them, and nine times out of ten, we find that their harmful subconscious beliefs have been reversed. The patient’s specific posture, combined with the affirmations are what reprogram the subconscious mind. People use body language to communicate subconsciously with other people, and when used with affirmations, it can also be a useful tool for communicating with the deepest part of ourselves.

Most of the people that I test are astonished when they discover that their subconscious minds are telling their bodies that they don’t want to heal. “What do you mean I don’t want to heal? Of course I do!” they will say. And I will tell them, “Well you do, but your subconscious doesn’t.”

I find that if my patients can work for awhile synchronizing the hemispheres of their brains with an
Insight CD
or something similar, followed by Psych-K, then even those who haven’t been responding well to treatments seem to turn around.

The other tool that we use for emotional healing is called Heart Math, which is a biofeedback tool. A recent issue of the medical journal “Alternative Therapies,” discusses the benefits of putting the body into a state of what is called “coherence,” which is what Heart Math does. Coherence, on a very basic level, refers to order, harmony, and stability in the body’s physiology. Researchers are finding that the heart is much more than just a pump; it releases various neurotransmitters, and sends impulses to the brain to direct its thought activities. So the old Egyptian idea that the brain is really in the heart wasn’t so crazy, after all.

Sometimes, when nurses take their patients’ pulses and measure their heart rate for 60 seconds, the number that they get (called the pulse rate) can be misleading. In reality, heart rate varies from beat to beat, and if the body is in a state of incoherence, it varies radically; it’s up and down and all over the place, especially if the person is in a state of sympathetic (or “fight or flight”) dominance. When the body is put into a state of coherence, the parasympathetic system becomes dominant and heart function normalizes. In coherence, the heart’s beats are of the same strength, and its rhythm is steady. Also, endorphins get released from the brain, which is important, because endorphins stimulate the immune system. A whole cascade of beneficial effects results from putting the body into state of coherence, or parasympathetic dominance.

In Heart Math therapy, patients focus on a series of flashing lights and control their respiration as a meter measures their pulse rate. As they do this, they picture themselves breathing through the heart, as they project thoughts of love and compassion and all that is associated with positive emotion, into it. As a result, their hearts flip into coherence and they are put into a state whereby they are able to start eliciting their subconscious minds as an ally.

I think that addressing the trauma in the subconscious mind is an important area of healing that’s being missed in medicine and cancer treatments today. Of course, psychologists deal with it, but they want people to go back and relive all of the traumas in their lives, and I don’t know how helpful that really is. In addition to that, they only deal with the mind. I believe that the best healing comes from addressing the body (with physical treatments) as well as the mind (with non-physical treatments).

So these three things: Heart Math, Psych-K, and the
Insight CD
are what we use to address our patients’ healing on a mind-body level.

In addition to these therapies, we also do a variety of biochemical treatments to treat our patients’ cancers. There is a time and place for everything from pharmaceutical medication to herbs and foot baths, and only fully trained doctors of integrative medicine can understand what remedies to give their patients, how much, and when. Also, the only way that physicians can practice true integrative medicine is by receiving a lot of training and experience in both conventional and alternative medicine so that they can decide which therapeutics to apply to their patients. At Reno Integrative Medical Center, we have accomplished such training.

Cancer Treatment Approach

My primary treatment approach has six components, which are discussed in the following sections.

Boosting Immune Function

The first of the treatment components involves boosting my patients’ immune system function with IV vitamins and mineral formulas, along with oral supplements. These formulas were developed by Doug Brodie, MD, who owned Reno Integrative Medical Center for thirty years. I worked with him for two years before he passed away. He worked here until the day he died, at age 80.

One oral product that we use is an extract of thirteen different medicinal mushrooms called “My Community-Host Defense” by Fungi Perfecti, which has been proven to boost the body’s T-cell counts. T-cells are lymphocytes which are made in the thymus gland. T-cells can become what are called NK (natural killer) cells, which kill cancer cells. We also use resveratrol, oral Vitamin C, and a vitamin formula that Dr. Brodie developed called Chela-Vite, which is a potent multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.

I also use a specific line of homeopathic remedies; bacterial and fungal extracts, to positively alter the body’s “terrain,” or internal environment. This is important because the status of the body’s terrain determines what grows in that terrain. As an analogy, if you pull all of the weeds in your garden to plant marigolds, and you load up your garden with marigold food, you create an optimal environment for marigolds to flourish. And if you plant them right, within a year or two, you will see marigolds, not weeds. A similar thing happens with the body; if you get rid of its weeds, and give it the proper food, it will heal. The homeopathic remedies that we recommend alter the body’s terrain so that its organisms become more in balance with one another and with the body itself.

According to microbiologists, we have more microbes in our bodies than normal cells. We are literally walking communities of organisms. My wife doesn’t like it when I jokingly say that we are “walking compost heaps.” We shouldn’t necessarily try to kill off all of these organisms, though, which is Western medicine’s approach to healing. The western medical model basically teaches that the body is sterile inside, unless you have an infection—but nothing
could be further from the truth. So rather than kill the organisms, a better approach would be to balance them in the body.

It’s good for people to maintain a humble, open attitude about new knowledge, because there’s so much more out there besides what we know, and we (in the medical community) are probably in kindergarten when it comes to our knowledge about healing.

Bio-Oxidative Therapies

The second component of my treatment approach involves giving patients bio-oxidative therapies, which oxygenate the body to higher than normal levels. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize-winning PhD and MD, discovered in the 1930s that cancer cells of all types use anaerobic metabolism to produce energy, which means that they thrive in low-level oxygen environments. In fact, oxygen is toxic to them. Normal cells have enzymes that help them to handle oxidative stress, but cancer cells don’t, which is why bio-oxidative therapies can weaken or kill them.

So we do bio-oxidative treatments using different combinations of substances such as ozone and intravenous pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide. For one treatment, we combine ozone with UBI (ultraviolet blood irradiation) or bio-photonic therapy, which is discussed later in this chapter.

Intravenous Vitamin C

Next, we give our patients high doses of intravenous Vitamin C, which we administer in conjunction with bio-oxidative therapies. Biochemists have proven that while Vitamin C is an antioxidant, at doses much above ten grams, it actually becomes an oxidative therapy that kills cancer cells. So we may give 75 grams (or 75,000 mg) of Vitamin C in an IV, over the course of two hours, along with the bio-oxidative therapies.


The fourth component of my treatment plan involves administering laetrile, which is a naturally cytotoxic (cancer-killing) substance made from apricot pits. Dr. Brodie was involved in the “laetrile wars” which took place in the 1940s in California. During these so-called wars, medical boards would go after doctors who were using laetrile to treat their patients—because God forbid you should use a natural substance to treat people! The government actually burned the bitter almond trees in California which contained the highest concentrations of laetrile. Laetrile has a cyanide molecule in it, and the FDA claimed that it was necessary to destroy the almond trees, because cyanide is dangerous.

The fact is, though, many products contain cyanide, including some foods and medicines. It’s most prevalent in a type of Vitamin B-12 called cyanocobalamin. The “cyano” part of this word refers to cyanide, but because the cyanide is bound up chemically in the vitamin, it’s really harmless. As it turns out, the same thing is true of laetrile; there’s a cyanide molecule that’s bound up within the substance, but it’s totally safe. Interestingly enough, though, by nature or God’s grace, there’s an enzyme that’s found only inside of cancer cells, which cleaves off the cyanide molecule in laetrile. Because free cyanide is deadly poison, this means that laetrile only releases deadly poison inside of cancer cells.

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