Defenseless (20 page)

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Authors: Adrianne Byrd

BOOK: Defenseless
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“I don't know yet,” Dwayne answered, his voice no more than a trembling whisper.

“Do you want me to call Sharon?” Sonya offered after everyone had fallen silent.

Dwayne gave her a look of appreciation. “Do you have the number?”

“No, but I remember the name of the hotel. I'll call information.”

“Thank you.” The corners of Dwayne's mouth lifted, but it wasn't a smile.

Sonya leaned in and kissed him. The moment their lips made contact, Sonya felt him drawing on her strength—strength he needed to get through this nightmare.

Sonya pulled away gently to see his gray eyes probe her own. She squeezed his hand, then went to find a pay phone.

She had no trouble finding one. But before she could bring herself to dispense the quarter into its slot, Sonya's head slumped against the phone booth, and she began to cry.

She remained there for quite a while before she felt Dwayne's strong hands caress her shoulders. She turned around, letting the phone dangle from its silver cord. She immediately buried her head in his broad chest.

He held her until the sobs ceased, stroking her short hair. When her tears subsided, she remained in his embrace. He said nothing as he kissed the top of her head.

Sonya squeezed her eyes shut. She wanted so desperately for this to be a bad dream. She felt one of Dwayne's hands reach to retrieve the phone. He dropped a quarter into its slot and dialed for assistance.

It wasn't long before he had Sharon's hotel and number and was charging the call to his home phone number. All the while Sonya remained submerged in his embrace.

“Hello, Sharon?”


A few hours later, Sonya, Dwayne and Anthony sat in a half-empty cafeteria. Cups of steaming coffee were set before each of them. Dwayne and Sonya continued to hold hands across the table.

Anthony's beeper went off. He looked at the tiny screen and excused himself.

Dwayne watched Anthony leave, then his eyes fell on the clock above the exit door. “She's been in there going on four hours,” he commented, looking up at the clock.

“We must be patient,” Sonya said, squeezing his hand for emphasis.

Dwayne pulled his hand away and reached for his coffee. The hot liquid warmed him but only briefly. He couldn't shake the thought of Bridget lying in the emergency room—fighting for her life—and he was completely helpless.

He replayed the series of events leading to this moment, and he couldn't come up with any answers. Where had she come from? And why did she jump in front of Sonya?

Anthony returned to the cafeteria and asked to speak with Dwayne in private. Sonya looked at the men strangely as they moved to the far side of the room.

“What is it?” Dwayne asked, observing Anthony's troubled look.

“Malik just paged me. He has some information. I'm going down to meet him now,” Anthony said, looking toward Sonya.

Dwayne nodded. He'd forgotten the private investigator. “Did he tell you what he's found?”

“No. He sounded like he couldn't really talk then, so I'm meeting him where Ray's Barbecue used to be.”

“Popular place,” Dwayne reflected.

“What?” Anthony asked, not understanding his meaning.

“Nothing. Keep me informed.”

Anthony agreed and started to leave. “Anthony,” Dwayne called after him.


Dwayne held his questioning gaze. “Be careful.”

Anthony smiled. “Of course.” With that he turned and left the cafeteria.

Dwayne returned to the table, his mind traveling in two different directions. He was now concerned for Anthony's safety.

He returned to the table where Sonya sat. He avoided meeting her eyes. Being in this cafeteria gave him a strong sense of déjà vu.

Sonya slid her hand across the table, taking his hand in hers. “She's going to be all right.”

Dwayne shook his head. His last thread of hope snapped in half. “I've been here before,” he whispered more to himself than her. He removed his hand from hers and stared at them. A feeling of helplessness settled on his shoulders as he began to prepare for the worst.

“I remember being in this very hospital thirteen years ago. I thought that she could pull through it. She was strong and I…I couldn't help her.”

Sonya felt a sharp stab of pain pierce her heart. Her mouth trembled as she asked him, “How did it happen?”

