Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) (12 page)

BOOK: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)
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Now what was that you said earlier? Something about being on top?”

She blushed to the roots of her hair and spoke hesitantly. “I’m uh not really sure what came over me then, it just sort of spilled out.”

Zach smiled. “Good!” he said and started to take her clothes off. Each time he undressed her she was getting less shy and even a little bit bold. She couldn’t wait for the day when she was no longer self-conscious. His lessons were helping her in that department.

Alex stared at his naked body – she had seen it quite a few times by now but every time it took her breath away. He was everything she had wanted in a man – a true man. One who would look after her, take care of her and love her. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure this was real. How on earth could she have got so lucky?

As Alex was thinking these thoughts she somehow knew that Zach’s thoughts mirrored hers. She could feel the depth of his feelings and he made her feel as if she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. She could see in his eyes the need to protect and care for her, he would never let anyone or anything harm her ... she thought he would die first.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him and picked her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist and they kissed. Once more as their skin touched they both got that tingly sensation – both of them hoped that would never go. He backpedalled until his legs hit the bottom of the bed and then he sat down carefully with Alex still in his arms.

“Now this is the perfect position to start what you were talking about,” he breathed into her ear. She got goosebumps and pushed him backward until he was lying down. She repositioned herself and lifted up her bum and moved a little bit forward until she had him just where she wanted.

She started to lower herself down, and when he entered her Zach gave a moan of pure pleasure. This gave Alex some much needed confidence and so she continued until he filled her. This was a different sensation completely for her and she liked it.

One of Zach’s hands caressed her leg and one made its way to where they were joined. He started slowly to massage her most sensitive part and her breath hitched. “You, Mr Vampire, are far too good at that,” she purred and Zach continued. Now he started thrusting upwards to meet her movements and Alex threw her head back and pushed her breasts forward. Zach immediately reacted and sat up so that his mouth could reach them.

He gently nipped one then the other and Alex was overcome with feelings radiating from them straight downwards. He bit down on one just a little bit harder and Alex was amazed at her reaction. She grabbed his head and pushed it further into her breast. Zach took this as a consent and his fangs appeared. He slowly pierced her skin just above her nipple and lapped at the small amount of blood.

This sent Alex to a new high – and her body started to convulse in pleasure. After a few minutes she came back down to earth and Zach grabbed her bottom and thrust harder. He moved from her breast to her neck and bit down.

As soon as he had pierced her neck Alex was shocked to feel another climax approaching – fast. She grabbed Zach’s hair and held on for dear life as it hit her again. This time Zach joined her and both of them let out a scream of pure bliss.

“Now THAT was amazing!” Zach said.

Mmm hmm,” was all Alex could manage. After a few minutes Zach picked her up and once more took her to the shower to wash her. He loved soaping all over her body and very soon – he was ready again.

Once they managed to get out of the shower they got dressed and Alex went looking for their lunch. She found it where Zach had thrown it on the sofa, took it into the kitchen where they sat at the breakfast bar and ate it. They settled into a nice conversation about various things when Zach noticed a slight frown on Alex’s face. “What’s wrong Alexina?” he asked.

Alex looked at him and blushed yet again. “I was just sorta wondering – is it like that usually? You know, coming more than once and that very intense one when you’re feeding? I’m not complaining Zach, I’m just curious.” She looked down and tried to stop herself blushing.

Zach smiled as he answered. “Well I must admit that what I’ve experienced with you is far more intense. Feeding is supposed to make the human feel good – that’s a given. However, what you feel is far more than normal. And, let me tell you, what I feel is way more than I have ever felt before! It’s astonishing – I think it may have to do with your unique blood, or the fact we have been made for each other or a combination of those. The short answer is – what we have is far more than usual – and I for one love it.”

Alex gave him a huge smile. “I’m glad – I didn’t want to think of you doing that with anyone else and having those same feelings,” she admitted to him.

