Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) (10 page)

BOOK: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)
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She was utterly flabbergasted – surely it couldn’t be true?

Zach looked a little annoyed as he responded. “Please get one thing straight about me Alexina – I don’t lie, and I certainly won’t ever lie to you.” He closed the short distance between them and took her face in his hands – bent down and kissed her. Before it went any further he broke the contact and took her hand and they went into the living room.

He sat on the couch and pulled her onto his lap. “I think we need to talk now – okay?” he asked.

“Yes okay, if we must,” she answered while squirming her bottom on his lap.

Firstly, you will need to stop that right now or this conversation is going to be a very short one!” he laughed.

She stopped and gave a sheepish smile. “Can’t hurt a girl to try.”

“Okay down to some business. I need you to hear me out, not panic at anything I say and try not to interrupt,” he advised. She nodded and waited for him to continue.

You were very upset earlier about me being a Vampire and outliving you? Well there is a way around that. A few others of my kind have, in the past and at the present, had a human mate and centuries ago it was found that if they both feed from each other that the human gets some of the Vampire’s abilities. Please don’t panic just yet!” He saw the alarm in her face.

It’s not as bad as it sounds. Firstly a Vampire doesn’t need a lot of blood, we either have a little bit each day or a larger amount, still not a lot, every few days. We can go as long as a week at a push but any more than that then we would begin to deteriorate. The human only needs a very small amount – say once a week. This is enough to stop them from ageing and keeps most illnesses at bay, but not all. Of course if you fell and broke a leg then it doesn’t help at all and you would need a cast and heal as you would normally. This is not something that needs to be decided now. In fact I don’t think it would be good for you to partake until this ritual thing is all over. Your blood constitutes a part of that ritual and I wouldn’t want my blood in your system to affect that in any way. So, Alexina, what are you thinking?” he finished, while trying to gauge her reaction.

She didn’t know what she was thinking? She was happy about the part that she wouldn’t age and could be with Zach, but drinking his blood? Yuch. She didn’t even like her steak rare, if she got one with the blood still visible she always sent it back in a restaurant.

She thought before she spoke. “We will start with your needs first. How much would you need each day from me, Zach? I don’t want to become anaemic or anything.” She waited on his answer – he laughed, which she did not expect.

You would certainly not become anaemic. When we were in the bathroom earlier – how did that feel? Were you scared I wouldn’t stop or anything?” he queried, she thought back to his fangs piercing her neck and realised that it hadn’t hurt. In fact it felt good.

No Zach, funnily enough I knew you wouldn’t do that, I knew deep inside you wouldn’t hurt me, so the short answer is no,” she replied honestly.

Okay then, well each day I would need just a minute or so more than what we did earlier to sustain me. However, if you really don’t want to then I can still feed elsewhere?” He spoke the last as a question.

She nearly shouted in answer. “NO, I don’t want you feeding elsewhere – earlier was fine, in fact it actually ... kinda ... felt good,” she said hesitantly.

He smiled at her. “Good, I’m glad. It is meant to feel good for the human. That’s why we have more than enough people willing to let us do it. However, ideally if we are a couple – which I am sure we are – then it’s best if I feed from you. It brings us closer, especially for me, if I feed only from you, I start to, what we call, bond with you. I will be able to sense a lot more from you and after a few years we will be nearly in tune with each other. You will be able to sense and in very, very rare occurrences be able to see into each other’s minds. That’s not something that happens a lot but it has been heard of.”

She was a little shocked at hearing this aspect of it. Did she want someone in her mind? It scared her but the thought of him feeding elsewhere, somehow, scared her more. She didn’t want him to go and feed on someone else. He was hers and she was his.

She took a deep breath. “Okay I must admit parts of that do scare me a bit but Zach, the thought of you feeding off someone else upsets me! I don’t want you to do that – can we start off slowly? Maybe a couple of teeny feeds a day?”

He frowned. “Teeny? You mean small?”

“Yes, small, could we do that?” she implored – willing for him to agree.

Zach drew her closer and gave her a little kiss. “Yes my precious little one. Though you know what that will mean?”

She frowned. “No? What?” He had ‘that’ look in his eyes again and her heart leapt.

Well, the best time for feeding for a couple – well let’s just say – it’s usually in bed – or the shower – or in fact on top of the cabinet in the bathroom! You get my meaning?” He smiled wickedly and ran his tongue along her neck.

Oh my! She was going to be a VERY happy woman. She ran her hand down the front of his chest, feeling the strong, very strong, muscles underneath his shirt.