“My wife died of breast cancer.” Dwayne balled his hand to stop the trembling. “I can't lose her, too.” He closed his eyes and willed his tears away.

Sonya left her chair to enclose him in her arms. Dwayne turned and held on to her for dear life. They remained embracing for a long time.

Dwayne finally grabbed hold of his emotions and turned away from Sonya again.

“Do you want to go back into the waiting room?” Sonya asked gently.

Dwayne wanted to show his gratitude for her kindness, but he couldn't muster the strength. “Yeah,” he answered, standing up.

Sonya stood and offered him a smile.

Dwayne noticed her smile shed a glimmer of sunlight, but it soon faded. They returned to the waiting room just as a doctor followed them in.

“Mr. Hamilton?”

Dwayne turned and faced the elderly doctor. He instantly saw the worried lines in the doctor's face. “I'm Mr. Hamilton.”

The doctor removed his black-framed glasses and wiped at his brow.

Sonya moved behind Dwayne. “How is she?” they asked in unison.

The doctor smiled reassuringly, “She's going to be fine.”

Chapter 23

nthony parked in front of Ray's Barbecue. He swallowed the lump of fear enlarged in his throat. The neighborhood looked nearly deserted. The people he saw milling around sent shivers down his spine.

However, the street remained ominously quiet except for the clicking sound of a woman's high heels hitting the pavement. He immediately grew tense. After a pair of fishnet stockings strolled past his car, he relaxed.
What am I doing out here this time of night?

Anthony looked out the passenger's-side window in hopes of seeing Malik. He saw only boarded-up restaurants.
He should've been here by now.

He glanced back at his watch. Eleven-thirty. Malik said he would be there by eleven. A loud bang echoed in the distance, causing Anthony to jump.
He fumbled with the keys, trying to turn on the ignition. This meeting wasn't worth the risk.

Shock penetrated through his very being when the engine refused to start. His heart skipped a beat as he tried again. This time, the engine revved up, much to his relief. Yet he nearly let out a startled scream when the passenger door flew open.

“Drive,” Malik commanded, stumbling into the car.

Anthony didn't hesitate to do so. He swerved around Henderson Avenue and headed toward downtown. He stole a quick glance at Malik, whose heavy breathing and sweat-drenched face frightened him.

“What's going on?” Anthony asked, trying to ease off the accelerator.

“Let's concentrate on getting out of this area first. I'm not sure that we're not being followed,” Malik answered in a harsh tone.

“Followed?” Anthony glanced into his rearview mirror to see a black Bronco trailing him. His foot slammed on the accelerator. “Are those friends of yours?”

Malik shook his head.

Anthony noticed Malik covering his right shoulder. “What happened?”

“It's just a flesh wound,” Malik answered calmly.

Anthony's eyes widened. He turned another corner. “I think that you need to tell me what's going on.”

“Perhaps you're the one that needs to come up with some answers. This is more than just a missing-person's case.” Malik turned to look out the side mirror. “Can't you drive faster than this?”

“I'm doing the best I can,” Anthony retaliated. “What do you mean, this is more than a missing-person's case? What kind of trouble are you talking about?”

“Watch out,” Malik shouted, pointing to a gray Toyota, which Anthony nearly crashed into.

Anthony swung into the wrong lane to avoid the car.

“Look, just get us out of here. I'll take this up with your boss later,” Malik said.

“Who's following us?” Anthony asked, unable to shake the black Bronco.

“Frank's men,” Malik replied, laying his head back.

“Who's Frank?”

Malik fell silent. There was only the steady rhythm of his breathing, which told Anthony he needed medical assistance. A sense of hopelessness covered Anthony.

He glanced at the gas gauge and cursed violently. It was almost empty. He had to come up with a plan, and soon.


“I want him found,” Frank demanded through the phone. “He knows too much, and I want him taken care of.

“We've already put two men on his trail. Consider it taken care of,” the nervous man replied.

“Is there a chance he has told anyone else?”

The phone line grew quiet.