Nobody has came even close to you, Alexina. I am scared how much I feel for you. I think I would die if I ever lost you!” He came over and hugged her so tight she was fighting to get a breath.


Chapter 10


They continued getting to know more about each other and Zach took Alexina out to meet some more of the people who lived on the compound. She found them all to be very welcoming and she was grateful as she was worried about being the ‘human outsider’. Not a one made her feel anything less than a part of their community and she was also pleased to see that everyone seemed happy for them. Zach was well thought of and it showed in the reactions that they got.

A lot of the people they met were quite taken aback at the way Zach was with Alex. He was their strongest warrior and usually very in control and a bit reserved. To see him with Alex – well it made everyone smile.

She was quite amazed at how ‘at home’ she felt and started to think of the future. She was happy to stay here and made up her mind to contact her boss and hand in her notice. It wasn’t something she decided lightly. However, she just couldn’t see herself back in that small apartment and going to work every day at the bank. She was even more happy at Zach’s reaction when she told him. He was ecstatic. He kept hugging her and smiling and kissing her – which led to yet another ‘lesson’.

Afterwards she emailed her boss and took holidays that were owing to her in lieu of her notice period. She also contacted her landlord and gave notice to quit. She had paid a hefty deposit so that would cover her. She had three weeks to either get her clothes and personal stuff or the landlord would throw them out. Once she had done this she felt relieved. As if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, it was a good feeling.

The dance was coming up and in the afternoon she went to the small hairdressers which was in-between the two diners. They did the usual hair stuff and also had a beautician which she took advantage of – getting her nails done and having her make-up done professionally. When she looked in the mirror she was astonished, they had worked a miracle. Her hair was softly surrounding her face in curls but it was not so wild looking as when she did it herself, and it was pinned up at the back leaving a few loose strands of hair. The make-up was more than she would normally wear but she had to admit it made her look great.

Zach had dropped her off and she was to text him and let him know when she wanted picked up. He had got her a US SIM card for her phone so she didn’t need to worry about using it and having a huge bill hit her account back in the UK. Before she texted him, she had something she wanted to do.

She went across the street and back into the shop she had got her dress from. She had spied a couple of things she wanted to get without Zach knowing. The lady, whom she now knew as Julia, helped her once again and charged it to Zach’s account. Julia was a lovely woman who told her she was human, but bonded to one of Vlad’s guards. She had lived on the compound for many years and loved it. Alex was stunned as she didn’t look any older than mid-thirties. Julia packed her things in tissue paper and placed them in one of the store’s bags.

Alex then texted Zach and he was outside the hairdresser’s in just a few minutes. He stared at her as she got in the jeep and his eyes started to shine. “Later Zach, you’re not going to mess my hair and make-up!” she laughed. He eyed the bag that she was holding but Alex just smiled and didn’t say anything.

It took some persuading but Zach finally agreed to let Alex get ready alone in the room. He took what he was going to be wearing and went to the spare room to shower and get changed. When Alex walked through to the living room Zach was already sitting waiting on her, a crystal glass with his good malt whisky in his hand.

He gave her such a look of pure passion that she wouldn’t even sit down. She knew if he touched her they would never get out the door.

He had on a pair of black dress trousers and a black shirt, open at the collar. She hadn’t seen him look more handsome. Laughing she said “Ok Mr Vampire – come on we better leave now. We’ll have plenty of time later for what’s on your mind.”

Indeed,” was all he said in reply.


Zach helped Alex into the jeep – her dress was tight fitting and she had heels on so she was grateful for the help. He kept glancing over and eventually she asked him “What? You keep staring – has my mascara run?”

Zach had a very serious look on his face as he answered. “No meine Kleine – I’m just thinking how I’m going to get through this evening without killing every man that looks at you! You look absolutely stunning!”

Alex gasped her reply. “Are you kidding? It’s me that should be worried. I have never in my life seen a more handsome manifestation of a man than you are tonight. You take my breath away,” she replied truthfully.