“Why don’t we practise now? Just so I know you’re getting enough – what did you call it – oh yes – sustenance!” she all but whimpered.

He stood up with her in his arms. “Oh I think we could do that – just so that you’re not worrying, that is.”

He took her to the bedroom and placed her on her feet. As she undid his robe he did the same to hers. In a matter of minutes they were standing – both completely naked and she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious. She was no model and had wobbly bits that she felt embarrassed about.

You need to get over this, Alexina. You have got to understand that you are beautiful – to me you are perfection.” She tried to relax and Zach could tell she was trying. “Now what are we going to do this time?” he asked her playfully.

Alex looked at him as if he had asked her to jump from a plane. “What do you mean?” she whispered.

“Alexina, there are many ways for us to enjoy each other. Many positions, many games, are there any that you like in particular?”

Oh jeez, he’s going to find out just how inexperienced I am, she thought. “Well … uhm … you know what I said to you earlier? About me not having a lot of experience? I didn’t mean just with one night stands. I meant all of it – I don’t have a clue.” She felt a little ashamed. She was a grown woman but didn’t know what she was doing in the bedroom department.

His grin was huge as he answered her. “Oh my, we are going to have soooo much fun, Alexina. I am going to have so much pleasure teaching you. Now what’s going to be in my first lesson?” He looked at her with lust and proceeded to give her an in-depth lesson on positions.


Near the end when he had her top half lying on the edge of the bed and him standing in front of her with her legs on his shoulders, he moved one hand from her thigh down to start rubbing in small circles at her nub – he was entering her slowly and the sensation of that plus his hand was driving her mad.

Zach watched her intently, loving the pleasure that he was giving her so evident on her face. She was nearing her climax and he removed his hand and leant over to kiss her. His tempo increased and he moved his hips in a way that he was still making contact with the part his hand had left.

She was breathing hard now and his was increasing also. He moved from her lips to her neck and let his fangs extend. He bit down and tasted her unique blood on his tongue. As he lapped up her blood she let out a scream as she came. He followed soon after and lapped another couple of times before retracting his fangs.

She was still trembling and coming down from the high and her eyes looked decidedly unfocused. He pulled out of her, which he hated – he felt as if he could stay there forever, and moved up the bed to the pillows, bringing her with him. “I never knew studying could be so good,” she whimpered into his shoulder.

“That’s only the beginning, lesson one, there are many, many more to come,” he breathed into her hair. He loved her wild curls and took a deep breath, inhaling her scent. God I love this woman he thought to himself. At the same time he knew Alexina was thinking the same about him.

She fell into a very relaxed sleep with him still holding her close and he lay next to her dozing and thinking of their life together and the future he knew they had.


Chapter 9


Alex slept for hours, right through to the next morning and awoke to find Zach beside her. He had got up and made coffee and there was a cup waiting for her on her side table.

She thanked him, she loved her coffee, and sipped at it slowly while watching him from half closed eyes.

I’ve phoned Thadius and he says that Tatiana has been very helpful, but it’s going to be a few days before we can do anything about the ritual. I could hear Tatiana in the background shouting things like ‘tell him to look after my girl’ and ‘she needs to rest for the test ahead’ and ‘he’s not to tire her out’ and several other things.” He laughed before continuing.

I assured Thadius that I would look after you but said I couldn’t be sure I wouldn’t tire you out,” he chuckled.

Well if last night is anything to go by – I won’t mind being tired out,” she replied and placed her cup down on the side. “Now, you are severely lacking in your duties, kind sir. I am sure we should already have started lesson two!” and she tickled his sides.

His reaction was instant and he was hard and ready to teach her some more new tricks. “I’m certainly enjoying my new job as teacher,” he smirked and they didn’t make it out of the bedroom for quite some time.

Later in the morning they had finally managed to pull themselves apart long enough to get to the shower. Well only the shower, where lesson three commenced.

They finally washed each other’s bodies and managed to actually get dressed. Alex was completely bewildered with the way her body was responding to Zach. When she had been married it was a chore to have sex and she most definitely didn’t enjoy it the way she was now. She wondered if she would have the stamina to keep up with Zach. Though she was going to give it a bloody good try.


She was finishing her breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, which Zach had made her, when he brought out a large picnic basket from a cupboard next to the utility closet. “I think we will relax and go for a picnic – what do you think?”

Zach knew he had to distract Alexina from everything that was going on. Christ another Demon attack followed by her finding out her aunt was a bloody fairy. Zach was scared it would all hit her at once and affect her in a horrendous manner, they couldn't have that. They needed her to focus on what she had to do, for everyone's sake, including hers. He realised his distraction had worked as she smiled at him and rushed over to plant a kiss on his lips.

