Defeat Cancer (33 page)

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Authors: Connie Strasheim

BOOK: Defeat Cancer
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The so-called “spontaneous remissions” that happen in some people seem to indicate that the body’s natural healing power is able to cure even fatal diseases, and that holistic therapy is worthwhile, even for people with advanced cancers. So our biological immunotherapy treatments are suitable for malignant diseases (including brain tumors, M. Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas), even if patients have metastases and have been diagnosed by conventional medicine as incurable. Our treatments still offer them a chance at wellness. For cases of severe illness, we combine our natural biological treatments with mild conventional treatments
because the combination of both can provide better results than if one or the other type of treatment is used alone. Otherwise, our treatments are predominantly biological (natural) and are designed to rebuild the body’s immune system. They are based on Dr. Josef Issels’ work.

Treatment Protocol

Our treatment protocol consists of the following:

  1. Basic biological treatments to detoxify and regenerate the body.
    These involve stimulating the detoxification functions of the liver, kidneys, skin, and mucosa (mucosa is the moist tissue that lines some organs and body cavities throughout the body, including the digestive tract, lungs, nose and mouth) with homeopathic and herbal medicines. It also involves supplying the body with vitamins and minerals, especially intravenous infusions of high doses of Vitamin C and B-vitamins, selenium, magnesium, potassium, and trace minerals; providing enzymes to the body and controlling symbiosis, or the interactions of different organisms within the body. It includes ozone therapy (which is given twice a week), oxygen multi-step therapy, and colon hydrotherapy, as well as various physical therapies like hydrotherapy, permanent shower, lymphatic drainage, reflex zone therapy, cupping massage, and auto-hormone therapy. Some of these therapies are discussed in greater detail in the following sections. We recommend that our patients extract their root canals and other infected/problematic teeth before beginning these biological treatments.
  2. A special diet that heals the metabolism and increases its healing influence upon the body.
    Nutrition at the Hufeland Klinik is predominantly based upon an ovolacto-vegetable diet, which basically consists of vegetables, eggs, milk and other dairy products. We recommend dairy products to our patients because they need protein and fat in order to heal. We also recommend high-quality oils such as
    olive, flax, and walnut oil. We serve cooked and uncooked vegetables in their natural state. Once a week, we serve meat (lamb, beef, game, chicken, or fish). We limit our patients’ meat consumption to once per week because it’s difficult for people with cancer to digest meat, so we recommend dairy products instead, as these are a bit easier for the body to digest. Dairy products also cause less acidity in the body than meat. In addition, we recommend that our patients avoid sugar, which means that they should also reduce their fruit consumption, which provides the body with a natural form of sugar. Our meals are freshly prepared without artificial additives.
  3. Immunotherapy to strengthen the body’s natural defense mechanisms
    . This is done through the use of active fever therapy, passive hyperthermia (moderate whole body hyperthermia and local hyperthermia), thymus peptides and other organ-based products, special serums, biological response modifiers, and mistletoe.
  4. Psychological treatments to strengthen the patient’s will to get healthy again.
    This aspect of healing is very important. We have different treatments which address the psyche, including: therapeutic dance as a means of experiencing the body, art and clay therapy, yoga, deep relaxation, group hypnosis, visualization techniques, meditation, and intensive talk therapy. Our practitioners attempt to discover and dissolve patients’ emotional or mental blocks to healing, which are often present, even when patients aren’t aware of them. As a result of these therapies, patients may experience increased freedom in their beliefs and thinking patterns, and regain the courage and willingness to face life again.
  5. Carefully applying conventional treatment and specifically targeting the tumor.
    When necessary, we prescribe low-dose chemotherapy, which is often given as Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) or in combination with
    moderate whole-body hyperthermia or local hyperthermia. We also use anti-hormone therapies and medications which prevent bone loss (bisphosphonates), prescribe pharmaceutical painkillers, and use conventional methods of diagnosis.