Well we will just have to stay close to each other, very close!” he responded, just as they drew up in front of the bar.

The place was busy, packed full and everyone seemed to be having a good time. There was music playing and people were dancing, there was buffet food laid out on tables along the back wall and balloons all over the place.

Alex was overcome by shyness and moved even closer to Zach, his arm around her shoulders. He sensed her unease and gave her a squeeze. In fact he sensed a bit more than just the emotion of unease. He could sense her exact emotions and a word or two flitted into his head. Now that was strange, he thought, I shouldn’t be able to do that? Certainly not this early on in a bonding. Especially when she hasn’t yet even had a drop of my blood?


Zach pulled Alex tighter to him and whispered that they should get a drink. It would help her to relax. Alex just smiled and nodded her head. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been in a social situation with this many people and she just wasn’t used to it. When they got to the bar Zach ordered her a large glass of Zinfandel and she wondered how he knew that was what she wanted instead of her usual Jack Daniels?

As they waited on the drinks Irina and Vlad came over. “You look soooooo amaaaazing!” Irina shrieked and Vlad just stared at her. Zach pulled her slightly to his left so that he was between Vlad and Alex.

Vlad put both hands up in front of himself in a placating gesture. “No need to get jealous there now, Zach. I’m very happily mated, remember?”

Zach looked surprised at how quickly the emotion had surfaced. “I know Vlad, I’m sorry, don’t know what came over me.”

Irina didn’t help the situation as she came out with “Well boys, I can’t blame you – Alex is by far the most gorgeous woman in the room. That dress is awesome. You look so hot, Alex.” Irina gave Alex a none too gentle hug and kissed her on the cheek. “I wish I could look like you.”

At that Vlad grabbed Irina into a bear hug and kissed her fully on the lips. “I adore you just the way you are.” Then picked her up and they went onto the dance floor.

Alex was still getting used to the way that these people, Supers, were so outgoing in regard to showing how they felt in front of others. All the touching, kissing and innuendoes regarding sex. It still made her feel a bit uncomfortable, she was quite a reserved person. So it was hard for her to feel relaxed sometimes.

They got their drinks and made their way over to a table where Tatiana and Thadius were sitting. Tatiana looked beautiful, wearing a very simple white satin dress and instead of her usual leaves in her hair she had tiny white flowers. They looked as if they were actually growing all through her hair, the effect was stunning. Alex realised that she had never seen a more contented look on her face and thought there was more to Tatiana and Thadius than anyone knew. She hoped so, they looked happy.

Thadius was huge next to Tatiana but somehow they seemed to fit. Thadius was dressed more casually than usual but still looked very handsome. Tatiana and Alex talked for a little while and then Alex excused herself to go to the loo.


While she was away, Zach decided to broach the subject of his being able to read Alex as well as he was doing. “Tatiana, Thadius – may I ask you both something?” They nodded and so Zach continued. “I am able to read Alex well, very well and even a few words are coming through too. I’m a bit confused as this really shouldn’t be happening so soon and she hasn’t even had any of my blood yet?”

Tatiana could see Zach was worried and tried to allay his fears. “Zach, as Michael advised, you and Alex are meant to be with each other, manufactured if you will. So I think things may happen differently between the two of you. Just take it a day at a time. I am sure all is well and once the ritual is dealt with, Alex can have some of your blood and I think you will both be able to do what you are doing at the moment. Please try not to worry.”

Zach relaxed a little, if Tatiana thought all was fine then so should he. “On that matter, what’s happening with the journal?”

He looked a bit startled when Tatiana and Thadius gave each other a knowing look. “What?” Zach asked.

Thadius had a look akin to worry as he replied “Well most of it is done, so we are hoping to get it over with soon. However, Amelia has gone AWOL. She hasn’t been to work since that little confrontation in the diner. So Tatiana has been working with the other Witches. To be honest, we are a little concerned regarding Amelia. She was very riled up the other day and I hope she is not up to any more nonsense.”