“Samuel, has he told anyone else?”

“We're not sure.”

Both men were silent again before Frank replied. “I suggest you find out. And don't botch this up. I already have to clean up that mess you made at Walters Intercorp. You and Odell are getting too clumsy lately.”

“We have everything under control. Trust me,” Samuel replied nervously.

“Do you have my merchandise?”

Samuel dreaded the question. “No, sir. But we have located it.”

“You're running out of time.”

“Yes, sir.” Samuel was unable to say anything more before the line went dead. He stared at the phone in his hand while he shook his head. They had come so close today. Now they were down to twenty-four hours.

“What did he say?” Odell asked.

“We screwed up,” Samuel answered sharply.

“It's not my fault. How in the hell did I know she would interfere?” Odell shouted.

“It's your job to take all precautions. It's a miracle you escaped,” Samuel retaliated.

“Everyone's attention was focused on that girl.”

“That little girl saved your hide,” Samuel said sarcastically.

Odell glared at Samuel. “What do we do now?”

“We find out which hospital that girl was taken to, and we'll find Miss Walters. This time we will succeed in getting our merchandise.”

“What if she's not there?”

“Then I suggest that you pull out your last will and testament. The boss won't tolerate any more screwups. We're down to twenty-four hours.”

“What about Laura?”

“I don't see why we can't take care of her first thing tomorrow.”


Laura continued to rub the ropes of her bound hands against the rugged edge of the wooden chair. She had to get loose, she reasoned. No one could find her here. She would have to escape on her own.

Her wrists felt raw from her constant rubbing, but she ignored the pain. When her door burst open, she stopped. However, Samuel did no more than check on her, then slam the door shut.

Relief flooded through her as she picked up her urgency in escaping the ropes. A small breakage in the rope told her she had made progress. Her awkward position also caused the rope across her legs to cut her cruelly. Laura closed her eyes against the pain, but never stopped working her hands.

Another hour passed, and Laura felt the rope begin loosening. Her wrists stung mercilessly, but she refused to give up. She could no longer ignore the pain. Her shoulders ached in pain from vigorous labor.

When the shack was quiet again, she knew the men had left. This is it, she thought. It was her chance to escape. She opened her eyes and looked around the room. The only illumination filtered through a dingy white sheet that decorated a small window on the opposite wall.

The rope suddenly snapped in half, and Laura slumped, exhausted, against the chair. She took a moment to gather her strength before she knelt down to untie her legs. Finally free from the chair, she stood then crept silently toward the door.

She glued her ear against the wooden entrance, listening for sounds. Silence. Laura turned the doorknob. Unlocked, just as she suspected. The men obviously felt confident that she couldn't escape her bonds.

Laura held her breath as the door creaked open. She half expected the men to jump out at her any moment. Slowly, she moved through the door and headed toward the front of the house. She felt freedom with every step she took.

Laura made it out of the house and marveled at the feeling of the cool night air caressing her face. Inhaling the fresh scent, she couldn't help smiling at its meaning.

Deciding not to waste any more time, she scrambled off the porch and headed for the trees along the nearby road. She had no idea where the road would lead, but she had no other choice but to follow.


Anthony turned off the headlights and pulled into a dark alley just as his car died. Malik opened his eyes as Anthony gently shook his unwounded shoulder.

“Where are we?” Malik asked, looking around.

“I'm not sure. I've turned down so many alleys and isolated roads that I don't know where we are. How are you feeling?”

“I've had better days,” Malik answered, flinching.

“We need to get you a doctor,” Anthony observed.

“It's just a flesh wound. Believe me. It's not as bad as it looks. Did we lose them?”

“I think so. Are you able to walk? We're out of gas.”

Malik nodded. “Yeah, let's go.”

The men climbed out of the car and walked down the dark alley. A loud roar caused them to look up to see a plane hovering overhead.

“We must be close to the airport,” Malik reasoned.