Our therapies don’t fight against the body, but instead, harness its healing power. They don’t destroy the body, but rebuild it, and in doing so, open up possibilities for healing, even in patients for whom conventional methods would normally be ineffective or even harmful. Following is a more detailed description of some of these therapies.


Immunotherapy is a key element of our integrated treatment approach, and involves activating the immune system and increasing the body’s resistance to cancer. Successful immunotherapy causes tumors to stop growing or even shrink, and improves the patient’s overall sense of wellbeing. It takes a great deal of knowledge and experience to successfully use immunotherapy, as the wrong use of immune stimulants can have the opposite effect upon the immune system and completely block it, thereby opening the floodgates to disease.

At our clinic, we’ve experienced very positive results activating our patients’ immune systems with active fever therapy, moderate whole-body hyperthermia, thymus preparations and other organ-based products, plant extracts, and so-called biological response modifiers. Each of these treatments is applied on an individualized basis, depending upon the patient’s level of responsiveness.

We do immune therapies after detoxifying our patients, because it’s not always beneficial to stimulate the immune system if the body hasn’t been regenerated or is very toxic. So our basic treatment protocol starts with detoxification, and is followed by immune-stimulating therapies.

Thymus Therapy

We also use highly purified thymus peptide extracts, which provide sustained stimulation of the body’s hormonal production and immune system. The peptides cause the immune system to produce more immune cells in the bone marrow and train mature immune cells to support an active defense system in the body. This remedy helps to effectively counteract the weakening of the immune system that’s caused by cancer, other infections, or conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation.

Local and Moderate Whole Body Hyperthermia

Local hyperthermia involves applying concentrated therapeutic heat to a tumor. Its benefits in medicine are well-known. When heat is applied locally to a tumor, vital nutrients and oxygen are cut off from tumor cells. This results in the collapse of the tumor’s vascular system and cancer cell destruction. To accomplish this, we use special electrodes that heat the tumor region of the body. We often combine local hyperthermia with other methods of cancer treatment, such as low-dose chemotherapy, anti-hormone-therapy, or high-dose mistletoe preparations.

Moderate whole body hyperthermia has different effects upon the body than local hyperthermia. We also use this type of hyperthermia at our clinic because it stimulates the immune system, and as such, is especially beneficial for patients who are not able to undergo active fever therapy because they are too weak or old. Whole-body hyperthermia is also used to boost the effects of low-dose chemotherapy. In moderate whole-body hyperthermia, we use special heating beds (called “fever tents”) to bring the body’s temperature to a minimum of 40 degrees Celsius (or 104 degrees Fahrenheit).

Fever Therapy

Dr. Issels and others have found active fever therapy to be particularly effective for the treatment of cancer, and this has been our experience, as well. We use it mostly to stimulate the immune
system and to speed up the body’s elimination of toxins. Of all the immune supportive therapies, fever therapy provides the maximum amount of immune stimulation to the body.

Unlike passive hyperthermia, where the body or tumor is heated up from the outside using different devices, active fever therapy doesn’t kill tumor cells by raising the temperature of the body. Instead, it triggers a fever and a broad range of immune functions, so that the body can more effectively fight the cancer.

We induce fevers in our patients through the intravenous administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharides. (Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), also known as lipoglycans, are large molecules consisting of a lipid and a polysaccharide. They are found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, act as endotoxins, and elicit strong immune responses). This type of treatment must be performed by an experienced doctor because serious complications can arise if the relevant contraindications are ignored.

Permanent Shower Therapy

This is a type of detoxification therapy in which patients lie in a bathtub of warm, continually running water for an hour and a half. The warm water, combined with the length of time in which they sit in the water, causes them to sweat and release toxins through their skin.

Programmed Oxygen Multi-Step Therapy (OMT)

We use Oxygen Multi-Step therapy to improve the supply of oxygen to the body, which can in turn help reduce the rate of metastases or disease recurrence in our patients. It also serves to strengthen their immune systems.

During this therapy, patients inhale oxygen for two hours, then do some form of physical activity for at least thirty minutes. Movement helps the body to absorb oxygen and improves its overall metabolism and immune function. We use oxygen in our cancer treatment
protocols because it benefits the body in a multitude of ways. For instance, cancer patients are often anemic, and oxygen helps to heal them from this condition.