Now if you start all that again we won’t get out the door!” Zach admonished in a playful tone.

She pulled away. “Let me help you, we can make sandwiches, and have some fruit, and maybe a bottle of wine.” She was excited and he laughed as she sped about the kitchen collecting things for the basket.

“As we have a couple of days to ourselves we can just relax and talk. Get to know each other properly – does that sound alright?” He needed to know this woman, truly know her. He wanted to know her dreams and fears and what she most wanted in life.

He needed to know these things because he planned on making sure he gave them to her and rid her of any fears she may have.

Zach took her to one of his favourite places. It was in the middle of the woods surrounding their compound. A lovely little bit of water, too small to call a lake and too big to call a pond. It was peaceful and enchanting and he always felt at peace here.

There were a few wooden tables and benches set around the water’s edge but they decided to go with the blanket on the ground and set their picnic on it. Alex spoke letting Zach know how much she liked where he had taken her. “This place is gorgeous Zach, I can see why you like it so much,” and they spent the next few hours talking.

Talking about everything and anything and just enjoying getting to know each other better. He found out her favourite meal was the one they had the night before – steak. She preferred what she called ‘chips’ with it. “Proper home made ones though,” she said – he finally found out she meant ‘fries’. So he would need to remember not to put a packet of potato chips on her plate next time.

She found out that he loved seafood – and she screwed up her nose because she hated it. He found out about her job in IT and filed that away for future reference. Thinking he could get her a part time job with Vlad on the security side of things to do with computers.

She found out he had many jobs but loved what he did now – hunt the bad guys and help anyone who got caught in the backlash of a rogue. She loved the colours pink and purple – he loved red and gold. She loved rose wine – Zinfandel – as well as her Jack Daniels. He loved red wine and a good Scots whisky.

Alexina then said something that turned Zach’s heart cold – she had always wanted kids. Shit. Vampires couldn’t have kids. He would have to tell her – now – before this got any further on. So that she could walk away if she wanted to find someone who could give her what she wanted.


Alex noticed Zach had gone very quiet and hadn’t responded to the last few things she had said. She was confused. What was wrong?

“Zach, are you okay?” she asked him quietly.

Alexina, I’m sorry, I’m just trying to figure out how to tell you something and it’s hard for me.” Alex was worried – had he decided he didn’t want her? Had she said something to upset him? She couldn’t think and her heart was hammering in her chest, she could barely breathe.

Zach spoke again. “Little one, try and relax. I can hear your heart – is it trying to get out of your chest? Right, I am just going to have to say this – Alexina, I love you, I will do anything for you. I would die protecting you, but Alexina, my little one, I can’t give you children. Vampires cannot sire children. I’m sorry, I know how much you want kids and if you want to go and find someone who can give you them, well, I won’t stand in your way.” He was trying to gauge her reaction when she flung herself on him.

She all but screamed at him. “Do NOT do that to me ever again! I was scared shitless you didn’t want me. Yes I have wanted kids but that was in the life of working in a bank with hubby and house in Glasgow. That wasn’t to be and here I am with the most perfect male in the history of males, who loves me and whom I love, very much. Zach I want you and only you. Kids are not in our future – so what? We have each other, don’t we?” She asked the last part timidly – she couldn’t lose him.

Well, meine Kleine – I see another lesson is due. I’m sure that will let you know just how much you mean to me. By the way – I was lying – I know I told you I would never lie to you but I was. I would never let you go and certainly not into the arms of another man!” So lesson four began.


Amelia watched the scene in front of her. She was livid – how dare that plain human come and take her man. She would make sure she would pay. How or when she wasn’t sure, but hell, she would pay.

She turned away sickened at the thought of watching them make love. She wouldn’t stand here and put herself through that so she retraced her steps and went back to work. If anyone saw her coming they would soon get out of her way. She was seething and her face was contorted into a terrible mask of hate.


At that same moment Tatiana stopped talking with Thadius and she put her head to the side as if trying to hear something. “What’s wrong Tatiana?” Thadius was anxious – Tatiana looked worried, very worried.

Tatiana replied “It is something which I knew would have to come to pass, my dear Thadius. I am just not sure when or where but I am keeping my eye on things. I may need your help in this matter but I will let you know when the time comes,” she chirped.

Thadius loved her voice – it was a sing song voice that made him feel happy every time he heard it. He hoped that Tatiana would stay on here in the compound – he would truly miss her if she left. “You know you only have to ask, my dear, I would do anything to help you.”