Zach was also worried. Alex was no match for a Witch as strong as Amelia. At that he got up and headed towards the ladies room. He was just about to open the door and go in when Alex walked out. “What are you doing, Zach? This is the ladies room!”

He pulled her into his arms and snuggled his face into the top of her head. “I was missing you, that’s all.” He didn’t want to worry her about Amelia.

So long as Alex was right beside him Zach was fine, but when she left to either dance with Irina (and boy could she dance) or go to the loo, he got very anxious. He was trying hard not to show it but she kept giving him funny looks. Maybe he would need to try harder.

He loved seeing her here, with his people, she looked happy and fitted right in. He was feeling the happiest he had ever been in his life.

Alex ran off the dance floor and collapsed onto Zach’s knee, which surprised him. She didn’t usually do the touchy-feely stuff in public. Although he thought that maybe the large glasses of wine she had been guzzling were in part to blame.

“Zach, I’m having a great time!” she gasped, out of breath from the dancing. Zach was holding her so she didn’t slip off his lap – wait a minute ... he felt something underneath Alex’s dress ... was that what he thought? As he felt around with his hand he heard Alex giggle, like a naughty schoolgirl, and he looked up into her eyes.

Yup Mr Vampire, I have stockings and a suspender belt on – with matching thong and bra. I have been spending your money.” She laughed with her head thrown back a bit, giving him a view of her throat.

His response was visceral and she gave a gasp when she felt him hardening underneath her. “Oh!” she gulped.

“Oh indeed, Alexina. I think it’s time we left. That is unless you want me to ravish you here on the table?” He quirked his eyebrow and she shot to her feet.

No, that’s okay, I’m ready to leave.” She was babbling and grabbed her bag and took his hand to pull him to his feet. They left quickly without saying goodbye to anyone. The dance was in full swing and looked like it would go on for hours. However, they wanted to be alone.


In the jeep, Alex asked Zach if he should be driving. He had had as many drinks as her and she was more than a little drunk. “Darling, alcohol doesn’t affect us the same. I would need a lot more just to be tipsy.”

That’s a bloody good trick.” She half-hiccupped.

The alcohol in her system was making her bold and she laid her hand on his thigh working her way up. She heard him take a sharp intake of breath and let it out slowly. It made her bolder, she took hold of him through his trousers and started to rub.

“I’m glad I live so close because if you do that much longer I’m going to pull this vehicle to the side of the road, woman!” She smiled up at him with a very cheeky grin on her face. “So you are playful tonight little one? Think you are ready for some advanced lessons?” he asked and she nodded and didn’t even blush.

As soon as they were through the door he grabbed her from behind and brought her to him. Her back against his front. He caressed her breasts from behind through her dress and she was inflamed already. His touch was like magic.

One of his hands undid the zip at the side and he slid the dress down. He took a step back and looked at her new stockings and underwear. She went to turn round and he spoke quickly, stilling her movement. “No, stay still, I want to look at you.” He very slowly walked around her looking at her from every angle. If it hadn’t been for the alcohol in her system she was sure she would be blushing to the tips of her toes.

Zach was looking at her with pure lust and his voice was low as he spoke. “My my – you have no idea what those stockings are doing to me! I’m going to take my time with you tonight – and those stay on!” She wasn’t sure what he had in mind but she was sure she was going to enjoy it.

He took her hand and led her to their room, taking his clothes off on the way. “Do you trust me?” he asked her.

She thought this was a strange question at this moment but answered anyway. “Of course.”

Zach’s voice was husky as he spoke. “Good, I am going to make you feel like you never have before!” He lay her right in the middle of the large bed and kissed her until she felt weak in her stomach. She realised he had removed her thong, how did he do that? Then he got up and turned her over, pulled her up onto her knees and positioned himself at her rear.

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