Ozone Therapy

In medicine, ozone should only be used in applications where it’s proven to be beneficial and doesn’t cause damage. Medical ozone is always a mixture of pure oxygen and pure ozone, with the percentage of oxygen always being higher. The ratio is generally 99.5 percent oxygen to only 0.5 percent ozone, depending upon its intended use. Since ozone molecules are unstable, they react immediately with the components in the blood to which they are added, so that pure oxygen is formed, along with other compounds.

Ozone has many positive and scientifically proven beneficial effects upon the body. It activates red blood cell and tissue metabolism as well as immune cells; frees the cytokines (interferons, interleukins etc.) for use by the body, and detoxifies the body by activating its antioxidants and free radical scavengers. Ozone is beneficial for cancer patients because it removes toxins and other harmful substances, including inflammatory mediators that result from cancer, from the body. Also, by optimizing the metabolism and immune system function, it aids the body in its fight against cancer.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Enemas have been used for detoxification for centuries. In the United States, coffee enemas are often used to cleanse the intestines and liver. The caffeine in the coffee increases bile flow, activating the liver so that it releases toxins. American scientists have taken this ancient form of treatment and used it as the basis for modern colon hydrotherapy (COHT), which can now be done hygienically, comfortably, and almost completely odor-free. Patients are able to lie down during treatment, which is one of the reasons why COHT is well-tolerated.

Massage Cupping

Cupping involves creating a partial vacuum inside glass cups, which are then applied to the skin to relieve areas of congestion, which are often referred to as areas of stagnation in Traditional Chinese medicine. By creating suction and negative pressure, Massage Cupping therapy is also used to soften tight muscles and tone attachments (ligaments, tendons and vessels), loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue, hydrate and increase blood flow to the body’s tissues, and drain toxins by opening up lymphatic pathways. It also stimulates blood flow through the lungs.


Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are aggressive and unstable molecules that result from the body’s own metabolic processes, chemicals that have been taken into the body, or radiation. Under certain conditions, such as cancer or excessive exposure to environmental or other toxins, the number of free radicals in the body increases so dramatically that the normal concentration of the body’s own antioxidant defenses becomes insufficient. These free radicals can then cause a lot of damage. They destroy cell membranes, genetic material, and important protein molecules in the cells. If this excessively high concentration of free radicals remains constant, a condition known as oxidative stress is created in the body. Oxidative stress plays a role in many illnesses and diseases, including cancer. It weakens the immune system, creates chronic inflammation and allergies, as well as faulty fat and sugar metabolism.

Supplying the body with an optimal amount of antioxidants can prevent oxidative stress, so our patients receive antioxidants as part of their basic treatment protocol. These can be taken orally or given intravenously. Of course, supplementation with vitamins and trace elements can’t take the place of a healthy, balanced, whole foods diet, so maintaining a healthy diet is important, too.

The vitamins and trace elements that we use aren’t given randomly, but rather, are prescribed in therapeutic doses that are tailored to the individual patient.

Following is some information on Vitamin E, Vitamin D-3, selenium and Vitamin C; four important antioxidants which we often give our cancer patients.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that’s found in high quantities in plant and animal fats, such as sunflower seeds, wheat germ, sunflower oil, nuts, seeds, milk, butter, and margarine. As a natural antioxidant, it stabilizes cell membranes and protects unsaturated fatty acids from oxidation by reacting with free radicals before they can destroy cell structures. Vitamin E also prevents the oxidation of other substances, such as Vitamin A. This is why germ oils with a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids are also rich in Vitamin E. In animal studies, Vitamin E deficiencies have been shown to cause damage to the muscles, heart, nervous system, liver, and reproductive organs. In addition, such deficiencies have been shown to cause the destruction of blood cells, though this phenomenon has not yet been observed in healthy humans. People with chronic diseases, including cancer, need more Vitamin E than the average person.

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