“Let's just try to find a phone so we can get some help,” Anthony said, glancing over his shoulder. Suddenly a prickly sensation began itching up his spine. Keep walking, he told himself.

Anthony noticed Malik's hand reach inside his jacket and pull out a .45. He must have heard the intruder also.

“We're going to have to make a run for it,” Malik said.

Anthony nodded his head nervously as he first started a slow trot, but when a bullet whizzed by his ear, he picked up speed.


Dwayne leaned over his daughter's small frame. The pain that ripped through his heart sent silent tears flowing down his face. He reached for her hand, and noticed how small it seemed within his own. He observed how soft and delicate it felt.

His eyes traveled to her stilled profile. She looked no more than twelve. A silent wish formed from his heart: the wish of taking her place. He would give anything to trade places with her.

Dwayne leaned in farther and placed a kiss on Bridget's forehead. When his lips made contact, a sob sounded from within him. He couldn't stop the violent tremor that shook his body.

Dwayne fought the urge to sweep Bridget's tiny form into his arms. He wanted to comfort her and make her well again. Numerous visions of Bridget as a child flooded his mind. He remembered her first step, her first day of school and her first ballet recital. To him, there wasn't any difference between then and now. She was still his baby, his little girl.

Dwayne felt a gentle hand touch his shoulder and knew that it was Sonya. He'd forgotten she was in the room. Her touch offered comfort, yet he didn't want to turn to it. He wanted to be alone with his daughter. He turned to face her. He had every intention of telling her that he wanted her to leave, but the pain that reflected in Sonya's eyes prevented him.

Torn between two women, Dwayne finally turned back to Bridget. He couldn't bring himself to accept the solace of Sonya's arms. He wanted to remain with his daughter. He continued to gaze at Bridget as if willing her to open her eyes.

Sonya didn't take Dwayne's indifference as a personal insult. She understood what he was going through. She was experiencing the same emotion. She couldn't explain it, but she felt connected to Bridget. She studied the young girl from over Dwayne's shoulder and knew that she should be lying in this bed.

Slowly the peaceful sight of Bridget turned into Laura. Sonya covered her mouth at that horrifying thought. Had her sister met the same fate? She had no way of knowing. If Richard was trying to kill her, it was very possible that he had killed Laura.

Sonya's temples throbbed mercilessly from the stress she felt. She didn't know what to do. She had placed everyone's lives in jeopardy. She had even entertained the idea of grabbing some money and just disappearing, but she couldn't leave, knowing that her sister could be out there somewhere. She also knew she couldn't just walk out of Dwayne's life.

Just then, Dwayne's hand reached out and grabbed hers. As if he read her fears, he pulled her closer to him and Bridget.

When she looked into his tear-brimmed eyes, a sharp pain stabbed her heart.

She opened her arms, and Dwayne instantly hugged her in a savage embrace. Sonya felt his tears soak her short shirt. She returned his hug with the same intensity.

They remained there in the room with Bridget long into the night, both refusing to leave when the doctor had asked them to go and get some rest. Yet as dawn approached, Dwayne and Sonya found hope that Bridget had won the fight.

Dr. Browning came in around eight o'clock the next morning to check on Bridget. He expressed his surprise and informed Dwayne and Sonya that Bridget's vital signs were stronger.

Sonya gave a prayer of thanks as Dwayne swooped her into his arms out of joy.

“Bridget's going to make it!” he declared.

Sonya laughed at his excitement and believed his claim. Bridget had made it through the worst part, and both felt confident that soon the young teenager would be back to normal.


Laura woke up feeling something crawling across her leg. She let out a startled scream when she saw a small lizard trot across her. She kicked violently at the tiny intruder. Looking around at her unfamiliar surroundings, Laura shielded her eyes from the morning sun that fell on her face.

She pushed herself up and dusted most of the dirt off her clothes. Her mouth felt dry, and every bone in her body ached.
Where am I?
She had no idea. She didn't know how far she was from Odell and Samuel's hiding place, either, but she didn't doubt they were looking for her now.

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