He smiled down at her tiny features as she replied “I know you would, I know.” And she gave him the most radiant smile he had ever seen and he felt it deep inside. This fairy was perfect, he thought.


The next few days went by in a blur for Alexina. Her and Zach were, of course, inseparable and they really got to know one another. Zach ‘taught’ her many lessons and fed off of her at least twice a day – sometimes more.

They had dinner at Vlad and Irina’s house and she fell in love with Irina’s excitable persona. She seemed like a naughty puppy – well according to Zach, that’s what she was.

Zach had explained how they met Irina. Vlad had helped Zach track a very bad Wolf who was terrorising a small community in the mountains, and they managed to track him and kill him.

However, he had kidnapped Irina and held her in a small cabin in the back of beyond. He had bitten her as he wanted her as a Wolf, mainly because she would be so strong and able to take more of his atrocious behaviour. He had raped her repeatedly and beaten her.

When Zach and Vlad had found her she was chained, with silver, lying in filth in a hole underneath the cabin. If it hadn’t been for Zach’s extremely vast powers she would have died because nobody knew she was even there. He had felt her pain and they had found her just in time.

She was brought back here and taught some of the ways of the Wolf from one of Vlad’s guards, a very capable female, though Irina wasn’t very happy when she was with the woman for some reason. She was terrified for months and always tried to stay close to either Zach or Vlad. As Zach worked away a lot it fell to Vlad to watch over her.

One thing led to another and before either of them knew it they had fallen in love. Zach said no one was as surprised as Vlad himself.

Irina was still very, very young as she had only been twenty when the rogue had turned her and that had been five years ago. So she was young both in human and Wolf years. Zach said saying she was like a naughty puppy was spot on.

Alex was glad she had met them both and had spent time getting to know them. Watching Irina play with Vlad’s dog was funny. It would do anything for her but ignored Vlad repeatedly. Which would result in a scowl on his handsome face.

She could see her and Irina becoming close friends. Alex was also glad that it wasn’t just her and Zach that couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Vlad was constantly touching Irina and she would rub herself against him, just like a dog would do. She found it refreshing that even after a few years together they were still all touchy-feely and obviously in love.

Every day they did something that nobody knew. Zach was training Alex in self-defence. He knew she didn’t stand a chance against a strong Demon but they had human cohorts and he wanted to make sure she could handle those.

Zach had a fairly well-equipped gym in his basement and they would go there every day to train. It would also give her a sense of control back. If she got strong and felt she could look after herself, then she wouldn’t feel so scared. Self-confidence was a huge boost to her because with all that was happening, and had happened, had made her doubt herself. Doubt that she could do what was being asked. He was going to make sure she had no self-doubt – none – he was going to make her strong.

Zach had also tried to inform Alex about the Supers, as he called them. The fact that as they lived a very long time that they had to be sure when it came to a mate (she was still to question him on the use of that word). As they would be together for a very, very long time, if it wasn’t true love but perhaps infatuation then things could get tricky.

Divorce as such was unheard of in their people and until what he called recently, i.e. in the last hundred years or so, inter-marriages between the races of Supers was frowned upon. Now it wasn’t such a rare thing though pairings with a Vampire and a Wolf had quite a few obstacles.

The main one being that Wolves were pack animals and liked large families and, as she now knew, Vampires couldn’t have kids, with Wolves or any other species. It was easier on Irina as she had never been a part of a Wolf Pack so she didn’t have that obstacle. Zach told her that Irina had said she loved kids and because her and Vlad wouldn’t have any that was why she worked in the nursery. She had her kids every day to look after.

Alex had tears in her eyes when he told her this – it was sad and joyful at the same time. She could clearly see how much Vlad and Irina loved each other and she looked forward to spending more time with them.

She loved getting to know more about the different Supers, and she didn’t have a problem with any of them. That is apart from Witches – for some reason she didn’t trust them. Now, whether this was because of Amelia or something else, she wasn’t sure, but she had her misgivings about them.

Zach said they kept to themselves mostly and that as with any other species there were good and bad. She supposed she would just have to wait and see how she felt after she got to know some more. Zach thought it was a good idea for her to meet some and as there was a dance coming up on Saturday, a couple of days away, he said they should go. That is unless they were called regarding the ritual.

She was quite excited and then worried about what she would wear. She hadn’t brought anything that she thought suitable for a dance and she phoned and asked Irina what the dress code was. Irina said some went smart casual and some went the very smart way, so she would definitely have to get something.

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